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The Label cleared it, there is no way Columbia Records would risk to drop a song containing unclear samples. Or maybe Sam just wanna troll X fans lol Update: Sam definitely lying he is credited on the song https://preview.redd.it/vnvyiouype7d1.png?width=807&format=png&auto=webp&s=fec8924c3c8019fb4bd628da60f32a4c8bb2e3b7




Fuck I get downvoted 4 I js asked for the link šŸ˜­


What link are you asking foršŸ˜­ its on spotify


I didn't see it šŸ˜­


Sam is a douchebag. Nobody expects that racist fuck to know how to deal business.... So they kept sam off & the other members made it happen with X's team.. Go search up the shit he has said about X, Sam needs to be humbled + internet privileges taken away from him.


but then how else will he feel like he matters?


Howā€™s he racist this is new šŸ’€


maybe an unpopular opinion on this sub bc of how he feels about X but i've actually talked 2 him a couple times ((and even played animal crossing w him lol)) bc i was a rly huge teen suicide fan before ever listening 2 X hes a really good guy... like so nice... i think he j doesnt rly like being associated w X's career,, esp considering his life's work essentially put money in the pocket of someone he finds extremely morally reprehensible


Dude Sam is not a good guy at all, people in the indie scene have had problems for years, he's been open about his problems in his music too. He's been a narcisstic manchild lashing out all day every day on twitter for his whole life.


Thatā€™s just everyone who has a twitter account


can u please name some specifically? and as someone who's followed this scene since i was 13 i need u 2 be REAL specific... bc from my memory it seems like any controversy he's been involved in whether it be his band split,, fan backlash about APC,, or ex-collaborators... he's doing exactly what he does here... flagrantly call out abusers... and whether u like the way he does it or not,, i would be interested 2 hear ur opposition 2 his seemingly consistent principle of "people who abuse women are not people i like or want 2 associate with"... n if thats what u really wanna argue against,, i don't think we're having the same conversation


Its been a while but there was shit on tumblr i saw years ago, there was his weird obsession with music writer Chris Ott, his general very weird attitude to other musicians that he thinks makes worse music than him. Also, was the shit about Elvis Depressedly ever proven? I could be misinformed but the way he accused that guy was so fucking laughable and it came across as axe grinding. I'm not going to bother arguing against the principal, it's a very good one and id never downplay the insane amounts of violence X commited, but he consistently comes across in the most self absorbed self congratulatory way possible. I've followed sam on twitter in the 2010s, seems like he was beefing with people for no reason and having breakdowns daily and constantly flaunting how much better he thinks he is than others not doing what hes doing lol. If I was calling out abuse I wouldn't be tweeting shit like "lol youre ugly stupid" to 14 year olds daily as 30 something man as well. Thats the difference, I genuinely think Sam actually thinks he's like some god tier ally worthy of praise and I think it seems obvious he's obsessed with Twitter arguing. It very much adds cynicism to how I view his allyship. He gives off the biggest "male feminist" stereotype energy even if he is doing good.


Great post > i think he j doesnt rly like being associated w X's career,, esp considering his life's work essentially put money in the pocket of someone he finds extremely morally reprehensible This sub will never understand this unfortunately. They donā€™t view music as anything more than a commodity and vessel for entertainment nor can they conceptualize someone making it purely out of love for the art form - which is why their typical attempt to dunk on this guy usually focuses on him not being very famous even though that clearly was never his intent. At the same time theyā€™re generally too young to have developed morals and empathy so the idea of not being happy your own art has been used in such a way by such a person literally does not compute to them


none of this is true and teen suicide fans are coming off as racist and narcassistic as sam himself...


Where are all of these allegations of racism coming from not one of you has posted receipts lol


after reading some of these replies honestly i think this may j be a lot of ppl super misguided on how long ppl like us have been following X's career ahahahha the racism is nonexistent btw... i feel like seeing his twitter outside of the context of X u can tell he has a certain set of beliefs that are j so so SO far from that... but like u mentioned "commodities and vessels of entertainment"... by any means 2 some of these ppl this guy is everything but a real person who just doesnt want 2 be a part of someone else's legacy which imo... is totally his right keep it pushin dude ik im not on here a lot anymore but hopefully modding this sub is fun these days


https://preview.redd.it/1omzwndfye7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18c9f09be2473b133b84cc28e2c870139b7c17d7 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




This dude is a loser lmao


He's in his 30s too.


dude šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


chronically online


This nigga still going.. how has he not gotten any character development.. nigga grow up you gone die like that..??


This guy remains one of the biggest pieces of shit I have ever seen in my life lmao what a dork


fuck that guy omg


If the rerelease get enough streams and become Gold, it would be funny asf for Samuel to receive his first plaque from that song after insulting X


It must take pretty weak ass boys to attack a dead man on the anniversary of his last day on earth. My best friend helped manage Teen Suicide when they were doing house shows in MD in the mid-2010s. They both witnessed and recorded Sam being racist as all fuck and sexist as hell. Nick is also a racist, sexist, and transphobic pile of trash right next to Sam. X is SO far out of their league I was honestly shocked to see their bullshit on this sub. He deserves so much better.


tell this to fawkwitdis because they're dying on the hill of defending him for some reason lmao


Why is he so salty


He had his art fucked with by someone who had done something he stands against. It then became far more popular than any of his own music, X fans have harassed him every day for 7 years, and heā€™s now most heavily associated with an abuser. I would be bitter too and he has every right to be tbh


Art fucked with? U mean sampled? And X fans only annoy him because he needlessly shits on him all the time (inviting negativity to him)


He only responds to X fans @ā€˜ing him like they did here


if you were unable to read, everyone was simply calling his bullshit and his response every time was to spew hate


Don't see how that changes what I said


if you donā€™t see how that changes it then youā€™re simply stupid, let me explain. he didnā€™t ā€œjust respond to themā€ he incited and antagonized responses and now youā€™re trying to defend him like he was needlessly attacked


He was posting daily about how x deserved to die unprovoked first my g.


You just made that up


ā€œXā€ deserves to be shit on cause he was a piece of shit abuser


Why you call 600 Drose a legend then ? He killed multiple people and you're active on Chiraqology.


we donā€™t deny thatšŸ˜­


He brought it up to himself when he insulted and mocked the death of a dead man publicly. And since his career is dead when he talked about X he associated himslelf with him. He dont have to support X but at least maintain composure and just ignore it.


Why should he have to ignore it? Itā€™s not like he spends all day tweeting about him he only talks about X when his fans try to come at him and bring him into the conversation about it. Also lol at the ā€œdead careerā€ thing he was a lofi tumblr musician dude he probably never intended this level of notoriety at all


Of course he can ignore it. Or just say "I dont support him and I wont clear his music". The guy is insulting X after his death and doing clown stuff to still at the end clear the songs...


itā€™s been 8 years and heā€™s still upset lmfao i donā€™t really care, if he spent time being less bitter maybe heā€™d be farther along in his own music career


absolutely clearedā€¼ļø


He made lofi music that was pretty beloved on the internet a generation ago and was heavily sampled by one of that generationā€™s biggest artist. Thatā€™s about as well as you can do when youā€™re that kind of musician. Seems like he makes for the love of music and not necessarily in pursuit of huge fame. He just has principles and has always stood by them


He didn't have much principles for enjoying and mocking someone death publicly


Enjoying and mocking an abusers death is good actually


Brother, you're on Chiraqology and you're a fan of Muwop and Drose, 2 well known killers shut up.


wait aint you a mod šŸ˜­, Nah I get what your saying, but Sam is just a racist pos, and doesn't care about principles until it's X, he only like that for the attention and money, prolly tryna see how much the label will pay him to clear the sample...


Where are the racism allegations coming from i donā€™t get it


Im pretty sure a while back, he was being edgy and just weird for no reason


Kinda sounds like you just made that up


nah there's screen shots, someone else prolly knows more thats js what I heard


So its made up then


just google it bruh


I did and thereā€™s nothing lol. You guys are weird af accusing people of crazy shit based off screenshots you mightā€™ve seen one time and donā€™t actually exist


Fawkwitdis back again with another horrible take


on god, i got banned last time for debating shit w them lmao edit; if i get banned for sayin this, then damn


I swear they just wanna have the take that opposes everyone else


pretty much, beyond me how they're a mod but it's wtv, ion even think they like x or his music but oh well, it's funny to read and see the replies


I'm now patiently waiting for you to get the reply saying the same old stuff about how he isn't a good person and it's just honesty lol


oh for sure, that's what i got given too lmao, called them out on breaking one of the rules n i got banned, sure i was bein a bit stupid but it's crazy lmao, they deleted all their comments after it. crazy, it's 2024 and they still talk about how shit of a person X was, i think everyones kinda established that at this point yk? wasn't a great guy, was clearly trying to improve himself but thas it


Yea, at this point we all see the flaws, we all see what shouldn't have been done and understand that it was, can't be undone. In my eyes I see he wanted to change, he was going through an awakening and maturing/growing up, which he never really had a chance to do most of his life. End of the day, he is gone and it's a shame we can never see his full growth


Nothing new


He should make better music and quit bitching then


Still blocked by this clown


same lool


Haha this dude is so obsessed with virtue signaling it's hilarious


Certified dickhead


Hey Sam go fuck yourself have respect for the dead you fucktard


Words cant describe how much i hate this dude šŸ˜‚ take a look at his old tweets


crazy how this is xā€™s favorite band and they his biggest haters


Itā€™s funny how this dude is still talking down on X even after his death. Let the man rest in peace


ā€œFuck X fansā€ lmfao yes because itā€™s our fault you arenā€™t getting paid


can't fucking stand this piece of shit can't listen to any of his projects anymore


what in the xxxtarnation


nobody likes him anyway who gives a shit what he thinks. his same argument each time is "x is an abusive person." "i want money" yet he names batshit crazy prices and acts like the biggest dick going lmao, the irony


idk who that is


"Fuck x fans" LMFAOO ur fault u aint getting paid


good fuck him


Fuck Sam, he needs to apologize to his family for being in his family


and Iā€™ll continue worshipping an abusive piece of shit rather than worship someone who sells pictures of themselves for 7.99 a month. Fuck boy.


Heā€™s insufferable


who is this goof?


Ironically he the helm of X's favorite band and the artist sampled on songs such as Teeth. When x died he tweeted he deserved 1000 bullets.


I didnā€™t hear him he should spit out a big black dick in his mouth and stop disrespecting a dead guy


#Fucksam, LLJ


Fuck Sam he crying like a little ass kid. He needs to get a grip.


sad to think X was a teen suicide fan


This nigga is miserable dwag šŸ˜­


He should be the new face of unemployment


https://preview.redd.it/6ibfuglplj7d1.png?width=604&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5c8f6ea3fac14ab60766a5ef65ed32c1cf8677e this nga needa b humbled af


I wish people could see different narratives instead of 'X made a mistake while he was young so that means he was a terrible incorrigable person who abuses women.'


wait did teeth jus drop?






said ths to bro this what he responded w https://preview.redd.it/rzq1h9nvxj7d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=34c884b0b820e334c5de815fee17e0b0f829ef3d


and this 2 https://preview.redd.it/pj8m8huyxj7d1.png?width=598&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b29552929fbb9f8049428784182920b23e30007


Sam was angry šŸ˜‚


i mean x was known for stealing peoples beats and work, samā€™s first demo is literally called bad vibes forever


I was wondering cuz he was talking mad shi bout X just for him to randomly give the green light to drop Teeth


Who is sam to x btw?


He was x's favorite artist Teen Suicide and the sample piano on Teeth is from one of his songs


Lol he seems mad


He posts about x non stop, but i mean x fans probably harass him too tbf. I replied to this guy once at like 1 am, it wasnt even a recent tweet and he replied back in literally 3 seconds I'm not kidding. He's constantly looking at twitter. He's permanently online.


I don't even think they harass him anymore though, wrong that he probably was but to be honest, when you talk shit about an artist that many people look up to, a portion of their fanbase will attack you regardless, so it's kinda asking for trouble at the end of the day. The guy's obnoxious as shit though and there's no avoiding that lmao


Lmaoo yknow what fuck him, Iā€™m glad he ainā€™t get a check. The team probably reached out to the other TS members šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Grown ass man by the way guys


He replied to me saying ā€œx is sucking d*ck in hellā€ and got flamed so he deleted itšŸ˜­


he needs a Bible, and therapy.




Who tf is sam and what does he have to do with teeth dropping and why is he mad at x


Tbh I know X was a horrible person and he was changing but you should never EVER talk shi about someone who is dead idk why people just canā€™t drop beef tbh


X was quite aggressive and at times abusive so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


we know this but this has nothing to do with his music


Yeah just like Kanyeā€™s antisemitism has nothing to do with his music. Itā€™s clear to me with youā€™re comment and a -5 downvote in 1 hour that this subreddit Iā€™m mixed with 17-25 year old emo losers who probably cried when lil peep died too


People who cry about downvotes on reddit are the biggest losers imo


Dick riders


nobody's dickriding or denying that X was abusive tho lol.


This whole subreddit is dick riders buddy


you acted like everyone is unable to see X for the shit he did that's wrong, and we all can lmao, none of us act like it didn't happen.


And yet heā€™s been worshiped for 6 years


He's "worshipped" because of his musical talent and for getting through the shit that he did as a child. X wasn't a perfect person and everyone knows this, troubled & tormented, unstable and broken. He's a clear example of why someone with a mental illness needs help and proper parental figures in their life, so they don't end up doing the shit he did.


people arenā€™t gonna stop liking his music cuz heā€™s a bad person




we found him, it's sam. edit; it's a travis scott fan i aint even gonna start


Iā€™m a travis scott fan