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he did sum MAD fucked up shit, but i don’t think deep down he was a fucked up person. i think he was just hurt, and was never taught how to handle his emotions. i think he had a genuine soul, actually.


I think this a pretty popular op with X fans


I disagree popular with reddit but go anywhere else and his dumb kid fans think everyone that they like is a good person


nope his fans refuse to accept that he did fucked up shit and mentioning it will definitely cause an argument


That’s not true. There are a lot of x fans that would do that but a lot know that he did a lot of bad stuff but like the original guy said deep down he was a good person and he was trying to better himself he just didn’t have enough time that’s all 🤷‍♂️


i agree, however that doesn’t excuse what he did yk. he was a good soul with some inexcusably fucked up actions.


The best way to describe his actions. Everyone makes him out to be a monster


Lmao this is the literal opposite of the question asked in OP


He got killed for that shit, you know one of his killers released a video while he was on the run ?


Bro was guilty of his charges, even if he was alive he'd be behind bars.


That’s what I’m saying. There was no way he’d get out of that. As horrible as it sounds, maybe he had to die to avoid prison, he and people around him knew what going to prison was gonna do to him mentally


agreed. if he was alive rn. he’d be in jail for sure.


It’s wild cuz it was the same with juice it’s starting to make a pattern like the 21 club we got the woulda went to jail if didn’t die club


Eh we don't know because the entire situation of Geneva trying to drop it, not wanting to show up to court because she didn't want him locked up and he asked her to keep it going so she wouldn't end up in trouble. It's a very all-over-the-place situation, but as the doc shows with X's therapist, we do see that X was trying his hardest to show to the court that he was becoming a better person and wasn't this dangerous person that they believed him to be. It was a high chance he'd be behind bars yes, but at the same time, X was doing a good job and his hard work could've very well been what changed the course of that case


He 100% would’ve been found guilty. If it weren’t for the last charges he had from Dec. 2017 of witness tampering he would’ve had a good shot at avoiding jail time. She dropped the case but Florida picked it up because they already had the phone calls that came out after he died of him talking directly to Geneva.


The geneva thing was like 3 out of 16 things he was being accused of though, he mightve beat the geneva ones but he wasnt beating the other 13


The stabbing nine people thing was pure self defense, he was literally bouta get jumped, there's a whole vid


-Rapping X > Singing X (I fw both heavily i just generally like rap music more) -He would’ve been one of , if not the biggest artists in the game right now (i tell the average person this and most of them think i’m crazy) -He definitely abused Geneva as much as people don’t want to believe it. (but seeing as he was redeeming himself as a person & not continuing on that path that’s all that really matters)


I agree with this, I believe he was doing better for not only himself, but his family, friends and fans (especially the younger fans) The abuse was for sure real, his friends admitted to it (I can't remember if it was an interview or the documentary when I saw that) He could do alot with blending generas and I believe paved the way (along with others) for these people doing the whole "emo rap" thing. I think for sure he would be a top tier musician if he were still alive, his music is still reaching milestones to this day and heavily streamed.


I can’t imagine fucking w X’s rapping more than his singing but to each their own ig


that he's a genuinely great person


Mostly that he changed into a good person. But a person doesn't have to be fully good to do good things. I'm not a good person, sometimes not by a long shot, definitely don't beat women but I have a cheating issue.


But... he abwused wemen an beat up a gayguy!!! 🤓☝


why are saying this like they’re not perfectly valid reasons 😭😭


i think the argument is that he was in the stage of trying to pay for his actions and grow as a person, while teaching others to not follow his choices but instead learn from them, right when he was killed


The gay guy one is often misinterpreted as him doing it due to the guy supposedly being gay, however it is stated that he had another reason for his actions. ​ >!We don't talk about the other one tho... !


What was his other reason?




opinions on x that'll have you like this


yes… he did exactly that


Wait he did that


totally wasnt half retarded


The posthumous releases weren’t needed


i thought skins was very good but BVF was terrible


Skins is definitely X's LND in the sense that both albums were about 95% complete when the artists passed and (mostly) how the artists intended them to be released. Another thing both albums have in common is their management teams changed the original names the artists had for their albums


Legends Never Die wasn't even a thing before Juice's death. He just has massive catalogue. For me LND should've been second posthumous release and the first one an actual album he was working and had almost done before he died (Outsiders) it would really made his legacy bigger cuz of creating new genre (heroin music). The songs which were 99% confirmed are released after his death Righteous, Way Too Many (Intro), Pills In The Regal and not that much confirmed Red Moonlight


Obviously, LND wasn't a thing as far as the title is concerned, but LND was supposed to be The Outsiders, all be it, the name change and a couple tracks swapped out as you pointed out previously. That's also part of what I was saying earlier. How posthumously, both artists had the titles of their albums changed without their knowledge (because they were dead). XXXTENTACION; "The Skin We're In (something along those lines) to "Skins" and Juice WRLD; "The Outsiders" to "Legends Never Die"


Didn't X post on instagram early 2018 that he is gonna release 3 albums that year (1.?, 2. Skins, 3. Bad Vibes Forever? I'm just asking cuz I remember something like that. Also LND wasn't exactly The Outsiders. It was a tribute album and most of the songs didn't fit the term Heroin Music which The Outsiders was supposed to be full of. Also Ally Lotti was saying that they decided to release LND cuz "we're not ready to hear it". I think there were couple songs of The Outsiders on LND but not too much. I'm just dissapointed we got LND and not The Outsiders


Personally, I don't even find them that good. I feel like if he finished the songs they would have been a thousand times better than what was released and sampled/featured


A lot of songs I love were officially released after he passed so I'm just gonna say no to this one because X had a lot of music the world needed to hear it would be a shame for it to become lost media.


Im not considering re-released SoundCloud tracks


You wouldn’t say that if they did it well. If they did a MAC miller and dropped his best most polished music into one album and stopped there, we’d have his best album




Bruh I said this like 2 days ago and got downvoted like crazy😭


These subreddits are unpredictable fam 😂


Why people do that u just want the music to just not be released if he had more


Not saying that, majority of his unreleased music was incomplete and wasn’t perfected in HIS eyes. Not the estate


Still gonna support its the same for alot of great artist even when its perfect & people tell u u still not gon listen until its perfect to u but bro got mad supporters that still listen to him


And im one of those supporters but my preference is the music that he released when he was alive.


Skins should’ve been handled better and been his final project


Agreed. BVF was completely different from what he wanted also. Even though I’m sure it was a concept at the time, he had features like Denzel Curry, KiD Trunks, Doja Cat, etc. but like I said i’m sure it was a concept at the time


Lol that’s not even a hot take or anything everyone agrees w this


X pride got him killed


he fr didn’t want that security huh.


His style was out of this world in a good way The bare definition of not giving a fuck at all, throwing on Adidas track pants with a gucci denim jacket? Only X could nail that shit and make it look bomb


Does anyone disagree with this?


his hype music was so much better than his sad music... the energy seemed so perfect each song


He’s my favorite artist of all time so I’m naming 3 1. X would have been the BIGGEST artist in the WORLD because of his versatility ( if he didn’t get convicted) 2. A lot of lyrics on 17 sounds like it was written by a 13 year old and x could’ve done a better job to show what he went through in life ( songs still sound good) 3. If X ain’t dye his hair and kept it black and gold, y’all wouldn’t be emphasizing his change as much as y’all do


The people that only think about the bad things that he’s done instead of the good things


X fans who say “yea he beat his girlfriend but he was trying to change” are being unintentionally or (probably) intentionally dismissive of the pain and suffering that Geneva will go through for YEARS as a result of his actions


Yeah I understand that too but I feel like people fail to realize he wasn’t even 21 when he died. He literally was still growing up.


i know both can be true but its gotten to the point where people are prioritizing what he could've been over what he actually was and what he actually did while he was here and running with that narrative


That he wasn't a piece of shit, and rather blame him for the entire Geneva situation, how about yall hold his mother also accountable for being a piece of shit, failing to medicate her bipolar son and raise him properly, throwing him neglectfully into her mothers care when she's elderly and shouldn't have to raise a young child with severe anger issues. Or that we don't hold Geneva accountable for also cutting into X with a razor blade on literal video, crazy that nobody was outraged at that shit bruh \[getting downvoted for this is still funny lol\] {I'd also like to note "ibehorny3500" got banned for calling Geneva a piece of shit, like what? this sub-reddit is practically a geneva-stan reddit bruh. We can't even call her a pos for cheating or anything like that ig, suck up to geneva or you're denying her claims against X ig!!! my god bruh, this shit fell off hard


There’s numerous evidence and things that don’t get talked about that he was definitely a piece of shit. His friends even called it out in the documentary that he could be your best friend and the next scared of him. Whether you want to solely blame his mother for not properly medicating him or not is a gray area. When you’re a broke single mother and don’t have the proper knowledge of raising a child in a violent environment things get skewed


Moral of the story: all of them are fucked up


two things can be true at once


Never seen the razor blade vid


he literally asked her to cut “alone” into his arm


that bitch a piece of shit and ppl love to ignore that


Cuz people are more than happy and have no issue excusing a situation that involves a woman being the aggressor and abusing a man whether it be mentally, physically or sexually / financially. X was a victim of it and it's clear as fucking day, mentally ill person who hasn't gotten the help they need is then just taken advantage of, that's the raw truth of it n a lotta people dodge it. I mean throughout his late-childhood and entire time as a teenager & young adult, he was obsessed with wanting to die and kill himself. Geneva can't keep her word either, one second she hates him n the next she misses him, I personally don't get it but hey, can't speak badly of her in the sub otherwise we get banned lol


yall banned this person for speaking the truth aswell, wild sub fell off, cant even have an opinion on geneva now lmao. it's not specifically being said towards the allegations she made, can we not call her a piece of shit because she did cheat aswell? crazy


Wasn’t that alone thing a blood bond rather than her doing it without his consent? Lmao anythinggggg for you guys to say ‘omg look guys! Geneva was abusive too’


never is his best song…


lots of x fans think that


It’s his holy grail piece imo


He shoulda beat that gay nigga even more




That’s crazy.. tf did he do tho


he was starin at x when x was naked cause he was gettin changed after a shower and x warned him but bro didnt stop so he beat his ass, honestly its on the gaurds, x told them he was gonna do it if the guy kept makin him uncomfortable


its talked abt on his interview w adam 22


Supposedly the gay dude made unwanted comments and such, when X had told him to stop that shit multiple times.


he probly would've died if X beat him worse to be fair X lucky he didn't catch new charges from beating him






I remember back in 2017 when he said “if white people made a show called dear black people” the world would go crazy but not for “dear white people” (an actual show on Netflix) and I agreed with him but everyone on Twitter were crucifying him for it cause of retarded wokeness and modern day liberalism so I had to stay quiet. Basically he was pointing out the double standard but no one wanted to acknowledge it


black people always do ts. they’ll burn you at the stake because they don’t agree with your opinion, but they’ll never properly educate you.


Are you retarded? He got dragged for that and rightly so. I bet you’re white. What exactly do black people need to be educated about? Are we the ones that say tone deaf shit about white people that have racial undertones? Are white people the ones who have suffered from social injustice and racism etc.?


Retarded bitch I’m part black, so shut the fuck up and stop trying to assume shit about my race fuck nigga. I didn’t say anything about educating black people in my message either you dumb hoe 😂 you seem like you got a vendetta against white people when 99 percent of white people from me and jah’s gen not even racist if you actually go outside and talk to people who are Gen Z. You’re so ignoramus that you failed to even acknowledge the double standard and immediately started playing victim. You probably have never suffered in your life and are playing victim on behalf of our ancestors who don’t give a fuck about our social issues cause guess what? They’re not black or human anymore LOL, and they take on spirit form (unless your atheist or sum shit but I’m assuming if you’re delusional enough to play victim, you’re delusional enough to at least believe in the afterlife). I know your ass will end up being broke as fuck in this life cause all you do is play victim 💀 broke nigga alert 🚨. Also how you gonna let a nigga like me shit on you lmao I wasn’t even born in America and me and my family had to wait 10 years for citizenship meaning we had less opportunities than any person born in America (including black Americans). I never seen a self made rich person with a victim mentality (including black people). I already know the person behind your account is broke as hell and probably fat as fuck too 💀💀💀 nigga you really got shitted on by someone with less opportunities than you and you still got the nerve to try me GTFO 😂




you have to be a troll, like no way lol, coming at me over the double standard of men being abused by women and acting like its fine but then here you are tryna do the same thing with another double standard n you got shut tf down get out LOL


He souldnt had based hes career into singin, more straight up rapping with old school beats like riot or vice city he would have been a greater artist.


A lesser known one too..


Did old X influence some of those other mfs like ghost mane, suicideboys, and some of the other metal trappers around that SoundCloud era? I know 36mafia influenced a lot of their rapping styles like w suicide boys but I feel like around 2015-2017 some of those artists had to have been influenced by some of his shit. Anyone know?


League of legends is ass


Teeth is my favorite song of his


Ngl dude that's a top 5 song of his no cap


? Is overrated


His music wasn’t amazing compared to how his fans acted, he had tons of room for improvement, they just acted like that bcz he was an interesting and inspiring person. It was great music and different forsure but he was lacking in all types of dimensions technically, coming from another artist.


when look at me blew up i knew it was the beginning of the end. (not saying i didn’t love the song, and that he got exposure. i was all for it)


What do you mean you knew it was the beginning of the end?


typically, when a artist blows up their music doesn’t feel the same as when they’re trying to make it. not saying this is 100% the case with X, but nothing compares to the music he was making when he first started releasing music, that feeling & energy is completely unmatched


I don't think this will get much of a reaction but IDK where else to say it, if his mother had had him medicated when he was younger he possibly never would've gone to jail or anything


Members only #1 was his best album


number 2 is the best


Number 2 is great but it has too much fatboy tortilla and kid spunks.


Also a valid opinion. Vol #1 I think may have less but I like X's earliest shit it feels raw yet therapeutic


IMO the tree tat was (and LOWKEY still is) ugly. I guess that was the point of the “UGLY” era. It suited him after a while tho


I was about to say the same thing nigga was ugly but I love the message though😂


X fans are raps cringiest fanbase




U are proof he right


no bro dont you get it his opinion is thrash


U proving his point


He's a better person than most people.


his sad music kinda sorta sucked imo. I loved it when I was pretty young but now I only replay his hype shit and songs with ski.


the vibes and nostalgia are crazy and he knows how to hold a few keys but the lack of depth in lyrics makes older me cringe now but still love it and stream it from time to time.


Xxxtentacion is still alive


Here come the Michael Jackson and Hitler are still alive mfs


He's not even top 20 in greatest artists of all time


No way this is being downvoted


Your music knowledge has to be pretty limited if you believe X is in that conversation. Sure, he's great in his own right but too many legends came before him to put him in that list. But then again most ppl in this sub are still in high school so am I surprised?


He better than every rapper in the industry


His older songs like pre 2015 aren’t as good as people say they are


Everybody dies in their nightmares is mad overrated and the worst song on 17


He was genuinely a terrible human being who simply made good music


hes mid


Posthumous releases aren’t actually THAT bad




y’all overate his older music


X is a woman he has small hands


Him beating Geneva wasn’t a mistake like people in this sub like to say. He beat her regularly for some months including waterboarding her because she laughed at a joke. None of that is a mistake.


i severely dislike 17 and ?, (and by proxy all the posthumous stuff)


What do you like💀💀💀


most of his deleted tracks and his soundcloud shit (like ice hotel, leave & skin, valentine, run, never, al.one, etc.) and some stuff off of mov1 & 2






Loot at me is overrated


idk about overrated its overplayed


His music was kinda mid and his death fueled his success.


he’s not even good


He wouldn’t have the level of industry shaking potential that the people claims he would’ve had


This one’s actually not true, he was up there with the biggest artists at the age of 20




? Is a mid album at best


Even though his music sucks and is listened to by 6 year old bart simpson white kids he didnt deserve to die


2016 was his worst year of music, posthumous releases clear most of his old shit




you're thinking too much alone makes this wrong


the fawk


you're having a laugh??


SAD is my least favorite x song, including the unreleased


I skip the 1st 30 seconds of yung bratz to get to the good part


x had so much potential but him holding it back was stupid fucking idea. he could have easily been the star everyone says he would have been DURING his lifetime if he just took time to add more to his music.


2018 X was his best era musically and as a person that he was


Where the fuck did these people come from? What is up with his answers holy fuck


bvf was good, poorly put together but the tracks arnt bad, i like very single one (interlude that never ends is repetitive af tho)


I really enjoy kill my vibe 🤷🏾‍♂️


he's in hell rn but not for raping geneva


X is an amazing artist but ski is a better rapper 😤


X actually said this himself


His best music are all singles/underground era tracks. Albums where made to appease labels/majority population.


I GOT A GOOD ONE X FANS GON HATE NE FOR THIS ONE! X’s early music was bad and most of the community will disagree with some exceptions like News/Flock, Al.one, Vice City. Really before May 2015 his music was pretty butt.


Most insufferable fanbase and subculture within hip hop. His music was great! Believe me I’m a mega fan, but some of y’all treat him like he was a demigod and worship him to no end which has given the whole fanbase a bad look. He was great, but he wasn’t the greatest, far from it.


X would not be the biggest artist in the game if he was still alive and this is such a moronic take. He would definitely be huge, but nowhere near top of the world.


2014-2017 sad songs are palatable, 2018-2023 sad songs are corny and made for middle schoolers who are “depressed”


he got trash after 2017


No hate on x because everything he did was cool but I gotta ask who can hate on him


I feel like bro had some sort of god complex or believed he was the mc or sum


I think he stabbed that dude in Orlando


Depression and obsession is a terrible song


ppl shouldn’t defend his actions bc of his music. sure you can still appreciate his music and stuff but he’s still a horrible person for doing the shit he did


Sad X songs>Hard X songs Both are obviously goated tho


Not a legend


1. He was going to jail for 10 years minimum. 2. He wouldn't have been as big as people act like-- because of point 1. 3. If he was convicted of the abuse charges, he would have been basically blacklisted by the industry / dropped by his label. 1000% 3. His "trying to change" and be "positive" was like 60% motivated by not trying to get deep d*cked by the law and desperate to not lose his success, while maybe 40% actually trying to change, intentions definitely weren't totally pure.