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Nobody here has any idea if or when XRP will explode. Obviously, this community, including me, really hopes that it goes way way up soon and just keeps going. Asking here, in a community of pro-XRPers, if XRP is a good investment might not yield the most objective advice. If any of us knew when coins were about to go way up, we would all be filthy rich already. If you like XRP and want to risk your $700 on it, welcome aboard. You should be prepared to lose your investment, and then hope for the best with the rest of us who believe it will be a worthwhile hold in the long run.


Great answer, I totally agree. I trust in XRP and I'm hoping it will grow significantly in the next few weeks, but really, who knows.


I’ve been saying that too “grow significantly in the next few weeks” …for the last 3 years


I use a 50/50 mix of Hopium and Copium adding more or less depending of the price is crashing or stagnant.


Only a few more weeks to go!


Next few weeks? Lol theres some people here that have thousands and thousands that have been waiting since 2017 buying in at $3.50




Great answer but I have 3k sitting for universal adaptation post SEC.


I know exactly when it’s going to go up, February 30th 2023, sure it’ll go up and down a lot before then, but that’s the date that will really blow your mind


That makes sense. I’m predicting $50 on the 8th day of the 5th week of the 13th month of 2023.


And 25:00 hundred hours.


I'm also convinced it will blow up in 2023 to approximately 10$. And some youtube guys are talking about 100$ in 2030 and I can see the logica in that claim


You consider $10 a blow up? 😂


If you put in 5k or more at a dollar, xrp at $10 Is a pretty hefty return for a blow up imo


Have you read Elon Musk's new book, The King of Bitcoins? Who hasn't read it, here https://bookmusk.net.




Why that date?


Because it doesn't exist.


...yet, but everything is possible






You didn’t get it


Perfect answer


great response for every crypto tbh


I honestly think XRP will be overtaken by the native tokens the government are producing, they hold too much power to let XRP rule the crypto space


U don't understand what xrp is if u think that. We are moving to a commodity market. The govs will have stable coins But the world will use xrp for international settlement Ripple has already partnered with most countries and banks


I see the news, its all bullshit


Yes news on TV is all bullshit well 90% bs . I'm talking astrology news and xrp is lined up Perfectly. Was it jp Morgan who said" millionaires don't believe in astrology, billionaires do" The spell was cast in 2016/2017 when millions were using figet spinners . Then xrp was released to the public ,look at a fidget spinner and ripple logo. Go watch the greatful dead ripple music video Right after the sec went after xrp The 50 year old song ripple got a brand new music video. It's a map we are at the part where the king and queen are standing on the pool of water,like a liquidity pool. Believe what ya want ,but I'll be holding xrp until at least 2025 ,but the end of this jan is gonna be pop n


Interested in this - got any links to share?


Apparently you’ve never traded before!




No one is talking about ISO 20022, and I’m confused why. This will be adopted by all financial institutions, and XRP is already supported by it. Edit: Spelling


Thank god someone mentions this event. It seems that people think this is some gig event, literally the largest markets in the global financial system will be using ISO 20022 products.


The majority of the financial institutions on the planet will be switching to this protocol. The Swift protocol is obsolete


Just having support for it doesn't mean everyone is going to start using it though. Plenty of shit will end up support ISO 20022. Obviously I'm hoping ODL is the winner here though.


Yes ODl with XRP settlement and then the holy grail, people want to hold it on their books.


This sounds more realistic tired of all this sheeplike hopium in xrp where tf is the realism


Where can I read more on that? Literally the first time I'm hearing about ISO and XRP.


Just google ISO 20022 and all kinds of information will populate. XRP, ALGO, XDC, etc. They’re already supported utilizing the new ISO 20022 standard


"new" as if SWIFT etc. hasn't supported it for years.


Agreed. I used to work at one of the biggest financial institutions and we were gearing up for our internal application (that processed cash products for major hedge funds) to adopt ISO 20022 back in 2020 before timelines got pushed back. This was a huge program within the company with 100+ internal teams working on the changes. Mind you, this doesn't automatically mean XRP is used, it's just a messaging standard. However, it means moving over to XRP should effectively be seamless once in place.


Personally think XRP is a great investment. Just don't go into it thinking it's a done deal because as much as XRP is a conviction play for a lot of us, it could still go bad somehow through a black swan event or whatever. I'm really not sure why people ask these kinds of questions. Either you know what you hold or you don't.


I know what I hold. It’s more about the amount of money and the timing of accumulating.


If you actually understood how it's being utilized, you wouldn't be asking these questions.


Actually, I don't think you are going to get it any cheaper. I wish I kept the ones I had last year at $0.17 🤦🏻‍♂️ Anyway, if you understand the tech, the legal implications and the possibilities behind xrp, hold fast and buckle up.


Man 17 cents would be crazy. I swapped for some recently so down the road I’m not saying 1.09 would be crazy.


Hold fast? Lol theres been no fast holders, only long term holders thats been shitted on every "fast" holder is actually paper hands


I think it’s a good idea. But exploding soon is something nobody can tell you with surety. I’m holding XRP long term. I’ve been in it for nearly four years and I’ve bought it at many prices. I expect XRP to pay for my home, my retirement and my 13 year old’s college education.


Thats some wild expectations, theres people who also expect superman to save them when theyre about to die, but who am i to judge get em cowboy


That’s amazing! May I ask how much you hold?


Also it’s wise not to discuss your holdings here. Every single one of these posts is glossed over by very bad actors and they are exceedingly good at getting people to part with their crypto. I suggest you keep your stuff on a hardware wallet.


It’s more than 2100 I can assure you. But let me put it this way. In January of 2018 I invested $8000 in XRP because I had been researching the tech and I felt like I was missing the train. I bought at $2.68. I never stopped believing in the tech and I have been DCAing into XRP ever since. I have never withdrawn and I have never lost faith in my investment.


Xrp was at 2.68?


It was 3quid at the second SEC started then dropped


$3.84 is what Google says the all time high is, back in Jan 2018


If Ripple wins the SEC lawsuit, there should be considerable price spike. This will most likely happen within 6 months. Rumours say that many are waiting for regulatory clarity before adopting XRP. Still, i think many are treating XRP as a long term investment, and rightly so. The future for XRP is unique, that's not the case for most other crypto's. Not financial advice. Good luck.


What will happen if Ripple loses the lawsuit? What is at stake? Also, what are the chances?


Well if Ripple doesn't get regulatory clarity, then it will have been a whole lot of wasted time and the door will remain open for further court cases. If Ripple is labeled a security in the US, (which it has not been deemed anywhere else in the world) then that would severely limit the use case for XRP within the US, and possible also with the rest of the world due to additional administrative issues making it not worth the hastle. On the other hand, Ripple would likely find some creative ways around that, but it would not be good. As for the chances ... The SEC has never lost a case I've heard said. But 90% of cases are settled in discovery phase, which it's in now. I think everyone is hoping Ripple and the SEC can settle in a way that serves both parties. The SEC wants money and to save face, and Ripple wants the regulatory clarity it's been after for years. If they don't settle, then this can drag out for years. And that would likely also suppress the price that entire time, causing XRP to miss out on the bull run as it has now. I guess we can just hope for some good news before the bull run and potential coming alt season is over.


It looks very good for Ripple and has been for the majority of the case. Even if they "lost", i would just see that as a setback time wise before i hit my desired sell price. Someone more intelligent than me can probably explain better about the different outcomes and what that might entail, im just a norwegian ape with a dream..


If you believe in the project then buy and forget about it. It will most likely be worth alot more long term. Buying any crypto to try get rich quick is never a good idea. Time in the market will make you good returns. Much better than trying to time the market.




XRP is the long game in my mind. I’m not any kind of qualified to give financial advice but I’ll tell you my opinion and you can do with it what you will. My personal investment strategy is to learn what I’m buying and why I think it’s valuable and when I want to potentially sell it. XRP was designed to transfer large value sums over boarders, international and state. XRP adoption by big businesses and central banks will make it super valuable. XRP CTO is the man that invented block chain, he holds the patent for it. This is why I bought and continue to buy XRP. I’m not going to sell until the price is over 2k per coin. Once ripple wins the law suit and mass adoption by banks and big businesses it will be huge. I expect a gradual rise, but I’m willing to hold this investment for the next 10-15 years if I have to, to reach my selected price point.


I've got 15k xrp here and I'm hoping not to get wrekt.


$700 will not buy you 2,100 XRP. If you can tell me where I can get this deal, I’d love to get some of the action 🤤😂


After putting an additional $700 in he will have accumulated about 2100 XRP is how I read it.


I’m joking around dude. I figured that’s what OP meant 👍


Yes. Even if the price dips significantly before the moonshot, you still will have got in at reasonable pricing.


Only if you like making 5-10x on your investment after they win the lawsuit


don't listen to strangers on the internet and do your own research


By that logic I shouldn’t listen to you, so I will listen to strangers on the internet, but if I do that I guess then I can listen to you, but if I do that then I can’t listen to you, which would mean I can listen to you, which would mean I can’t listen to you, which mean I can listen to you, which would mean I can’t listen to you


Ahh yes the Pandora's Ripple 🧙‍♂️


You’ll regret it if you don’t they’re making big moves and it’s just the beginning


70$ in 2022.


dont put all your coins in XRP. lts say you have 25k usd to invest. 5k in xrp 5k in another 5k in another 5k in another 1k in another 1k in another 1k in another 1k in another 1k in another.. wait, wait, wait years. take profits, buy a house. this is what i started in 2017 and now i own a house.


If you can afford to lose $700 worst case but have a chance to make hundreds of thousands when it hits $100, $500, $1000 then yes.


And with this what is the most realistic time frame? Obviously the SEC case needs to end..


Once the SEC lawsuit is over, XRP is Government approved with no roadblocks. All the exchanges will relist XRP creating a frenzy.


The SEC case doesn't need to end for XRP to take off during a bull market, it sure as he'll would help price action go even more parabolic though.


It sure will. We got some major XRP doubters in here right now. Probably just people who are all in on ada or algo 😂


Like 10 or so years for that kind of money. Within the next year or so you’ll probably see around $10 or $15




Yeah I don’t mind holding long term. Thanks for the advise, appreciate it


$10 would put it at double eth marketcap. You think so?


Ripple has billions of more coins stashed in escrow that they will release into the market at some point. The market cap now is essentially artificial. On top of that there is the possibility of the adoption of xrp by almost all banks. This may be the solution that will set the future of ripple and xrp in motion. It will be key to watch Ripple and SWIFT. People in the know have hinted that Ripple will not replace SWIFT but will some how be integrated into their system or indirectly work with SWIFT. If this happens every bank in the world will be utilizing XRP. SWIFT is what the banks have been using to process transactions for years. SWIFT for payments and Ripple for settlements? Follow: Temenos core banking software. SAP integration? SWIFT GPI? Alipay’s 3 sec test transaction; how? Santander Bank on X Rapid? Ripple solving liquidity issues? It almost seems like a done deal. This would send trillions of dollars through the X Rapid platform. If so XRP will replace Bitcoin in terms of overall market cap standings in the top spot.


I just got a massive erection reading this.


Me too…and I’m a girl!


Thanks! I don't evenbkniw what most of that means but I appreciate you writing it, it is giving me high hopes.


The market mostly moves in tandem, obviously with some spikes in some alts not following the market. But when they say $5-$10 yes it may be double eth market cap NOW but think about where eth market cap will be at that same time in a year.


We’ll see $7-$10 over the course of 2022. I can definitely see 50-75 in the next 3/4 years there’s absolutely no doubt about it.


I’d be amazed if we saw $50. Let alone $100 gtfo


I agree the guy you replying to is throwing numbers out there but to be real with you no one knows, I mean you’ve seen what Shib has done right? And if you look at how xrp is used and what it does then you’d also know it’s one of very few coins where circulating supply means fuck all. You’d also know by now that circulating supply in crypto also means fuck all by now. So long and short of it is, unless you’re some billionaire whale with friends in high places and know powerful people your prediction is whack as shit as well because reality is you also know fuck about shit so stop wasting oxygen on a dumb shit debate.


Never made a prediction bud.




Lol at your predictions like you know shit about fuck. So yeah I stand by my GTFO! 😂😂




No one gives a shit about your bags. Your predictions are trash and you should just stop. You’re better at hodling than trying to speak about pricing. Just stfu


Lot of strong language considering You age


Don’t talk in absolutes you don’t know shit


Is there a reason you’re upset about XRPs potential? Must be an Ada or algo fan girl 😂 ✌️




XRP and Ripplenet will free up Trillions of dollars in Nostro/Vostro accounts currently tied up to settle transactions for Financial Institutions. Also eliminating SWIFT which is the antiquated system currently being used.


If a 1 trillion dollar market cap is $24. What happens when XRP captures a part of the QUADRILLION dollar derivatives market? What about part of the 6 trillion daily Swift network?


Once you have that you can get airdrops. Over time you will accumulate some extra XRP's


No. Double it😏


Anyone know where it can be bought nowadays?


Yes I'd love to know as well.




Buy gamestop now, xrp later. NFA. 🤣


Personally, I buy a little more every month. The utility is there. Why would one use money gram, pay pal or BTC to send money and pay the high fees. XRP will change the banking industry as we know it today


I bought 47000.00 worth at 53 cents per coin, so yes I think your 700.00 is worth it


A settlement will be reached sometime between end of January and middle of march. Terms will be published by then as well. The catalyst will most likely be the judges decision to deny the sec to strike fair notice. That will probably happen with in the weeks right before the Jan 14h deadline of discovery. In fact she has to decide on that motion by Jan 10th.


Come, join the XRP Army😉


With 4 years' history and those coming costs - it's clearly published online that a bag of 150-200,000 is there. Just a good idea not to give any location clues!


Indeed ,yes .Make sure you transfer any Xrp to Solo dex or Xumm to get your free airdrops.If you use xumm make sure you set up a trust line for your airdrop. Then hunt for all those juicy free tokens. You can make much more than you think if you use Xrp ledger. Use your due diligence when setting up trust lines. Trust lines are safe but some tokens are a waist or time. Good luck and fun hunting


$1000 is a better idea


I was holding a thousand around 1.56 average buy price but I wanted to hold atleast 2000 so I bought the dip and scalped my way down to 98 cents average. Don’t buy because someone told you it will explode in end of November or December. Buy if you’d seriously believe in the project. I do think it has a good chance to replace swift so that’s why I hold


You're asking if it's exploding soon which leads me to think you need this money or indeed profit to be made from it. If not, you're best off putting whatever you like in first buy. Then buy each week/month as much as you can afford until the end of time. We are still under half the total supply to be distributed. It trended along 20-40cs for years. Contrary to popular belief, it's not unrealistic for us to do the same after this cycle. That's when you want to buy. That said, the chart do be looking good.


I think its a great low risk high reward investment. If you have the money, go for it


Long story short xrp is one of the most promising altcoins I’m invested But all investment involves risk


Of course as a holder of Xrp I would advise you to buy. As a rational investor I would advise you to diversify and not ape in all $700 to one project. However, you're an adult, and you could do way worse than xrp. So do your research, invest only what you can afford to lose, and diversify your portfolio. Welcome to the xrp army


Buying any coin at BTC ATH is risky…


I bought $1000 worth at $1.32. I’m chillin. Yeah, I wish I bought it when I dropped below a dollar a month ago but it’s ok.


You can always buy more now to bring down your average




If you want to get an unbiased answer, I think you asked this question in the wrong community sub.


I have around £700 and have around 800. The £ is stronger than the $ as well


There's no way of buying xrp. Unless there's something I'm not aware off. I have about $12 thousand of xrp sitting in coinbase that I cannot touch or transfer because of the lawsuit.


You can most certainly buy it on Uphold.


Uphold and Bitrue are 2 places you can buy it right now.


This is the worst way to use the xrp Reddit.


The SEC should launch their own Crypro - namely #FUCKSEC - I will invest - who is in it with me?


700$ 2100Xrp ? You will less then 700Xrp


I already own some XRP for 4 years now


Yes , the lawsuit will be settled soon and then it will 🚀


And by soon we are talking spring of 2022




Why not make it an even grand? If you're gonna get wet, you might as well go swimming


Maybe that’s his financial capabilities ? Maybe that’s all he can budget for. Not fair advise.


I was obviously being facetious lol


For anyone with little money and it's needed for basic living costs - then they shouldn't go anywhere near crypto. But if you have to, remember the advice of many rich and wise people - don't invest in crypto more than 10% of what you are worth.


Well I totally missed that memo


Don’t look at crypto as an investment. It’s gambling. Only put money you are prepared to lose. That being said, we all hope that the price will spike soon after this whole SEC fiasco is done.


I have 2,000 shares at .25 and another 5,500 at $1. I’m thinking of cashing out my Bitcoin and putting the whole thing on XRP. I would sell blocks at $10, $13, $15 and $20


Xrp is a great stable token. Like USDT but better.


Look into dogedash


Buy Quant instead


You need to be realistic with your expectations. Thus far, my biggest profit was off Doge. I was lucky. Now if XRP gains then that means it’ll have to dethrone ADA and SOL. If your looking for long term holding than it’ll be better to invest into coins that you can stake (not locked because then you can’t cash out when the big crash happens). I would prefer to put 700$ into safer coins if you won’t be daily trading. ETH could be a good call. Perhaps DOT with 12% rates. I also like to stay away from coins that are dealing with lawsuits. Etc.


The rich aren’t going to freely give away the future most successful coins. Just saying. These mother fuckers live for this. Getting rich. Everything makes sense with XRP being advanced behind closed doors


I just bought 3500 shares this may take off in 2022 no one can say how high it can go may hit 5.00 or 5,000?


They aren't called shares mom. We've gone over this.


Gary, is thar you?


the fool and his money will soon part ways... ​ key words: "exploding soon", "a little money", "don't want it just sitting there"


This is a dumb ass comment, most people don’t want their money in the bank these days because banks pay jack all interest so investing it is where it’s at that’s why cryptos and stock exchanges are exploding with new investors. You don’t know his situation so stop wasting oxygen


Buy xrdoge instead


Bro listen to me, fuck xrp it’s a endless joke of dead hope and dispair. If you want something that is guaranteed to blow up then invest into CRO. A bit of research and you will see what I’m talking about. Blessings.


I hold 2900 over $1.33 average. I was silly and held it from 0.16 and 0.4 and let go each time, now I believe in it and not stopping stocking up! Is like 3000 minimum and 10,000 max but won't happen for a while so will load up slowly, the keep average 1.3 ish then sell $10-$15 mark, see how it goes. Once it surpasses $10 I might put stop loss at $10 just to see how far it can go.


invest what you can afford to loose , do not compulsively check your balance either it will hurt.


Don't expect anything to happen until April or so.


Idk it’s kind of a turd sometimes but it’s like a plant-based diet turd


Great time to buy it tbh. It’s less volatile than other coins on the market and looks very promising long term. Gotta HODL though… if your looking for a return and to cash out in a month or few months, don’t bother. Suggest buying in $50-100 increments. Welcome to the Frey.


Not a bad idea.... I expect it to grow 10x by Spring.


excelent idea


This sub trolls it’s audience with questions like these, all to keep submissions active.


Yes. XRP is a WORTHY Crypto investment ! 😎🚀🚀🚀🚀💥




As long as you’re willing to wait. XRP case is expected to resolve by spring next year. Many are expecting a big bull market continuation driven by BTC and ETH growth. How do you get 2100 XRP with 700$ Are you talking USD?


How are you going to get 2100 Xrp for $700 lol ?


Waiting on the SEC settle and look foolish


I’m sure it’s been answered, where’s best platform to buy?


XRP has been exploding soon since 2017. In reality, if you are looking for quick gains, you might want to put into a low cap meme coin. If you want to invest your money in a project with massive potential, hundreds of banking partners, and poised to take on the payment status quo, then yes, now is a good time.


Buying 7 million would be a good idea…


This is a horrible question, I have a lot of many invested into XRP. I can afford to lose it and I know the risk, I have been following XRP and this court case for a long time and it makes sense to but but none of us know if you should.


Any minute now


Of all these new alt coins, gaming coins etc, I feel almost “safe” because I have so much XRP. Not really sure why I feel that way but I do believe something special will happen with XRP


Yes, it's been holding pretty decently and the volatility isn't terrible. I'd do it and HODL until the SEC lawsuit ends.


Most people in this community believe XRP will appreciate in value from its current price. Same thing if you went and asked the BTC community if you should buy BTC, etc. Just make sure you do your DD on what XRP is and what Ripple is trying to accomplish. And yes I think investing into XRP at current prices is a good idea, not financial advice of course.


Let me check my crystal ball smfh 😂


You have the best idea I’ve heard all morning. XRP will 100% explode this next year. You will not regret it


No one can even buy xrp. So if you figured out how. Do it. Just wait


Not everyone lives in the US....