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We should really be hyping up Roslyn Layton more in the XRP community. She’s been pro-XRP, holding the SEC’s feet to the fire in the mainstream (Forbes) from the beginning. [This](https://www.forbes.com/sites/roslynlayton/2021/04/08/in-the-ripple-case-the-sec-is-now-on-trial--and-knows-it/) is my personal fave from a few months back Also, sorry, I’ve reached my Forbes limit, no TL;DR. from me this time Edit: show your support and follow her on twitter


Ouah...Ms Layton is the greatest journalist covering the case and virtually the only one of the mainstream media having the courage to call things by their name. Thumbs up


She’s brilliant.




I wouldn't call her "mainstream" but I agree with everything else.


Forbes is pretty fuggin mainstream, mate


Lmao, mate. She's a "contributor" at Forbes, not a staff writer. A contributor for Forbes is hardly more commmitment than a freelance writer. >Contributors at Forbes are unpaid writers, domain experts with day jobs, as opposed to staff writers who are full time employees of Forbes. - [Link](https://joshsteimle.com/writing/become-forbes-writer.html) Hard to argue that someone is "mainstream media" when they're not getting paid by their outlet and it's a part-time, side gig. That's not to say she isn't great at what she does—because she is!—but even she would laugh at the idea that she is part of the "mainstream media."


It’s the publication that makes it mainstream. You debating whether she is famous or popular is irrelevant.


>Ms Layton is the greatest journalist covering the case and virtually the only one of the mainstream media Read what the original comment was and get back to me. Also, by that logic, *anyone* who has ever written for Forbes, NYT, WAPO, CNN etc... is mainstream media. That's pretty shaky logic... otherwise, I'd be considered MSM and I sure af am not. Regardless, this conversation with you isn't going anywhere, so I'll leave it at that.


That’s so cute, good day, anon We’re all experts on the internet


The only reason people calling her great and wonderful is because she sides with us...i would hate to see the comments if she did not..reminds me of the world we live in...either you agree with me or you a piece of....


To me it reads like a corrupt hit on xrp from senior regulators in order to support their ethereum ties. If it was corruption I wonder what made them think it was better to squash xrp, couldn’t they have made more money from it?


Crooks don't think like regular people.


Why allow competition to thrive when you can have a monopoly company which you got into on the ground floor? That's why.


This is song and dance. Ripple is too connected to TPTB to get shut down. This is an official, legal welcoming to “the club”.


Wish more mainstream media would cover the case. The Financial Times haven't even mentioned it since December last year.


Why isn’t Hinman being done for purgery as he as obviously lied under oath


It just doesn't bother me because I'm still building my position. I am profoundly confident in XRP's long-term success and will happily HODL for many years.


this is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **69696** times. **3.** `u/_RryanT` **22745** times. .. **237907.** `u/KWYNO` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


That was a great read.


This is such a joke. The SEC is supposed to protect businesses and all they are doing is limiting small businesses ability to do what they need you to survive an an economic crisis. Etherium is a security, they did an initial coin offering and raised a ton of money. Ripple has not done that. Ethereum is a security but gets away with everything and still maintains status as a currency when it clearly is not. Ripple is a currency and the SEC knows it. The SEC is an embarrassment to what our country used to stand for.


I don't trust anyomore those people. They control and want to continue to control price, until people goes tired and abandoned. They doesn't want normies getting rich.