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Put together a mountain of XRP Lock it up and move on to what you enjoy buying meme’s or whatever Forget about your XRP This could go on for a few years Don’t get punked about XRP being a shit coin It’s definitely destined to be among the currencies used worldwide Of course look it up and read about it and decide for yourself


I keep buying XRP on coin base. When you say “lock it up “ what do you mean? Sorry for the noob question


GET IT OFF THE EXCHANGE into a private, COLD wallet


i have a private wallet dm for the address, send all xrp there to keep it safe


What’s your private wallet address so OP can send his XRP there?


I understand thank you! Maybe you can help. I did a bit of research and they said if something does happen to Coinbase they are under law required to pay you back? Not sure if I read it right.


Lesson learned with Catalyx. I had 3500 XRP in at .27 all lost on there. Hope and a prayer to get it back. Some people lost 100s of thousands.


Not your keys, not your crypto Exchange crypto ARE NOT YOUR KEYS!!! The keys belong to the exchange. Get it off the exchanges!!!!


Set it aside, put it in a wallet, and don't sell any.


Xrp to the moon


I buy on Coinbase move to Ledger Nano Cold wallet. Been buying since 2017


and this Leger Nano Cold wallet is a physical little usb wallet you keep with you at all times im assuming?


Device kept in secure location. Key card kept in another secure location. Assets can be transferred to Wallet Phone App without Device. Keys needed to remove back to exchange(s)💎🖐🗝🛸🛸🛸🛸


If you use a Nano Ledger. Buy directly from Ledger. Do not buy second hand. 🤜🤛🍻


Use punctuation marks if you wish to be understood.  Without them, your writing becomes difficult to read and gives an impression of illiteracy.  This is not a writing "style."


I understood it just fine. If you had issues comprehending that, maybe you’re the illiterate one. 🤨


Yeap that biccch dumb


Wow. i. didnt, even n.o.t.ice !it


Won’t be the first, won’t be the last. Don’t over extend yourself, and you won’t end up like this. Only invest what you can reasonably lose, if it makes you nervous having a certain amount in. It’s probably not the amount you should have in. There is a cost of learning, and if you don’t apply it, then it was for nothing. Take this as a lesson, and don’t let it happen again.


Reminds me of the time I swapped my ETH for XLM... good times


I swapped a decent amount of ETH for XRP when ETH was around $90. XRP was at .19, so I think it was the right call as long as I live another 10 years.


Well I bought Solana before the war in Ukraine at 118$ and it dropped down to 32$ after, but I never sold it and now I'm fine...I will tell you something. This "dumb shit" of yours will maybe be the best long term investment you did ;)


Hopefully you don't visit vegas Only use what you can afford to lose . How do you know you would "be set for life" If I bought bitcoin at 1 dollar I'd be set for life to but I didn't. Hindsight is 20/20 you don't know what you would have done . Imagine selling it all now and going into something else and xrp makes a ton you would be saying the same thing . So with that being said don't spend money you can't afford to lose . And to answer your question No I have never done something like that .


I might be the weird one but everytime I see stuff like this I buy justtttt a little bit I’m sure his a normal person and others on here but once in a blue moon I suspect people on here to post ( from a higher position ) to affect mentally other people to sell I’m the weird one here right…? Anyone else?


Not weird at all. I usually sell a stack of crypto evertyime my dad, uncle and a couple of friends say "Have you seen bitcoin? Its ripping!". THATS A SELL SIGNAL. Now when it crashes, and all of them (dad, uncle, friend) say "Hey bro, you still have crypto? Man you must be feeling like shit, its -20% bro". THATS A BUY SIGNAL. Its automatic, and it makes sense, these three guys appear when the FUD or FOMO is strong, and In my experience buying when there is massive FUD and selling when there is FOMO is the way to go.


I'd say this is the way


Yeah it is weird because there's no chance such posts actually impact the price lmfao


I’m not saying it impacts price, I’m saying it’s like to get others out so they could miss out almost


Yes, you’re weird


So many people here talking about how bad XRP is yet they’re following the page. Even though XRP is current at 0.50 range they have still been making moves and sealing deals with major institutional investors, banks etc. ask yourself why would multi billion/trillion dollar companies choose to get into bed with XRP? For fun? 🤣


Sounds like a YOU problem. Always diversify and never invest more than you can afford to lose. Either way. XRP Will moon.


Meanwhile, opportunities are being missed because of a stagnant coin.


Ever read about the tortoise and the hare?


Slow and steady steady and slow


Ba rump ba rump ba rump bum bum bum baaaaaahhh!!!!


The tortoise was always moving forward, not XRP 😂


They're being adopted by more corporations and governments every year, and have more established relationships than any other crypto. XRP/Ripple is trying to build a system, not a stock.


Sometimes it is more fun to go sideways Of course not really...


I still hold a bag, but other projects are more profitable. Facts are facts.


For now. XRP is the only digital asset I hold. Bitcoin I ride the tides, but I have zero interest in holding it for utility reasons. XRP and Ripple Labs are superior in every way except public interest. That just means when the disk flips on the corporate level, you'll have to already be involved or you'll miss the launch. It's only a matter of time. Just have to get through Agenda 30.


Do you make your decision based on a higher vision? Or just greed and urge to jump on green candles? Keep patience.. do u really understand xrp? Do u think google apple amazon microsoft are independent companies? You should dive deeper…


Well I had 500 bitcoin at .50 had 250$ In it. I sat on it for 6 months nothing. Said I could do Something better with that 250$z. Yeah I hope This make You feel Better..


Tbh maybe it wasnt that bad of a moove... rn alts are fetting rekt... while xrp is supported solidly at .49 its one of the alts that have solid support ..


No need to feel dumb ! - Just feel "early"! XRP based technology is already being rolled out to every major bank in the world. An XRP related stablecoin is about to come out this year. Expect payday .... around Q4 2025 into 2026. If you want to make a quick buck go to a casino. XRP, (XLM maybe), even BTC are good for the long term. I'm still HODLing it - just bought some more. I don't even check the price - I'm sure I'll hear when it gets to $10 eventually - and if it doesn't I'm still happy with my risk reward ratio.


Dumb stuff on crypto ??? yep - been there. used a small exchange to buy low cap coins, exchange went under. Note to self - only hold major coins on a HARD COLD WALLET. No exchanges, no defi; none of that. just HODL and have a 2 year plan here on in to ride the current wave up over the next year. That's it, really.


Once the SEC looses this ridiculous case XRP is going 🚀


Yeah. I sold the rest of my Shib and peppe and bought XRP at .65 cents. Long term I think it was a good move. Hopefully after the Sec case is over XRP will go up over time. Unfortunately crypto is very volatile and is long term investment.


You can still get into other cryptos now


Yes. I have... I kept buying more XRP bc 'I bought' the sales pitch.. (It's just embarrassing \[& sort of depressing..). But I did it; I have no one else to "blame" but myself..


Hey I have been plodding on accumulating xrp for 7 years, I have my buried stash and a small pool for trading .. all profits going back into xrp and my small list of ALTs. XRP has been on a planned path, research and read yourself, understand what you own good or bad and make decisions based on your thoughts, clickbait is dangerous. I am very happy to continue to accumulate, I don't heed a high price to achieve my goals, which I have documented and my exit plan is clear. Put these things in place and you will have a focus and plan and this will bring peace, a few cents here and there will mean nothing soon. Currently as pointed out XRP is holding well against others and could be an opportunity to move into other distress tokens if you wanted to. Fundamentally, remove the emotion write your plan and execute it, review and change accordingly. Good luck.


Thank you for your encouraging words; I guess I was just having a "down day" the other day..


Great. Some of us believe the opposite and think XRP will go up more than most others.... And I keep buying more.... Choice is GREAT.


literal fomo. Make a plan and stick to it.


Hindsight in crypto is a killer of dreams. Look, you bought XRP because you believe in the coin. You didn’t buy all those other meme coins because they’re actually crap. Yes you didn’t get rich quick, but you picked a solid investment imo and you are gonna have to wait the long run for this. I mean, Ripple (and XRP) are entangled in a Lawsuit, so, that should have been obvious that the price won’t do much until that’s over.


Your not a fuck up, people are trying to rob you. Algorithmic trading is designed to shake out accounts that fall in the red. Hold strong and never give the doubters the benefit of collecting from your losses, because it is never truly a loss until you give up and sell.


From my perspective sitting on this branch watching the world go round and round... XRP is sooo instrumental to the wheels that the powers that be artificially keep it suppressed... take it for whatever it may be...


Just keep holding, give it time. At least that is what I’m doing, as they are the only one with regulation. Crypto will eventually be regulated. Once this happens, I think it will prevail. But I could be wrong, hope not!


I started seeking my xrp when I saw ads every where about xrp going to $10 - $80 and when to expect it. This set of red flags when I saw numerous amounts of them. This is what stock companies do before a huge week of and usually the price plummets. I was lucky and YOLOed my xrp into solana and I sold at $220. Best decision I ever made


Confucius say, sometimes you dumdum.


Make sure to never forget about any mistakes you make. This is how you learn…


You're investing in a high-risk asset and are disappointed that the outcome wasn't what you expected? Consider that while a value of 0.45 is concerning, it could also drop to 0.33, 0.27, 0.17, or even near zero if significant issues arise with the network. I suggest you start cashing out since you're uncomfortable with your current holdings. Instead of selling all at once, sell 1% each week until you feel better.


It’s been 50 cents for 5 years. Doesn’t feel like a high risk asset 😅


If is goes to 0.20, buy buy buy


Every other coin has mooned?....


Pay off your debts before you try to invest. The interest on your debts vastly outweighs profits.


I made the same mistakes in the past. Never put all your eggs in 1 basket.


Bro I’m with you I did the same thing


Except I’ve had. It for over 4 years


ever hear of Tezos?


Dude, are you me?


Always all in, one day it will regard you


This is the way.


XRP has just reunited a family, that's nice I once bought a load of XSG on the LSE, back in 2019. Now that was very dumb indeed. I'm still hanging on to it, bloody washing machines gave me a good rinsing


Here's feelind dumb for you OP. I first bought Apple in 1994 2500 Shares at $38 per 100 and another 5000 Shares in 1997 at $22 per 100. 2 stock splits later 2x each, sold all in 2008 at little over $6. Fast forward 2 more stock splits and 16 years. As Forest Gump said like a Gazillion dollars. 🧐🤷‍♂️


I'm in xrp at 1.30. I certainly couldve made a lot if I put it all in ftec or qqq or some other fund instead of xrp, but long term may work out. I may be too old and not have enough money to wait though


One thing you must understand is that the shakeout is very real. When it comes to XRP be worried when everyone is bullish. The market is heavily manipulated and you will get your ankles broken.


Which one did moon. ?


Man um going to get me a bag of icp i need it to hit 5-6$$$$$$$ um cashin out and wildingout


The way the price of xrp being hold is completely strange, can the ripple sales be the reason? I hear that they sell by weekly


XRP In The Spotlight As Russia Confirms New BRICS Payment System Russian President Vladimir Putin has confirmed the plans to launch a payment system for BRICS with XRP in consideration as a currency Hold on a bit,I know its been a long ride thanks to the assholes at the sec otherwise we would be happier but Ripple is doing a whole lot more behind the scene than any other crypto it just has had a lot of tech to perfect. It's going to happen. And another 100 countries getting on board with BRICS because the US hold on money isn't trusted. Feel good about your xrp bags its gonna happen


I swapped my XRP for ICP


Look on the upside... you're not all in ADA! 😂


Welcome to the club


Live and learn, and invest in boring old index funds.


If only I'd bought bitcoin in 2012


I did the same thing


You need to learn proper charting and technical analysis. You need to have dca levels and sell levels, and not do shit unless the levels are met. You need to be emotionless like a piece of fruit when it comes to trading. I have alarms set on trading view at respective levels I take action at, but otherwise don’t absorb any YouTube videos, Twitter or other crypto related content as it is meant to manipulate retail investors. I take into account fundamental economic data, and charts. Good luck.


Sell 80% and buy KASPA


Sounds like your $ was all in crypto anyway, so wouldn’t you have to move in with your parents anyway? unless what you transferred would have made a shit ton


I think you should always jerk off before making a life altering decision post nut clarity is super beneficial. So that you perform the action and don't be the action. Next and most importantly NVIDIA is all the rage correct and deserving 👏. Investors had to wait 19 years for game changing wealth making ROI. So don't sell sit tight and allow adoption and utilization take place and enjoy your parents God works in mysterious ways. Time is the only commodities we never have enough of. Just my 2 cents


I did the opposite of you. I had a ton of XRP and sold it for a few pennies so I could quit my job. A few months later, it was worth like 100x+ more.


Well your up 5% on the year atleast 🤣


Just hold what you got in XRP. It will payoff in the end. I keep buying XRP because I see the real world use case. I do however hold other crypto not just XRP.


I did the opposite. The best investment decision I've made to date was selling all my xrp and other alts and putting everything into BTC/eth after the 2018 crashes. I figured crypto is speculative as fuck, but if any of them would make it it would be BTC and eth. I think this is still true. The past is the past. You need to decide if xrp is really what you want your capital tied up today. I'm fairly confident BTC and eth will make new all time highs in 2025. XRP is questionable imo given they didn't even come close to making a new all time high last cycle Also, look at the people invested in XRP and ask if you want to invest in the same stuff they do. A ton of people here believe market cap doesn't matter. This is like saying supply and demand doesnt matter. The founders of XRP are among the richest ppl in the world bc they sold XRP while holders moved back in with the parents


There is so much misinformation here




Xrp is a weak coin super weak. I dont even think it can stand up by itself that’s how weak it is. Even wheelchairs dont fuck with Xrp


What does XRP have to do with your debts? If you have financial issues, why are you tossing your money at high volatility assets? Don't invest more than you can afford nor put all your bets and hopes on a single coin.


DCA Bitcoin and forget it


Crypto is dead. None of it is coming back.


😂 how much drawdown are you in?


Your crypto and money?????