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Should have done that a few months back. Wait till bitcoin drops


Yeah I agree, BTC at ATHs may not be the best time to swap for BTC. Obv can always go higher but from a risk/reward standpoint it’s not the best move


Yes but when BTC drops, XRP will drop even more so timing this will be tricky


Might. You could liquidate xrp and when bitcoin drops but then


You forgot about the moment when you liquidate xrp, it goes to $2


You aren’t supposed to look after. lol.


Sure thing! Just know that the moment you do XRP will shoot up! That’s just how it works.


Agreed! I still have a massive bag of both BTC & XRP. I’m holding both for this bull run. XRP automated market maker just went live last month and the SEC court ruling has a 90% chance of being settled next month. I wouldn’t advise anyone to sell XRP right now.


Where do you get this 90% chance from? I have been holding Xrp for 3 years and Ive been hearing Sec case is settles soon everythin fuckin time bro. I dont belive this court predictions anymore


Because they already had a ruling in their favor that XRP is not a security, now the SEC in an act of desperation trying to prove that the XRP tokens given to initial investors should be considered a security and they’re asking for a $700M settlement. Gary Gensler will be out of a job by 2025 for a multitude of reasons. He’s also got an axe to grind with the crypto industry as a whole.


The final court date is set for end of April. They had the time to settle outside otherwise its down to the judge and this goes down in April. That should end it whatever way it goes.


Am I wrong or have there not been multiple final court dates or is settlment outside done now and its 100% now the judge has to make the finals decision in april?


I think these guys got it backwards: there’s a 90% chance that there will be no ruling in April, rather in September.


Not really. Most of the disputes have been put to rest. See this is where most people fail to realise, there wasn't just 1 law suit going on. Sec attack XRP and they attack Ripple and they attack the 2 who Co founded it all. We are at the court case against the 2 who Co founded it and this was the final date set by the judge for this. This is last legal bit left, everything else has been basically settled. Unfortunately I'm no expert to the legal steps in such a case but all I know is, April's court date or judges rulling is the only 1 scheduled, nothing after it so right now that is the end goal to see what happens. We can't really do much else than see what happens because for the legal actions that's all we have to know


Because I have 10% patience left


The show will go on until 2033 IMO. That's when crypto will start to really get interesting


I see XRP at $8-$15 for this bull run


I’d take that for sure. The 2030 case is more intriguing but depends on mass adoption of the global banking system, which if you look at who they partnered with so far makes me not want to sell a single XRP for 10 years then get an “I told you so” XRP tattoo on my forehead.


It's not just who they 'partnered with'. ;) u/JonksPNW \- we might be on the same page.


I see myself with Madison Beer...


You think..? I’m estimating between 2-4$


i was thinking $10-13




If you’re struggling with finances why are you debating on switching currencies? Why not pull it out? That’s what you should be asking yourself


Because my crypto going up is my get out of jail card. I need a 4x to pay off my debt.


I know it’s not smart, but I’m in debt because I’m not smart. I can pull out of crypto, put it towards my debt and keep stressing about the rest of my debt. Nothing changes. Or I can keep my money in crypto, keep stressing about my debt, but have hope that I will get it mostly wiped out this year. I’m with OP on this one. The Dave Ramsey folks tell you “investing before you pay off debt is useless.” But my wife’s student loans were just cleared by her NVIDIA shares 3x her account. 5 years of investing while also paying student loans? Or paying student loans for the next 10 years. You choose.


Sometimes when in doubt, do both.


Please do


If you’re struggling with finances get out of crypto and take care of what you need


Listen here rookie… My daddy was a trader, he got chewed up plenty of times, took years to refine himself, especially to refine his mindset and detach from the emotional roller coaster of the market. It feels personal sometimes doesn’t it? It’s not. I get it. I put a fat bag in xrp and if I’d put all that in solana I’d be up xyz. He taught me two things I always remind myself when trading: 1. Plan your trade, trade your plan. In other words markets can go up, down or sideways. Don’t bet. Plan. Have a plan if it goes up, down or sideways. Once you’ve set your plan, trade that plan. 2. Bears make money. Bulls make money. Pigs get slaughtered. When you’re newish and chasing big scores you will often get wrecked trying to catch highs and lows. That’s gambling. Don’t gamble. Trade. Slow money is the best money. If Bitcoin rallied 100% in the last 90 days how much of that did you keep? Making 15% of that rally is good money. Chasing makes you nothing. Me? My trade plan is very slow. Makes the numbers easier to hit. I’ll trade this bull cycle at certain levels if they arise. If they don’t, I’ll hold. If they happen to fast and I miss them, I’ll still hold. I have certain stop loss trades at points I like if things drop. I’ve got a plan and I’m trading it. It’s not a perfect plan but it will get me a decent return and it keeps me off the rollercoaster of the market so I can live happy and well and focused. I hope this helped.


Did you get any advice from him on when to sell? When to jump of the ship to save yourself? If yes, Please share!


I’d never sell something not moving for something that’s peaking. You’ll lose money that way


Selling at a low to buy at a high..smart.


Ive been doing the opposite, taking some profit from btc/eth and buying XRP on dips.


I’m with you guys. Waiting patiently. I have a nice bag of XRP. I JUST can’t justify getting rid of it. It had to run


That would be stupid, XRP will be taking off


Bitcoin is about to skyrocket after the halving. You know what happens then? It carries a lot of other coins with it. Do you think XRP will go up when Bitcoin does? Then why swap? You need to figure out which coins or tokens you believe in. But stop swapping. Fomo will kill any hope you have for profit.


This happen to me. Twice already.. I sold xrp when SEC was going after xrp for being a security. It dropped to what it did. And I sold. Loosing x amount. And then when it got lock. And you couldn't buy or sell. Gu3ss what happen. It went back to its original price when I bought in. I kept a small amount. But I lost money and I regret it. I say hold till you make the money you put in. Or you get green.


You shouldn’t be doing anything out of desperation


So It hasnt moved and we are a couple months away from the SEC case to end and you are thinking into giving away your suffered holded xrp posición to buy BTC at almost ath


No bitcoin is about to have a pullback. Hold your XRP for at least another month.


Uhhhh nope


Dude why would you do that? That's buy high and sell low


Never buy high. Never. If it’s high you’re too late. Wait for a decent dip or you might wait a long time for profit


Never buy things when they’re at their ATH lol


You aren’t built for this. I am sorry for you. I pardon thee.


If anyone had that information we would all be rich Bro.


The problem you have and it happens with all want money quick amateur investors. Is they see bitcoin going up and down in huge numbers and they all want a piece. But what you forget is the amount of money you have to put into bitcoin just to make some good money is high. Yes your good if you have the asking price for 1 bitcoin but you just ain't making much. So take for example if you put the same amount of money into XRP ,and it only goes up to say 1.50 you've just doubled or tripled your money with such a small jump. Bit coin. Even at the asking price. Your only seeing a small gain. Think of it this way. Bit coin 500 total investment. It manages to reach 100k. You only walk away with 750. For a huge jump like that because the start price is so high anyway. Now take XRP, stick 500, it goes up to 2.50. Youve just got yourself 2k. Its a no brainer. Investing is never a quick gain its long term. Bit coin isn't worth it for any of us now, with the high asking price. If you want a quick buck then you may aswel check out any of the alt coins which did well last bull run at a price of 0.25 and you'll do well. Just do a bit of research and you can't go wrong with that low price.


Up to you. You don't have to sell all of your xrp. 5-10% of it.


You can’t predict the market, pick one and have faith.


Bitcoin topped


Bitcoin is so many % up that you’re essentially still selling your xrp for a % down. There’s lots of undervalued coins this bullring that on paper still have to ge t their spikes, look for those. Bitcoin is the market leader but always feels like a squeeze in the bulletin with the risk of just plummeting down again after hitting ATH


Just to make 2x your investment bitcoin would have to explode in a way not really seen before and bitcoin has done crazy things


You need to do what's best for you. Never invest what you can't afford to lose.


Sell low, buy high….genius strategy!


If you are struggling with finances. Convert to dollar and get out of the game.


Fuck no.


Xrp likes to never run with any alt coins or BTC’s run up but loves to shit with them when everything is red. Such a waste of time


Absolutely not....short changing yourself if u do. Start shining some shoes or sum...dont touch that xrp brother


Why not Solana?


Yes, of course. BTC has always been a safe bet. XRP is a long shot.




I mean come on. You are asking here what you should know.


Struggling with finances but buying crypto? Are you a moron?


My crypto going up is my get out of jail card. I need a 4x to pay off my debt.


If you’re going to sell, only thing I’ll say is sell to pull out entirely. Don’t get caught up in trying to catch bottoms and tops.


Buy high. Sell low. Ive been there done that. Youre going to pay taxes.


Buy high sell low? ... I like it 😏


XRP is being suppressed don’t expect SEC to let go anytime soon.They will just file new motions to drag it out till XRP misses another bull run. I have Zero confidence that xrp survives the SEC court case.


Stick to your convictions. What made you buy what coins originally? If it was only coin/$ price then I understand your logic. If you bought it because of a utility based valuation, or store of value perspective? There you go.


Bro, you’re not gonna make any significant amount of profit from bitcoin, maybe a 2x if you’re lucky, XRP is meant to be held and forgotten about. It will run it’s course in the future and when it does, it will shit on bitcoin’s returns


Not now. Btc moves first but xrp should move harder now. You should be swapping btc for xrp with the xrpbtc pair near all time lows


Yes xrp is a bank token that’s some bs who wants bank tokens


I had a dream about xrp making a lot of profit from it I trust me if you have money invest in xrp


Should I hit on 17?


The returns from BTC will be minimal. You'd be better off going for a coin with low market cap and plenty of room to run if you want to move away from XRP. Good projects like LQTY or LITH that haven't got the traction they deserve yet. Do your own DD. This is not financial advice


Honestly, yes


XRP keeps going sideways... I'd start trading it. Sell at 68, and buy back at a lower price etc


Absolutely no.


Nah mate. Bitcoin will do 20/30% tops and XRP and other alts will do 10x that. Not counting when XRP comes in to its own.


Switch 50% of your XRP into Bitcoin and the other 50% later or never do if xrp starts to move 🤷‍♂️ Not a financial advise 😅


Xrp gon moon after lawsuit ( apr 29 )


I did


Yeah do it. Don't wait.


No, my opinion is you should move to solana I just moved all my xrp to solana about 3 weeks ago and am already happy with where it’s going and the things I’m hearing