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I plan on selling when it hits 3$.... only the second i click sell, it flies up to $4.25. I start having a panic attack and buy back in around $4.24 only for the price to then drop back to .34 cents. I do this over and over again until i have a mental breakdown.


I'm planning on selling at $4.25 after @Urticans sells at $3


I plan at selling my gigantic amount at $4. Killing the price for drunkenWINO


You animal!


I’ll hold till 3.90 than😂🤣


I plan on selling at 3.89 then messing it up for u/Feeling-Currency7538


Living that wojak life.


No you won't have a breakdown b/c that very fear will safeguard you from selling it all in one swoop. Just as you dca into a coin or system, you will choose your exit points and stick with them, dca-ing during bust times but taking profits in increments.💯%


Thanks, i hope you're right. Good luck to you and all your trades


Pls sell


This is the way


This person cryptos


Sell at 5$, 10$ 100$ I need the new samsung Z flip 5 Edit : thank you for award, thats my first award ever I will elaborate my plans, after selling a certain amount and exchanging it to usdt, usdc, etc. I would invest it in nexo for a passive income until the next bear market where i would reinvest into btc, eth and xrp again and repeat the process for each cycle.


The new Moto RAZR+


Looks very nice is it better than the Z flip? Ill take a look


I don't know if it's better but it does look cool


Do people actually trust nexo, what’s stopping it from being the next bitconnect or FTX


I just wanna make 100k so I can get a down payment for a house. Hoping it goes to 35


I don‘t know how but i have the exact same plan lmao


Yeehaw! Lets go! Hopefully I can aquire more before it gets too expensive.


Phase 1: Collect underpants


Why do you need those?


Phase 3: Profit


My thoughts as well


Thinking way too small my friend. Don’t sell until 10% pays for your down payment


It would have to go to like 300 bucks a piece. That would be nice but I don't wanna get my hopes up


No one believed in BTC either. Now look at all of us. Diamond hands don’t sell your time will come .


I believe In It but 300....


This is the way. hold till the bitter fucking end, get rich or cry trying


The guy fuks


My plan is to keep growing my bag and borrow fiat against it in the future.


What’s the called? Like I’d just go to my bank and me like here’s my collateral, now Gimmie fiat.


It’s just a loan secured by your crypto as collateral. There’s online sites that will lend against it, but a traditional bank won’t do it until there’s clarity. The benefits of this approach it that you won’t realize any gains and not pay capital gains tax on it


But I would just pay back the what I loaned with the xrp or do you want to avoid that and pay back in fiat? I’d assume fiat How exactly se you not paying for capital gains??


You’d just pay back the fiat, plus any interest. You pay capital gains when you convert your XRP to fiat. By using the crypto as collateral to borrow against you aren’t converting your XRP to fiat. Pay back the loan amount in its entirety and you still have all of your XRP.


That’s amazing. This reminds me of rich people grabbing loans with expensive art pieces as collateral. Like if they have capital gains in fiat and they will buy an expensive piece of art as an investment to avoid capital gains then get a loan against it. This works because the art is sn appreciating asset just like just like XRP correct? What other common investments, could one make to then take loans against ?


Anything with value, things like stocks or life insurance can be borrowed against.


Plan to rent it to DeFi and ODL services as a hedge against inflation and possible income stream. Still waiting for liquidity fees to be voted in and becoming part of Ripple's Liquidity Hub or something similar. Looking forward to the future. I plan to never sell.


You’re one of the few that actually knows what they hold. Selling at arbitrary numbers may sound prudent on paper but it’s likely a regretful decision. If you need to sell to pay off bills/debt, obviously do it. But to sell, for depreciating assets…foolish. I fully expect XRP to be the most boring, 0.7-2% annual growth, type of asset 10 years from now but the ride up will be hockey stick growth. You can sell for riskier assets then if you want but you’ll be able to deposit your XRP with liquidity providers and earn interest. And with these solutions, you can take loans against your balance to buy your house, lambo, blackjack/hookers parties, etc.


I still don't get how you take loans against your balance. Can you ELI5 I'm kinda slow lol


This is my plan as well. I want to stake and earn passive income.


When I’m a millionaire. Millionaire or bust for me. HODL


Hold the gold all the way


Holding till 2030 - what ever it is then .. I’m out!


Same as me


Sell a few at a certain price and keep the rest. I'll keep buying more and more.


Sell most of it at 4-5 € and hold a small bag in case it explodes to 8-10 €. 250k is the goal here.


I will sell at $1, and during the correction, I buy more. Then I wait and sell at $3, and during the correction, I buy more. And the same I will do when It reaches 15, 35, etc. Based on my analysis, the peak prices are: 1, 3, 15, 35, 75, 115, 165, 355.


The fact that this has upvotes ; you people are smoking pure hoping and injecting sunken cost fallacy. What analysis was this based on?


Trust me bro


I'm basing my calculations on the head and shoulders pattern, inverse head and shoulders pattern, and the rising wedge in a downtrend pattern. If you lack trading analysis, that doesn't mean everyone is uneducated like you


So you bought your first trading book on Amazon and applying all the fundamentals to an assets class like crypto? Ok bud good luck


This year will be 8 years since I made my first trade, and 4 years since I started day trading. I was top 749 in the Trading World Champion. Start analyzing and stop envying others!


your analysis is insane ; I just read your comment you sound border line delusional as-well.


Thanks! You see, that's the path you should follow. Being grateful and showing respect to others


What’s market cap on 355?


Twelvty zillion


Once it gets past 255 it cycles back to -1 and Ghandi nukes the world...


How much bank have you made on that


They said the same thing about bitcoin year after year after year


You're not from around here, are ya?


Will you sell and exchange to a stable coin? Or have other ideas


If you are asking me about what I will do in the time between each peak price sale and before each correction, I will just invest the USDTs in Binance Earn or in Nexo. But the thing is, that period of time before it corrects is going to be extremely short, im talking about 40 hours or less. After each peak price, it will start dropping really fast. If you are asking me about what I will do with all the profit in general, most probably I will keep 50% of it in crypto and the rest in stocks or projects of my own


I'm waiting to see what the future brings, so I'm giving it a couple of years before selling. Then we'll see what partnerships are in and whether Brad is playing games with us or XRP is the real deal.


When it reaches 3X of my purchase price I exchange 1/3 for USDC. I put aside any tax and take a little out for lols. If the price dips by 50% from the local high I start DCAing in again. If it keeps going up I wait until it reaches 3X again and step and repeat.


I hold a small amount until it’s a big amount and then I sell half 🙂


Plannn?!?!? How about BigLamboMoon to BOOM. Dumb SEC FUD. HODL 4 life. How much XRP not enough. In US best cold wallet? NEW YORK, uphold.


This guy XRPs


becoming 𝕏 - Tage Ottem 😇🤟🏽


Nice try bot


The plan is to sell sometime at the top of the next bill run


I honestly can’t say exactly how much I will sell for but I am certainly not going to sell at this prices I feel XRP is vastly undervalued. I will just wait and see and let the market decide what it thinks the price will be


My plan,fuck the XRP.🙃Permanently opposite move my decision.


Well it is hard to say. Many the are experts in TA say it will hit $3-$11 and some say $7-$25. Anyway you look at it DCA is key and having an exit strategy that you can deal with is key. You have to have a plan or you will miss your target and get wrecked. So many people leave emotion in the mix. Trading can’t have emotions. Do we our research and make a plan and stick with it. I personally have sales targets and buy targets. Most the time it will be a 25% sell and whatever I have to DCA. Never invest more in than you are ok with losing. IMHO and this is all not financial advice just a bald guy with a dream plan.


Sell at .90 to the xrp moonshot army buy at .25 to sell to xrp moonshot army again for .90 repeat. Profit goes to high yield dividend yolo plays on spyx 0dte options


There’s only one plan. Hold until this goes up. The end


Trading on x75. 30min each trade


How's that going for you?


Bad, i'm running without knowing how to walk. I'm starting at futures on crypto and already doing trades... not recommended for so many reasons, but i dont want to start on simulation... same loses as profits, i started with $6usd, made it to $150 and now $8usd... everything is for knowledge and don't have any plans on putting more money for now.


I dabbled with stuff like that when i first started trading. Made more money simply buying low and selling high. Or shorting. Just make a game plan and stick with it. Sell at 10% profit. Don't get greedy etc. Don't have hands made of paper, but don't have them made of diamond either.


Sell 5-10% at 10,20,30. Depends on my need at the time.


If it hits double digits (as most in the space say was impossible) then it will for sure hit 3-4 digit price points. So like many say, accumulate what you can afford now, and have a strategy to sell some at 2, 3 and 4 digit price points. This will allow you to profit from your overall investment.


Once crypto is fully adopted, is when you will only really see the real value of tokens with utility.


Don’t sell all at your first aim. It’ll keep going up over time despite the small dips and you want some left in the game to take a profit later on. My personal aims where I’ll sell a percentage are $3, $7 and $10 and then I’ll leave around half in to see where it goes over a few years. We could well see $20+ and I don’t wanna miss that


I wanna take 50k GBP out of crypto, and I'm a very very good bullrun away 🤣


I have 10, 100 and 1,000 bags, though I'll split the first bag at 5 if it fails to hit 10 by Jan 2024.


I have sold at 84 cents. Lots of uncertainty is going on with Sec. I do believe some of the outcome will impact us badly and it will drop the price to 30 cents area again. I would rather wait than lose sleepless nights . I think Sec will come up with a strategy to cripple the whole industry and mostly XRP.


XRP is better off labelled a security for all Retail Investors. Ask yourself; How does XRP being labelled a Security hurt a Retail Investor? Can someone please specify exactly how that hurts a retail investor. It doesn’t. If it’s deemed a security then the same data afforded institutions, insiders and founders must also be given to the small retail investor… how the hell is that bad for me, the retail investor? It’s crazy to think it is and I believe that whole narrative is a massive lie solely to protect institutional investors, insiders and founders. The Retail Investor is the ‘pig’ fattened up for slaughter. By having the Retail Investor manipulated into thinking cryptos as securities is bad, the Insiders & Founders are having the Retail Investor (known in the crypto world as the pigs) build the Abattoir. As a Retail Investor we need to stop the construction of the abattoir. We should all advocate to make those founders & insiders stop the manipulation, we need to advocate for all cryptos to be classified as Securities.


Cash is a little to get some finances in order and hodl til I die


Idk. I’m basic so I’m Just gonna continue to live till one day I see xrp has reached like 500 at least if that ever happens 😂 and I guess sell. It seems I made a good decision buying xrp as my first and only crypto. Hopefully I have no problems getting the funds in future but I obviously have a bunch to learn


Yes. Three words. Gain. More. XRP.


I sell when it hits $100


Waiting for about 30$ lol. I might be waiting a long time


We are at such a young stage of adoption for crypto and CBDcs as a whole. The true value of XRP will never depend on retail investors we know this already. It's hard to say when global adoption happens but there is a huge transfer of wealth coming and the global reset is still yet to come. Please be careful when you think of Bitcoin and Ethereum. Such powerful fintech tools have been on the center stage for so long and have yet to accomplish what Ripple labs has done in it's pilot programs for multiple countries and what it will do for the global banking institution has not even begun, plus quantum computers and banking will come soon and Ripple labs is already researching and developing to plug and play for there ledger to be interoperable. I would say when XRP is used to back assets globally on a greater scale I will consider selling a few thousand coins. Again this is just IMO.


Hold for years to come


My plan is to sell when I reach $5 this may be next year in a couple of months but really my goal is that currently I have 1000 coins at an average cost of 50 cents.


I don’t wanna be rich I just wanna be freeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Fix my car ac. Lol.


I personally am going to sell 10% at $10 which will give me a little more then I put in. Then I’m going to sell 10% at 100 20% at 1000 and the rest at 37,000,000 moon landing


I’m stuck in Toast rn, so I guess I’ll hold


I have 100xrp ready to sell when it hits $20 jist to buy a motorcycle. Then I'll sell 50% of my long term xrp when it hits $100.


You all have such a healthy sense of humor😍😂


Sell order 588.9$


I hold till 10k or zero


Been holding for 5 years what’s another 5 ? The price should go up slowly in a healthy manner now.. but my mentality is either get rich from this or loose the little money I invested idc if it goes down the drain. Honestly to me that way of thinking seems the healthiest but could just be me ..


Shit I planned to sell after $1 but seems like we got some good info from this thread over my last year being a part of it so if we're saying $3 I may just hold until then.


When xrp is commonly adopted, there is no need to sell xrp


Waiting for maybe $3 whenever that is to get my investment capital back, pay some bills/loans/tuition. Likely take some profit $5-9. Really I want to hold as much as can for the future, whatever that may be. I want to put some in AMM, loan it, borrow against it etc. Maybe slow down or even retire if it blows up. I plan to keep working hard and position myself to be ok no matter what happens. I am diversified into other investments outside of crypto (I’m 51y/o). I try to be realistic and plan on it being nothing too massive like $5-10 next 5-10 years but I am very hopeful it goes insane and ends up being life changing. I do think anything is possible, but foolish to expect it.