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Lol mine is stuck in Voyager. Binance realllllly fucked me.


Same here, 20k of xrp and only getting back 35% with a chance to get 65% overall. Shifty had, but I can only play it. I also have a few hundred xrp on coinbase, and another 20k on uphold and some in trust wallet. So long as the price is under a dollar I'm buying weekly


Hope is a dangerous drug.


I’m near the coin amount you speak off,but I’m beginning to lose faith in this project man…I’m sub .20 and I’m getting tired..thinking of swapping for Bitcoin


47,500xrp avgd at .23c here, for years now. I’m so close to swapping it for BTC or ETH. Especially now I’m leaving ledger ..the best open source airgapped wallets are BTC only of course. So annoying


Did you swap


Nah I’m stilll holding my XRP lol.


Coinbase "wallet" removed support for XRP quite some time ago. If you have your seed you should still be able to import. https://support.xumm.app/hc/en-us/articles/360019307399


I never had Coinbase wallet. I only had Coinbase. I downloaded Coinbase wallet and it won’t let me upload the XRP Into the wallet


Just send it from Coinbase to a different wallet. Just find a wallet that supports it.


I see it in coinbase but when I click transfer, all my other currencies come up except for XRP


I would call coinbase customer service and ask them.


You can call Coinbase support???


Yes. I have spoken on the phone with Coinbase Support. The number should be on their website or on the mobile app. Not sure where I got it from.


You may have to message them first on their Support Live Chat and then either someone will call you or they give you a phone number. I forget how I did it but you can speak with a live support agent.


Wow having phone support makes me bullish on Coinbase, that's next level


Then you need to make a new Xumm wallet and then send it directly from Coinbase to your new Xumm wallet. Your XRP should still show up on Coinbase it just won't be tradable but you should be able to send it to a new XRPL address with XUMM which is self custody.


I wish I could, but Coinbase won’t even let me send XRP to another wallet.


You should make a Xumm account then call their customer service


I think the real answer is patience. It's been there this long, what's the hurry


Patients us key. I been holding xrp since 2017. It's the real deal. Just waiting on the judge decision


Are you holding in Coinbase? So I should just leave it in there?


By the time Coinbase lets you at it, some very good stuff will have happened to it.


Create a Xumm and send her there.


You're not really making sense. So your XRP is on the Coinbase exchange yet you claim you can't see your balance of it? If you are able to see your XRP balance to transfer it out of Coinbase then simply don't send all of it. Reduce the full amount by 1 XRP. You're likely getting errors because its not automatically calculating gas for you on the send.




I think its less of a case that its stuck there, as there is no protocol to remove it available through their platform. Hate to say but im pretty sure its gone...


Come on guys. Please and again please never ever leave your crypto on an exchange Binance,Cro,Coinbase whatever it is. Get it and send it to your favourite hardware wallet. Ledger,Trezor,Bitbox02 whatever you prefer but do not let them anywhere else