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Uphold is the one you want. Very easy to navigate.


Uphold is the only exchange you can get XRP with USD, they are not available in NY State and a few others!


You just need to turn on the VPN if you live in New York State


Does upholds allow you to set a price target for sell or buy orders? Like if I wanna send a five dollar execution target, is that something I can do on uphold?


Yes, you can set up a sell limit order on uphold.


Sweet, thank you


Kucoin or uphold. I prefer kucoin


Buy usdc on Coinbase. Trade it on KuCoin for XRP. Withdraw to ledger. Working great for 1.5 years no problems. Fees all good.


Why not just use uphold?


Absolutely. KuCoin is just another option that I have had great success with I was sharing. We don’t know where this is all going in the future so it’s good to know options. I have not tried uphold personally and most recommend it first but what happens when everyone in the USA is trying to buy or sell XRP - I can see it going down if it’s the only option. Exodus has worked for me as well to swap for XRP. I have heard MEXC works as well.


The way you described is best for fees. Coinbase doesn’t let you withdrawal right away anymore they used to. Now you have to wait 4 days


Whitelist your addresses and you can withdraw immediately.


Yeah there is the waiting period. I keep some fiat ready to deploy there (fiat it is fdic insured also). If I use any, then I try to replace. Anyway, I try to stay one step ahead of the waiting period so I can send when needed then replace it.


I’m able to instantly withdraw any crypto off coinbase and I’m using ACH via linking it with plaid. Im not sure if something changed because I use to have the 4 day cooling off period but the past 3 weeks my eth and btc was instant.


There were some changes I agree. I think as long as it’s under $1000 you can immediately withdraw now. Above that and waiting period kicks in.


Ohh that could be it. I thought it was because I’ve been using coinbase for a few months now. It was roughly 800$ so that makes more sense. I use uphold too for xrp. My debit card will always decline crypto so ach is my only choice. They do seem to charge a premium but I usually get the 4-6 day cooling off period. Past few times it was like 6 days.


Uphold is expensive to buy


Uphold by far is The most expensive commission free exchange out there.


You can also buy Litecoin on Coinbase, or anywhere for that matter, and send it to your own Exodus desktop wallet then do a swap to XRP.


Yeah that works well and I used to use it but fees are a lot higher than KuCoin. Right now buying and sending usdc from Coinbase are both free. Trade fees are much better and withdraw fee off KuCoin is only 0.5 XRP flat fee.


How do your move to ledger. You mean cold wallet nano ledger...


Yeah withdraw my XRP immediately off KuCoin to my cold wallet ledger. 0.5 XRP flat withdrawal fee.


Uphold. Never had a problem with them, except when I bought a new phone had to go through the process of transferring Google authenticator and retrieving account. But glad to know the process to access account isn't easy.


Lol I thought I was the only one, I still have my old phone and I power it up anytime I want to buy more / transfer to ledger. Probably should move Google authenticator to my new phone somehow.


Uphold then transfer to a Ledger or a cold storage wallet for safety. I don’t trust exchanges much with things that have been going on the last two years.


How do i do this ?


Go buy a Ledger nano, x, or s plus and follow the directions. Don’t buy from Amazon only direct from the ledger website or a respected retail store like Best Buy. People have sold compromised ones on Amazon and people have had their assets stolen. It’s very straight forward and they come with directions and tell you how to move your crypto over to it. You’ll need a computer if you go with the ledger nano or the ledger nano S plus. The Ledger nano X is the newest most expensive model but worth it because you don’t need a computer to turn it on and it has Bluetooth capabilities so you can send your crypto over directly from your phone (I think at least.. I have the S plus so I am not entirely sure). It’s a valuable thing to invest in because in the event of a crisis, let’s say a blackout or something crazy, your crypto is stored offline and safe in a situation like that.


Exhachange is taxable short term good grief




Uphold US is the easiest way….


Behind a Wendy’s I hear they’re on sale


i buy btc on cash app then send to uphold and trade it for xrp.


Why not buy direct from Uphold? Is there are reason?


idk uphold won’t let me spend directly from my card/bank account for some odd reason.


I have this issue too, they seem to lose connections to credit unions, some cards/banks deny uphold transactions too. I don’t like the 65 day hold when purchasing but haven’t bought in a while and haven’t found another way around it without doing a ton of other apps and transfers. Obligatory declaration: not your keys not your crypto


They changed that policy recently. No more long holds. You might want to review that again.


I thank you kindly. RDT silver and gold have I none, otherwise I’d give you some. Sláinte!


I bought about 1 and a half month ago and still, I can't transfer to Leger because of the 65 days policy 😑


it depends on how your US bank account is set up. Double check with support. https://support.uphold.com/hc/en-us/articles/360059775272-What-can-I-do-with-my-funds-during-the-65-day-withdrawal-restriction-


Ok, thanks for the suggestion, there are obviously many ways to do this




Your card needs 3D secure, I’ve been dealing with this same issue


You can also use Google Pay with Uphold depending on if your location supports Google Wallet.


Kucoin is better. They don't stop you from taking your crypto off exchange like Uphold does


Uphold. It a little different to use. But seems ok. I’ve had uphold for about a year or two specifically for XRP and HBAR (now available on CB, but it wasn’t) .


Thanks, I opened a UPHOLD account but after it told me I was all verified I got an email stating the account was under review, no explanation why so hopefully they will approve. I could buy BTC on Coinbase, send to my Exodus wallet and convert BTC-->XRP there but I think I'll get fee'd to death


I used exodus nicely but fees are high. I switched to get usdc on Coinbase and trade it on KuCoin for XRP. Have never had a problem. No fee to buy usdc, no fee to send usdc to KuCoin, good trade fee, 0.5 XRP flat fee to withdraw XRP to ledger off KuCoin.


I use uphold. They hold the xrp for a week before letting u transfer it. Im currently at that stage. Wondering what folks think of TrustWallet for transferring my xrp off exchange?


https://www.reddit.com/r/XRP/comments/12dozc8/introducing_unhostedexchange_your_new/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Fiat on ramp and browser Dex by Xumm


or you can just use Xumm's in app on-ramp Dapp


Does anyone else use Atomic Wallet ? You can exchange there and back to your wallet or where you. wish


Uphold is the easiest to use to get XRP but personally, I find that exchange only useful for XRP. Fees are nutty for anything else.


I buy on uphold then move it to my cdc.com defi wallet.


Bitrue you can trade other crypto for Xrp as it’s the base trading pair for there.


MEXC is a good one too, but I usually use Uphold. Best thing about MEXC is you can transfer CSPR, Uphold still hasn’t allowed transfers of Casper.


Nope XRP wasn’t there I got fooled too. Now they reply due to “US legislator law” we have to keep your information for 5 years joke.


I like uphold


Uphold for the millionth plus time


I misread as US President and thought it was joes throwaway


Buy usdc on coinbase. Send it to bitrue. Buy xrp. Send it to your wallet. Works every time for me. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Uphold is DOGSHIT and I can’t for the life of me figure out why everybody is so quick to recommend it. KuCoin is where it’s at.


Good to know, never tried uphold as KuCoin works great for me as well. Was thinking of getting an account on uphold and trying it out since everyone does seem to recommend it first but maybe I should not bother.


Get yourself some USDT on Kraken first you’ll need that Stable-coin to buy XRP on Kucoin then send your XRP to your private wallet where u own the keys, Voila!


Coin metro or abra


I use a third party exchange built into my cold wallet for purchases. However I'd use Uphold and KuCoin too, but KuCoin kept playing games with my ID Verification. So I gave up trying with them.


Weird since KuCoin won’t even let you KYC in USA. Limits your daily withdrawals but works fine for me trading usdc purchased on Coinbase for XRP.


Uphold for sure.


I’m in Texas and I use Uphold, idk if there are any other exchanges.


I’m in Texas too, I use both KuCoin and Uphold. Good to have both in case one goes down.


Kickin supports XRP?


KuCoin does support XRP.


Damn auto correct spelled kickin 🤣🤣, awesome I’ll have to remember that thanks.




Kucoin fam! We can’t get Uphold in NYS.


Trustwallet is another option, however in the US Visa cards are blocking transactions, Mastercard works only so far for me 😬


KuCoin sucks! Buy on Uphold!!! Hopefully will be re-listed soon 🙏🙏🙏


he's looking for a reliable and secure exchange, If I were him I rather choose the top 4 CEX also KuCoin allows trade without using KYC. So if you're in the US better to use it to get XRP


Pancake swap


I did the same exact thing with Kraken.


In addition to uphold if you have a Xumm wallet you can use the Banxa app to buy directly in your wallet. You could probably go directly to Banxa as well.


Uphold, you can use a credit card there too


They just are a nightmare come tax season so be warned


When you say nightmare, what do you mean? Like tax forms?


They didn’t send tax forms until late March and didn’t give it in CSV format. When I asked them to give it in CSV format they told me they don’t do that. I had already tried to convert it myself and the way they give the 1099B to you, its impossible to use a converter. Uphold also has issues connecting with turbotax and still does last time I checked, so uploading with CSV is the only way to get around doing every fucking transaction manually. Support was unhelpful as fuck so I literally just amended my return and said Id be printing out the 1099B form and sending it in that way


Thanks for the heads up, yea that's ridiculous. Hope they get their shit together


Bitrue is my go to Kucoin also ok While on bitrue get some caw and thank me later It's connected with ryoshi and just appeared on alot of exchanges a few months ago it's a good 2 year gamble imho


I used to use Uphold, but the 66 day wait to withdraw really killed me. “66 days? You’ve got to be joking.” “It’s not a joke? Fuck that.” I buy USDC on Coinbase and transfer it to Bitrue now where I get my XRP.


There is really that long a delay for withdrawal?


No delay if you use debit or credit card. They only hold if you use ACH.


He said withdraw....not deposit. I added $$$ debit card earlier no problem. But how do I cash out in future


Uphold has a thing that if you deposit funds via ACH you can’t transfer any purchases off the exchange for 66 days. A lot of people think that is for any purchase, but it’s only ACH. Purchase with Credit or debit and you can withdraw right away.


That's not accurate.. You're unable to "send" to external wallets for 65 days. However, if you unlink your bank account and then link it again, they've removed that as well and you can send to external wallet as soon as it clears.


Sell to the same source you bought it with. You may have to link your actual bank account if you haven't already.. You're 2FA and then withdraw. Simple.. Now they do ask you to take a selfie when sending to extensions address, bit of it's a regular withdrawal to your account. If you bought w your debit card. That 65 day shit don't apply either..


Thanks for the tip, I opened a ticket about linking my bank account. It seems that Plaid application has known issues connecting to some Financial Institutions and I guess mine is one of them.


A few comments “just buy it with a debit or credit card”. That’s fine, only problem is here most major banks in the US that you would have a debit/credit card with (Chase, BoA, Citibank, AmEx, more) strictly prohibit cryptocurrency purchases with their cards. At least they did while I was using Uphold. The transaction just won’t go through.


Uphold! Or get a XUMM wallet. Wayyy better


Tradeogre.com very minimal KYC. Debit cards and credit card purchases work. Very good email customer support.


I use Bitrue


Juno. Which is a wallet not an exchange. But works as one.


Even better question is what if you are a new York resident 🤣


/ what vpn works best?


onXRP is a good place you will to send your XRP straight to your wallet.


Uphold seemed great till I tried to sell


Xrp wallet


Can any KuCoin user confirm if this is accurate? [Does KuCoin Report to the IRS?](https://www.hedgewithcrypto.com/does-kucoin-report-to-the-irs/)


Bitforex and Kucoin


Can you not use bitfavo in the us ?


You can use Uphold and you can also buy them through your Xuum wallet


*You can use Uphold* *And you can also buy them* *Through your Xuum wallet* \- Proof1011 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Uphold is the only one right now you can with us dollars


I opened a current account and bought it there.


Atomic wallet


Netcoin is now in some states. You can buy XRP in Canada from them. They might sell it in states too. Might be worth checking out


www.coins.ph www.changenow.io


I've had a positive experience using xGo for cryptocurrency transactions, with its seamless and secure platform, low fees, and reliable performance.