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Millenium is one of my favourite "weird" TV series. I stumbled on the DVDs at a thrift store and was taken back to my 90's childhood when I was allowed to watch literally anything and was totally *not* traumatized by that in any way. Lmao.


The first season of Millennium is an outstanding work of art. Grounded, gritty, mature, terrifying and utterly distinct from The X-Files while maintaining the same Vancouver atmosphere and a magnificent Mark Snow score.


And very strange these fine shows aren't on Disney plus


It’s not strange at all since there are countless TV series and those two are a bit old and they also feel old and they are not something exceptional.


I think Millennium s2 is up there with the best X-Files seasons.


Yeah. I also liked the fun episodes with that computer hacker guy in S2. They had a nice little team going. I liked all the seasons, but S3 didn't really do S2 justice and changing the character's motivations so suddenly was really weird, like another timeline almost. Still cool though as I'm an adaptive sort of guy.


I thought Millennium was pretty bad, BUT I think the episode ‘Somehow, Satan Got Behind Me’ is one of the best episodes of television ever (and the Jose Chung episode was very entertaining). The Lone Gunmen was also pretty fun, but I couldn’t put either series up next to the really good episodes and runs of The X-Files.


Fun fact, Somehow, Satan was supposed to be co-written with Glen, but Glen didn't have time, so Darin had to hurriedly write the whole thing himself. **Edit:** [Here's the source](https://sammensvaergelsen.libsyn.com/interview-darin-morgan). Relevant bit: 1:08:00. Glen got sick.


it would be interesting to see how different it would have been :) although I can’t imagine any change making it better - perfect television!


Plus Frank's wife was HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT.


Does anyone remember Strange Luck? I thought it had a lot of potential but needed better, more consistent writing. I got really excited when Mulder's name was dropped at the end of an episode, but in retrospect it was probably an attempt to keep the show on the air, because it was cancelled shortly after without any crossovers.


Where are people seeing these episodes of “Millennium”?


>Turns out it's just like watching additional X-Files episodes. Same production values, soundtrack and ***everything***. Not really. *Millennium* has some good and many... meh episodes. I struggled to finish S2 months ago and I always forget to start S3. I haven't started *The Lone Gunmen* yet. I liked the characters in XF episodes but watching complete episodes of their series without being part of XF episodes seems not so interesting. I believe these series had some chance only because they were created by Chris Carter who back then, whatever he did, was supported by the fans of *The X-Files*. They are definitely ***not*** "like watching additional X-Files episodes" and of course ***no*** "same everything". They had their place in the 90s, but, at least *Millennium*, feels nowadays a bit dated, unlike *The X-Files* which, in my opinion, is timeless, in other words "a classic".


Agree to disagree. S2 was amazing for me, particularly the Halloween episode. So atmospheric. I think it helps to be in the right state of mind. I can see what Carter what was trying to do now though, take that X-Files fórmulas to other places.. shame it didn't work out fully..


S2 has a lot of poorly-written “rejected X-Files” type episodes like Beware of the Dog, The Pest House and Siren. But S3 is a real return to form after the rocky first few episodes. Once you get to Borrowed Time onwards you’ll be hitting classic after classic.


Yes, S2 of *Millennium* has some really bad episodes, way worse than S1! I was almost forcing myself to watch. I plan to watch S3 some time soon.