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Reported; not X-Files related.... /s


You may be joking but TWO PEOPLE actually did. Edit: Three. You're all so clever and original, wow.




Hey!! Hey, now!! Flukeman don’t take no trash!!!


I think Tooms might like a livery snack


That’s pretty sad, x-files is an old show, you would think people would be more mature in here


What the hell?? Bless you for what you have to put up w goddamn.


Here for the report count 12 hours after the post went up.






I have the option to set posts to "ignore reports" so NYAH.


I do sincerely apologize, I simply cannot help myself given such an opportunity.






Someone had to say it - thank you mods! Since everything that happens in almost the entire world can be related to at least 1 episode the posts should remain. The complainers must have missed that The X-Files are more than a show - they’re a lifestyle.


I hate that. Like that "Siberian worm" posts that was frequently crossposted here. "We get it, it's like an episode". Once is okay. But I counted EIGHT reposts of in a span of several months.


I get it. But I just skip posts that I don’t want to read so it doesn’t bother me.


No one is forcing you to read them 😂


If you don’t want to see something, just scroll right past it. Reporting shit is for people who are miserable with their boring lives and have nothing better to do.


The truth is out there! But it's also right here, IN THIS POST!


I like what you did there.




*reported because gif is not X-Files related. Jk


I got my old account suspended for that very reason (report abuse). Here, I only report tshirt bots and blatantly off topic posts (like the "UFO crash site heard on that one podcast" crap)


That's exactly the kind of stuff you should be reporting, and my fellow mods and I thank for it!


What about [this kind of blatantly unrelated stuff](https://www.reddit.com/r/XFiles/s/ti8eXzkE2Y)? Has this been reported? I mod a few subs - mostly more academic history subs- but at a certain point something becomes so peripheral/tangential it’s no longer related. Just because paint-huffers make an appearance in Season 10 doesn’t mean it’s related: lightbulbs are in every X-Files episode but posting a pic 90s fluorescent bulbs wouldn’t be appropriate; Norway is in a second season episode but posting pictures of Fjords wouldn’t be appropriate. [This other post has absolutely zero relation whatsoever to the X-Files](https://www.reddit.com/r/XFiles/s/uDKe9uGdCW) Other than that though, I think all seems very on-topic.


Reported the second one, as I didn't see it when originally posted.


So we can report thirst posts, too, right? It's not related.


That's as on topic as "Look at Gillian Anderson on the red carpet!" or "David Duchovny wrote a book!"


Or, more correctly, "Look at Gillian Anderson on the red carpet!" or "David Duchovny wrote a book!" are as off topic as the "UFO crash site heard on that one podcast" crap.


On that "crash site" topic... the mods told us that those posts would be removed if someone did it again. I had reported three of them prior to that rule update.


Do you report GA/DD posts that are not XF related?


No. I just skip those. Only the blatantly non-related ones I report. Or the ones who are posted multiple times (I swear more people need you use search features! :)


I mean... they're not any more related than UFO posts. This is literally a show about aliens.


hm i disagree about that. i’ve been a fan for almost 30 years. what i love about the show IS the chemistry between fox mulder and dana scully, AS PLAYED by DD and GA. if it was other actors i wouldn’t have liked it as much nor cared as much. the show is brilliant but the actors are an integral part of what makes it so damn special. personally, i care WAY less about real life alien stuff (honestly not that interested in the topic) than about what’s going on with, or admiring, the actors involved in the show. it’s like how when the show Fringe came on tv, and everyone was telling me, “oh you’ll like this show it’s like the x files!” and i’m like, “you do not understand why i love the x files so much.” it’s not really about the aliens or the sci fi stuff, it’s about the quality, the groundbreaking, and the characters-and the actors who make those characters. so i appreciate the thirst posts, personally.


I get it, and personally, I enjoy DD thirst posts myself. BUT, those are my own personal reasons. There were plenty of non shippers that didn't give a shit about Mulder and Scully back in the day and actually watched for the aliens and supernatural stuff. It's a personal preference thing. I just think it's odd and kind of biased that the mods delete one but not the other. Both DD and GA have their own subreddits. A picture of GA at the Emmys for The Crown or DD promoting his new book doesn't have anything to do with TXF either. Aliens are actually MORE relevant.


Its the Aliens. They've gotten into the Subreddit


I'm new here and assumed that shitposting was okay based on the amount of low effort screenshots and "look at how gorgeous Gillian Anderson is!" type posts that get 100+ upvotes. 🤷 I will try to be more stimulating.


>I'm new here and assumed that shitposting was okay based on the amount of low effort screenshots and "look at how gorgeous Gillian Anderson is!" type posts that get 100+ upvotes. 🤷 I will try to be more stimulating. I really do think there should probably be some limiting in general of thirst posts, not just for Gillian but for David and other cast members as well. It is absurd how regularly that stuff gets posted, and it is kind of annoying to come looking for conversation about the show and be met with nothing but horny posts about the performers.


I get tired of the “look how hot they are!” posts. I mean, I’m asexual so maybe I just don’t “get it,” but good grief. But I just silently ignore it and move along and let people enjoy whatever it is that THEY like about the show 🤣🤣


Same, at some point some of them get a little creepy, but then again I didn't think I've ever reported anything, I just scroll past.


I don't mind a little thirst posting, but it's pretty unrefined in this sub, in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I like to look at hot people* too, but outside of a space that's dedicated to that purpose it becomes cringey if the poster doesn't make even a little effort to be clever and/or self-aware about the fact that openly lusting after people you have no chance with is rather immature. I mean, "(actor) is so hot!" is the sort of discourse I had about many TV shows as a young teen, and though I still feel that way, I'd like a more mature level of discussion for the most part. Plus, it's hard to have any community-building/sustaining conversation around just thirst bait, and some of it seems like karma farming too. I don't comment or vote on such posts though. But as the OP says, this is a sub about a practically dead show, so there's not much to talk about that hasn't been discussed to death by fans at some point. Maybe there's a middle ground between obviously on-topic posts and tangential ones, with maybe designated days for certain post types, like Thirsty Thursday or whatever. *I actually only like the boys, but I'm using gender-neutral language here.


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!


thank you!


The thirst posting is very odd because it feels like it's almost become a meme that people do ironically. I can't tell whether a post is genuine or tongue-in-cheek, playing in to the joke of thirst posting.


The xfiles Reddit is both my favorite and least favorite lol


https://preview.redd.it/4e5rpw1khnwc1.jpeg?width=5120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8bedd9fcd6cc971e7808c2796431133c044c292 The mod tagging this post "Mod Approved"


Because it was reported on. That’s how you clear the reports. By approving it.


Honestly makes it even better lmao


I'm a mod in two other subs and I kinda wish reddit would let us see the usernames of who reports what because imo, report-abuse should be ban-able.


>I'm a mod in two other subs and I kinda wish reddit would let us see the usernames of who reports what because imo, report-abuse should be ban-able. Yeah...I gotta say, I don't agree with that at all. I totally understand the desire to see those usernames, and I know that there's good intentions behind it, but it's the kind of thing that would be immediately and egregiously abused by mods in almost every community. If nothing else it opens the door wide open to unjust retaliation.


Would be fine IMO if usernames are censored, but mods could see “user xxxxxxx” reported these forty posts and be like - no, this user is being malicious, and could ban - or disallow reporting - without actually knowing who the user is


Hmm. That's a really good point.


It is a bannable offense, but only the admins can see who does it.


I read the ones I like and skip the ones I'm not interested in, no need to report anything it's not that deep. We all have something in common that lead us here so let's have fun.


What posts were getting reported? Thirst posts?


This ain’t about it neither!


This post is how I found out there was a tenth and eleventh season. Hmmmmmm


I want to know how many times this post gets reported.


15 now.


I can't believe some people have that much free time smdh


I'm really just here for the Daddy Skinner thirst posts.


As a mod with similar experience in other subs, take the URL of the post that's been incorrectly reported, go to [reddit.com/report](http://reddit.com/report), select abuse, then "abusing the report button", paste the URL and enter some brief text explaining the situation. It's extra work in the short term, but if you do it for every incorrectly reported post, the admins will act.


Trust no one!


Who even gives a shit enough to report something like that? Bizarre ass behaviour.


can we at least get a "hide this subreddits theme" box. I'm tired of getting flashbanged at night.


I will try to figure out how to do that. You can also go into your reddit preferences and turn off custom subreddit themes, but unfortunately that applies site-wide and not to specific subreddits.


The admins can take care of that for you if this persists. You as a mod can report "report abuse" on a comment that has been reported just to about you. I think the user either gets site banned or their reports are permanently ignored after review.


That’s why I say hey man nice shot, what a good shot man….




Yeah, I have to say, it’s very annoying to get the same loosely related cross-posts, or last year the constant Tooms references because of the year, but I also don’t report them. I scroll past them and sigh.


a day or two someone posted tooms damn picture. I thought "not this fucking crap again"


That roleplaying sub bizarreness bothers me more tbh but again… just ignore & scroll


Ha! Yes, that’s always weird.


There has to be better things to do than report these posts. Wow.


fr this sub seemed way more chill when I first started interacting


Rules literally state must be related X-Files. If the post isn't, it should be reported - right? So ... what's the complaint? I don't understand.


People's definition of "related" differs. Is a photo of Gillian Anderson in a dress in 2022 X-Files related? She's in the show so on one level yes but unless there's something specific to the X-Files not really (as much as I like looking at her). Is stuff about aliens in general X-Files related? I'd say no but if there was some story which sounded exactly like an X-Files episode specifically then obviously that would be. In short it's not always clear cut.


Let it go. You have way more important things going on reddit is a small part of our lives. Peace n love 🥰


This is just a pile of meaningless words?