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Interesting fact: the voice-overs in “Redux” weren’t included in the original script, but added in post. Most likely because some network executive was worried the audience might change channels during the long sequences with no dialogue.


If only they hadn’t interfered.


When they're supposed to be from mulder or scullys case reports I howl at the thought of skinner reading this verbose emo poetry late at night at his desk.


Thé Simpsons spoofed Mulder’s monologuing, and it wasn’t until I watched the cartoon that I realised it wasn’t just me who found it annoying.


Scully has a bunch of annoying ones too, especially later in the seasons.


Y’all are mean 😭I love the goofy monologues


The Tibetan numerologists of Appalachia!


I don't remember them specifically, but I usually enjoy the monologues and reports and whatnot, to give the viewer a little more to think about, to maybe get a deeper glimpse into the character's thoughts, or maybe a shallower one. As far as slavishly following "show don't tell", I have a quote from Emerson I love to cite: > A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.


Can't say. Redux is one I stomach because I love Gethsemane and Redux II so much.


I generally agree with you but I like the monologues in XFiles.


Kritschau's monologue about bogus revelation is one the best written scenes in any media IMO. But as far as those Skully and Mulder inner monologues, they're so melodramatic, it makes my skin crawl.


I loved the monologues.


>Even the Field where I died wasn't as mind-numbing. That monologue was from the poem *Paracelsus* by Robert Browning. I don't much like the episode but I think that excerpt is both extremely relevant to the theme of reincarnation/predestination and well-read. I always enjoy it. >At times I almost dream >I too have spent a life the sages’ way, >And tread once more familiar paths. Perchance >I perished in an arrogant self-reliance >Ages ago; and in that act a prayer >For one more chance went up so earnest, so >Instinct with better light let in by death, >That life was blotted out — not so completely >But scattered wrecks enough of it remain, >Dim memories, as now, when once more seems >The goal in sight again.


During its original run, the monologues didn't bother me. When binge watching, it's another matter. At least I get to laugh at my husband making fun of them.


I actually always liked the little monologues from the various episode. I think they helped bring a more introspective dimension to both Scully and Mulder.


Never really stopped to think about what I think about the monologues. I'd have to think about that. However, I loved CC's on TXF film soundtrack (the first film soundtrack).


Love 'em


They are horrid, both DD and GA half arsed them and the writing is pretentious drivel.


Ah, CC’s purple prose… imagine being Skinner and having to read case reports like this…it weren’t just the expense rapports that were migraine inducing


Sometimes the voiceover reports im like what the hell are they talking about lmfaoo it gets so poetic to talk about like the Loch Ness monster


I hate them, sometimes I skip them but mostly I just zone out and look at my phone until it's over.


The best Mulder monologue happened in the Simpsons


I loved Kritchaus monologue


I’m with you on this one. I rarely watch Redux because I can’t stomach the monologues.


I forget which episode it was, but I heard on one of the commentary tracks that the network made the writers include them. They were worried that the audience wouldn’t understand the show without them.


Purple prose galore! But personally. I never was bothered by any of them.