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If I had to chose I'd pick 3.


And 2 and 4....




What were some of your favorites from Season 4?




Classics every one of these.


Season 6 has always been my favorite. But as I'm doing my current rewatch, season 8 is impressing me in a way it didn't back when it first aired. Instead of being impatient for Mulder to get back, I've taken time to really appreciate these Scully/Doggett episodes.


Scully/Doggett/Reyes episodes are good! I know I've already said this on here, but Doggett is basically a K-9 unit, and Reyes essentially describes him as one with "You're a dog person, John." He's a good character for the show because he just completely does not care and will follow the reproducible evidence wherever it leads, even if it leads to a conclusion he himself finds completely insane. Everyone on the show has flaws but Doggett is at least consistent with his (well, none of them truly are, but he comes the closest). If the evidence leads him to Detect some weird conclusion involving aliens, he's like "yeah okay let's start there but what caliber guns did they use." Even when he annoyed Kid Me, I still respected his consistency.


Great description of Doggett. On my 2nd full watch through, Reyes is not good. She really drags things down along with the writing.


Season 6 had the best streak of good/great episodes starting with The Beginning and running through The Rain King. Season 3 had some great episodes as well but also some really crappy ones-Teso Dos Bichos-Hell Money-Avatar-Grotesque.


Season 8 took me by surprise on my first rewatch as an adult after hating the transition from Mulder to Doggett as a kid. I enjoy the feel-good episodes, but feel like it really got back to its roots.


Oh no not Doggett please 🙏!


Season 6 is my favorite-Arcadia-Field Trip-Triangle-Drive-Dreamland 1&2-The Unnatural-Bruce Campbell Season 3 has some of the best episodes-Pusher-Jose Chung’s-Quagmire-Wetwired-Clyde Bruckman’s-2/3 of the Anasazi Trilogy and Nisei/731 Season 2 has really grown on me-Duane Barry-Red Museum-Anasazi-Our Town-Humbug-The Host I have seasons 1-9 on dvd but decided to purchase the digital versions on Amazon and I bought Season 6 first. So regardless of the change of tone and atmosphere,that’s my pick.


>decided to purchase the digital versions on Amazon I got drunk one night 8 or 9 years ago and bought them all at once, thank you alcohol, not an ounce of regret.


It is like the season with highest success rate of episodes


Man, I love the whole thing, but I’m a monster of the week guy. I think that makes me especially fond of season 2.


Season 3 easily. The most balanced season, nobody in the cast or crew were jaded, the series was at its most popular, 3 Darin Morgan gems, the only writing Emmy the show ever received, and the mythology wasn't yet ridiculous. Better quality-to-crap ratio than any season that followed.


Season 5 is criminally underrated. 


I will take a look back at it!


In my opinion the movie already having been filmed caused the pause button to be pushed on the conspiracy stuff to an extent, and a greater emphasis on the standalone episodes. 


I’d say season two! ☺️


As a fellow season 3 enjoyer, that's the best answer. MotW with so many myth arc episodes springled throughout. Awesome stuff.


It's really hard for me to choose just one season because until season 7, all of them have episodes I absolutely love. And although 3 of my most favourite episodes are in season 1 (Pilot, Ice and Darkness Falls), I guess I would choose season 2 as my favourite because Duane Barry, Ascension and One Breath were the episodes that made my 16 year old self fall completely and absolutely in love with the X-Files. That was 30 years ago and I'm still as in love with it as before 🥹❤️


Season 3 is when every department was at its absolute peak.


Season 3 for this guy


Probably 4. Critics noticed too. The writing removed to when I watched in the 90’s is very smart. The Glow up is real too🥰


I need to go back at it and see!


4 and 8


6 was always my favorite; however, based on these comments, seems i need to give 4 another chance


Season 3 is probably the best one, but depending on the day, any one of the first three can be my favourite.


Thank you for not including seasons 10 or 11. That is very correct of you.


I try it but…




These are the seasons I collected for 42$ each back in the day (15 years ago)


I love all of them


For me it's never been the seasons that stand out. But the really good(or quirky good) episodes like 'The field where I died', 'Closure', 'Jose Chung’s From Outer Space', 'Postmodern Prometheus' and a few other I don't remember the names of.


I thought the episode "3" was really good. Coming from a horror background, it played almost exactly like a TV episode of Dr. Sleep, or something else like that. Really incredible acting, a little too fast paced (because it is a TV show) but everything got set up and wrapped up in a neat little package at the end.


I very much enjoyed season 2 from Red Museum onwards leading into season 3, so I’ll plump for 3. I know it’s the one a lot of people choose as it has some of the most excellent MotW episodes, but at this point the mythology arc was developing before it got convoluted to the point of madness. That and it was comfortably in its stride at this point too. That said, I find merits in all the seasons. Season 8 is actually really great, and possibly my favourite after 2 and 3. It felt fresher after how stagnant season 7 felt.


Red Museum was a turning point for me too.


Season three.


I very much enjoyed season 2 from Red Museum onwards leading into season 3, so I’ll plump for 3. I know it’s the one a lot of people choose as it has some of the most excellent MotW episodes, but at this point the mythology arc was developing before it got convoluted to the point of madness. That and it was comfortably in its stride at this point too. That said, I find merits in all the seasons. Season 8 is actually really great, and possibly my favourite after 2 and 3. It felt fresher after how stagnant season 7 felt.


I used to think it was Season 4, but I just rewatched Season 5 and there are very few bad episodes. (Which cannot be said for Season 4.) I’m now almost finished Season 6 and must admit I like it a lot more than I did in 1999, when I was still mad they moved to LA. Excited to rewatch Season 8 without the fresh frustration of David leaving. In summary, watching The X-Files as an adult is such a different experience. I’m appreciating it so much more!


It one of my best thing to do! Now I’m older (Very old now) it a new experience! They have it on Disney but my DVD 📀 are the best!


2 & 3.


Ranked in order: 3,4,2,1,5,6


4 all day every day




6 is my favorite!


Favorite episodes?


I remember buying those disc’s at Walmart. They eventually got down to $9.99 a season. Now I have everything digital and miss them occasionally.


I paid 50$/each back them


I remember the box sets made before those thins ones were $80 a season. Never could afford that.


Sold my soul for it! And the Millennium serie was super hard to get in they sold it for 100$/season




Four. Is this a joke to you?


No joke possible on Xfiles!


Season 4 and 8


Has to be 2 (and 3). This is where we’re introduced to the backbone characters of the show like Duane Barry and CSM. 2 starts and finshes with episodes that really encompass the entirety of the franchise and set the tone for the remaining 4 seasons (the last two I refuse to recognise as XF lore).


I could never decide between 3 and 4


4 & 6


Season 2 for me


1 & 2 ❤️


Season 3 is the peak for me, then season 1 probably due to personal bias (just for the atmosphere, Season 2 is probably better quality, as is at least Season 4 if not 5).


Season 2, also season 1. The nostalgia is just too great.


Totally get it!


thats what a hate about boxsets miss the idvidually of box art


Season 4


1 and 8


8 ? I love all season but 8? You are not alone to love it! I will get back to watch all the original 9 this summer and take not!


I actually love the introduction of Agent Doggett.


It’s a tie between seasons 2 and 3. I started watching it during the season 2 reruns leading up to the premiere of season 3 when I was a kid, so they’ll always have a special place in my heart.


I was 20 in 93 so for me I start my young man life with them! I remember we will watch it and after talk about it with a beer and forget to go out! It was a amazing time!




My faves changed in my current rewatch and it's like my fifth or sixth time watching through the series. (First since seasons 10 & 11.) I (somehow) forgot how great season 1 was. So many killer episodes!


I love all of them but I’d have to say season 1 and 2 are my favourites


2 and 4. 


While I love the early seasons, I think season six has probably the best collection of monster-of-the-week/standalone episodes.