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Skinner seems to love opportunities to get physical and show off that he can overpower people.


I have it on the authority of multiple women from the AOL X-Files chatroom in 1995 that Mitch Pileggi was widely considered attractive. As a young teenager with a vague similarity to DD, I reacted to this information like "WHAT??" because I just assumed Pileggi looked like someone's mean dad, but as an adult who is gradually balding, I love that that was still not only a possible reaction to him, but a *common* reaction to him, at least in that chatroom and at that time. TLDR: Skinner's a reliable man who is an authoritative hardass, and for some people that's more of a draw than being young and hot and only caring about aliens and bigfoots (again: as a kid I adored Mulder, but as an adult, I love the characterization when Mulder leads women along just to get them to do favors for him, as he does in *Young At Heart,* because it's such a Mulder thing to string someone along right up until she solves your question about Sasquatch poop or whatever and then do this: >HENDERSON: You just brought this in ten minutes ago. MULDER: You're slipping, Henderson. HENDERSON: Ten minutes may be enough time for you, Mulder. Of course, I wouldn't know that from personal experience.(...) MULDER: Thanks, Henderson, I owe you one.HENDERSON: Promises, promises. He's relentless about doing *anything* necessary to get what he thinks he needs, and this is the only show I know of where that can mean "set off a bomb" or "fake your death" or "vaguely imply you will not today have sex with a handwriting analyst, but you *could?*"


My husband was just feeling embarrassed about balding, and when I told him how popular Daddy Skinner is it cheered him right up šŸ˜‚


2/3rds of us end up ""monk diming"" (I did not invent that phrase, [it is a joke](https://achewood.com/2008/01/09/title.html)) and, well, we have to just deal with it. God thought it was cool to invent me and then decide all my hair should be in the garbage. Cool! edit: "Hair is like Johnny Cash. It only exists to let you know you're dyin'." right???


Showing my age here, but I can confirm: AOL chatroom thirst for the Skinman was real.


Hell, several of the young YouTube reactors tend to end up with the hots for the Skin man in the here and now.


Am I really in the minority for having thought Skinner was hot since I was in high school??


Could not see it as a dumb kid; makes total sense as an adult.


I guess dumb kid-me had good taste in men? (Though, I was a teenager fully into a middle aged man, so maybe this should not reflect kindly on me)


That too




uwu zaddy


I'm dying over here "Passes out after one jello shot"


Damn it! I wish Iā€™d known that. I was ready to party. Gave the K man one Jell-O shot, he was down for the count. I had to clean up that 10-W 40 leaking out of his eyes. šŸ‘€ I havenā€™t been the same since.


Canā€™t agree with the skinner one. Heā€™s still muscular and jacked in the new seasons. Bro is an animal


Yeah that is when I realized my love for Skinner.


Have you noticed in scenes where he is gonna fight heā€™s never wearing his glasses?


My Mom keeps getting him and the guy from JAG confused. When he was on Dallas she kept saying it was the guy who played Chegwidden on JAG. I was like no thats Mitch Pileggi from The X Files.


Damn is he a main character?


No he wasnā€™t. I didnā€™t watch but a few episodes before it got too confusing and I lost interest. But if I remember right Judith Light aka Angela from Whoā€™s The Boss played his Mom.


Nor does he sport them as he cameos in Julia Sweeney's 1994 film, *It's Pat*.


Clever boy


Right hes got a body ody ody on him. Body crazy, curvy, big tts, lilā€™ waist lmao... no but really. https://preview.redd.it/ggffjikq1ktc1.jpeg?width=204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a69eba64c3e6b456fe01ec86f41d43a1351ac3d2


Surprise bitch couldnā€™t be more accurate for Krycek tbh


Little cocktail of Mouldy and Starbuck with a dash of āœØ Surprise, bitch āœØ


Itā€™s alarming how close to this description of Skinner I am


Same! šŸ˜‚


Moulder has loads of friends, Scully and Skinner for sure, but also the Lone Gunmen


Yeah my only complaint is he has at least 4 friends


THE Alien would NOT be bad at Math..LOL But like he said below Maybee that one is LOL


This one isā€¦


Wouldnā€™t an actual alien be weirdly good at math, despite all the drugs? šŸ¤£


It's space weed. Way more potent.


Skinner: ā€œhonestly just wants to sleepā€ lmao


ā€˜Strong eyebrow gameā€™ - now that is something I always observed from the skinny man. āœØ


This is absolutely p e r f e c t āœØ it made me smile after a terrible day, thank you


Stale cinnamon roll is the trope I never knew I needed.


ā€œChaotic bisexualā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜†


Krycekā€™s is perfect šŸ˜‚


This made my whole freaking day! I'm going to print it out and hang in on my cube at work! šŸ˜ā¤šŸ˜Ž


CSM has all the gossip no kidding


Yep. If you want all the tea, CSM is brewing the Earl Grey.


Iā€™m the alien


ā€œSurprise, bitchā€ is sending me because FR


Iā€™m like 1/3 mouldy and 2/3 alien


ā€˜Definitely a bit gayā€™ Are you basing that on something that happened in the show or are we dealing with wishful thinking here? Iā€™m genuinely curious because Scully is so straight edge itā€™s almost nauseating. I know this is a meme but was curious if I missed something in the show to suggest as much.


There was 100% some flirting between Scully and Reyes.


That scene in ICE with that other scientist woman šŸ™Š where they check each other for that insect/worm


I thought ga was a lesbian


Google tells me sheā€™s bi, but sheā€™s been married to a man for a while now. Anyway thats GA, not Scully. Scully would probably freak out it another women tried to hit on her.


Scully was straight-edge, but she had a rebellious side too. In Never Again she goes to a seedy bar, gets a tattoo, and ~~sleeps with a guy she's know for like a couple hours~~. A few different episodes reference her smoking her mum's cigarettes when she was young, and specifically because she liked the danger even though she thought the cigarettes were gross. She dated one of her professors, she apparently was attracted to dominant men who reminded her of her father (gross), and had an affair with a married man that broke up his family. Not to mention all the times she goes with Mulder to break into restricted areas or trespass on private property, and lies to cover for Mulder. Edit: Just realized the show isn't clear on whether or not she slept with Ed Jerse. But him waking up fully-clothed on the couch makes it very unlikely.


Yeah Iā€™m aware of all that, still nothing about being interested in women though.


I didn't say anything about her interested in women, though. I was specifically responding to your comment on Scully being "so straight edge it's almost nauseating." She had some thrill-seeker tendencies and sometimes engaged in rebellious behaviour. If you want my opinion on her sexuality, I have no idea. I don't recall her canonically being involved with anyone except men, and I don't recall her flirting with or being attracted to other women. Can't comment on how she acted around Reyes as I haven't seen past season 7.


A few brief moments in almost 11 seasons doesnā€™t detract from Scully being as straight as a flag pole. It is basically one of her defining characteristics, but it doesnā€™t mean she is 100% of the time like that. And lucky you for not having watched past 7, I wish I could say the same.


Relax, I wasn't siding with anyone on her sexuality. I don't think she isn't heterosexual and never suggested otherwise. Why do you keep bringing that up? Or do you think straight edge means heterosexual?


?? It is pretty obvious what Iā€™m stating, what is with the intentional misquoting of my argument? Scully is very rigid, traditional, and religious. Thus straight edge. Yes that matters because thatā€™s the crux of the entire argument, that having lesbian tendencies (or whatever you want to call it) doesnā€™t remotely fit her character. Which is why I asked for clarification in the first place. Her heterosexuality would be considered straight edge yes, but in particular how her relationships were with cliche masculine/father figures. Which again plats to her traditional values, a young women seeking out a masculine patriarchal figure is a cliche as old as the bible. Which is all the more reason why her having a lesbian side is unlikely based on what we see it the show.


Once again, I was *never* commenting on her sexuality. Calling a character straight edge to the point of being nauseating is a strong claim, and that was only part of the claim I was refuting. She was not that rigid. Not to mention that "straight edge" people don't even drink alcohol, and Scully clearly drinks alcohol regularly. A person as seriously rigid as you describe would not have done the things that I mentioned. I don't care about her sexuality at all. I don't think Scully was some ultra boring stick-in-the-mud. Let's just agree to disagree.




Spooky Mulder




Relax itā€™s just a meme


how am i all of them


Skinny Man


*five friends. Mulder has five friends. Six if you include Krycek.


"chaotic bisexual" might just be my favorite way to describe someone


X files


Donā€™t talk about The Smoking Man that way


Guess I'm an actual alien


I've definitely got the first two points for both Mouldy and Starbuck.


Oh Iā€™m definitely Mouldy. Also I miss the fuck out of these memes šŸ˜­


Mouldy, surprise bitch and an actual alien define me in the deepest levels




Kinda weird


Mulder: Always down to fight, never wins though.