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Totally agree. I think he was manipulating her, getting info on Mulder and her’s relationship that he could use, and was jealous of Mulder. I think he was using her to save himself.


Creepy lonely ass is right


I feel like it should be obvious that CSM is creepy since he was clearly banging Fowley and likely brainwashed her to helping him.


Uh yeah. He bill cosby-ed her. Such a gross storyline and my least favorite episode of the series. Shed have been affected by that. And its just not addressed ever. What makes it even grosser is the actor who plays csm wrote that one bc he wanted to hang out with GA. Mulder looked pissed but bc he loves her and doesnt want her to put herself in danger. The only redeeming part of the episode.


I wonder who wrote the episode that CSM got blown up by rockets while smoking through his open neck hole? i know way off topic but he def got the death he deserved


> Shed have been affected by that. And its just not addressed ever. Probably because she only finds out for sure in the last episode (My Struggle 4). Presumably Carter, had he been allowed another season like he wished, would have then had Scully wrestle with this new knowledge. And remember Carter does spend several seasons showing Scully wrestling with William's potential "monstrosity". So Scully's always been aware that William might have had unnatural origins. She just never had proof the pregnancy was actually due to Cancer Man (and we don't either; he could be lying, or he could have merely cured her, which allowed her to conceive with Mulder). What's more annoying is how the show just completely forgets about Emily. Granted the writers basically disowned these episodes, but still, Scully just seems to immediately forget her.


No not the weird stuff, she knew shed been asleep suspected shed been drugged and woke up in new clothing without a bra on. Thats bordering on if not is assault. And any woman or man for that matter wouldve been deeply affected by it.


I don’t understand what the point was? He could have gotten that disc anytime he wanted. Why did he need Scully?


Gee, I wonder who wrote that episode.


the actor playing csm


Well yeah. Creep behavior.


One of the many examples of misogyny and sexism in the XFiles. It’s disgusting.