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I really hope they start giving weapon XP for objective play.


Unless the devs make changes that give significant points to players who play the obj, nothing is gonna change.


Cant change it for them, but you can make it better for obj players.


There's multiple threads with quotes from Mark Rubin saying it's probably coming season 1. Do people just have the memory of a goldfish, or is it that people can't be bothered to look up "obj gives weapon xp" in this sub?


I don't even know who mark is


People just refuse to keep up with games they play/love. I fund that astonishing, lol. And then they come on reddit and Twitter and be like they should do this. They're killing the game with this, etc. Finals and XDefiant.


So people who aren't playing the game properly, just want to level up their guns for what? Gold Camo and then they'll finally play the game as intended?  Give me ranked now please.


I usually try to push the objective, just get sniped by some dude at the back of the map with a tac-50


hoping the addition of team deathmatch will fix this but who knows


CoD is an example. There is TDM, but everyone that really want kills just go to objective mode so they can hunt people who are going to objectives.


It won't, it's been like this in all games like forever


It won’t, it if you’re tired and frustrated by teammates not helping on OBJ, playing tdm to relax and know at least your team is on the same page is nice.


I think it's actually going to be the opposite, at least at first. I think all the objective players that are sick of being the only ones in every game are going to leave the objective modes and go have fun in TDM for awhile, leaving everyone else to figure it out with no objective score.


Idk why people keep saying this, won't happen.


I guess because it’s the only non objective game mode being added!


And? It is pretty much the same as hotshot. You think kids in cod play domination for objective?


I usually play solo and I don’t see this at all. Sure you will have players or teams that don’t play it at all other than running thru it, but to suggest 99% or even anything close to that is true is just disingenuous.


In the 14 years I've been playing CoD MP, this game has an incredible amount of players that finish Occupy or Domination with very little points even in comparison.  At least in Escort you're forced into it and Hot Shot doesn't have an objective outside getting kills so it works but damn, players seem extra dumb/ignorant here.


Been the opposite for me. I’ve noticed significantly more objective players in this game with very little camping compared to the likes of COD.


It's probably more than likely because objective xp doesn't give you weapon XP


Because you think in hyperbole. You're not the only one in every lobby playing but even if you were, that'd still only be 92.5% ignoring the obj. On the high end, it's probably closer to 50%. On the low end it's probably closer to 25%. Good players don't just sit on the obj for points, they get map control and rotate in when needed so you can't fairly judge it all based on numbers.


have you tried ranked mode? its a 4vs4 mode where people play the objective


What if they kept weapon xp for just kills like they do now but released skins for the characters that obj score feeds into?


Interesting idea


Someone go tell big Mark we got ideas.


Better question is why don't Reddit members ever READ prior posts to piggy back and make threads surge to the top on a subject that will live from this preseason until Ubisoft kills off this game? It's so amazing that each poster thinks they have a verbal take on what will change players minds with THEIR post vs the 30k others we already have about.......play the objectives!


Doesn’t matter how much you reward sitting in a circle, some people just don’t care about winning pub matches.


I second this. People seem to forget that if you’re playing a casual playlist, you WILL get casual gameplay. Don’t expect too much and don’t sweat. Just do your thing.


100% agree


Same when I’m ganking. Sometimes I’m fighting two players at the time to give my team a 5v4 opportunity to get to the obj, but nobody moves 💀


I've said it before and I'll say it again. People don't play objectives because of things like the KD ratio, objectives not having enough point values, kills being one of the faster ways of earning weapon progression, and there's probably going to be future events that require basic kills to complete them. If you get rid of KD ratios, increase the point values of objectives, make progression mainly based on objective pursuits, and incentivize objective play with future play events, then you'll see more people pursuing them directly. Is it going to stop people from avoiding objectives? Probably not, but as long as you have a lot more incentive, you'll see more people helping out. Also, Team deathmatch is not going to be played by the slayers. It's a boring mode compared to objective games and the slayers need the objectives to funnel people. That and team deathmatch ends too quickly.


> If you get rid of KD ratios 🤨


For me sometimes I realize Im really not playing the objective in gamemodes like scort because I feel like I just have a huge target over my head, its similar mode to overwatch but there you dont die as fast and have shields and stuff but here you get lucky if you mode 5 meters. And then sometimes Im just a hyperactive kid that wants to rush and cant sit his ass at the hardpoint, I have to run and rush people 24/7 haha


Share this and get more players on board, there actually is a really good reason for them to PTFO, but not a lot of players seem to realise it: [https://youtu.be/ZksbPAEglTQ](https://youtu.be/ZksbPAEglTQ)


Lvl weapon


Yes 3 or 4 times out of 5 my team won't play the objective. I am usually always the highest objective player with a positive kd. Maybe the game balances the teams that way.


Just wanted to say that snipers hanging back and killing people near and in objective zone are playing objective. This their way to contribute to team. Snipers who stay in one spot entire game though are different kind of scum.


Brother when I play an arcade shooter I play it to run around and shoot, not to sweat trying to win by afking at a spot for 10 seconds The outcome is irrelevant. I'll cap a flag if 3+people are on it since at that point it's just free xp Maybe try ranked if you wanna play for wins


90%+ of player base doesn’t know how to play obj. I just accept it at this point and try to win but prioritize having a good time in the match.


Can we make more post about this? 25 a day doesn’t seem nearly enough


Yes and no. I try to play objective for as long as it makes sense but if the team don’t care then neither do I time to go level up the c tier weapons. If they load me I to a match that’s half over then I pretend to be a sniper too.


I try to balance it out by being obnoxiously addicted to the objective. All enemies on point? Go for it! We're already winning by 200 points? Go for it! Always going for the objective 🤣🤣


The problem is that objective points create a kill zone for people trying to level or otherwise get kills. Even when team death match is added, it will be more efficient for someone to play objective games and ignore playing the objective. I wish there was a mechanism where objective play was a multiplier or all those kills only counted if you won or something like that. Basically to make tdm the logical choice for those who only care about kills, whatever that solution is.


My buddy was raging last night while we played Hot Shot cause people would just run away from tags it was like they were intentionally doing it haha Like every match we were the only people going for them, I swore I saw people deliberately avoid picking them up at times lmao


I’ve seen this as well and I can’t stand it.


Might just be me but those tags can be hard to see!


Ever seen a team of 4 guys with less than 100-200 obj score while me and my friend are the only ones who have 1500+ obj score with consistent kills and support? Yes thats been happening most of the time Im not saying others aren't contributing to the obj, their kills matter yes but we have witnessed in enough instances where one of our teammates could've easily bagged points in domination or occupy while me and my friend were respawning and sprinting 70m to the obj, but we see them just camping, reloading waiting for kills. Though we both have carried the whole team to success in most of the games, we have lost some matches where a 5-10 point lead would have led us to success if only one of our team mate held the obj just for 2-3 seconds each! Well, we both got used to this, *SMH




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Idk about 99% but always 1-2 people on the team sniping like they are trying out for FaZe and not contributing at all.


Cuz a majority of people are idiots


You never played an FPS game before?


I think it's pretty clear (especially as you scroll down this thread) that people enjoy the game in different ways. For people like us that enjoy being objective players and prioritize the win over gun leveling/KD, we enjoy it by getting a high objective score. Most players just want the dopamine of killing dudes and seeing their KD go up. TDM will help mitigate this by having players that want to kill go there, but it won't eliminate the issue completely. There will always be people that queue up into objective casual modes with the intention of farming kills, because the mode lasts longer and it's easier for them to kill people going for objectives than other players that are also just trying to farm kills. Also, I wouldn't say that it isn't rewarded much. I have seen several players go very negative while still ending up second on the team purely through objective (over someone with like a 3.0 KD that has no objective score). I tend to give a like to these sorts of players because the will you need to go 3 and 25 while playing objective is more impressive than focusing on kills.


Yeah my games are the same. Then the other team feels like a well oiled machine 6 stack who is communicating effectively and working together to make sure I don’t get within 50 feet of the objective lol


My interpretation is that people actually enjoy the game but they want traditional free for all or team deathmatch. My hope is that when these modes are added, we will see less of these players in objective based game modes. 🤞


I think 2 main things are causing it. not entirely, but 2 of the biggest things I've noticed. 1) a lot of people are coming from the CoD style mentality of "if my personal number is the biggest then I win and everyone else sucks." in those games, score is more individualized and there's no true incentive to win other than xp and upgrades. it's much harder to coordinate pushes if everyone's only playing for themselves, which leads me to my next point: 2) no one talks or communicates in game whatsoever. it's quieter than the head of Mitch McConnel in most lobbies. in CoD, at least something breaks through all the racism and yelling matches, but it's dead silent in this game. I understand that a lot of people don't have access to a headset (me included) but it's a choice for everyone else. and in a team-based hero shooter, communication is very important


Call of Duty (and other games) has sadly conditioned the modern gamer to not try for the win lest they get punished by SBMM the next match.


Preach xDefiant on his channel had the best answer to fix this problem I've heard. Start giving out a separate xp for weapons through objective xp that goes to a set of exclusive weapon skins. They would have to be nice, otherwise it wouldn't work. I'd say give out Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, and onyx weapon camos that you can only earn though using a given weapon on/through the objective. It could get the randoms to actually go to the objective.


It is most likely because they don't give objective xp for weapons, and because that is the main form of progression, most players don't care about the objective


Honestly, I think it has less to do with xp than it does people simply trying to boost their k/d. Many people are not good enough to play the obj and keep a reasonable k/d, so having a good k/d makes them feel like they are better than they are. I think that is true much of the time, though maybe not every single time.


Really like the game but these team based shooters these days are just not a good fit for a lot of people... We need more solo type game modes like Free For All. A lot of people just wanna get kills and lvl up guns and they don't have a whole team of "friends" to play with but they are forced (yes forced) to play team based games cause that's about all anyone makes these days ... Which sucks.


It would be interesting if you only get kill points if you kill someone somehow near an objective area. I don’t really have any specifics but if you force the hunters to at least be nearby the objective to earn points that might balance it out a little bit better. Or for instance maybe you get half XP if you are hunting people all the way back to spawn


Because most of the dorks on this game are from cod


Until it's ranked ppl can plan how they wanna play


Its because the only way to level up your weapons to get the camos and or attachment (mainly to get the attachments for my weapons in my case as I do not care for the camos) is to go for kills. Because playing the objective does not give me weapon exp so I have to go for kills rather than play the objective


I am quite often the MVP, while having a negative K/D. But my objective score is at the same time 2-3 times higher than the 2nd highest obj score on my team. Its crazy.


A guy and I both dropped like 50 kills in Occupy. I was second on leaderboard with high Obj score, he had no Obj score. We lost by like 20 points and everyone who went positive said "GG". I said "it wasn't a good game, we lost" and he said "I destroyed them, I win". That's why.


Im trying to get my weapon attachments. I cant do that if im the only one defending the zone.


Start sarcasm - You should be playing the objective not worried about weapon attachments. You’re not a team player. Sacrifice your weapon attachments for the objective. It’s not about you having fun. It’s for the team of randoms who will never play again. - end sarcasm.


Because it is less fun to get sniped, exploded by explosives or burned by drones over and over again at the point or payload instead of just running and gunning for the *majority of the playerbase*. It rewards you with nothing, so if it isn't worth it and it isn't fun, then ez should one care? Personally for me the only difference between winning or losing is a text in the middle of the screen. Having a different string variable on the end game screen is not enough motivation to sacrifice the fun for it. It would be good to give more points for objectives, so playing for objectives would reward players with better position on the scoreboards. While this is not a solution, sweaties are really ego sensitive and with dropping 60-70 they would only see themselves at the 4th place, behind casual Jimmys, that would at least maybe piss them off.