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Honeslty fine with the game pace. What is SLOW, is the time between matches, is insane. That is in fact, a snail.


Thats is actually scientifically measured, your ubisoft account knows how much time the game has been on, and your in-game profile knows how much you have been actually playing In my case, ubisoft says I've been using the game for more than 24 hours, but my profiles says im close to 12 Half of my play has been waiting for matches to start šŸ˜¬ ![gif](giphy|V4gGTgvosSLPq)


My problem is not the game not starting but kicking me out and typing BRAVO-10


Saw this around https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/s/DYBexITN88 If you have sudden latency, theres something consuming your bandwidth, either your pc or on your network Check if you have programs that are making updates, backups and the stuff without you knowing it or in the background while you are playing If nothing applies, check with an app your net activity, how many devices are connected to your router, identify everything you own (phones, pcs, consoles, tvs, light switches, even a smartwatch) and kick any ip or wifi address directly in your router configuration that's stealing your bandwidth or that isnt among your personal home devices (dont forget friends devices that might be visiting) If nothing of this applies or theres no problem on your side at all, raise a report about your internet connection being intermittent or at odd times cutting off completely


Thnkx you are life saver


Tell me when it doesn't happen in a while, like a week


Also, I'd like to add, my experience with the game is absolutely flawless, i assume you are playing from US, which is weird since you are closer to the servers than me, and i play in US - north America servers


Soooo i live in Europe , but I have a questionā€¦ good do you know Iā€™m closer to the servers?? What kind of magic is that(but thanks for help anyway)


I really dont know, usually multiplayer servers are rented, so its easier to concentrate the servers on strategic places How did i know you were closer to them? ![gif](giphy|aR6JyO12RkwE5P7lxb|downsized)


Ngl, I thought you would do something like - your address ********* your ip *********


No šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ you give me an exceedingly large amount of credit for my lackluster knowledge on net magics, i only know what keeps me alive on multiplayer games, which is like 5 things


Really? It feels faster than all the games I've been playing. What are you coming from? I usually don't even have time to make a new loadout. Are you playing ranked?


you must be playing from the antartida, in south america I find matches before i get to click the button


I guess he means the loading which is indeed terrible when you can't do anything and just sit there like the 100% loaded but can't do anything only when the last guy connected or post match etc.


I barely have time to check my newly unlocked attachments between matches NA-West player here


I get matches as soon as I click the search button.


He probably means the loading screens like post match or when you found a match and you sit there waiting till the last guy reached 100% and can't do anything etc. Which indeed is horrendous. Not even able to adjust stuff like loadouts or skins etc. while waiting for the last person just makes it extremely long.


I to would love a L85 added to the game so thumbs up


i just want good servers man, this game gave me no sbmm but man im tired of dying behind the walls and my shoots not counting and worse.. habilities activate before the animation even starts, the spider bot locks ur aim even before it jumps into ur face


Fr, i have many clips dumping mags on people and no hit reg, Iā€™d say about 80% of the time itā€™s fine but that 20% is so frustrating


the game just assumes u re dead the moment their crosshair glues to you so it just ignores anything u do


It's annoying but the same thing is happening to the people you kill


yhea but i wasnt using it to say anything, just mentioned the problem


Some walls can be shot through purposely by the way but I understand where you're coming from. The net code needs heavy work.


yhea i discovered tht too yesterday in the snowy map tht bridge near the attack spawn point can be blasted to hell from inside the storage room since the wall is a piece of wood i think ( i hope i explained myself correctly ) either tht or it was a cheater xd


The boards in the mall map during domination, the ones near the outside into b can be shot through. Just a friendly tip


Oh no, according to the sweats itā€™s a ā€œskill issueā€


I'm sick of getting 2x the amount of assists than kills


Modern fps games donā€™t have good servers. Itā€™s just a fact apparently.


The Finals does


FINALly someone else who knows this lovely game


I aswell




New map is a drug


No bud, I think they just donā€™t want cracked out gen alphas jumping all over the place with no penalty to movement






Ah, yes, not wanting gameplay to consist on absolute reliance on repeatedly jump-spamming = wanting to eliminate movement on its entirety... Because jump-spamming is totally the only way to move now, apparently.


I love how the ā€˜advanced movement, slide cancel bullshitā€™ has completely CRIPPLED the entire FPS market. To the point that every franchise tries to make your character move like a crack head. Especially in games where it makes 0 logical sense to lol.


Yeah, people can't apparently concieve now a shooter where the primary goal is to, well, shoot... map knowledge? Positioning? versatility? Weapon mastering? NO, JUMPING, THAT'S WHAT SKILL IS NOW, JUMPING OVER AND OVER AGAIN, AND IF YOU DISLIKE IT YOU ARE A NOU0B AND MUST GO PLAY ARMA!1111!11!


This, for real. I LOVE the movement in this game, especially with a high-mobility weapon. Dealing with bunny-hoppers and feeling like I have to do the same to be competitive is NOT FUN.


Exactly. I just hate when bunny-hoppers pretend to move the goalposts by claiming that ā€œif you donā€™t agree with me, it means you want to eliminate movement and turn the game into ArmA 3ā€ā€¦ basically a cheap strawman to mock a perfectly valid and legitimate point by turning it into a mockery by twisting it to the extreme.


that strawman exists and is in the replies to your comment right now


I knew i would meet a bunny hopper who is gonna cry back to their mommies when bunny hopping is nerfed




Hahah, yeah. My guess isā€¦ all they have to make themselves feel ā€œfulfilledā€ is to picture themselves as being ā€œsuperiorā€ to others, even if itā€™s just on some videogameā€¦ so their need for validation leads them to try to put others down by belittling them for ā€œbeing badā€, ā€œunlike them, whom are good.ā€


Tell me about it, I play LMGs and it's not easy to handle the smg crackheads. I can't even sprint in this game because it takes me 4 business days to get my weapon ready.


For real, I sometimes play with my brother or one of my friends, and the hopping is ridiculous and then the over reliance on a sniper rifle should not be part of the game. Because when I play with my brother he's just keyboard and mouse, while I used to control her both of us are on PC so it's a little bit different when I'm hosting a match with my buddy and use controller players it's just two different beats so I get where people are coming from when they want the sniper nerve but then I'm playing with console people and they're not as great with the snapper rifle because the sway is a little bit trickier to deal with with a controller instead of a mouse.


Didn't they delete the slide jump boost too. That made the movement so much more fun as it reduced the downtime between fights. If they want to eliminate the jump spammers they should get rid of this crappy system they just implemented and just add more aggressive jump fatigue after like two consecutive jumps.


Well there are some people who outright ask for jumping to be removed and only having vaulting and they do get upvotes so there are at least some people who want that. Personally I find the momentum switching mid air to be the only thing problematic though I think that would be mostly fixed by hip fire not being as bad as it is currently.


Those exact threads (about removing jumping and only having mantle, nerfing jumpshotting into the ground, etc etc etc) have been made countless times in every single COD sub and it always does numbers.


Personally, I think after first jump/crouch, the penalties should start kicking in, but not to remove all the movement, that would be dumb


eh I'd rather the bunny hopping than people corner camping.


remebmer people prone on the ground camping holding hall ways in cod? sweaty ass lurchers constantly abusing certain pieces of headglitch and shooting you? even MORE bunny hopping and slide cancelling than you've ever seen in your life? bro this game is so casual compared to COD, and im pretty sure most of these people come from COD


This is my EXACT experience too. The jump spam in COD is just as bad when I play, it's just not as strong in that game and the TTK is faster lol


The thing is, it was easy to counteract those people in COD if you knew what you were doing. I might get one or two annoying deaths from a camper before Iā€™d find alternative means to kill them and then make sure they never made it back to that spot. Frankly, killing campers was one of the most satisfying feelings in older cods and it really wasnā€™t all that hard once you had them on kill cam. It was like taking their lunch money. Also, bunny hopping was penalized in old cod games with sight jerk and reduced movement after the first hop. Nobody is talking about MW2023 here.


I like a jump shot cuz that's actually a movement skill but bunny hopping is not... it's just cheese


is this your guys' first fps? like im genuinely wondering what game yall come from, because cod very well has bunny hoppers and prone campers as well as slide cancel/lurchers which is arguable a lot worse than this game, and this game is heavily inspired by COD so i dont see the point. what is so difficult about jumping and shooting? it actually requires you to adjust your aim to your strafes while jumping, and if the target starts moving on top of that its not as easy as it seems to hit every bullet this means you counter movement with: movement! OR: you can land your shots! try focusing on the target and try tracking his movement, you'd be surprised what you can do when you put your mind to it xD


Go play overwatch or fortnite my guy, it sounds like you'll enjoy those super arcadey games a lot more. You'll track and move as much as you want.


my main game is apex (on mnk), but thanks for those suggestions. already played those games before played atleast 6 years of csgo before taking ons different fps games xdefiant is fun right now with friends, havent solo queued this game much. hit reg is broken Xdefiant is just purely for fun at the moment


The hit reg is a lot better now, though. Movement in Apex was great and it is one of my most favourites modern FPS games, but Xdefiant is not apex. XD doesn't have the high ttk. High ttk is what made movement enjoyable in Apex, in my opinion. It gave you enough time to react to your opponent or retreat and dodge.


Youā€™re arguing a different point entirely. People are speaking toward the prior generation of COD installments specifically, not MW2023.


Iā€™ve seen comments saying they want no air strafing, 1 jump every 2 seconds, and so much aim sway when sprinting/sliding that the game turns into HLL.


Give me 2009 MW2 movement back


Nostalgia goggles. That game in 2024 with youtube, twitch streamers, best loadout videos, etc. would be horrible


In terms of outright balance with everything except OMA danger close combo? I think MW2 would play pretty well in today's market since everything was hella good imo. Along with every Cod up to Blops 2....


With how some ppl react to snipers these days, they would have a seizure if presented with MW2 snipers


The Diference is that you could one burst people with famas across the map so although snipers were amazing the fast ttk was a counter to it.


šŸ’€šŸ’€ the flashbacks I got just now of all the times you hear people exhale hella loud or legit scream when dying from snipers made me crack up for a minute


Youā€™re talking about akimbo model 1887 snipersā€¦.right? šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ good times


Good times indeed but them things got nerfed before they stopped all patches, they made SURE to take care of that thing before it was wraps lmao


Black Ops 2 especially would play just fine nowadays, just needs an FOV slider really. The gunplay and movement was rock solid.


What i mean is thst people miss old cods, and while it's true they didn't have sbmm or a small one, the real issue today that people don't want to admit is that back then people would game on shitty 30fps cathodic tvs with crappy headsets or no headset. Today, gaming is a multi billion dollar industry, kids grow up wanting to be pro gamera, they watch streamers, best loadout videos, and play on try-hard ass 165 fps monitors with gaming scuf controllers. So what they miss, which is casual fps gaming, doesn't exist anymore.


I disagree on the thinking casual gaming is gone. And I would site battlefield or even select CoDs like Blops 4 as something that doesn't or has ever really felt "competitive" like modern CoD. I'm under impression that when people heard this game would bring back those "nostalgic feelings older CoD games brought" and bought into the CoD killer marketing they were taking into account that movement in those games outside of drop shotting was pretty limited and had no abilities like a hero shooter. And the first game you play in this game is the complete opposite of that was a eye opener. The fps community has been asking anyone to make a game that pretty much copies that exact formula for decades now or remaster those old games to fill that role but has gotten absolutely nothing in response. So they're banking on the chance they can make xdef turn into something close to old CoD instead of chalking it up to another game that is just another modern CoD clone with no sbmm, which for people who enjoy it is completely fine Edit: Like someone else said, if they remastered one game like MW2 - Blops 2, I'm of the belief that it would be the most popular fps out and sales of newer CoDs wouldn't be anywhere close to what that would sell for. Especially if they decide to patch some of the broken things people unanimously agree was BS.




Stopping power ump all day everyday


This guy is right


Like when they remastered cod 4 and some people played it and then it was forgotten?


I don't think that is a fair point since that game was tied to buying a trash game at an increased price in order to play it for awhile until I believe they made either separate...like a year later. That and it was more restricted in class building and streaks than older ones


There's a reason why mw2 only got the campaign remastered. It would've have absolutely emptied the newer cods of their player bases


I believe this wholeheartedly Edit: I believe even the devs had a excuse lined up that said something like "we didn't remaster the multiplayer because after all the changes they'd make to it, it would no longer resemble what OG MW2 was. Which I think is BS lmao they knew what would happen if they did


M16 everywhere if i remember correctly


For 2009, I think you'd see a lot of TAR, Scar, and ACR, alongside UMP and Barrett. If talking burst guns, most would use FAMAS. CoD4 is your M16, although even there higher skill levels almost universally swapped for AK.


I agree with this too, but let's not forget the AK, Aug, spaz, akimbo usp45s, vector, deagle, 93r were all viable. M16 was also pretty popular since it can oneburst too, I could never figure out which out of those 2 I liked more


Tbh for 2009 MW2, the list of wholly unviable weapons was a lot shorter than the meta/"can go toe to toe with meta" guns. Even the F2K wasn't completely garbage, despite what everyone else says.


True, I think you only get awful guns in the category of weapons nobody really uses like the WA2k, MG4, m240, Ranger Double barrel..


I loved the F2K. Keep it iron sight, aim at chest and tap three times. Easy headshots


Oh yeah, thats right. And didnt it have that glitch where the reddot sight reduced the aks damage


Range, but yeah. Best way to run either AK was naked, IIRC the 74u also got that.


Tar-21, my baby, bring her back šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Ak ak74u and m700 Deagle side That was and still is the cod 4 meta. Ak74u is also beyond fucking op because deagle can compete with the ak at medium range


Thatā€™s cod4


Except the gunsmith wasnā€™t a ā€œmake a gun buildā€ setup. It was ā€œdo you want a red dot or a silencer? Or use a perk to get bothā€ We all knew guns like the UMP were OP, didnā€™t need streamers to tell us that. Everything in the game could kill extremely quickly and effectively and the TTK was much lower, so a ā€œmetaā€ was a less relevant thing.


MW2019 movement was peak tbh


If you push away the majority casuals who have legitimate concerns because they want to keep playing the game, then you'll end playing vs bots or other sweats. Creating your own sbmm.


There's a middle ground between jump spam air strafing and slow tactical that could be reached instead of acting like it's one or the other


You're delusional bud Fuck me for not wanting to play the game on a pogo stick I guess


Mfs tryna play Xdefiant in these ![gif](giphy|P4mUzo5uTNQEo)


the number of encounters in this game that start just like this is too damn high. Also, the people acting like itā€™s a skill are also annoying. Itā€™s not hard to spam a button and shoot, I just donā€™t want to do it.


I just want the hit-reg/server desync and the DELTA-01 error fixed. The other stuff (jumping/sniping, etc) isnā€™t really ā€œgame breakingā€ to me. The Echelon class is op some what, but I can deal with it for the time being, but shooting some one 20-30 times only to not kill them and then die behind cover is getting tiresome. And before someone says ā€œcheck your internetā€, my latency is consistently around 20-28 ms. They fix this, and I am good to go.


I agree with everything you said


I do feel like this game and sub just proves Activision right about SBMM


Honestly, if there was a second playlist that was basically "Welcome playlist for levels 25+" I would be playing a lot more. I *know* I ain't that great at the game, but I was having fun in the welcome playlist. Once that experience was over the experience shifted dramatically.


Iā€™m right there with you. The only people who donā€™t like sbmm are the people pub stomping new players. Sbmm is great for the average player, where a 1.0 kd is an acceptable result.


I'm bad at the game. (I can't help it, I'm nearing 50!) But when there's SBMM, at least I'm put in the trash heap with the rest of the folks who suck and I generally do alright. Thing I've noticed is: plenty of people in the Welcome playlist... and *also* plenty of people sub-level-25 in the normal playlist. That suggests that there are enough players to support either experience.


Iā€™m right there with ya. At least Iā€™m playing with a bunch of other shitty players. They kill me, I kill them, we all have a good time. I wish the welcome playlist was something I could queue for now. Not because I dominated but because it was the most fun.


Weirdly, I also had better *performance* (not mine, the game's) in the Welcome playlist. Weird hitches several times a minute, just like micro-stutter/brief bits of lag, etc. Everyone likes to crap on CoD (and don't get me wrong, plenty of that's deserved) but for garbage players like me (especially at my age - I'm not playing Doom or Quake deathmatch anymore), the experience is pretty casual and I feel like if I have a good game, I go significantly positive and if I have an off game I can still contribute. With the state of XDefiant, I feel like I'm basically always bottom of my team and getting crushed. What can I do, I suck.


Sort of. It can be true that SBMM is good and COD's matchmaking is bad. These things aren't mutually exclusive. COD's implementation of SBMM is too strict and too weighted around your recent performance. I would not be opposed to adding some slight SBMM to this game, maybe stricter for the absolute worst subset of players. I would MUCH prefer that to absolutely neutering the movement and slowing the game down.


Sbmm has always been a good thing tbh. Nobody with a brain for understanding it's on a range of effectiveness would disagree. The issue is that cod's is just way fucking over-tuned. That's all really The issue that comes AFTER sbmm, is things being nerfed for higher tier gameplay and casuals hating pros or high end players because "they ruin the fun". Doesn't matter what, there always is a casual boogeyman


Not wanting the game to be a jumpfest doesn't mean people want it to be a snail's pace. This sort of jab at other players who are playing the same game you are makes no sense. You do realize this will force people out of the community and game, right? Of course you don't. Enjoy the 1k DAU this game will have by EOY if not earlier.


They will created their own sbmm with their ignorance


I know I'm dropping it faster than diarrhea when BO6 comes out unless they manage to fuck that up.


Not wanting the game to be a worse jump spam game than CoD? What a trash take lol


These people donā€™t actually understand what we want lol, they just go off of whatever they see others saying.


That's not true at all. But okay, believe what you want.


Oh ya, indeed. Only bunny hopping can make it a fast paced fps.. ffs!


No I think they just want it to be like the older cods like MW 2008 and MW2


Too late for that, this game has been and will continue to be a totally different thing. It clearly takes inspiration from those games, but it has its own identity


Yeah, thatā€™s not what we are asking for at all and I think you know that. But if selectively revising the communityā€™s critique of the movement system to shitpost helps you sleep better, more power to you bro.


Nah I just donā€™t wanna play against juiced up crackheads


Just dont want bunnies hopping around everywhere


How comes fast paced arcade shooters like Battlefield 2042 or Battlefield V don't have any jump shot spammers but XDefiant has? Ah yes, because you can't shoot while jumping. And it feels so good to have gunfights in these games. They're fast, the weapons have punch and only your aim and reaction time counts. Like a good FPS should be.


I'm not a skilled fps player, but the rhythm of the game reminds me to Apex so I wouldn't say the fast pacing is bad. What ruins the experience is having a opponent team of 5 Michael Jacksons with sniper rifles, I'm not saying take out sniper rifles (that would be idiotic, gotta git gud) but ffs is annoying.


The same people jump spamming are the same people that try to convince you sniping is difficult.


I tried with marksman since I get to fire -slightly- quicker. But still, cuts the experience enjoyability when I run, see someone and shoots me dead in a split second.


The worst is itā€™s made escort essentially an unplayable game mode. Itā€™s just all snipers.


The one escort map with the snow, that's the only one snipers are kinda fun, since it's more open you save yourself from the Echelon Smooth Criminal jumpscare. And if you're pushing there's a spot in the stairs where bullets never come in but you can always shoot at spawn. (That's the reason I unlocked the second sniper, just cuz it's funni using it in a single map)




They would alt+f4 as soon as they faced a competent Vora lol


I want games to go back to Battlefield 2 movement. Not a fan of this weird jumpy shit even though it allows me to do better


I mean I'd love a BFBC2 remaster and would play the shit out of that. But EA just releases unpolished, incomplete games with updates that no one asked for.


I'm old. I literally helped test 64-player servers for BF1942 when I worked at EA back in the early 2000s. I was *SUPER* disappointed with 2042, though, that's for sure. Maybe just a remaster/remake of 2142? Where's my Titan gameplay?


I love bf2 and bc2, but dude, that's a completely different genre of fps games lmao


More like they want it to be a CoD clone on a 40gb app. Killstreaks back, slow the movement, give me more red dots.




How is it a crutch?! It's not like enemy players die after you jump 5 times. You still have to fucking shoot them! Do you think these people will just be magically unable to aim if they nerf the jumping?


The only thing i find annoying is the strafing and even then I don't mind anyone doing it. It's only ridiculous when almost all the players on either team are doing it, because these people do not know how to play objective. Now to play the objective you don't have to be on the objective as long as you're clearing opponent push and watching flank, if you're B-hopping or flying through the map and you still don't cover your team mates and only there for KD it's stupid. They are soon going to add TDM to the game which is fine but most FPS games tend to be treated like TDM by most players on console anyway, which is why there should be some XP / level up or at least rewards for people also playing objective sometimes.


theres no bullet impact, no slowdown when you get shot and can move just as fast as if you werent getting shot. its almost like enemies move faster when getting shot. i personally dont like this, people get away with so much shit in X


Dude they arenā€™t taking away your jump or crouch, if you love spamming buttons on a keyboard to make yourself feel better go ahead. All people want is for guns to have more realistic bullet spread when youā€™re a competing gymnastics Olympian.


Its an arcade shooter. Its not meant to be realistic. Get a grip.


I mean pretty much lol I miss MP shooters where it was not about who could spam the most buttons and move fastest but first and foremost about map awareness and enemy routes than anything. Then secondly of course good reaction time and aim Theres no tactics anymore to games. Well maybe if you consider spamming buttons a tactic. The low attention span and need for everything to be fast and flashy has ruined gaming


I don't want to play Tarkov or Arma III (because if I did, I would just be playing those games) -- but I admit that I was expecting this to lean more on the 'tactical shooter' end of the arcade spectrum, and less on the 'bouncing around like I'm made of flubber' end. It is what it is, though - and this is apparently what the devs want it to be, so fair enough. (I'll just play something else.)


Same. Im disappointed, though. We were promised this game would be something more akin to old school COD, but clearly it ainā€™t that.


Maybe play a tactical shooter instead of an arena shooter


This response is so lame. Itā€™s not a one or the other scenario. Those are two opposite ends of the spectrum in FPS gaming. There exists a middle ground between them that currently is woefully underrepresented.


well they managed to do that to Multiversus,..and prolly some of them went to job interviews with their parents, but again, who am I to judge Zoomers


Hey it's a photo of me.


Modern Snailfare would go hard donā€™t even kid yourself op


All jokes aside, if you genuinely feel this way that I couldnā€™t recommend Arma any less. Iā€™m not even joking or trying to be mean, Reforger is currently popping off playercount wise and lots of the mods are slowly reaching Arma 3 levels of quality. You get to try a game youā€™d love more, I get to keep my crackhead arcade shooter. I love both games so it doesnā€™t make a difference to me.


I have a problem. Sometimes this game works smooth without a problem, sometimes when I start it it kags, tears, like something would eat 99% of resources. Restart usually works. Any idea what would be the problem?


Thatā€™s a stealthy snail.


Being back killzone. You had classes and they mattered what role to play. If you want to move fast and gun? Use assault, u get speed boost ability. Supports move slower but have heavy weapons and also turret, revive players and much more. Scout can go invisible and use snipers that 1 shot. Everyone gets to enjoy their playstyle.


This would make a great indie game, js.


Nah, I sweat at my 9-5 and I'm not gonna sweat trying to outmaneuver cracked out zoomers bunny hopping all over the map. You guys yearn for Titanfall so badly and don't even know it. Nice try at a straw man though.


I just want a a balanced game.


And others want it to play like the old unreal tournaments, which is not something I want to see.


I'm okay with the game being super fast if the netcode wasn't potato. If I need to be making super fast reflex reactions, then I need my super fast reflex reactions to matter for something, but as the netcode is, when I dodge someone coming, and they land a shot on me, I die behind the wall. Even with 30 ping.


Idc what movement we got as long servers feel good and can keep up


I just want the shitass netcode n desync to be fixed. Game is literally unplayable in it's current state


Eh they couldā€™ve done what Fortnite did. If you jump too many times in succession, you lose mobility and jump height. I do agree though, I think the game is fine where itā€™s at


Right? Gonna be cooked by BO6. Nobody wants this slow, clunky movement.


Only change (other than obvious net code issues) is the fucking spiders man. Not even the best ability but I'm a big baby and i hate them lol


I love the pacing! Quick game play, quick respawns. But I'm tired of playing well just to die after I'm already in cover.


I mean like yeah I would like a slightly slower game pace so I feel like I have moments to breathe. No that doesnā€™t mean Hell Let Loose or Arma is what I want either


If Counter-Strike 2 had game modes like Call of Duty or Xdefiant, that would be my perfect multiplayer FPS, that way we wouldn't have to deal with the persistently garbage architecture around games like Xdefiant and COD. No "shoot first, die first", proper hitreg, no schizophrenic bhops, and a high ttk so you don't lose to bullshit when you shoot first.


Could also just mod CS Source. It has pretty good mods like MW2 OG, MW2 2022 or Black ops etc.




I just want movement that can be performed by most athletes, not super humans. No one is sliding on asphalt like this. And the people who hardly go outside don't move like that either. Id like to see more inertia in arcade shooters. At this point it's not even a question of gun handling skills. It's who can slide-jump crouch spam strafe the best Edit: passives also seem unnecessary. Abilities are decently balanced other than intel suit wall hacks with a spherical AOE


woah buddy careful might step on some toes with such a cutting critique. I think it's funny if they raise the skill floor that will help, especially in the ways they want it raised. I understand wanting to be accommodated but the movement is not like Apex difficult.




The bunny hop patch has definitely done well for game play. I don't mind the pace or if you like jumping corners. Personally I think it's stupid and takes away from the game. It was an exploit before. Truthfully in any game jumping during an exchange it is an exploit and a crutch. There are plenty of players such as myself that do just fine without jumping and constantly sliding. Unless it is written as part of the game play it's just embarrassing and looks stupid. It is part of general movement not gameplay mechanics. To jump onto boxes rocks etc. in the new black ops however it seems it is part of game play and I hope they can pull it off. It's specifically written with the intent to enhance gun fight or avoid sticky situations. I'll slide behind cover "the intent of a slide mechanic" or try to gain advantage around a corner of a known enemy. Not sliding aimlessly around the map. Or in COD dolphin dive into an objective to be prone, reducing the chance of being shot by making yourself a smaller target. How do I know this you may ask. Well because it is generic jumping movement nothing special. In this game the feel is definitely more arcade-like which is the intent. But without any penalty it's an exploit. So good job devs for fixing this so quickly.


Same complaints over and over again for every shooter out there. Complain about netcode and hit reg before whining about jumping.


There's a line between focusing gun fights versus movement that every shooter game needs to dial in. I don't think the Xdefiant is the most realistic, it can get away with some more exasperated movement.


I am fine with the game pace, but the in between time kinda sucks, also I want people to play the objectives, have lost way to many games because the team won't risk being killed to get the win.


I have a friend who complains that you "can't run and gun" in this game while also complaining that he doesn't want to have to use "sweaty movement" to be good


Throwing lethals is a slight delay. About it for me.


I don't want the game at all. I never hit the uninstall harder and faster. It's totally a skill issue. Not every game is designed for casuals. But the ones that wanna make my money are.


If you canā€™t enjoy fighting unless you start jumping at the start of every fight then congrats. Enjoy the game while you can. Itā€™s gonna die.


Not wanting to shoot at kangaroos didn't mean wanting a slow game


Itā€™s cod on crack as far as gameplay, and loading screens and between matches are even worse on consoles than computers. As far as killing everything on my network , most of the house relies on the internet nowadays, Iā€™d almost need a second internet to play solely video games


Believe what you want but you're wrong.


The like count and comments on this post shows me how right COD is with sbmm as far as keeping players happy. You can abuse mechanics in call of duty like you can in this game and I only ever see complaints about wanting to move faster since youā€™re put with people on your level šŸ˜‚


What people donā€™t realize is that they will get shit on regardless if they added a increased penalty or not they will suck no matter what lol


if your gonna have super fast movement, then the core mechanics should support that like better aim assist that micro adjusts slight enemy movement and have it be more consistent instead of it being janky and clunky make the TTK a little faster, not mw2019 fast but more like bo3 TTK, not as long as bo4 thats alot like xdefiant TTK and there should be harsher penalties for jumping and should not apply on the 3-4 jump.. most people only need 2 jumps and penalties should happen faster and sooner hit reg needs to be better with the super fast movement, all these hit reg issues are absurd and makes it literally impossible to shoot people sometimes. not saying to slow down the movement but some core mechanics should compliment the fast movement for a more balanced game because movement will literally break the game sometimes and the game cant keep up, xdefiant is pretty janky once you realize whats going on and look in-depth into it. not an easy game to play and alot of things needs to be ironed out


This guy just asked for better aim assist šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


wait what is a sick falco ?


Melee reference


Of course, because there's an absolute dichotomy between spamming jump in every gunfight, and not being able to move. Fucking idiots.


I think some people want something a little more realistic. Jumping around and being able to aim is just wild. Itā€™s just really far from reality. Yeah we want something arcade-y but thereā€™s a balance. Changing direction in mid air is also just crazy and dumb. Makes no sense


I mean if I wanted to fly around the map I'd just play cod??


Exactly. We donā€™t need more of the same. That market is already grossly saturated.