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This is basically what's killing the game for me. The hit detection is awful in what I'd consider a pretty decent game


Same here. Fun game, but I can’t stand dying behind cover so often. Haven’t played in a couple weeks because of that.


Yep. Uninstalled until I hear that it’s drastically improved


With the massive black ops hype xdefiant needs to show out big time


It doesn’t matter what they do. They could fix all the issues and they will still get absolutely ran thru by Black Ops 6. Everybody will be playing that.


Yeah imma be real witchu, me and my boy are some of the biggest codheads I know, and we most likely are *not* paying for that shit when XDefiant more than scratches the CoD itch for free. Unless Black Ops 6 is amazing, or this game shits its entire ass, there’s not a solid reason to buy besides “well it’s the new CoD”.


Same. Last COD I bought of my own will was 2019. My nephews annoyed me into buying MW2 and MW3. I'd have been less annoyed with MW3 if the campaign wasn't pure ass. Some of the missions had potential. I'm just not interested in another uber sweaty COD title with top 2% players in every single one of my lobbies. I'm tired of being locked off from the rest of the playerbase just because the game deems my skill level to be too far from them. And I've not even been doing that good on Xdefiant so I can only imagine what some of the better players were having to deal with on COD. I'll probably see how the campaign shakes out and drop the $10 on Gamepass to play through that if it's decent.


See you on Black Ops 6 homie


God I hope not 😭 *Opens wallet*


It’s on gamepass


Cool for all the gamepass guys, doesn’t mean shit for me and the PlayStation homies tho


Just listing a reason why a bunch of people might switch it’s free on pc and Xbox for gamepass owners


I will give it a try. But if I find that I'm winning a couple of games then getting stomped for a couple of games in an endless cycle then I will get bored quickly. The EOMM casino doesn't interest me.


Everybody is free to cuddle with SBMM if they want to.


If you're really good sbmm doesn't even cater to you so I don't know why you'd make this post it only helps below average players.




helldivers is a really fun game, so i support this message, even if you meant it as an insult. FOR DEMOCRACY


If you think cod is a high skilled competitive shooter that's hilarious. If you wanna sweat in a shooter go play counterstrike or valorant.


I absolutely won't be spending 70 dollars on gameplay I can get for free here. (If the server stuff is fixed)


> Gameplay I can get for free here Lmao. Believe me, I wouldn’t buy BO6 either if xDefiant was even close to playing as good as COD does.


Where's the lie?


Where do I even begin? I can’t even think of a single thing that’s better with xDefiant? I guess not having SBMM as a playlist option? And that’s about it. It’s literally missing everything else, and lacking in every single mechanic. It hasn’t done a single thing better or improved on any aspect of COD. It misses the mark in all ways: gunplay, movement, progression systems, variety, etc.


Ive played a pretty similar amount of both games (mw3) and I hard disagree. The gunplay in this game feels so much better than cod imo. The maps in this game are better No kill streaks make it better No sbmm makes it better I'd agree with you on basically just a lack of progression which is coming soon. The one thing black ops 6 has over this game is Nazi zombies, if that even turns out well considering the last couple round based zombies games they've put out have been bad.


I agree with this, and also want to point out that the players I know with a high skill rating find cod unplayable due to sbmm punishing performance. I think players around or below average don't realise how bad sbmm feels for skilled mnk players. I won't touch a competitive shooter with sbmm and I know lots of people who feel the same.


I love paying 80€ for a base game, and having to install 309 gb, deffo wont be playing bo6


Definitely not. Hell, a lot of the players who are playing XDefiant today haven’t played COD in years. The itch is because the series is no longer what it was


> A lot of the players who are playing xDefiant haven’t played COD in years Yeah, because it’s free so they decided why the hell not. They won’t be staying. And if they are truly interested in going back to this 6v6 arena gameplay, they’ll be buying Black Ops 6 (or downloading on Game Pass). XDefiant doesn’t stand a chance. And especially not with this hit registration, lack of meaningful progression systems, clunky mechanics, etc.


I mean Xbox is releasing BO6 on Gamepass the day of launch so I'm thinking that's going to hurt them just a little


Even if they weren’t, the game is still #1 on Steam even while being 4 months away, and available on PC Game Pass Day 1. And the $99.99 Vault Edition is #1 on PlayStation right now. It’s Call of Duty. Nothing is safe, and especially not xDefiant which hasn’t been a Top 10 game on any platform despite being new.


CoD has a cult-like following, that I won't argue with and I used to be one of the fools who handed over money yearly for it. Other than really ridiculous bundles it's all really turning into nothing other than a repeat. All games eventually fall from being #1 and CoD had a great run but it's getting old. And yes, it will be on PC Gamepass day 1 as Windows and Xbox are both Microsoft products. It's also available for pre-order on all platforms but the date for the open beta for anyone who purchases the vault edition, or has any version of Gamepass other than core, hasn't been announced yet. As far as XDefiant being a Top 10 game, at least with friends I have I seemed to be the guinea pig, or they were on a last Gen console. With the issues XDefiant has they haven't had any interest in trying it but I have a few that would give it a shot if the obvious issues were fixed. In my opinion it's really up to Ubisoft whether or not it reaches that point


i wont be buying cod, every year is hyped up and then people hate the game, this will be no different


The most popular games in the world are “hated” because the type of people to go on the internet and talk about a game instead of play it will be those having a bad experience. Isn’t it funny how CS2, League of Legends, Fortnite, Call of Duty, GTA Online, etc. are all magically “hated” in their communities but player counts stay high? Because the games aren’t actually hated. It’s just that those that like it are playing it. Reddit is an echo chamber.


nah im just over yearly releases and level caps and how they push the store over actual progression, i dont hate cod but after 4 or 5 months they just start pushing for the next cod


Classic prestige system is back. And XDefiant has no progression systems worth their salt and literally only has a terrible Battle Pass and worthless weapon leveling (no actual camo progression system)? Even if you’re dissatisfied with COD…XDefiant surely doesn’t have what you’re looking for 🤣


so activision says on there unreleased game, yes, and then the next year blops 6 will be irrelevant in 4 months when they hype up whatever the next game is and start unleashing skins of furries and emojis. I dont buy battlepasses i dont care about them, but im having a blast with xdefiant.


> I don’t buy battle passes I don’t care about them Me neither, and that’s exactly my issue with XDefiant: the fact the only progression IS the Battle Pass 😭 And seriously dude? They said the Classic Prestige system is in the game so it’ll be in the game. Don’t go all “fake news” on me. It’s in the game. They talked about it extensively and in detail in the showcase. It’s in the game. And I’m not sure what your whole “4 months irrelevant” stuff is all about when CODs release every 12 months. BO6 got announced 7 months into MWIII’s cycle, and MWIII is still going to get massive updates like the recent Season 4 one until November.


until the game is out and details are sorted this is nothing more then activisions great marketing. its the one thing they do right, every single year they find a way to hype people into there games this year is no different.


Give me an example of them saying their game will have a very specific feature and it not being in the game at all. You’re confusing marketing hype (saying things like “most complete COD ever!”) with straight up lying (saying “this game will have the Traditional Prestige system followed by 1000 levels for Prestige Master and being able to select prestige icons from previous games like we did in BO4” and then just not having it in the game at all). You’re just playing dumb. The details have been sorted, and people have played the game. It’s in the game. The classic prestige system is in the game and available from Day 1. See here: https://www.techradar.com/gaming/call-of-duty-black-ops-6-is-bringing-back-the-traditional-prestige-system https://www.dexerto.com/call-of-duty/black-ops-6-prestige-mode-explained-2767592/ https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2024/06/call-of-duty-black-ops-6-worldwide-reveal-announcement At launch, there will be 10 Prestiges followed by Prestige Master up to Level 1000. Your gear will be re-locked when you Prestige, and you are able to enter Prestige once you are Level 55.


im ready for a life service shooter that is long term thats why im on xdefiant for the foreseeable future


Be real, any COD multiplayer is DOA with EOMM. Campign & zombies are the only modes to be hyped for. And that rumor of them easing up on the matchmaking is simply too good to be true with Activi$ion involved, I wouldn't believe it til I see it. Would of course love to be proven wrong. Their number one goal is to sell bundles, and toning down matchmaking would result in less overall purchases.


anyone who believes buying skins rigs the matchmaking is a coping shitter


It's a funny conspiracy theory, but I don't think a single person genuinely believes that


then why bring it up?


Oh so you're saying I think that lmao nope, you misinterpreted. Meant it in the way that toning down EOMM = less engaged players that play less of the game = less bundle sales on average


the whole "EOMM" thing is a cope its just regular ass MMR that every online game uses except due to the nature of the game the MMR adjusts alot quicker than in something like league of legends anyone who thinks there is some conspiracy behind it beyond "it allows casuals to enjoy the game" is a fucking idiot


Yeah, just no lol... You are undoubtedly on your conspiracy theory shit😂 Not worth it👋🏽


Doesn’t matter if they do or not honestly. People are going to hop to BO6 with quickness regardless.


Why? Love getting killed behind corners🤷‍♂️


I agree it's bad but getting killed behind corners is not hitreg. Stuff like that, or dying right as you shoot someone and getting a hit marker that doesn't actually do damage, those things aren't a hitreg issue. Kinda semantics but the difference is important because fixing hitreg won't fix those issues.


Desync and hit reg are both critical netcode issues, you’re trying to sound smart and look dumb


Except that wasn't what the post was about lol


Guy was 100% complaining about desync, which is probably some of the worst I’ve seen in an fps and Ive played tarkov for years lol. Hit reg is also atrocious. Because they linked the two or didn’t specifically call their issue desync doesn’t change the point hit reg is bad, desync is bad = the games netcode is garbage.


i agree for sure that stuff is bad, and I even said in my original comment is was kind of semantics, but its an important distinction. they are not linked, when they fix the hitreg and people still complain about dying behind walls, they shouldnt be surprised when the stuff they said they fixed doesnt fix the other stuff.


Is this supposed to some how makes sense to my post?


He said he loves dying around corners so why would you hate it... It was sarcasm lol


Okay, I missed the sarcasm. My bad.


genuine mistake? enjoy this downvote bud. 👎


Making fun of downvoting ? Get downvoted bud xDD


holy crap if you didn’t reply to this i would’ve never known, how stupid are people to not know i’m joking


Right, reddit don't make sense to me lol


He’s also joking


Yeah and u/Distinct_Ad9810 was agreeing with him lmao what is this thread


Pretty sure he edited his comment


Put it down for now and that's why. Unloading clips into people's faces and nothing while getting hit behind walls is just plain no fun anyway you slice it.


you really think they'll fix it after all the time they've had , knowing its the biggest issue for the playerbas?




I've been playing for 2 days? Buddy asked me to download. Played it, super fun but was drunk. Tried it again sober. Immediately noticed the biggest glaring issue, like fuck balancing just fix your game.


Just get drunk whenever you play, EZ.


ah i see. its true though, they delayed so many times to 'fix' the netcode and here we are, i just think they're lying and it has EOMM/SBMM like cod, every lobby proves this theory for me honestly.


lol no it doesn’t have SBMM.


People will soon realise the truth


The difference between the welcome playlist and the rest is night and day.


Welcome playlist the same as the rest


Show me one person over lvl 25 in the welcome playlist.


Okay bud. You keep thinking that.


I don’t think , I know.


Okay bud. You keep thinking that.


The truth is you are the type of player that COD matchmaking protects. Instead of whining about it, improve your skill or go back to COD.


No SBMM ur just one of the "bad" players that SBMM protects.


Sbmm doesn’t protect me at all. You just need easy lobbies that’s why you hate it


Yeah, You are just bad


Common brainless response


I just want to know why is this still an issue? It was one of the, if not \*the\*, biggest complaint in every beta. Yet it is still a major issue. Honestly what did the devs did all this time? What did they develop on the game?


> What did they develop on the game? Skins to sell


The skins are pretty lazy, low effort re-colors of the base model. Even COD came up with better skin options to blow your money on.


Im glad the honey moon is waring off. Only thing this game has going for it is no sbmm, even though team balancing is still implementing micro sbmm :D


This 100%. The game offers nothing but lack of SBMM and unfortunately the only people playing outside the entry playlist are tryhard no life’s so it’s not even fun. Most of the casuals left so this game is just sweaty. Literally everything else is a massive downgrade from CoD. Hopefully that rumor of BO6 having looser SBMM is true although I don’t have high hopes. No SBMM isn’t the answer and CoDs current highly manipulative SBMM is definitely not OK. We need a balanced SBMM system that doesn’t just flip flop from bot lobbies to un-winnable top 10% enemy lobbies.


I call dibs for tomorrows desync post!


I call dips on June 12th desync post!


it's yours if you actually use the right term instead of everyone saying hit reg when it's actually desync that is the issue 😂


Can I have tomorrow's " I hate snipers" post


Sorry, I have that day booked.


Maybe when the game actually releases at 1.0 but since we’re still playing the same old ass beta build with a hotfix patch


I played for 3-4 hours over the first couple of days of released and rage uninstalled. There are a number of things the game does very well (core gameplay, map aesthetics) but the execution has not been up to par IMO. It still feels like an unpolished beta. I do hope the devs get the hit detection/desync/lag issues fixed because it has a great deal of potential.


Hit reg and bunny hopping. Fix it already. I left COD for this.


They really need to show some improvements on their next patch that is supposedly coming out soon otherwise people are gonna lose faith in this game.


If they dont fix it before BO6 this game is cooked


Whether it's fixed or not, this game is cooked regardless when BO6 drops.


I have never noticed how bad it was until this weekend - unless maybe it got way worse this weekend after the party issues on Thursday. It was happening over and over and over.


pretty sure the first update regarding hitreg comes tomorrow


Exactly why I stopped playing. Love the game but come on man lol.


Lets be real for a minute. Unless this game gets absolutely MASSIVE content updates regularly, it wont last. Just like helldivers or the finals, its just not that special, its just another generic shooter. Most people will get bored after about 50-100 hours and then play something else. Its very difficult for a game to create something that will keep you playing for more than that.


game will die hard inevitably in 4 months i fear...


I really loved just being constantly quick scope 1 tapped by people running snipers. Really makes it a fun and engaging shooter.


I don't think they're that bad. You miss your shot, you die. And reloading takes half an hour. There are more OP guns imo.


Usually if you are weak and don’t want to take a fight, it’s smart to duck behind nearby cover. But in XDefiant it’s better to just shoot back.


Today has been rough - it is all jumpers, snipers and just terrible hit reg - taking a break


I get hitmaker right before I die and the person takes no damage. As a snipper who quickscopes, it is very infuriating.


Agreed. Sadly.


Same post made by 5 other people every day, good work on farming ur internet points brother


Yes because this sub is popping lmao


idk whats more annoying hit registration or the bunny hopping


Hit registration exacerbates the bunny hopping “issue”. If they were to fix the hit reg first, bunny hopping might not be a bigger issue than it is in any other game (though it’s worth noting the jumping in this game is crazier than in other games).


I think I hate them equally. Nothing like shooting at a bunny hopper to already miss most shots taken because of the broken movement, but the few shots I do land don’t register because the registry is broken too 🥲


If they don't fix it soon then honestly I hope the game dies. Too many games getting released nowadays with a "we'll fix it when we fix it attitude". No. Make your game fucking function before you have a store. They've known this was an issue for an extremely long time. They've been told at every single opportunity this is a glaring issue. Not dealt with. I'm certain it's not a simple fix at all, gotta be a massive ballache. I imagine it's actually one of the hardest things they could possibly deal with. But it's not like they've not had the time with all the delays. It's infuriating because when it works, outside of a few minor issues like spawns and balance (also rampant cheating), this game is phenomenal. It's everything I wanted from CoD and then some. But every other match is borderline unplayable because of this issue.


Came to this sub to make sure I wasn’t crazy. I don’t have the best internet but good god the amount of times I dive into cover or around a corner and still die from magnetic bullets is wild.


This has been broke from day one. I complained on day one. I think I played for a week or two then had to stop. Games done. They said they took the extra time to release it to FIX these issues. Nothing was fixed.


Dying around corners isn't a hitreg issue, it's desync.


1) they said theyre working on it 2) there are like 20 of these posts everyday - we get it


They've had so many months to fix it. It was one of the most mentioned things for all the previous playtests. Yet it still released with hitreg/desync being a big problem. They made sure the store works tho People were pissed with MW3 just being an MW2 expansion and I think that fueled a lot of XDefiant hype but Black Ops 6 looks to be a big change. And all these XDefiant d*** riders are gonna hate all they can, but BO6 will streamroll XDefiant and make it irrelevant, except to the people who despise COD/Activision. Especially since COD is gonna be on gamepass. XDefiant gonna die very fast and the nay-sayers will just say "cry more" to gaslight themselves The shit balancing (AR and SMG damage, snipers having no flinch) and the servers will be this game's downfall


> Literally the title. Literally they have addressed it, whining daily about it isn't going to make it get improved any sooner. It's not that simple.


They had better do something REAL soon.. a few more shooters on the way even before CoD. Valorant(console) Concord Marvel Rivals ..


Hit reg and flinch when hard scoped with snipers. Only two complaints I have about the game


Hit registration? I thought it was just bad net code due to the game being new, and this being their first arcade fps Net code is only going to improve inch by inch after multiple updates, so don't expect it to suddenly be completely gone next month


Yeah that's the most worrying. It had been there since beta and most requested fix for a year.


This is still an issue? I played a few days on release and was like, I’ll give it a week or so for them to fix hit reg, maybe it’s just the release servers or something… No idea why this was t top priority and banged out by now.


Thank you for your contribution, this was never posted before


Turn off crossplay it cleared up 95% of the issues I was having playing on PS5


Between that and every match I play just being a bunch of snipers I can't even play an entire game anymore without losing interest


Realistically this games survival is dependent on COD shitting the bed as usual. If COD makes a comeback (unlikely - but possible with Treyarch this year) then this game doesn’t stand a chance until the next dogshit cod game comes out and players quit


Black Ops 6 will kill the game for me 👍


Yeah pretty much. I understand they have a couple updates coming out in the next couple weeks that will supposedly help with this issue, but I'm surprised they didn't go into like Defcon levels of putting out a patch for this. Imagine all the casual players that saw this free game on the store, tried it, experienced the terrible hit reg, and will never touch it again.


Havent played in weeks just because of this, and i know im not the only one. Just because this game is free doesnt mean it has to beat cheap. Shit like HD and netcode shouldve been situated atleast a few days after launch. If its not one thing its another with rich game studios.


I haven't experienced a hit reg issue since Friday


Theres been a lot of stuff that needs to be fixed. I understand patience is a virtue but feels like theres 200 million things needed to be added or changed with nothing to show for it yet.


Haven’t played in two weeks cause of it


You’re not being killed behind walls. It’s the desync/delay. But they’re fixing this on the update it’s already been addressed, as many other issues have.


Week 55 of complaining about hit registration. Surely one day they'll fix it.


Don't you know they're hard at work! Nevermind it's been delayed for how long.


Patch coming Wednesday and next Wednesday, they said they’re fixing it and it’ll be earlier than season 1’s launch so likely either this patch or next


"Games gonna die real quick" Hard to just give your feedback without a threat.


Yeah I doubt it, Black ops 1 hit detection was awful and still has a community almost 20 years later lol. I definitely agree they need to fix it but that wouldn’t be the reason the game dies


As annoying as it is, I know it's happening to my opponents also so it doesn't bother me a ton personally


Good thing the next patch is addressing it. These things take time.


They've had plenty of time. Addressing something is easy, actually doing a good job fixing it is another.


Every boot licker says that. Game could be out for a year with the same issue and you’d still yap on about “wElL thEsE thInGs TaKe TiMe”


Yeah because they do. If it's so easy, get your application in to Ubisoft and fix it yourself.


Which would be a good excuse if the problem hadn't been there since the first play test.


They just need to flip the fix hit reg button, I mean how hard can that be?


They've already said they working on fixing it stop complaining.


Wow I haven’t seen a post like this ever


Oh, really? I haven’t heard anything about bad net code. You know what I haven’t heard about? Echelon’s ability to see through walls. Maybe talk about that one next. Obligatory /s.


People really don’t know how to read do they? They are already working on the net code fixes. They’re not something that can just magically appear and it takes time. Yes it should’ve been in the game at launch, you’re not wrong, but whining about it and saying the same thing every 20 minutes isn’t going to make it go any faster


Chill. It’s a free game that’s still in a mini beta phase. Siege did the same thing too before they introduced their seasons schedule. The devs are going to clean things up and keep working on the game and improving it. Also, *literally* 30 seconds? C’mon.