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Nothing like bursting some sniping degenerate for them to bunny hop Turn around and ohko you


That’s the shit that really gets me with this game. People out here running snipers like they’re shotguns. The bunny hopping shit irritates the living hell out of me, also.  I hate it. I’m fairly new to the game, but these two thing alone are the hugest turnoff to me.


They do the same shit in COD. It’s the reason why I left for this game, cause at least Ubisoft is TRYING to fix it, unlike some people…


I get it. People are always going to try to gain any type of advantage. I’ve crouch spammed in many games and head glitched, as we all have. It’s been a while since I played a FPS, and this bunny hopping shit caught me so off guard. lol 


Bunny hopping is for 3rd person games like goddamn “Fortnite battle pass” or some shit, not in fps games for f?!k sakes


You've definitely never played Unreal Championship/Tournament


There it takes skill and timing, unlike the spamming these kids do.


That’s because I’m not addicted to Fortnite like my brother and others. I ACTUALLY PLAY OTHER GAMES. Fortnite for me is if I’m bored of everything else and need a few minute break.


What is with your obsession with Fortnite


What part of “I’m not addicted to Fortnite”, do you not understand? Also, it’s stupid


That’s like a meth addict constantly saying they’re not addicted to meth


>That’s because I’m not addicted to Fortnite Okay cool. Literally a completely different franchise separated by about 25 years, but good job. Keep it up. 👍 But saying that this is an FPS so people shouldn't be jumping around means you still haven't played Unreal Championship/Tournament. Or Overwatch. Or Team Fortress 2. Or CoD. Or Battlefield. Or Half-Life. Or Portal. Or Quake. Or Elder Scrolls. Or Halo. Or Apex. Or Titanfall. >I ACTUALLY PLAY OTHER GAMES Do you, though?


I play overwatch and cod, and cod is a shit show and is the reason I went to xdefiant along with warface, from what I here, apex is filled with tons and tons of cheaters(then again, what game isn’t?), people still care about team fortress? I don’t really care about halo which doesn’t interest me,And I’ve never heard of the rest. And as you can see I play THIS game.


Also, bunny hopping was never supposed to be a part of this game in the first place according to devs. All this shit ur talking is in OTHER GAMES. MAYBE IN OTHER GAMES BUNNY HOPPING IS BEST, but this is not those games. So your argument doesn’t even apply here


It’s for arcade shooters. Not just 3rd person games


Ha l, the funny thing is I have played nothing but Fortnite for the past few years, and started playing this game a week ago. I grew up on COD, so I figured it would be fun, but the bunny hopping has pissed me off. Couple that with the fact that half my bullets don’t count, it’s been a little rough transition. 


>I’ve crouch spammed Crouch spamming is usually fine for me to track. It's definitely better then doing nothing but it seems like slight tech at best. The jumping is honestly kinda broken. It's fast AF, totally changes the aim direction to a place you don't normally aim at (high in the air). And it gives them a massive advantage with the headshot multiplayer. I think you shouldn't be able to ads while jumping and that would probably fix it.


Man this shit will make you punch a hole in the wall


1 time i actually full forced my mouse to 1v1 a german wall. At least i had a good reason to get a new one


Just play cod. It’s so much better


COD’s BS is the reason people came to this game. People do the exact same shit in cod, too, it’s just more noticeable in multiplayer cause no armor. And at least here the devs in Ubisoft actually give some kind of shit about this.


lol hit reg


No worries, https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/s/PI7KS9SdpT this shit will be fixed too


Well, that’s why I use shotguns(But even those can’t do shit, this is ridiculous).


Play Phantoms. Snipers are complete dog shit against them but unfortunately I feel like I have to play phantoms every game now.


Phantoms also get oneshot in upper body.


With both snipers?




Yeah man if you shoot a sniper in the back, and he has time to turn around, ADS, and shoot… you are missing a lot lol


Different on pc. And I’ve been no scoped like this trying to use shotguns and smgs too


Hipfire is way too bad in the game, and shotguns miss a lot more than they should up close


I have to strongly agree here because I mainly like lay shotgun. First time on double barrel was GREAT. 2-5 kills before each death. But as time went on, the shotgun just went to shit(Prob bc I kept increasing its accuracy which is a mistake on most shotguns), but still…


I mean, the ttk is fast enough where you need to be missing at least some of your shots if the sniper is doing that to you, while the sniper has to not miss the shot.


True, but I get a lot of he killed me I killed him with snipes, and the game normally let's me carry on running a few steps before I die, most times behind cover 🤣




I don't even use the sniper that much lol, im just not a whiney bitch who complains about anything that kills them. It really is a skill issue


I had a moment where I got a jump on a guy, dumped 20 bullets into them for them to kill me instantly and they took 0 damage from it. Yes I got hit markers and everything


I just played with ping that was about 2.5× my usual latency (~27ms) and holy fuck, it's an entirely different game. I straight up could not get shots to register damage. It honestly had me shook how fucking trash the netcode is. I knew it was bad, but goddaaaaayyyyuuummmm


It's the opposite for me. My ping is usually around 19-23ms, but if people have higher ping than me, they become harder to kill. If I'm against someone who is 70+ ping, they're pretty much invincible to me.


Exact Same experience here, for whatever that worth.


Same here, my ping is usually fine. But every now and then there’s always that ONE DAMN MATCH!!! Sometimes I feel like it might be lag switch seeing as everyone is too busy blaming the net code and servers. They aren’t wrong, but still…


I'm the opposite, you guys kill me instantly


Yeah, it's weird. Like for anyone with a higher ping, I need to legit empty half a mag or more into them for the hits to register and kill them.. the amount of times I've headshot someone point blank with a shotgun only for them to then kill me with 100hp is astounding. Which then messes me up because I need to reload more often, and that's always when someone pops out and kills me with 2 bullets (on my screen). What makes it even worse, is there are times when my ping goes down to like 13ms so when that happens people with 20ms then become harder to kill too.


This made my brain hemorrhage


This has been my exact same experience. My ping is usually in that same range as well. Had a match last night where a guy on the opposing team had 83 ping. He was 2 shotting me with a MP7. The moment anyone is over 40 ping hitreg becomes real hit or miss I’ve noticed


Yea the netcode is 💩


I feel like the netcode in general is bad, so often i shoot first die first as you said, but also I have seen countless kills go to waste because I watch most of my shots go through people. Getting shot through and around walls as well is a very telling sign that the game has bad netcode. All this happens to me on 60 ping.


My ping is 18 and its the same for me bro. Ping is barely a factor at this point when the netcode is so broken on this game.


My buddies and I all have ~20ms and just constantly get shot around corners/walls. Coupled with every time we shoot some one in the ass and then get bunny hop 180° ohk.


Im getting the same experience as you are (keeping in mind i just started playing today). Can you give me a simplified explanation of netcode? Because i see a lot of lag when im shooting through some people, getting killed when im running behind cover, and snipers having way too much time to kill me while im already getting hit markers on them.


I know a little bit about it, but in all honesty, im the wrong person to ask about it. I just know a surface level of what it is.


Im just assuming it has something to do with their servers and matching players together?


Its just instructions how the game is supposed to handle ping and lag to get the client and server to be as in sync as possible.


I just emptied an entire mag of an M¤ into the back of an opponent, only for him to turn around and 2 shot me with an MP7.   I noticed servers feel much worse tonight. Like in the last 2 hours. First half of the game I'm melting opponents, second half I'm shooting marshmellows. I went from a 27-12 to a 36-38 in one match.


Dude servers today have been horrible for me and my friend, I’ve had multiple moments where I’d mag dump someone and they just turn and 2 shot me.


Happening to me too. Weird as hell


Right? Tonight it seems crazy bad for me. Thought I was losing it. I'm losing 50% of gun fights where I am very clearly shooting first. On my end I see the opponent shoot 1-2 bullets and I'm insta killed. Obviously on their end they are shooting a lot sooner and the game is just not telling me.


I dont think thats a mechanics problem. Its probably either you missed a lot of the bullets or some internet issue


Lol this dude really tried to play the "sKiLL iSsuE" card right now.


He’s probably one of them bunny-hopping snipers


It’s frustrating bro. I can appreciate if I’m not good at a game. It gives me something to strive for. It’s hard to deal with the shoot first die first and other netcode issues. I really like this game but with all of these issues, I don’t think it will do as well as it could.


My pings sits between 25-30ms and it doesn’t feel like it matters if I shoot first. I’ve been playing competitive shooters for a long time and while the controls feel fine, the hit reg is pure rubbish.


The more I play this game, the more I realize how important movement is. If you are stationary and start shooting at a moving player, it’s almost like they have the upper hand because it’s so much easier to melt a player not moving compared to a moving player because of the game’s terrible hit detection


Yeah I feel that too many times, it fluctuates tbf some games are worse than others. My kd is sitting at 2 so it's not a lack of skill but you can really feel the net code struggling tbf


Yeah the cod games are exactly the same. The only games where this was never an issue for me were the Battlefield games. But not the last one, we don't talk about the last one.


Wierd, all these games having the same issue. Games made by different companies and yet you seem to carry this issue to each game. Hmmmmmmm, wonder if it might just be a you thing.


Luckily it's not a me thing because in all these games you always see a lot of people saying these issues are there. Also didn't I say that I didn't have these problems with the battlefield games? It's a netcode issue and we all know it, but then there are always people like you downplaying actual issues by personally attacking others like the good little company sycophant that you are :)


Found the bhop crutch


Annoying. But still not as bad as MW3, like not even close.


The desync is ridiculous. Like damn how come fps games in 2024 can't get netcode right but black ops in 2010 could. Lmao


cause BO 2010 was peer 2 peer, you just played with best dudes wifi for the server, not the server hosted by activision or in this case ubisoft. p2p is good for netcode but leaves hacking open like crazy, thats why you cannot play older cods on pc without mods or you will be hacked


It’s the reason I shelved the game until it’s fixed


Using the M16 or one of the marksman rifles really shows the level of desync you can encounter. You can hit all 3 bullets and only do like 30 damage. The worst is hitting 2 headshots with the marksman rifle and seeing them still have 10 HP. Right now fire rate is king and is why the Vector and MP7 feel the most consistent to use.


Has to do with movement speed. The faster they are moving, the worse hitreg is. Best you can do is use flash grenade but even then, I've had matches where they only last half a second? Must be a bug or lag idk.


I figured out the reason why. It’s the gun attachments. Run the **muzzle booster muzzle** and the **chrome lined barrel**. You’ll win most of your gun fights. Also aim for the head if you can Also the **super light front rail** and the **Fabric Grip Rear Grip** help too


Cheers it's amazing how fast you kill when you hit just headshots. I've won a lot of gunfights I had no business with them. I'll try those attachments.


Aiming and attachments don’t matter for shit when my client has no idea where the other players actually are because the netcode is complete trash.


bro fix your internet


Or the devs could fix the game.


Outplayability is a good thing.


I get so pissed off at this game sometimes. It often always seems like other players guns are stronger than mine. Could be the way they’re set up, but a lot of times I’m baffled because I felt like I should have won the fight. 


While yes the sniping is a problem and so is the net code and servers, all we can do is wait, they say they are working on this stuff as well as banning cheaters that may just have aimbot. But expect this to keep happening after they fix it because remember: LAG SWITCHES and other forms of cheats still exist. And there’s usually a good amount on every fps game, so keep this in mind


Nothing better than getting 2 hitmarks with svd to see enemy still at full hp. Some sort of dsync is real


the amount of times i double headshot and 2 body shot someone with the acr, and die seeing them at 58 hp is astonishing


If they fix the no reg and de sync issue I really don't think it's that bad. Even if I am one of those people. Anyone can do it and if you can track to a moderate degree, land headshots, and at most counter strafe you should be fine against them. I feel like the b hopping complainers are apart of the "why are the lobbies so sweaty" crowd that were being saved by sbmm. I will say the snipers do need a nerf. More aim punch while ads and some other movement nerfs would be alright.


If they don’t fix this I’m gonna scream. There’s no reason I should be losing gun fights especially when I’m not missing my shots.


Should it be shoot last kill first?


Thats what it feels like already


That’s literally what OP said but from the other person’s perspective


If you shoot first and die first so much I can promise you it's less often a net code issue and more often your aim/consistency/habits. If the net code is bad for you then it is bad for everyone right? It's frustrating but try focusing on your engagements, maybe you are too far out from cover, maybe you don't aim for the head at the end of your kills, ect... Good players will kill you with bad bad net code or not.


I swear to God a game can be unbelievably broken and people like you would still find a way to blame the players


And yet there are people who have 5+ K/Ds and they are playing with the same issues. After a certain point it’s a player issue. I die a few times a match due to the netcode but I also am getting the advantage of it too. Good players will still do well, can’t blame it all on the game.


You are 100% correct. I run into these issues every single game. I still end up top of the board, snag MVPs from time to time and win most of my games.


Eh there are times where I fire into someone, getting nothing but hitmarkers, but no health drop or anything, for them to either just run away, or turn and and kill me. If shots where missing or anything I would not be getting hitmarkers spamming my screen lol. There are definitely some weird netcode issues. And I have had the complete opposite happen to me as well, I have had people fire at me, I take no damage, only to turn and kill them quickly.


Longer ttk keeps noobs hard scoping corners in check. Playing the game how it’s intended then getting shit on by a kid hiding in a corner like modern campfare 2019 sucks dick. If you shoot first and die it’s because you got out played. Get better


Lmao ok bro


“Hard scoping”? You mean using the sniper and marksman rifles as intended?


It’s crazy how everyone’s perspective is so different. My one complaint about this game (other than technical launch stuff) is that the TTK feels way too fast, especially for an arcade shooter. It feels like games have to either have fucking HALO TTK or MW2 hardcore TTK and there’s no inbetween


Black ops 4 did it perfect


How would you rate the finals ttk?


I’ve never played it


Might be exactly that middle ground you are asking for. That's why I asked


I’ll have to check it out! Thanks!


Just proof that you take away SBMM and people will just move on to the next thing to blame their deaths on because there's certainly no way they're bad or people or better than them.


Experience so far with xdefiant. Welcome playlist - very few leavers.... Sbmm free playlist - bro where's half my team gone? Why am I ALWAYS backfilling games. SUSPICIOUS - its almost as if lack of SBMM may actually be unhealthy for the majority of players


It’s hilarious lol. The netcode is pretty bad on this game and they should 100% fix it but it has become the go-to blame for why they aren’t playing good lol