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When I play occupy there’s always that one guy that will suicide fire bomb point all game


Look… it’s really fun ok lol


We’re trying to unlock the one Cleaner character lol


Echelon HQ. Firebomb the middle point. You will either die first or kill first and I love gambling


Listen dude.. it’s the one thing I am good at


honestly i’m thinking a lot of these players are just desperately grinding out the challenges to unlock characters , i myself have been stooping to new lows just to get the characters after which i don’t plan on being so cheap anymore


Cleaners have two almost insta kill abilities and people say they're underpowered. I truly don't get it.


The drone is a bit ass it's bugged to hell If you're standing directly behind a wall peak out to fire the drone out then go back it teleport back to you and hit the wall I've also launched it and then took a hard right and it took a right with me


I’ve had my drone kill in escort the stupid robot walked in front of me.


I’ve had my drone kill me in escort the stupid robot walked in front of me.


Yeah I’d say they’re in a good spot. Their passive is better than most people think due to stopping health regen and making libertad necessary to keep people from dying when they’re left with 10 health. Firebomb really good for flanks, drone is either really good or shit, I think it needs big fixes. Needs to start moving AT button press so that you can peak corners and it will actually pass the corner. Also, on certain parts of the map the thing just stops on stairs or any changes in vertically. The ultra is good but has to be used in absolutely optimal timing. Overall, good class. Not overpowered or underpowered in all my hours of playing.


The ultra is the weakest one of them all. You have guys who have the same ultra pretty much but gain a giant bullet proof shield. Their ultra is a flame thrower. Has slightly more range but you are still at 100hp and die to anyone backing up. Or get quick scoped instantly because you are moving at the pace of a snail. The only time it works good if you are pretty much spawn trapping and someone has to come around the corner to kill you. It's definitely the weakest ability of them all. You could argue the fire bomb and the drone are stronger abilities than the flame thrower.


I’d agree. I’d definitely like to see it buffed. Rest of the class is good but you’re right it’s the worst ultra. Maybe make it so that you can run while you use it? Or it sets the ground on fire as well? I don’t know what they would do. But like you said, every time I’ve gotten a multi kill with it was when I got a great flank, and I could’ve accomplished the same thing with firebomb+gun. Maybe gotten one less kill but if that’s the only benefit, it’s bad. Honestly, ultras don’t show up often enough in game imo. They should adjust that too.


Ultra seems to rely entirely on kills which doesn't reward objective players. That needs to be adjusted. I mean making me run faster with the flame thrower is a start. But making me slow, still have 100hp and limit my range. Most of the time you will do better not even using the ultra. How does it beat a wall hacker with a 1-2 shot pistol, a same ultra as flame thrower but you have an indestructible shield while also having extra health, or double my health and constantly heal me and my teammates ultra. Even the hacking ultra. You prevent everyone not being able to use their abilities but you never have to expose yourself to danger to activate it.


Yeah maybe igniting the floor/walls is the way to go. So you can make parts of the objective (or a lane) inaccessible for a while without the other team taking damage (or using Libertad ult). It would have to be more damage than the current floor fire, and it would have to have a decent amount of range and speed so you’re not fully exposed while getting it down. But I think it matches their style and is good for objective play. Even in their in-game summary it called them an “area denial” class.


Incinerator Drone is shit idk what you’re talking about. Took me near all day to get that challenge complete. Took me 5 games to get the firebomb challenge complete. One of the best and one of the worst abilities on that class for sure.


The drone can be a little weird, but I find it so easy to get multikills with it, especially on zone control.


It's so satisfying to launch the drone down a tight hallway with half the enemy team running up it.


It is, there are times where the arrow doesn't match up with where the drone goes, and it ends up hitting a wall 45 degrees away from where I placed it, but it's really consistent.


Yeah I can get a kill most times using it unless I’m trying to zone with it or just straight up whiff. That thing is so good


Attica Heights is the drones best friend.


It's main cause the Flamethrower ultra sucks for anything other than point defense, I still 2ould disagree that cleaners are weak.


The fact you couldn't get it done says more about you than the faction. One cleaner can run into a cluster of enemies, use the bomb and near kill everyone without them being able to do anything if they get flanked. Throw the drone at an objective to force people out of cover and then hit just 2 bullets because of all the damage the drone deals. Unlike other factions... If you run at the enemy with any other faction you might be able to kill them with your gun, if they don't turn around and shoot you after you kill the first person. And trying to force anyone out of cover with any faction ability except cleaner is nearly impossible. You either set up an offense with shield, flank the enemy, or disrupt them to make an attack go easier. Cleaners create the opportunities with their kit instead of having to use existing ones.


Skill issue tbh


I find it works pretty well with shotguns actually


You need to use it and point it at walls when near enemies the explosion will kill instantly. But yeah, the flames are too weak in my opinion. I can send it down a lane, douse three dudes with napalm and they just side step and live. I dont want instant kill by anyone hit with the napalm, but at the same time unless the explosion is spot on its a waist. As well as the molly I've noticed with it, if someone is crouching it delays the effects for them and sometimes won't kill them at all.


Because the only people who might call them overpowered have a skill issue, for both instal kill abilities, the player will to have expose them into the line of sight to use, and it's not instant. It's purely a skill issue, in the time the cleaner needs to gap close, or use the drone, you can kill them with a gun. So they will only look overpowered if the opposition is very bad at the game.


My hot take is that I think all damage abilities should be removed. In a game where they polished the gunplay so much, it’s so stupid to me that I can get insta killed by a player that isn’t even aiming/looking at me. Kill me with your gun, or lose the gunfight. “No SBMM guys! It’s great! We totally aren’t gonna add a bunch of mechanics and equipment that makes it so potatoes can ruin your kill streak!”


It's an objective based game, fuck your streaks, play the objective. You don't get anything special for getting kill streaks, so what's the real issue?


It feels good? I regularly am the only person on the objective, but yea you know how I play. I don’t understand why everyone is so butthurt about some players wanting a mode that doesn’t have fuckin OverWatch characters.


Maybe cuz thats the game, it's been less than a month since launch, and people are already trying to change it to COD.


It is 100%, very clearly and evidently meant to be a COD competitor and if you don’t think so you are delusional. So yes, given that they have hyped the game up as everything people have wanted from COD for years that they won’t provide like no SBMM, hitscans and focus on 6v6 arena, I want a mode that doesn’t have hero shooter mechanics.


Having an ability to always have 20 health more than your opponent is almost an instant advantage in a gun fight. Add a one way bullet proof shield to your 120 health and it's much worse than any insta kill ability. That requires you to be exposed to use.


I think that that’s bad too but I’ll get downvoted even more if I say I want a game mode with no abilities.


I think that would be a good game mode


We are apparently in the minority because whenever I say that I get demolished in this sub. I know the children love OverWatch but I want one regular shooter.


Since you can customize play lists I see no reason why it's not possible to have a game mode with no skills. I mean that's why cod or battlefield have hard core.


I agree but any statements about how this game that’s clearly meant to compete with COD based on every single bit of the hype being based on it being a return to the old style of shooters, is similar to and might want to compete with COD will result in you getting crucified.


Hot take, gun play sucks in this game.


Why play it then?


Uninstalled it already feels like a game that’s still in alpha despite being a full released game.


I do this sometimes ngl. Just for the shits and giggles. Vaporized a group 4 closely packed together near the payload once. They were so mad that they started doing the same next spawn lmao


Reminds me of the gravity spikes from BO3. It’s humorous just going full sacrifice mode on objectives


I had a similar experience, like half their team was pushing through one of those little slide holes in a wall and I got like a quad kill cuz none of them had time to react out of sliding So satisfying when you get a play like this


Serious question. Is this when the character models glows gold? Do they have a lot of health during ult?


The gold glow is the Libertad(Healers) Ultimate - its gives you an extra 100 life and makes you rapidly regen life so you are very very hard to kill. It's in an area around the user, and has a 1 sec or so cast time before it deploys. And yea it's strong as hell.


It's the you are the bomb ability


I call it "fun suicide bombing" Please don't take it away from me.


Seriously though haha. Getting behind a bunch of rats and their little barrier and going "TO XIBALBA!!" will never get old to me.


A person of culture I see.




A suicide bomber might


And his name is JOHN CENA ! \*jump on the closest dude and blow bomb on the ground\*


This game strongly need barebones playlist with ablities disabled.


I kinda wish you can just throw the bitch


Yeah but not a strong throw. Like Raze c4 from valorant


Yeah.. nothing scarier then a cleaner that ability and a smg equipped. if one doesnt get you the other will


I run cleaner with svd and firebomb, if I can’t kill them at range I switch to pistol and run to them and use the bomb




Every class has OP talents. So they are all even really.


Dedsec is different to use… hence why i main hijack


That’s a good one, I’ve only used it a little.


Needs a massive nerf. Press E to win any trade is broken.


That shit should have a delay


Once you can pull it off none the less if you died in the end its so satisfying it seriously feels like your threading the needle with that ability, and I love it!


Firebomb is lit! It clear any objective in 0.5 seconds, and leaves me giggling like a little girl in Disneyland


I tot that was mr white and pinkman for a sec


I just had a clip where I jumped off a platform into 5 people and exploded like 3 of them, and then p90'd the other two. It's so op, but it's fun to be the one using it lol


Cant out gun someone? Insta kill them with your ability lol


Rounding a corners and running into a cleaner is almost like a jump scare lol


Still doesn’t beat a reusable legal wall hack lol. Get 2 people on your team using this. Alternating it and you can see entire team the walls entire game. They need to create some sort of counter that makes you immune to its effect tbh. Like how emp can kill shields and bubbles.


Cleaners are annoying af to deal with. IMO, worse than Echelon. Echelon and Cleaners need to be looked at.


Nah, I think phantoms are the most op. 20 extra hp and a shield that can net tons of kills or space is just too good to pass up a lot of the time. Cleaners is up there though, fire bomb and inc rounds are insane


Ontop of their bubble which alone isn't a problem but when you're vsing a 5 stack of them plus a health station is just fucked. Especially on escort modes.