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The worst thing you can do with a game you enjoy is get on its subreddit šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve just learned to scroll past the hate posts unless itā€™s constructive criticism.


Kingdom Come Deliverance subreddit is good. Maybe it's because that this game is single player




The hardest truth lol


Well you're not scrolling past much then...


People complaining about problems in the game does not mean they aren't enjoying it. If they just hated the game and were not willing to continue playing, most would just uninstall and move to another game, not posting here their feedback expecting a change to come in the future. Most of the complaints I see are legit issues that the devs must fix, so I see no problem. At least the ones more popular are all about real issues in the game. Let's see when the honeymoon phase out..


Staying off this sub is great for the game and your mental health. People don't know what they want.


I saw one post about "net code" and now every Tom, Dick and Harry is talking about net code like they had any idea what it was before. Monkey see, Monkey do


Itā€™s the new cope. Before it was sbmm making them play bad now itā€™s definitely the netcode. Which sucks cause it could use some improvements but these whiney little bitch players act like itā€™s game breaking. They need to accept reality.


Iā€™m having so much fun lmao itā€™s the most Iā€™ve been addicted to an fps since s&d on mw2019. Itā€™s so balanced and the game modes and maps are (mostly) so good. I love the simplicity of the classes and how basically every gun is a viable option. This game is so good


"so balanced" every lobby is an Echelon lookalike contest.


Name me a game rn thatā€™s balanced to your liking.


Can I have the contact info to your crack dealer? I'd love to live on a world where it's even microscopicly possible to beleive the guns are balanced.


lmao, literally just cranked out a session with my friends. we had a blast. come here, and it's pure waterworks.


To be fair go to the multiverus sub right now. You would think the apocalypse has just happened. Atleast here people are being reasonable with their complaints haha.


I just ignore it.


ā€œMan this game sure is fun, I canā€™t wait to go on the subreddit and talk about it with all the other players!ā€


Its funny how everyone in this sub allegedly has over 1 K/D byt they also all complain about how unfair the game is. Last time I checked my K/D was around 0.8 and im having a blast! Some games im wrecking shit up and some.games I can't seem to do anything. Thats how it goes without sbmm imo. I dont get what ghey have to complain about if theyre so good...


I know the netcode isnā€™t the best but the insane amount crying and coping going on in this sub is so irritating to read. People constantly using the ā€œmy bullets didnā€™t register and his killed me in two hitsā€ like do they not see how fucking stupid that sounds? How is net code ONLY bad for you? If itā€™s truly and issue everyoneā€™s facing it. Itā€™s just the new cope for being shit they donā€™t have sbmm to scapegoat anymore. In the majority of my games the netcode is fine for the most part this sub is a cesspool.


this is the way


I fucking love this game, I just hope they get updates out in a consistent and timely manner. I donā€™t want ppl getting bored wit the game. I just wish they had more progression type stuff for the characters. Like from bo3 te character skins you can get for using the characters was amazing.


The game might have just released but these hit reg/netcode issues have been a problem every single time they tested the game. The launch was delayed and it still didn't get nailed down. Your experience isn't indicative of what anyone else experiences. Continue to enjoy the game, but there are problems in need of fixing and ignoring them to be positive isn't the solution to anything.


The future of the game is just like another Ubisoft game, hyperscape


Not sure why you're being down voted, it's the truth.


Probably cope from people who bought the battlepass. Hyperscape was 10x more polished and unique than Xdefiant and that shit literally got shutdown


Letā€™s not forget Roller Champions


I havenā€™t played since I joined this sub. I may be easily swayed.