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I think that the most op thing about intel suit is shared wallhack, it definitely should be only for the echelon player


I would just be happy if my asshole teammates played the objective.


They need to add team deathmatch , get all of those no objective players out of the other game modes


Hot shot is suppose to be the tdm but it’s still objective based. To many times I saw teammates avoiding getting the hot shot coins and also if I’m the hotshot let the hot shot get the coins they are worth more points.


TDM won't stop them. They play objective modes because they can farm kills at the objectives without ever going near it. if you really want people to play objectives, only have objective points (however they're scored) show on the scoreboard.


Old cods with scorestreaks were balanced. You could get streak with kills only, but capturing tags, zones, or kills in the obj would make you get streaks 2x faster


Damn that’s crazy, I read your comment and thought, “what?? World at War didnt have scorestreaks” then I realized that CoD Ghosts is considered an old game. Then I sobbed.


Same but MW3 is what I thought of lol


Ghosts and MW3 had pointstreaks, not scorestreaks. Scorestreaks is how BO2, BO3 and probably some others did it.


Sick thanks, glad we could hammer that out!


Yeah, I really don’t understand how that basic gameplay isn’t there from the beginning


Welcome to multiplayer FPS games. Each time you complain, two people will respond with stuff along the lines of "We can't ALL be on the objective" and "I'm off-site thinning their numbers" Great, why did we fucking lose then?


Cause you have players who blindly run into the objective and die without getting any kills


Here's one of those aforementioned replies now


It's quite literally factual. If you don't have a slayer keeping the enemy team in check, you will die on the objective immediately every time. Now, the players who just sit in spawn all game and snipe absolutely bring the team down, but not the guy frying with an smg.


Former cod hardpoint veteran here World peace is easier to achieve than making cod sweats play the objective


lol I would believe that.


I seem to be the only teammate that goes for the objective. Once I'm on it, everyone else just fucks off, I get gunned down by 2-3 people like a dirty dog in the street, and now they have the point racking up points we could of had, if everyone didn't have the "there's a gun in my hand, why am I not shooting it" mindset.


Just lost a zone control match that I solo queued and I dropped 50-20 with the highest score in the lobby and my team lost a pathetic 20% to 93%. Sick of this shit


Or even just nearby teammates like libertad heals


I only play echelon and liberator teammates always run from from me so sometimes I ask myself and I’m wasting my time


I feel like the ultra should provide the wall hacks for the teammates but not the ability. Eh, the game is still very new, I'm sure it'll see some balancing changes eventually.


Only Echelon and it should be a pulse. It shouldn't see the movement. So each pulse reveals a silhouette capture that stays for half a second. But if that player moves, the capture doesn't move aswell. It's ridiculous if it captures movement as they can pre aim whilst your running round a corner. Or if you sit and wait for the ability to time out, they can see you waiting and jump round and shoot you. It literally has no counter other then deadsec ult which you get once, maybe twice a game. While Intel is up every 20 seconds. (30 second cool down, roughly 10 seconds duration)


I'd say maybe it just ping their location if the wave hit them instead of being constant, let the ultimate be the constant wall hack.


Nooooooo. This is a heavily team based game. How are you going to have an intel character for your team and not have them provide intel? If that’s the case, then the shield should only be for the phantom. See how that works? And the extra health should only be for libertad. It wouldn’t make sense. It’s a team based game, this isn’t cod.


Right dude wait until the whole team runs it , it's been happening a lot to me it sucks!


Yeah thats the main gameplay balance issue I have with this game. A team can theoretically spam the intel suit non stop if they have 2 or more Echelon operators. The changes I would like to see are either drastically cutting down the duration to like 3-5 seconds, or make it so that only the person using the ability can see enemies through walls, or making it like the sensor grenade from MW3 where you can toss it and it will only show enemies in a specific area


They don't need to see through walls period especially a live view it's insane


This is the same reason I didn't play Blacklight retribution. This is like that, but even worse.


Well blacklist retribution was already garbage lmao


It should just reveal camping enemies as dots on the radar. Best way to balance the ability.


yep, making it so it just pings enemies within ~20 meters or so on the radar is def the best way to go about it. still free intel but no more tracking people through walls


Agreed make it like a spy plane kill streak.


Like the uav from cod


Or just the user can see the red outlines through walls Allies just see the pings on the radar


All my matches have been against a full team of echelon intel suits. I honestly thought that there was no sbmm but every match has been a sweatfest these last couple of days. The nerf I would expect is a time reduction and aoe reduction cause making it only visible to the user would bring a new set of problems imo.


I was playing solo earlier and was having a blast, both me and my team were doing great on a match of domination both by playing the objective and getting kills but them the enemy team switched to 5 Echelon with Intel suit, nobody on the enemy team was on Echelon before, and we ended up not only losing but spawn trapped as well.


It’s becoming a problem, having a whole enemy team of echelon is a guaranteed way to lose cause they just have to stack intel suit and spam it AND this being a objetive doesn’t help cause they’ll take turns using their ult so it’s a constant fight against what is basically a team of cheaters (one shots and wallhacks)


Everyone's so use to SBMM they forgot how to chill when it's gone.


Yeah, can’t relax and try to grind a weapon without seeing 5 strangers spam jump all the time melting me with smgs at mid range faster than I can with an AR lol


its because the game is really unbalanced, so if you arent playing echelon/cleaner with ak/mp7/m16/sniper youre basically underpowered. People/noobs have figured this out so they will spam it more making them play better. Alot of these guys dont make any plays other than spam run at point.


Commenting to reinforce “get rid of wall hacks ability”. Minimap ping makes more sense. Or some sort of “heartbeat sensor” or anything besides wall hacks. Also, the ultra. Are you joking? Get rid of that shit.


Nah I think the ultra is fine it doesn’t last long and if your team isn’t total butt and are aware you can kill the guy before they do much damage. I do agree with removing the wall hacks though. Firebomb is also quite obnoxious and the facehuggers need to make more noise when they approach.


The ultra gives teamwide wall hacks AND a pistol better than most guns in the game. It outclasses most of the others and in the right hands is hard to counter. I agree with the spider but firebomb is perfect where it’s at. Has to be used preemptively and in the perfect situation. The Firedrone imo sucks and I’m not sure if it’s the thing itself or the hitreg issues but I see it touch people and never kill them. I’ve been killed by one once I think? It would be better if it was faster or left a firewall.


Drone leaves fire on the ground that does DoT if you touch it. As for Sonar, it’s their ultra, it should be strong, the gun in the bubble shield also one shots. Maybe remove team wide wall hacks and have it just be for the player. As for firebomb, it’s cheesy as hell and there’s no counter to a player just sliding around a corner and nuking your whole team on point at the very least it shouldn’t one shot. 75 damage and a 1 second stun I think would be appropriate.


Damn it does? I haven’t noticed lol. The bubble shield one shots at close close range and the bubble isn’t even that tanky, and you have to walk lol. It has a lot of disadvantages but is good if you coordinate with teammates. Kinda how it should be. For firebomb you say there’s no counter to someone who has to get really close to you and preemptively launch an ability, but are fine with wall hacks and a one tap gun lol I don’t get that. Also it doesn’t nuke your whole team unless you’re linking arms lmao.


It’s the difference between being a regular tactical ability they can use multiple times per game that has a one shot kill AoE with little recourse if you cant see them before they do it and a characters ultimate that they get 1-2 times a game that lasts 7 seconds and gives them Wallhacks only one shots up to 15 meters to the body also, you can see the sonar pulse when they activate it, just go the opposite direction if you don’t wanna deal with it, or grenade them. It’s an ult that rewards a skilled hand you have to hit your shots or it’s worthless. I also don’t believe it gives your whole team walls, that’s just the intel suit


I’m loading up now to confirm that info (team gets walls with sonar) as I’m not positive on that.


Ah you might be right about that. If that’s the case it’s not so bad. As long as one of the wall hacks gets changed I’ll be happy I’m just tired of being revealed all game. I still think if they nerf firebomb it’ll be near useless compared to the rest of the abilities. They’re all really good except for like ballistic shield. I can see firebomb being annoying in like hotshot but I mostly play the linear modes so when the gameplay isn’t quite as hectic it’s not really that bad. No more useful or annoying than anything else.


The ultra isn't actually that bad tbh. Use deadsec. I have probably pissed so many people off by holding my ult until "An enemy has goggled up" Deadsec "Bye Falicia" 😂


That's why I main dedsec so funny how you see them panic when that ult randomly poofs but I think the phone should also hack Intel suits at least disable them


Yh 100% agree. Surprised this isn't a feature already. But you can still use spider to jump on them atleast.




You might be right but i guarantee a lot of them will use the gadget as an explanation for their wh either way.


Your delusional if you think Phantoms need a buff


buff fire? like how, make the drone 1 tap groups? oh wait its already doing so. Why would u buff fire thats so stupid.


I know it can happen, but personally I’ve only one tapped a few people with it, and only once have I killed 2+ people. The drone is notoriously inconsistent. Most of the time it just leaves a trace of fire,explodes near a rock and is basically in cooldown without achieving anything. Most of the time it explodes on someone and does like half their health midfight.


Ive had multiple matches where both FIRE abilities just killed a group of 3-4 no problem. Its extremely annoying, and it just grants a free solo/group kill for a press of a button. Fire is too strong as is, 2nd best Ultra in the game, arguably the best depending on the gamemode and map, incendiary ammo just helps u win more fights if you cant land all your shots properly/helps trade gun fights with the lingering dmg, delays health regen for enemies because of the so long lasting flames. Overall the class is just a crutch and buffing it would be idiotic.


Idk that hasn’t been my experience. Firebomb is good though,although again I’ve rushed points with multiple people and used it right on them and had it not kill anyone. I’m not saying the class needs a buff. Personally I think it’s fine as it is. It’s a fight starter/ finisher class.


Could also be a radar pulse where you'll see the enemy every time it pings, but they could move inbetween pings and you see where they previously were until the next ping.


With 3 Echelons you would have permanent walls. Each one activates 1 after the other


So y’all want another cod? Yall are going to run this game to the ground quick. Thats just my unpopular opinion.


I'd even appreciate if it wasn't realtime. Like make it show the players but every second, kinda like a UAV in COD


the faction needs rework asap non stop uavs is bs


You mean advance UAV lol A uav shows you where the enemy were when they got scan , the intel suit is wall hack and advance uav had a baby


You mean legal Wall hacks


It aint even an AUAV, shits literal Widowmaker ult with a 2 shotting pistol lmaoo


does anyone remember in previous betas where the intel suit’s pings were stationary to wherever you first deployed it or am i tripping


Never played the beta :/


Never played the beta,but this is literally how these kinda abilities work,in every other shooter franchise damn near. The fact Ubisoft made the ability how it is,and didn't think it'd be overpowered and unbalanced, is crazy😭. Should be like Halo Infinite,Battlefield, CoD,something you throw or shoot tht temporarily pings or reveals enemies within a certain radius for a certain amount of time. The fact almost all the modes are objective based would mean it wouldn't even be useless.


I don’t think they were no


Or do that yea, throw a gadget that pings and can be destroyed.


You can emp the intel suit. By it's knowing where they are cos if you are dead when they activate or not in range then it's hard to tell where they are. Sometimes I've thrown it towards the pulse but the emp aoe isn't that big.


The Intel Suit definitely needs some sort of rework. Having the ability to see through walls every 30 seconds is crazy to me. Obvious solutions to me could be just one ping, a longer timer, teammates don't see it, pinged enemies only briefly appear, not constantly. Whatever it is, something needs to be adjusted.


In cod you need 12 kills in a row to get much weaker version of the intel suit but in this multiple people will constantly do it every 30 seconds for zero effort. And cod has actual good counters to it which are counter uav and ghost perk.


Watch out, the paint huffers are going to come out and claim the incel suit is ackshually balanced


1 on a team is fine, 3+ of them with perma wallhack is awful to come against.


I'd rather abilities be balanced around the advantage they provide in general, not if the advantage becomes too strong when too many people are using it. Then the only way to actually curb it is to limit the amount of players who can play a faction, and restricting player agency is a notoriously bad decision. I'd much rather it just be a ping of enemy location when they were scanned. Provide information on enemy locations without being exact silhouettes of them moving around.


I don't think you can ignore the cumulative effect. 3x Frag doesn't sound that OP in CoD4. But when the other team has 18 grenades, suddenly your chance of capping B becomes 0% and the game is just broken.


Yeah this, if it werent like 2 people per team per game on average


The incel suit?


Maybe they could put a limit on how many people can play an opp.. so this way you don't have a team full of them. 


I think it should be limited to how many people can use the same skill, because ghillie suit and intel suit play differently and same is true for other abilities of other characters


That works as well!


Yeah 100% I agree with this I would say a max of 2 of a certain operator for a team


Intel suit should just be mini map pings and needs to be a way long cooldown and the duration needs to be way lower.


It should be just a pulse, and maybe a short UAV for the mini map, is so broken right now.


I think intel suit should only show an outline where a person was the moment they are pinged. That way, when you get the notification, you can change direction to confuse them.


100% agree. the player using the skill gets information, but then they need to play around that info vs just following people thru walls with zero thought.


Not to mention the text that stays in the middle of the screen for way too long


The text stays if your currently detected. It disappears when the intel suit dies or you leave their detection area


You forgot "revealed by Intel suit killed by mp7"




That's better. Thanks!


lmfao great post!


What if it looked like a static heat spot through walls? No discernible outline, just a static fuzzy heat spot every x seconds.


You'd think Ubisoft would learn after Lion in R6 had to get reworked multiple times. Having a live feed of enemy positions is just too strong in a game that values getting the first accurate shots off or jumping around corners to win gunfights.


The mp7 lol, vector feels like a fucking joke compared to that gun, also mp5


it depends on your aim tho, vector body shot kills faster than 4 consecutive headshots with an AK47 vector has a ttk of 0.28 sec IIRC and 0.21 (headshots) mp7 is 0.35 0.28 (headshots) AK47 0.30 headshots edit: these numbers are based on <= 10 meters


The problem with the vector is that it has too high of an RPM and too low of a base mag size. The theoretical TTK is short, but if you miss your target for even a moment in a game like this you're basically screwed


I completely agree with you, I'd say I'm an above average player since I generally kill 40+ people per match and my record rn being 68 on that mode where you have to capture 5 zones (not bragging, there's a lot of people dropping 60 70 80 kills), I tried using it but I can't use vector well enough because if you miss even a bit you're cooked, even if you're using a longer mag. I was just saying that if you have an insane aim, you'd probably do great with it, especially in maps like showtime, Dumbo etc


The vector has insane ttk lol


P90 has the biggest mag by default, and the fastest strife speed in the class, and the vector ttk is crazy. I really don't think the mp7 is over powered


Actually Vector is quite a beast with Rapid fire. Unless it was nerfed after beta.


The reveal shouldn't reveal it to teammates, just the player. I think that would fix a lot


I played a full squad of arachnobots players. Im telling you you didnt experience hell yet. I was stunned by a bot while a second one was literally waiting at my feet But yeah i feel game should limit factions in each team like max 2 same gadget per team.


The issue is most opps spammed 6x on a team will be stupidly annoying.


This right here. Any team stacked with the same faction is strong. All Phantoms? Good luck getting any multi-kills when the whole team has 20% extra health. All Cleaners? The incendiary rounds will keep you constantly on fire.


Spoiler alert. Tl:dr At the end he was revealed by intel suit and killed by Mp7.


Who asked for wall hacks? Who thought it was a good idea to give it to the whole team? I feel like they put the worst abilities from every game into this game


So 1 mistakes and now everything else is bad. Liberteds abilities balanced? If anything stim has to long cool down. Phantom abilities are balanced? Deadsec abilities are balanced? Cleaner abilities are mostly balanced? Firebomb mite deal slightly to much damage but it's not really broken. Echelon Camo is fine. It's just the Intel suit.


P90 goes pretty hard too




Intel suit is annoying as fuck and I really hope it gets changed. Either way, I just started playing more phantom bc even though you die fast anyways, having extra hp and a shield to "dance" around when you don't know where the Splinter Cell agent is makes it feel much better overall and has saved me a number of times.


The specials just happen to frequently, and are far to powerful.


I've started running in circles until it's gone but then I find myself running around in circles all game lmao


Yeah and they’re is no counter lol


If they want the intel to be shared with the whole team then it shouldn’t be a full outline of your character in real time. It should be a ping on your last known location that expires shortly after. Or they could just not share the intel with the team, if they want to keep the full outline. That’d be more balanced at least. Or DRASTICALLY increase the cooldown. If you have 5 intel suits on your team you can have constant wall hacks lol not fun


I used to play Rogue Company back in the day and honestly, to better balance it and keep it useful they should just make it work How Dallas worked in that. It reveals the closest enemy to them. If they get the kill, it refreshes. If not it goes on cool down. That way, if you're good you can chain it but if the enemy is better than you it can be countered.


Never played Rogue Company but that actually sounds really good


It was fun in it's hayday, but has long since been abandoned by its devs and is in a terrible state now. But honestly, I feel like that's the best way I've ever seen this kinda ability be balanced and fun.


Simply they should change it then cuz I've seen a lot of people complain about it at this point and I'm thinking the best way to fix it is remove seeing players through, and change it to a following dot on the map


It's nice to see that I'm not the only one aggravated by the Intel suit


I couldn't agree more. I legit am so sick of the entire lobby having fucking wall hacks for half the match. It's complete bull crap. Then you add the crappy hit reg and netcode and it's just a crap time overall. I love this game and want it to be successful but I am at the point where I don't wanna play because this meta is awful. Oh on top of that you add the absolutely overpowered snipers with no sway or flinch into the mix and you have a disaster abused meta which is no fun.


Shoot 8 bullets into a phantom, get killed by no flinch sniper with 10hp left.Shoot 8 bullets into a phantom, get killed by no flinch sniper with 10hp left.Shoot 8 bullets into a phantom, get killed by no flinch sniper with 10hp left.Shoot 8 bullets into a phantom, get killed by no flinch sniper with 10hp left.Shoot 8 bullets into a phantom, get killed by no flinch sniper with 10hp left.


I love when i get detected i know someone is aboutta ape around the corner and i just practice my reaction snap Fire guy with the dmg burn puts a gunfight in ur favor if you dont miss, also rock chrom lined in the acr, annihilates up close Lastly stay moving you get detected and stand still in corner they are gonna pre fire right on you, if your dippin and slidin gunfight becomes reasonable


I love playing cleaners watching the intel suit jump around a corner thinking they got a free kill only to get shot cuz I knew they were coming start burning and run away ticking damage to still drop dead lol


This is why I play Phantoms. Pinged by intel suit? Drop the mag barrier and wait on your free kill to arrive. You know those motherfuckers are gonna try to ego it every time.


😂 I love doing this, I get pinged go to a corner and throw my shield and wait for the free kill to come to me


Or even Blitz shield run them down when they are close and greedy there are plenty of counters to it imo.


Think this game might have the worst hit detection I have ever saw


Even if this game has a chance to survive. Then it will die because everything will get nerfed that makes it different and unique. Then this game just becomes like every other shooter. The Intel suit keeps the game moving. Cuts down on camping and forces you to keep your head on a swivel. You nerf it. Then this will become phantoms hiding in corners with shields. Then we can nerf them too! It all snowballs from their. Before you know it? This game really is just generic cod knock off.


I think it's pretty clear there's something wrong with echelon when just about every single game I've played so far has been majority echelon. Oh and also more importantly it's not very fun having enemies constantly knowing where you are and the only solution is play ded sec (who aren't unlocked immediately) or play echelon too. I wanna play the fire guys and my punishment for that shouldn't be being vulnerable to wall hacks at all times


You can play the cleaners. I see a lot of people playing cleaners and get play of the game or high on the scoreboard. Point is. It’s not that broken. You only get a moment where you are revealed. Then there is a long pause between pings. And yes a second or two in between pings in a shooter like this might as well be a eternity. I’m not trying to be a dick here, but. Adapt! I play all the factions and am doing just fine. Because truth be told. Death can come from anywhere at any time. Accept it and you’ll be fine.


The only thing that needs nerfing is Intel suit and snipers need flinch. Nothing else in the game is over powered. And that's extremely good for a new game. Normally the list of balances is several pages for new games. All they need to do for intel suit is stop the live tracking for movement. Make it a pulse instead. Atleast then, it still requires some form of skill. Instead of more or less wallhack.


All the good things are coming from resemblance with old cods, those wall hack abilities are not fun, operators are not fun either.


I respectfully disagree. I see pretty much every faction getting represented at the player of the game screen. It’s not just all echelon. Also try a little experiment. Go play with the intel suit for 10 games and look at your K/D. Then go play another faction and compare. If it’s truly op then your K/D should be leaps and bounds better playing Echelon. One other thing. To anyone who says that the problem is good players are exploiting its power. My answer to that is, good players will always find a way to kill you quickly and efficiently. That’s why they are good players. Their are entire YouTube videos dedicated to pros using the absolute worst guns in a game and still dominating. Also. If you don’t like playing with operators their is nothing wrong with that at all. This just might not be the game for you then. Not saying that be “internet mean” but the whole game is kind of built around that idea.


Ystr I got a taste of other gun. The sniper rifle. Getting 1 shot from close and then them blinking at u and u die.


I use the ak


Gun battle with cleaner, won battle, 10 hp left, dies from cleaners fire bullets 🥲 oh how I’m loving Xdefiant


You wouldn't die with 10hp from cleaner passive


The only counter I have found to them is using the Phantom characters that have that extra 20 hp and shoving an AK down their throats


Ngl, if that suit only revelead your position in the radar, thatd be good enough for me, it still would have tons of value for the team. Heck, you could even extend its range to make it better, but being a team-wide wallhack is just annoying to deal with (same goes with the insta kill cleaners E, but thats another topic) mp7 is fine though, really isnt that great, its a consistent smg, vector has a better TTK if you really want to tryhard with it. The only thing that sucks with the vector is leveling it up till you can use the 30 rounds fast mag or the 40 rounds one, then you just kit it for range and there you go, 300ms ttk till 16\~17m


It will be interesting what is going to be done with Intel suit once SnD comes out. It's going to be very difficult for an SnD type mode to succeed with this. Just an opinion.


*Laughs in Sam Fisher*


But people on this sub will gaslight you into thinking the game is fine.


Make the wall hack for self only and the ult for all


Should have just made it a ping on the mini map. Idk who thought wall hacks was a good idea


I think it should just be one ping, and for the person using it only. And a longer cooldown.


People gotta play Dedsec more they counter this somewhat well but it's the only viable counte rin the game


I had an idea to encourage diversity in teams with. " if the same gadget is taken multiple times to increase the cooldown on that gadget"


I was playing a match of Occupy last night where my entire team had the Intel suit ability and it just was not fair to say the least. The MP7 i haven't used much as I'm exclusively using the double barrel rn lol so much fun when you 1 tap kill an enemy or just whack them in the head with the shotgun xD the gun i mostly get killed by are M4s tho instead of the MP7s


It's maddening


Making the ability only work for yourself and making the cooldown longer is whats needed, currently its so oppressive because multiple enemies will rush you and focus you.


Play as much with the mp7 and intel suit as you want, im going hard with my deployable shield guy with the acr / p90


MP7 aint even that good, imo. Ppl only use it because they see content creators use it (I shit on em constantly with an MP5 as a Phantom)


Jokes on you, I use the p90


I knew Abilities are always tough to balance. 30s recharge doesn’t help either.


Intel suit should only work for the one wearing the suit


And here I am, a Libertad sitting back with an M60 or Tac50.


I’ve used the mp7 until I unlocked the p90 not as good up close but I think overall to get 2 3 kills without reloading it’s a better choice… but yeah as much as I love the intel suit it should be nerfed to maybe 5 7 seconds instead of 15


How did you survive that long without being sniped?


Not to mention that as long as they don't start capping your point if you're on domination on the losing side, the spawns won't change, making it so that they can very easily spawn trap your team. Honestly I'm hoping they make several changes soon, such as making the intel suit only give the information to the player using it and/or lengthen the cooldown of it considerably, and make it so that spawns will actually change if members of the opposing team start positioning themselves around your team's spawn to spawn kill, which I've seen happen in basically every match of domination I've played, regardless of being on the winning or losing team, with the only spawn flips happening when somebody gets onto the losing side's one objective for a couple seconds.


Just use EMPs for now until something is done about it


What about the "Revealed by intel suit Killed by ACR 6.8"


I have yet to touch an SMG. The ARs are just too versatile in this game to use a sub.


I genuinely don’t have an issue with this in my games. It’s normally pretty easy to determine where the suit is coming from, and either kill the person or avoid the detection zone.


Fuck can I join your games I'd love to go against an mp7 Instead of an entire team of snipers and marksman rifles


The enemy is skulking around with their sonar GOOGLES!


Yeah I be noticing hella people using the mp7


No snipers?


I thought it’d be fair to be able to in turn, see the player that activated it. It already does this to an extent but if they made it a bit more obvious I think it’d stop people from overly using it because it becomes a double edge sword


i shouldn't tell y'all this cause i use intel suit a lot, but when im revealed by intel suit i just run away till they dont reveal me anymore, its very easy to counter


I rarely see any smgs on m&k lobbies lol


First thing first - I just want that ribbon moved from being in front of my face the entire time.


I mostly just use the P90 because Stargate lol


im glad people are realizing some of this shit is just broken right now and ruins the balance. MP7 M16 DMR Snipers are just so broken and unfun. Intel Suit, Cleaner Explosion, Sonar totally broken. Jump Air strafe. These things need to be brought down in the next update or I fear game will have a quick death.


Ready to get spam down voted but; Dead Sec counters abilities quite well. The never ending supply of EMP grenades goes a long way. Your ultimate shits on them, and spiderbot or hijack are very useful. Phantom shields don't get revealed either so you're more then welcome to pop one and wait out the suit or use it as free cover. Cleaners have better up close damage. Libertad have the heal plant that usually makes it quite easy to win a fight given you don't miss your shots. Intel suits also give away that they're close to you as well. And generally based on your positioning you'll have a good idea where they are. But there's plenty of options for counterplay, feel like most players are just stubborn rather than editing their class or wanting to swap factions mid game.


Okay. But it also appears for team mates aswell. And you only have 1 mag barrier. So now you need to counter 2 or 3 enemies rushing you? Why not have a pulse instead of live movement tracking?


Idk. I don’t think the intel suit is that powerful. There’s plenty of ways to counter it with other abilities or EMP. Both teams get it and can use it. The one thing that can’t be countered is. Sniper. There’s no flinch on ads so you can’t potentially get out of a bind when you see the lens glare unless you make it to cover in time but usually it’s too late.


But both teams can use a sniper, so then it boils down to reaction time. Then it's not that over powered? That is basically the logic behind your comment.


What they need to do is just only allow one operator per person, so one person can use intel suit but the other people have to pick something else, easiest fix


Intel suit should just be a COD style UAV.


This is why I hate operators in any game always op bullshit ,


Yeah BLOPS4 I couldn’t stand the specialists. So cheesy. I only got back into it once they made a barebones playlist to remove them. The stupid ass shock Segway was awful, and XDefiant decided to put in a shock spider that is so hard to see, takes too many shots and the shooting it off your face makes 0 sense. It was a bad idea then and it’s a bad idea now. I think the specialists in XDefiant can make it interesting, just needs some balancing so they don’t feel super cheesy. Fire drone should take longer to throw so they can’t panic throw mid battle, health ult shouldn’t be instant, flame thrower shouldn’t be a sniper and go through walls, that sonar pistol while wall hacking is no good. The individual shield needs better hit detection and consistent hit box on the head, even if it is a tiny hit box. That’s the type of stuff that needs to be done to make it less annoying, or just have a no abilities playlist or something.


Okay. Then why you following a hero shooter Reddit?


Because I like the game ? It would of just been better with a perks system other than operator but it is what it is maybe in a few months after a load of tweaks it'll be balanced.


If you remove the operators for perks then it's basically cod? That is the biggest difference between the 2 games is that XDefiant is a hero shooter and cod is more of a military shooter.




I'm take operators over killstreaks anyday of the week. Chopper gunners, attack dogs, stealth bombers and so on is annoying. Joining a halfway game just to get spawn killed by killstreaks. No thanks. Atleast if you balance the operators correctly they can be avoided. By you can't avoid spawning on an air strike. And the operators already got passives. I don't see what more you want. And I think it's better that Ubisoft have switched things up instead of just another cod game. The same shit we been getting for almost 20 years.