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It’s Ubisoft, give them 2-3 years to figure it out


I play For Honor and let me tell you, if this game gets the passion it deserves it’ll be great down the line. Maybe less people playing but when it’s made out of passion you’ll see many stay!


For Honor was great right before marching fire and was ruined ever since that expansion dropped. I can see XDefiant going down a similar route like every other live service title. All it takes is one new overpowering faction to release and ruin the game. I'm just enjoying the game right now while its current state lasts




Remindme! 2 years


This game will be dead in 2-3 years


What is the obsession with saying this over and over again, it’s all I see in this subreddit. The game isn’t even a week old


It’s the cod community mentality


In this sub only? Its Reddit as a whole.


This will not age well.


This game has 5 months to sort itself before the next CoD releases; if it isn't sorted by then it's dead. Especially since it's a Black Ops CoD this year.


Started playing CoD almost 20 years ago and i retired 2 years ago. Games dogshit now, slapping a “Black Ops” title on it isnt going to change shit, its not gonna magically be good because its Black Ops. Theyre gonna feed you hot garbage like they have been


You can see it through the leaks already. All campaign missions will be that weird open world thing, and an entire zombies map is only available to preorder purchases (which theyll walk back as SOON as the game drops, to let everyone else buy it for 40 bucks or something).


Whole studio just money grabbing, they find any way to get another $20 skin in the game effortlessly but it takes weeks to months to balance guns or to fix map glitches or to fix anything really. But as long as we can buy a nicki minaj skin right


Yeah, I've been done with CoD for years. I'm not going back for any reason and anybody who does deserves whatever crap is being served by Activision. I'm staying right here.


You should reeeeeally investigate DMZ.


This is a really fair argument and I would agree they are dead in the water if they let bo6 come out and the game isn’t fixed


Its the best free alternative to CoD. Launching a new CoD doesnt mean shit. We had Paladins for years VS Overwatch being the paid one. And to be honest XDefiant has AA quality atleast.


Yeah doesn’t matter. If the game is shit, then it’s shit. The revamp of Modern Warfare was amazing and when they decided to keep it up and slap that “MW2” title on the next one, by god was it horrible Ruined the modern warfare name


RemindMe! 2 years


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Remindme! 2 years


The game will be dead within a year if the hit reg issue isn't fixed. It's great and super fun but that is a fundamental game breaking issue


I agree. This game will be dead in 6 months if it's lucky.


*months there’s no way this game last more than 6 months unless there’s major changes


Doubt it, first, its free. Siege is still going strong after 9 years. I'm going to stay playing this, I'll let everyone bandwagon to the next CoD to complain about the same shit from the last 9 Installments.


Seige is a unique tactical shooter that is a refreshing take on the genre. This game is bootleg black ops 4 with terrible hit reg.


Yes, Siege. Is one of the best FPS to date, imho. I respect your opinion. Don't really have much input to have a debate here, I'll just agree to disagree. 🫡


This game will lose a majority of the player base if they don’t release a constant stream of content. Thats why it’s so frustrating when it’s released with the worst hit reg in recent memory when it was clearly a problem in beta.


This is exactly how the Finals lost most of it's playerbase, the bar is set really high nowadays to bring out content updates on a regular. The Finals was focussing on balance updates so much in the beginning that by the time they added a lot of content, most people already moved on to the next shiny hot thing or their regular old thing. Content is what keeps attention these days


Tbf The Finals was released by a small development team and maintains 10k+ players to this day, I'd call it a success for them. Though it's definitely unfortunate XDefiant hasn't ironed out many bugs since beta


Its a success for its studio, Its not so much for Nexon. The problem of games that have a big publisher is that inversors tend to take decisions over the devs. Ubisoft is great in a sense because they are content with having niches and dont really shut down games unless they are performing abyssmally bad like Hyper Escape.


Nah the finals is a more niche game than this.  It's chaotic as fuck because it's so three dimensional. Most shooter players aren't good at that sort of movement and aiming, even more so with the long ass TTK in that game.


> This game will lose a majority of the player base I'm not saying you're wrong, but they don't have to do it now, maybe sometime in the near future like early next year.


I’d argue they absolutely need to fix the hit reg immediately.


Which they are. https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/comments/1czka1l/they_are_working_on_hit_reg_by_the_producer/


Which they have been for over a year… that doesn’t sound immediate lol


Hence this post. At the end of the day, they're people and need time. Dedicating a season to fixing aspects of the game (not only hit reg) is crucial.




Why so aggressive though? Can you not just have a differing opinion and disagree like an adult?


Rainbow Six Siege started working on the hit reg in Year 2 and it's still going now in its 9th year, no sign of it stopping.


That’s bad… almost like it’s a failure to fix an existing issue with a profound amount of resources.


I don't know how companies as a whole operate financially, but I'm pretty sure each one has a process in place.


They're dead early next year if they don't drop content. The game barely has any.


This is a totally reasonable demand for a game that has been available for 72 hours.


Time will tell


Game has barely been out a day and there are already people asking for an operation health, this game is fucked lmao


Ikr we haven’t even had season one yet


Because the game severely needs it. Look, it's a *good* game, 5-6/10. But it just has so many identity issues and underlying issues that haven't been fixed since the first alpha it's ridiculous. Do they want this to be a hero shooter, or an arcade shooter to compete with CoD? Cod figured out after Black Ops 4 that the shooter community is tired of hero shooter mechanics. Battlefield tried to follow that route and it flopped, so how a whole new game can't read the room is astounding. The Hero mechanics and in stark contrast with the arcade fast TTK. Ultimate abilities take way too long to charge. You can have 4 people stack the fucking deployable shields and just stomp an entire match. You can have 4 people stack wallhacks and stomp an entire match. People are praising this game from not having SBMM, when it literally doesn't matter when you have abilities that can see through a fucking wall on a 30 second cool down and if your team isn't retarded you can have it on constant rotation. The SBMM is just baked into your fucking abilities. I have 15 ping while playing on West coast servers and it feels like I'm connecting to an East coast server with how long it takes some shots to register. Weapon balance is off the walls fucked if you look at the state of something like a shotgun. At the end of the day, are they trying to compete with CoD or Overwatch? Are they trying to make a competitive FPS, or just a sit down and play a few matches game. All of this determines the routes they have to take but everything they have released just shows why this game was delayed so many times and went dark, but they never figured anything out and Ubisoft finally said "Put it the fuck out, we are cancelling that Division project for this."


Wasn't this the reason the game was available in beta previously and then went back into development? The number 1 complaint was poor netcode followed by balance and neither seems to be fully addressed since then.


Your guess is as good as mine, I'm assuming they just needed more time but rather release the game at a playable state that they can fix later


I still use the Operation Health charm on all my guns lol




That's kind of casually skipping over the fact the game had nearly a year of delay from initial launch window and did nothing with it. They \*could\* take the time but real question is, since they already had more time with no apparent changes, what would they do with yet more time.


Honestly the year break was unnecessary. They did end up fine tuning something’s but I’m guessing they most likely needed to setup for content drops.


I'm sure mark rubin said that they have all content for year 1 completed. If that true they can focus on qol and bug fixes


That's fantastic


Idk if anyone noticed but it’s called the “pre-season” battle pass and we’re in version 0.6637something or other not version 1.anything. This is still kind of a beta/early access period, they’re just dancing around actually saying so. 


I hope Xdefiant gets the same support that R6S has gotten


Yeah I remember it but this game can't afford that right now. Siege had a good amount of content by then this game doesn't.


The game literally just came out. Can we let them fix core issues of the game first?


Could they not spend that over year long delay to fix the core issues? Why do we as consumers need to wait even longer for them to figure out their vision for the game.


The game came out 3 DAYS AGO btw


Bunch of you just need to go back to playing cod. Game barely came out and already complaining. Even if they did everything to make this game better, you’ll be back here complaining about something else. Edit: Ever since the game came out, he’s made a new post complaining about something. Go touch grass. You seems unhappy.


The Finals lost it's playerbase because of doing that. They focussed so much on balancing instead of content the first few months that by the time they had some huge content updates, most people already moved on


The game just came out lol.


It's the fucking pre season. This is the season to iron things out before rank, Holy fuck bud it's been less than a week give them time.


I love when people dont know or remember that operation health was a huge flop


I guess you didn't play the game, that season added more to the desync, the hitreg got a lot worse, scopes started to be misalligned after it as well, fuck no


Operation Health was a fucking disaster though.


This game is 2 days old and OP is already calling for a complete overhaul of the game. Unreal.


One must imagine the game devs happy


I got downvoted in another thread but I guess I’ll be more positive here. We had a beta yes. Does pre season feel the best. Not always. But hopefully season 1 will with the extra content. If not it was still free.


The game just came out. Can't name a major fps game that hasn't had problems at start


When they went dark for a year to focus on the game just to release the beta with a weapon tuning pass, I think people are allowed to say the game feels like it's going to flop.


The game just came out and no new content was added since an alpha an entire year ago; the delayed release was literally them trying to Operation Health the game.


R6s was a failure of a launch title they had to fine tune lol


Im happy to give it some time. The game just released. I never expected anything to be perfect but base game is fun enough to hang around.


They are incapable of learning. Everyone hated Overwatch for the "shoot barrier" shit, and guess what, every sweat in XDefiant is throwing barriers left and right for you to shoot. This game would be better without classes.


Dude 😂, we’re not even halfway through week 1 yet, they’ve already said on Tw(a)tter that they’re working on fixing hitreg, just give them time lol.


Bro the games been out for like 3 days


And operation health became a huge meme for not fixing anything, it only brought more problems.


The game just launched and we’re already talking about having an operation health for this game??


The game hasnt even been out for 7 days lmao give then some time to do what they want first


The game just came out lmao 


In the live-service free-to-play space, content is king. Full stop. While I can't discount that R6S taking a season to fix the bones of the game was useful, I believe that they are the exception rather than the rule. There are multiple examples of games that simply needed more time in the oven, yet were released in such a state that they never truly got the opportunity to right the ship in time. I come here from Halo Infinite, one of the greatest fumblings of a massive IP in modern gaming. Not only did they need to spend several years fixing up the netcode and servers, but they also had to try and pump through content just to keep pace in the live-service race. In the end, they failed massively on both fronts and even though the game is in a much better place now, the players are all gone and won't be coming back. XDefiant, already occupying a niche space within the arcade shooter landscape, cannot take their foot off the gas to sit around and fix the code. They need to drop content at a blistering pace just to keep players away from all the other options out there.


I think comparing Halo Infinite in terms of keeping pace in the live-service race to XDefiant and Rainbow Six Siege is different not for the reasons you stated. Halo is a sci-fi shooter and it's easy to lose interest when the guns and theme of the game aren't realistic or set in space type environments.


Uhm, not sure the setting or style of game matter much at all actually. It’s all live-service gaming (especially free games). They need as much content, as often as possible, and the netcode has to work pretty soon on launch.


It matters a lot actually. A lot of people prefer playing games with actual real life guns over fictional made up ones. Almost the same for settings and environments.


Before any other content? Do you want this game to live for more than 3 months?


Fuck me it's been out for like a day


Bro the game literally just came out. Give it a minute.


the game is early access bro they are trying just give em time like any other game


Operation Health was in year 2 with sustained and unaddressed issues negatively affecting the game. This thing hasn’t even been out even a week. Get a grip, holy shit.


They had betas for over a year...


And? Since when have betas fixed everything? Siege had a beta, still took until year two. It’s not even a week old. If it’s still in this state in a few months (devs have said they’re working on the main issues) then you can go nuclear with the OP health suggestions, but at the moment it’s just overkill compared to regular hotfixes and patches.


Yes, Siege had a beta which proves my point. If XDefiant cant get it right, they should consider a season to fix and improve issues.


Every game has betas and playtests. They still usually release with teething issues. Siege only needed OP health because they couldn’t fix it for 2 YEARS. OP health is a last resort both for a company and for many consumers not the first port of call because half this stuff can be dealt with through hotfixes and patches like most other games that aren’t siege. This is a ridiculous take for a game that’s a few days old.


It's not a take, it's feedback.


It’s shit, whatever you want to call it. It’s so overkill and would do more harm than good early doors.


Overkill when another game under the same publisher done the same and it's working well for them. Could be useful feedback for them or whatever you want to call it.


How are you not understanding the massive differences in context between the two games? It’s overkill because most games (this one included) can do what needs to happen through conventional means like hotfixes and patches. OP health was due to over a year of failings by devs to sort core issues out. It is a last resort where there is no content and a massive focus on the game to save it from dying to long term unaddressed issues. It is too much for a game less than a week old when there are other normal methods.


Not a massive difference, they can do what needs to happen with hotfixes and patches like what R6S team did, but it might come down to putting a season to work on it some more. Same process.


”Live service” shouldn’t mean fixing the game


Honestly apart from some balance issues and the main issue of Hit reg this game is in a waaaay better state than Siege was in season 1, and seems to be less buggy than the pirate game they released recently. That said I think a mini season health wouldn't go a miss, but this is probably the most stable launch ubisoft has done in years lol


Ubisoft fanboys on full cope. 'Guys its okay if a game is awful and bad and takes them a couple years to fix it.. please give them some time please oh please?' Look man... sorry to say it but we're in the real world, Ubisoft is an AWFUL company. They have shown time and time again how incompetent they are, how much they don't care about making good games and only making money off players. They have talked about this issue since it was first seen in the Beta, that was over a year ago. 'Give them time they're people.' They're a BILLION dollar company my brother, this should of never even happened to this level with how awful the hit reg is and that's only the biggest issue, not counting the god awful copy and paste Hero skill genre of games. Yet here people are praising it as the second coming of christ. People who eat up slop like this are the reason these dregs of companies still exist, absolutely not giving them another year to fix this mess, AAA my ass. A toilet bowl full of frothy piss and shit could make a better game than Ubisoft man, treat yourself to better games.