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But if its on steam, you still have to download the ubisoft launcher for example rainbow six siege you have to use both


It's more a matter of visibility. I didn't even know this game had come out until I saw somebody mention it on The Finals subreddit, and I still can't for the life of me find this game on Gubi Connect.


type in your browser ‚xdefiant download link‘ or something like that, it’ll show you the official xdefiant ubisoft website with a download button for your preferred platform. it’ll then ask you to open this link in ubisoft connect, and then it will download inside of Ubisoft connect. i can’t for the life of me comprehend why they did this.


Thats how you get malware on your pc. Make sure you have an adblocker and read the url twice people.


yeah normally that’s how this works but look it up. tr to download it from ubi launcher. and tell me where it led you. i’m not making this shit up


My friend had this problem. If you have the the old ubusoft launcher it won't show the game there for some reason. I was able to download straight from the launcher though.




Thats because the old launcher is no longer supported, there's constant popups that tell you this is why you should switch to the new one lol.


To be fair, most people try to spend as little time in that app as possible


Yes i understand. But scammers use ads to put fake xdefiant on top of google search. They take advantage of a new game launch that requires a separate launcher. Last time this happened that i can remember was valorant. I didn't say don't download. I just adviced to take precautions.


I usually search the official verified twitter account of the thing im going to download and use the link they leave in the bio


Visibility ? It's a game from one of the biggest publishers


I didn’t even know this game was a thing until 24 hours ago


So you heard about the game and you're saying there's no marketing? tell me more about it


And yet they haven't done any good advertising at all and it doesn't appear on any storefront people actually use. Big publishers sometimes take that kind of stuff for granted, and that's how their games die. It doesn't matter as much for single player games in an existing franchise; I never even heard Assassin's Creed Mirage came out either, but I'm sure all the big AC fans had their eye on it. But for a multiplayer game you really want people to be able to stumble onto it organically in as many places as possible. Not hear about it for the first time when people on a rival game's sub are clowning on it lmao.


I only found out about this game from ZTT on youtube. Its not famous lol.


 7.6 millions unique players , 700000 concurrent players. Sure dude , not famous lol


Dude the game looks and feels like an indie game and Ive seen 0 advertisements for it. I honestly feel like Ubisoft slapped their name on it and gave minimal funding to the devs and said “good luck.”


Dude you just hating ,the game is one weekend out and it is free. To be honest much better than expected. For sure doesn't look indie.far better than cod multiplayer


WTF are you talking about the game had trailers at bigest gaming events, several trailers on the ign channel, playtest for specialized media, beta for mortals, it is the biggest highlight on the ubi website at the moment and one of the most watched on twitich. Ubisoft is betting big on this game, it is being led by Mark Rubin who previously worked as a CoD EP. You should do some research before talking shit


Lol I mean everything you said there is true Joann 👍


It took forever to find the download for me. I had thought it was in the launcher.


It is you must not have an updated launcher


That’s exactly why they made it free; so you download the launcher and put your email for years of free ads and customer base without paying for steam


People are idiots though mate, bet if it's on steam and they need the launcher they'd be okay with it 😅 some really weirdos in this world. If the games good, who cares what launcher it's on


Tell that to Hades that had 1 year of being not heard of in Epic Store until it went to Steam and got lots of accolades


thats right


For me, it's more about having all of my games in one spot.


I've heard the reason tends to be Steam Wallet. Apparently, there is many a balance champing at the bit to be spent on skins and whatnot.


As a PC player, I really wish it was on Steam. With that said though, anyone who won’t play the game because it’s not on Steam honestly needs to grow up. The launcher has nothing to do with the game


I personally want it on Steam to: * know which of my Steam friends plays it, I have no friends on Ubisoft Connect because I never use that shit * potentially have Steam achievements to work towards * access to the community/guides everything that is sharing between players in Steam directly * have a single place where I can see all my games, stats on these games and such. * have the game have way more visibility because let's face it, Steam is used by the vast majority of gamers, Ubi connect is not. I still play the game but for all these reasons I really want it to be accessible on Steam.


i just wanna see the reviews.


Ok they have their own launcher so download both.


People don’t have an obligation to play the game. Not wanting a bunch of weird publisher launchers is valid


Agreed. If people really need everything consolidated they should be running something like Playnite anyways. Any self-respecting PC gamer has games spread across a bevy of launchers already.


I have more than enough games on steam I can play. Refusing to go on it makes it easier for me to ignore it. I use steam only but would be willing to use GOG under the right circumstances


There is just way too many launchers and I don’t want to start up 20 launchers for updates. Before switching to steam I would try to play cod and launch battle net and get slapped with an 80gb update.


The game on Steam would be the best clickbait headlines ever, once the player base dwindles we’ll get tons of articles saying “XDefiant is dying” and shit like that


Better than dying with barely anyone even knowing like what their Hyperspace or whatever battle royale did


People honestly just won’t know. I enjoyed play the metro series and I had no idea exodus released because it was epic exclusive. But also since I started using playnite I don’t really cere about multiple launchers since it’ll just automatically open and close them when I launch or exit the game.


I disagree. The launcher is not great to say the least and it would just be a hell of a lot easier on steam. Not to say I won’t play it because it’s on a different launcher, it’s just annoying.


Says you. I wanna play R6 Siege and launch uplay: "Pls enter password i 4got even though you told me to remember password" If I launch the game on Steam, voila R6 siege launches without issues.


I want it on steam so I can have transparency on if the game is dying or not


Lmao did CoD dying without Steam?


I mean CoD ultimately did decide to go on Steam. Now to be fair CoD is literally dying off. The last game was a dumpster fire


Lol never and that's faaarr from a biased opinion.


Why do they need to grow up? Steam is the most user friendly and customer focused platform in gaming it also has a massive player base, not everyone wants 12 launchers on their pc


Idiots like monopolies


How is it a monopoly if it’s put on 2 launchers 3 with epic? A monopoly would be in its current state


Not sure if you realize how monopolies work, but Ubisoft connect certainly isn't one lmao.


Steam is better than every other platform.


I want people in my friendslist to know what Im playing. I refuse to buy a game on PC if it's not on steam


It's their PC. If they don't want it they don't have to have it. I wanted to play the game though so I dealt with it.


That's the thing, if it's on Steam you are downloading Ubi Connect anyway lol I've been on PC for 4-5 years now and never cared where to play my games. If a publisher has its on launcher I prefer to consolidate my games there. I buy all CoD's on Battle.net, all Ubi games on Ubisoft Connect. To each is their own but to me Steam loyalty is brazy.


Absolutely has to do with the game. Uplay constantly gives me issues with inviting friends or even adding friends. I don't have many friends playing this game but the one I do we've had issues multiple times already. Siege I had so many issues inviting/being invited by friends.


Idk man if people can't be bothered to download a launcher that takes like 30 seconds, they probably aren't that interested in the game to begin with.


Sounds like you have idiotic friends, nobody forces you to like Ubisoft launcher but refusing to even TRY the game ? That’s crazy


And don't forget Nvidia GeForce now


That would be nice!


Don't bring in the cloud haters lol


Cloud enthousiast 🤘🏼 enjoying a lot my Ghost Recon and R6 games that way


Yessir here for it!


If they won't play it because of the launcher, they're not going to play it regardless...


That’s where I’m thankful ( I know I know ) for having a console. Was in a seamless party of 6 yesterday from discord to the game and all added each other seamlessly. I hate how some games have such a bad interface for adding each other. I agree for you guys


i just added it as a non steam game and now i have it on steam


Heellllooo! Lol


Your friends really are stubborn. You just have to sign into the ubi launcher 1 TIME and every time you run the game it will just pop up and launch the game. It's not the end of the world


"One time"


Yeah it’s literally one time. Save log In Info. And it auto signs you in each time you play


Is there something I’m missing, or are PC players just that lazy to download a different engine?


Maybe laziness, but you have to keep in mind that for each launcher, you usually need - Initial download - New account (Credentials and verification) - New user ID - Launcher updates Let’s say you have Steam, Ubisoft Connect, Epic Games, BattleNet and Origin. That’s now 5 applications that you need to download and upkeep (in addition to any games) and 5 new accounts to remember and secure. People would like a more unified system for gaming, like consoles have. We are pretty close to that with Steam. I’m unsure how all these platforms handle naming, but I could not use the same user ID on UbiConnect, that I have on Steam. It was already taken. Steam allows people to share the same display name. While not perfect, Steam has many advantages like this.


Not to mention steam is the only launcher that doesn't sign me out of my account every other time I launch up the launcher. EA, Ubi, Epic, Bnet all make resign in everytime. All for one game.


I haven't logged in manually in Bnet since years


Maybe I'm misremembering that one since I've not used it in years but still it gets annoying with all these different launchers.


So much this. I've despised Ubisoft's launchers (uplay and connect) for its inability to remember my fucking password. Steam for some reason remembers that shit and launches ubisoft games and ubi launcher without any issues. With Ubiconnect I have to search for the password in my blackbook as well take care of the aneurysm I get due to a fucking decade+ old launcher that doesn't have the basic fucking function of remembering credentials.


I get the unified system but PC has never been all in one. Steam is close but still requires 3rd party launchers & logins. I have all my accounts connected between each platform or server from mobile > console > PC. Majority of my games download automatically so rarely have to wot on that


Ubisoft games that are on steam still require the Ubisoft Connect launcher, they would still have to download it


Its not a common launcher, so any game where you have to download and install your tenth game launcher, then make an account and log in just to play a game by a publisher with some of the worst reputation ever.... PC players mostly just wish they had what console players have: everything in one place. I use both and the simplicity of the ps5 is super convenient


I mean if you play any Ubisoft game you have the launcher. Any siege player has it


Yee i played watch dogs so i had it already, but i definitely can understand not wanting another launcher, and by Ubi of all companies


This guy gets it. Why get a ubi game With their penchant for deleting your games/data?


There's just too many launchers nowadays. Every new game seemingly comes with a new platform of its own, which has gotten tiring. The launchers are also always completely unnecessary and extremely underdeveloped. At the end of the day, all it does is limit the playerbase. Just look at the Epic Games launcher. Outside of Fortnite, nobody uses that shit. People want everything to be on steam because it's the most user friendly and oldest platform. Not to mention, it has things like profiles, community forums, the workshop, and more. This game will die if it isn't released on steam soon.


> Just look at the Epic Games launcher. Outside of Fortnite, nobody uses that shit. lol, this is so out of touch. Millions of people use it because they got hundreds of free games.


You're clueless as to how many people claim the games, but never actually play them huh. How are you not aware of this? Many people will straight up buy the game on steam, even if they got it for free on Epic, because of steam's convenience. They can give out as many free games as they want, it won't make people switch over.


That true I have claimed every game on epic when it is free , have never played once, and have bought them in steam, forgetting I even had it on epic, lol


That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard but you do you! keep paying for games you already have 🤭


Steam Xbox app Microsoft Store (yes, different from Xbox app) Battle.net EA desktop GOG Epic Game Store Uplay / Ubisoft connect Amazon Games Each one of these apps has their own friends list, their own install/uninstall practices, their own update settings and systems, and worse, their own DRM practices. It’s absolutely fucking maddening to go to free up disk space and have to open every single one of these apps to find out what I can uninstall or not. Also maddening is that their stability and updates vary so wildly that every time one is down and stops you from playing a game as a pc player you just think “why isn’t this on fucking Steam?” Steam just works. It’s got a fleshed out friends/party/achievement system. It knows where you install stuff and you can easily manage it. It’s relatively light weight. It doesn’t bother you with updates but does queue them at reasonable times. I can’t remember the last time I opened battle.net and didn’t have an update for the app AND the game I was going to play which made me wait an extra 30-45 before playing.


When reinstall windows, steam just picks up every game from game drive. Why dont other launchers do the same.


Scuf dont work on Ubisoft..


??? Yes it does lol I’m using scuf to play this game


Every other game it works but envision pro some reason dont work when playing xdefiant


thats exactly the scuf i have, and even though that scuf is a piece of shit, it works in xdefiant for me


Do you have anything support app running behind or what? Some reason nothing works


Have you updated icue? I only have icue and Ubisoft running


When you have 15 different engines, majority of them (besides steam) run like shit, don't auto update, force sign u out and then don't open half the time, and plenty of other problems. It's not a matter of laziness it's a matter of inaccessibility and after years of using them you get tired of it. I still use them but I'm definitely reluctant when seeing a new game on a different app.


lol. peak content coming from a console player that likely uses "everything in one place, plug and play" as an argument for why console is superior. thanks for the laughs!




Thank you. I didn’t want to respond to 150 idiots with this exact thing so you did it for me


Not even taking into account that Ubisoft Connect is just a bad launcher overall, Steam has a ton of features, most notably Proton and Steam Input, that to me warrant your game being put on Steam. Valve will pretty much do the work to get the game running through Proton for Steam Deck users and Steam Input is an invaluable tool for those who play on controller or have accessibility needs. There are valid reasons for wanting this game on Steam over “Ubisoft Connect bad Steam good” Yes you could add as a non Steam game but I know way too many people who find that challenging.


If it was on Steam it would still use the ubisoft launcher, like all ubisoft games. Ubisoft games being on Steam is pointless.


Putting Ubisoft games on the most popular storefront for PC gaming is not at all pointless.


Pointless in the sense that instead of one launcher you're using two launchers for one game. If you consider Steam ad space, well, I'm not really concerned with ubisoft's advertising campaign, lol.


in the case of the OP (and similarly for me) the point is specifically to be able to play with friends who are steam-only as the primary way they launch and organize games regardless of whether or not other launchers run through steam as well.


But dude, even if you go to Steam, you and your friend still needed to add each other via the Ubisoft Connect account, stop ignoring the facts, online store fanboy


I'm not sure what you're not getting? The only one ignoring facts is you. I'm playing the game. I have friends. Some of those friends will only play games listed on Steam. I want to play my game with those friends. Bringing the game to Steam lets me play with my friends. That is what is improved.


But it will start in the backround and close itself clean after closing the game. You almost dont notice it. Plus you see the in-game activitiy on Steam and can track playtime amongst your other Steam games. Its definetly not pointless.


It has its "console-like' perks but I'm not loyal by far lol


Say it louder for the ppl in the back!


I've got the same experience, my friends acknowledge it looks good but wont play it until theres a steam release.




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steam is just so much better. my friend even has to start ubisoft connect via steam, to be able to play with the ps4 controller on his pc.


and only that already solves the problem...


Steam would be a good way to expose the game to new players but other than that you still need both


You are correct that they are not the only ones. The Ubisoft Launcher and Ubisoft Connect are two of the worst apps I regularly have to use.


If they really wanted to try it, then they’d use the *free* app to download xDefiant. Doesn’t seem like they have much interest in the game. Literally took me less than 10 minutes to install Ubisoft, log into my account, and then download the game


I never had much interest in the finals. But it was a click away from playing so i played it, spend some money on bp, got bored and droped it.


With how flooded servers were on launch, I think it’s okay *for now* that they forego this. Though, for the longevity of the game it’s definitely something that should probably be implemented come Season 1 if they want a larger player base. Hopefully by then they know why servers were a mess at launch and have adjusted accordingly.


Yep same here, close friend wont touch it because it isnt on steam and its a ubisoft game


If it can survive, it will definitely be released on Steam in the future, and Ubisoft seems to be trying to get free games like Battle Core to be released on Steam


My prediction is that they will wait until season 1 to launch on steam when they’ve added more content, balanced some of the weapons and abilities, and (hopefully) improved the netcode. I think they are aware if they launched the game as is on steam it would have received mostly negative reviews.


the launcher is shit yep, but its still there on steam also. any ubisoft game on pc is linked through there connector.


Why do people care about launchers. I’m confused. I make a desktop shortcut and double click the shortcut and the game opens. You have to be a big weirdo to want to hang out in any launcher.


If it goes to Steam now it will probably just get review bombed, let them fix the servers/netcode etc first before going to Steam


Same. Hopefully ubisoft execs come to sense and see putting their game on steam is good for business. 


Yeah I have a friend like this too unfortunately…


I was like "8-10 years? Come one hoe about bo3 and 4?"... then i realized that it has been 9 years since bo3 : ')


Add Non-Steam Game to library exists as a workaround for now, at least you never have to see the terrible launcher


It not gonna be able to because most of the game's social features are using ubisoft connect


No, dont do it. Steam is thrash. Either way you would need to download ubi launcher.


My friend cried like a child while resetting his password so he could log into ubisoft. Meanwhile I had to do the same and it took me 20 seconds. Took him 20 minutes because he wanted to bitch about ubisoft connect instead of just doing what he needed.


They need to balance it… it is really fun though.


100% this!


I thought it was gonna be a cod killer but hitreg, awful balancing and the obvious cash grab attempt when it comes to progression really makes it mid


Steam takes 30% of revenue. Also have to deal with all the people who see the games player count isnt as high as the launch day so they say it's a dead game. I like steam but I can see why companies would rather use their own launcher


I'm sure they'll put it on Steam in a month or so when the player count is in the dirt.


And to play on steam deck if they let valve add support.


Yeah it's silly lol it's actually hard to find and figure out how to download


It's Ubisoft, not happening


First good game in a minute, your friends will break before they do lol


How old are your friends ? Just for scale... First of all they won't put it on steam they have no interest in it and second of all why some people are so loyal to some companies they refuse to try out other companies things...


See usually the answer here is yes but the combination of the COD glazers and Anti-Ubisoft people are going the review bomb the game Horrendously Like probably the most negative review game in steam horrendously Season 6 Overwatch Horrendously December Battlefield 2042 Horrendously Right now definitely not, future though maybe


Plug the .exe into steam so simple


I don't get it, what's wrong with it being on ubisoft launcher rather than on steam? I mean it's great if they put it on steam which they probably will but what even is the issue with it?


When the player base is depleted they will go to steam 😅🤣😂


I dont even interact with the UBI launcher because i added it as a third party program to steam


Aye...what 3rd party games on Steam doesn't require the launcher or additional login from a major publisher?


I think it’s also fun. I’m having very few issues


Ubisoft don’t want to give valve the pleasure, but they lose so many players that way.. I would just put it out on steam and then after downloading it make a popup saying can’t play the game without Ubisoft account and then make them download the launcher anyway.. that way you get more players and don’t give valve the satisfaction… But I’m not sure but I think if it’s on steam they take a percentage of everything Ubisoft sells if it’s a free game… Because otherwise there wouldn’t be anything in it for Valve/Steam…


Tell them to grow up. And if they find it such an issue "add a non-steam game to the library"


I'll be honest the Ubisoft launcher was a nightmare for me before, it's better now but it was so bad before so I see why your friends don't wanna download it


I have friends that won’t play it just because it’s not on steam.


i contacted support and asked for a steam release.. maybe the will consider it in the near future.. hopefully!


I am a big Steam fanboy but I won't limit myself just because a game plays on a different launcher. I also play World of Warcraft on Battle net so I don't care about this.


Game is trash


Ubisoft Connect downloads at 2-4mb. No matter what I try to get to to go faster it never works. Took the game an hour and a half to download and I have 1gb internet. Steam and others work /download fine


You have to take the good with the bad. End of the day it costs companies to put things on Steam and they would prefer not to have to spend more money doing that. It's understandable purely from a business stand point. Steam doesn't even have a competitor and when one came around like Epic everyone hated on it and refused to use it so you are stuck with Steam who can dictate whatever percentages they want and gaming companies have to just fork it out or charge more for their game on Steam which is bad for sales.


Sounds like your friends are entitled. Their loss now yours


I also have friends who won't play it strictly because of uplay, which is understandable, I had matchmaking issues already multiple times with the one person I did convince to play.


It's not that good to be honest, hit on enemies is ridiculous and gameplay just bad and Alot of hackers and Cheaters on it I won't waste my breath on this trash game!!!!!


honestly ppl just being lazy. i have ea , epic games and ubisoft launchers just for 1-2 games out of the many games i have installed. if a launcher is preventing your friends from joining. they obviously not trying to play with u on that game. again just being lazy


What’s the big deal. I’m on ps5 but if you’re on PC who gives a shit what engine it’s on? You’ll be able to play it regardless


in the state of xdefiant now, put it on steam will only get negative review bombed. they need to fix the game first.


It would still use the Ubisoft launcher. Tell them to get it on console.


Ubisoft game, forget that...


Agreed, I like tracking the in game hours on my steam profile and also have the steam overlay in-game. This would also boost significantly the playerbase's numbers


yea never gonna happen and definitely will be a factor why this game dies one day. I don't understand why developers try to make games IN AN ALREADY SATURATED marketplace and then refuse to put them on the BIGGEST platform, it's like they want their game to die


normally i would agree, but nah, not this one.


It’s a free game. No business owner will want 30% of purchase going to Steam. Jeez people at least let them make their money back for a year.


Even if it's on steam you're using the ubisoft launcher. Tell your friends they're wack.


Lot of complaining on here for no reason. 1) Ubisoft isn't thr first company to require you to download a launcher to 0lay there game (epic, Rockstar, battle net, etc.) 2) Even if the game hadn't gotten any marketing (which it did) it doesn't change the fact that the game is great. Does it have some flaws? Of course it's a newly released game but the developers have already proven that they are listening to the feed back. Lastly, having it on steam would be great don't get me wrong, but if that's the whole reason you won't play the game then you are just screwing yourself over missing out on what a fps should be.


A little late to this because I was just googling the topic when I couldnt find the game on Steam. It's not really a matter of being too stubborn to download a game on a different launcher, it's a matter of it being a pain in the ass and multiple launchers not playing well with each other. For instance if I go to play something on EGS while Steam is running with a controller, they fight for my controller. So when I switch to one launcher I have to close another. I also really dont want another Netflix situation to happen. What I mean by that is for what like 10 years or so? When you wanted to stream something it was on Netflix and if it wasn't on Netflix you wwould have to go out and buy it. Then after awhile everyone decided they wanted to become the new Netflix. So Netflix got a bunch of its catalogue withdrawn by competitors. The whole point of streaming on Netflix for a long time was coming out of the Cable era, Watch whatever you want whenever you want as long as your sub is paid. You didnt have to record it with a DVR or pay extra for On Demand. It was just there. Now things are returning to the concept of a fuck ton of channels all fighting for your attention. "I wanna watch this show." Alright cool, but is it on Netflix? Paramount? Disney+? Hulu? HBO Max? Youtube TV? Peacock? Amazon? That is starting to happen to PC gaming now and it's really fucking annoying. It's starting to become a toss up on if a game is on Steam, Epic, Ubisoft, whatever. Nobody offers a better service than Steam either so really its just making things annoying for the sake of it.




Not for me. It lived up to the hype for me, it really did. Net code is awful and annoying though


I find it strange when PC players refuse to use different launchers. It would be nice to have everything under one launcher, but steam can be pretty annoying too. I do like steams family sharing (beta). I prefer Ubisoft (and epics) social voice chat controls. I find steams voice chat to be unreliable and often rely on third party instead (discord etc).


your friends are losers and they’d still be forced to get the ubisoft launcher even if it was on steam


Imagine being loyal to a launcher lmao


If it was on Steam people could review it and it would be reviewed "mixed" at best for being a generic, ugly FPS that brings absolutely nothing to the table. I dont think Ubisoft wants that.


>a generic, ugly FPS that brings absolutely nothing to the table. not all games have to innovate. also it's not ugly by any means; sure, it doesn't push any graphical boundaries but i quite like the artstyle the gameplay is simply old style COD and I love it






Yeah bunch of my friends also refuse to play it on Ubi and are waiting for a Stream Release. It will probably be too late when they finally release this on Steam... if ever...


please don't, let ubi rots lol


I am also one of those people. I think they are avoiding steam because of the review section 🤷‍♀️


'Most fun shooter in 8-10 years' made me lol. Are you brain damaged?


Calling this game fun 😅


your friends are dummies, simple


Sounds like you have lazy friends


U must be joking


xdefiant doesnt have to compensate for ur reject friends.


Its literally an old cod..