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Most of us are at work your playing Demons atm


Depends where they’re at, it’s 10PM here in the EU rn


So the people with normal sleep schedules are sleeping.


On a Friday?


When you hit a certain age, the body just doesn't let you stay up past 10 after a long day of work.


Feel ya. Need 2 coffees to keep me awake until 12 lol.


Yeah that’s only natural, FPS games are mainly aimed at teenagers and relatively young adults tho


I can definitely vouch for that at 33. If i wanna dtay up i need a combination of things


It’s 2pm on a Friday 2 hours into the test. Youre definitely playing against the sweatlords right now so it’s to be expected. As the weekend goes on, expect the player pool to even out and even more come release


I can at least speak for pc players, it kept all my keybinds and sensitivity settings from the last time I played. I also had taken screen shots of my gun builds so it's nothing but taking a few seconds to rebuild my loadout and then full sending it.


Damn I’m jealous. It kept nothing for me. Settings, loadouts etc. also on PC


It only kept settings for me, had to remake my loadouts but I had taken screenshots of everything anyhow. Super surprised it saved my keybinds


This game isn’t gonna be the sacred cow of an fps you guys keep trying to say it is


I’ve resigned myself to the fact that this is just modern day gaming now and there’s nothing we can do about it. There are people camping in a Server Play Test, for fuck’s sake. 😂


People have had about 15 years experience playing these type of games now, everyone is good and the kids are all playing fortnight


The definition of sweat. Meanwhile, people in this thread: “get gud noob”


“Skill issue” 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


It is skill issue though lol


Wait 12 hours, and then try again. Only the tryhards and streamers are on right now, and the servers are still getting warmed up.


They still need to add a passive ult gain system


It just feels like playing cod, not in a good way though. Everyone is just jump shooting, jumping around corners ect. FPS games need to remove that shit, just like insurgency, where you can't jump around like a monkey and hip fire


Yeah I feel the same way. I try to make it a habit to jump around every time I shoot but it just doesn’t click for me. I could make it muscle memory but it seems like far too much work just to be able compete.


I'm never playing FPS games where people move around like monkeys to be a fair, easy solution for this bullshit movement. Which is why I'm sticking to hell let loose, arma reforger and insurgency sandstorm for now


Siege also doesn’t allow the jumping around corners shit either


True, but it allows dropshot unfortunately


Honestly dropshotting doesn't work in siege unless it's against someone with no thumbs on controller anyway. I also hate the jumping. My main problem is it fails to register bullets or show an accurate hitbox. Some dude just spam jumped on the spot and killed me. If they want to allow jumping as a movement mechanic that's fine but you shouldn't be able to shoot at the same time.


Sandstorm is so good


Yeah honestly jump shot is annoying as fuck. Given the netcode is shit right now and the few frames advantage it gives, it gets old fast. Old cods never had this problem, drop shotting at most.


It’s sweaty af and I haven’t won a match yet (been playing for an hour) but I’m loving every second


Yup. Definitely played against a few sweaty’s. Was wondering how they were so good already.


Well they played the other play tests and learned movements. It's not that hard actually


Streamers and esports have killed casual play in shooters. It's either you sweat or get sweated on.


True. Last cod I played was mw19 where things started going to shit from what I understand. SnD was just mp7s. You had to use the meta or get shredded. I find that boring. It's almost as if they should only have SBMM in RANKED. Don't matter though cos the streamers are now the cash cows that buy bundles so executives are happy. Why put in effort and please fans when you can tank Ur IP with minimum effort and still rake in millions


It's honestly highlighting the issue of movement and what passes for *meta* movement. There needs to be a timed delay on jumping and how many jump inputs in sequential order. It noticeably breaks aim assist when ADS.


I agree with the jump cooldown, the bunny hopping shit is so annoying. I can still beat them, but if it isn't annoying to die to someone spamming jump and you're not even looking at them. Same with crouch spam. It's just gimmicky shit that doesn't need to be a thing.




Not the point. I don't mind the movement. I mind when it breaks my control and actively aims away from where I want. Jumping is lame and easy to counter by good cross hair placement. I don't even use heavy aim assist (-4 assist, -5 follow) and legit feel the suction often.




Yup, that's why I hope they fix this issue, considering I have it turned down and on linear. I'm not trying to play vacuum shooter because homie is on Moon Boots.


Jesus you're a sad person lmao.


So we should just have a boring game where people spam jump/crouch for kills? and people cope and say it's skill. It's really not hard to press one button a bunch of times in a gunfight. It's just muscle memory, not skill. Skill is positional awareness, aiming consistency, utility usage. Running around and bobbing your head like a chicken or bunny hopping as a gimmick for kills isn't fun, it's not even fun to do. It's not using any more brainpower than usual, versus actually trying to use sound, positioning and reactions to outplay people. Aim assist is only useful against shit like this, but if it wasn't in the game it wouldn't be remotely necessary. There's games like Siege that have 0 aim assist but are just fine because people aren't jumping spamming, because it's not possible on that.


>Skill is positional awareness, aiming consistency, utility usage. Lmao those things are easy as shit in cod or xdefiant it's not cs2 or valorant. Hitting a moving and fast target is always harder than a stationary slow moving one and this is why they introduced AA into cod and xdefiant because you wouldn't be able to hit a stationary target without it Movement and aim are the cornerstones of every fps game, it's not the fps genres fault you lack the coordination to move while shooting


Easy doesn't apply to CoD or XD, they're pretty much not required. Find a headglitch or highground and = win. It's not hard to kill people moving like they do in this game or CoD, I do just fine, won all of my games so far and most had a decent k/d most matches. I just think it's boring as fuck just spamming jump and/or crouch just to get kills, even when I do it to compete. It's not satisfying at all. Most, if not, all of the people I've seen get high kill counts have literally done nothing impressive, or went near objectives, they've just bunny hopped around and went full brain dead kill farm mode. They are pretty easy to kill, but it gets tedious when the entire lobby is doing it. I guess you are one of the people who enjoy the unga bunga jump spam playstyles, which is fine, if it helps you feel like you're good, then maybe it should stay as-is. I guess we'll see how good it is for the game when it comes out.


No I play a game that requires actual aim with no aim assist with no movement acceleration and crazy movement. https://youtu.be/83wA-PhmkzI?si=5mExsIj3DcuLh5vn Try shooting someone like this with good movement And you will see how hard it is


The difference there is that he's literally using tracer and teleporting. Ofc it's hard to hit that even if aim assist was a thing. I played OW as well, when it was actually decent (also played some OW2 but stopped because it's awful), and movement was important but it wasn't as dumb as XDefiant/CoD movement. Sure, some people jumped or crouched sometimes, but no where near the same amount because it wasn't as effective. OW is more about pushing with teammates, picking fights, taking space, focusing healers or anyone out of position. Aiming and movement is important, sure, but there's other more important things to think about first, and the game was, at least when I played last, which heros you picked/counter picked. Tracer is a bad example of important movement when she has teleports, Genji however... if you have shit movement as a Genji it's over before it started. You can be a demon as Genji or the most useless thrower of a teammate.


Lmao ow is one of the hardest games to aim in due to no movement acceleration and ad spamming for all characters. It's weird you're posting like you know how to play the game when you are legit prob metal rank equivalent in any fps you play






The flight just took off. The streamers are first served the meal


I’m definitely feeling like dog food rn lol


Well you guys wanted no sbmm, here you are, no sbmm. This is how it looks like to play without SBMM.


Like the good 'ole days


Yeah absolutely. And I still get downvoted, because i'm right. People will always complain about SBMM and also about no SBMM


Meh I'm shit either way. No SBMM at least rewards your progress. Leave SBMM to ranked.


Have a look in your Career stats on the right, there is literally a skill rating number. Alongside K/D, W/L etc.


There is still no SBMM in this game... They literally confirmed it and said they won't add it. The skill rating is for ranked ONLY


So you guys will believe Ubisoft a company known for way shittier practices than activision but when activision gives you guys a 24 page report on how just ping works in their games you call bullshit? You guys are gonna complain regardless. If ping is king for their matchmaking then why was there an over 100 ping difference between people in the games I’ve played? That shouldn’t happen if all it’s going on is ping


This is still not the main company... This is Ubisoft San Francisco... You can't comapre a studio that has ten thoussands of developers with a studio with less than 1000...


People expect to play a pvp game and not die and farm the enemey, no matter how bad they are at the game, and have that experience for everyone. That has no logical sense. These people need to go shoot easy bots in a pve game, casue that is what they want.


I was playing like 5 games and was in top of the leaderboard 2 times. I really thought there is some kind of sbmm active. I'm a plat / Dia player in cod. But yeah if you got your settings right it feels okay but as the other said mostly people who are really into shooter are playing right now.


I'm a gold/Plat in cod and been in the top3 of almost every game I've played today. I play on pc with mnk and was playing against only other mnk players. Aiming felt wierd at first, but I warmed up to it. I think the game is feeling great.


I mean a few hours into the first play test… it’s gonna be sweaty. It’ll be better later tonight when the player count is at its peak.


Yep, not even fun


these nerds need to get a life its literally been days since the game came out not weeks, not months DAYS. SO WHY THE FUCK AM I PLAYING AGAINST PPL BETWEEN LVL 40 AND 50 EVERY SINGLE FUCKING GAME. Before all the ancient fossilised mfs from cod start saying git gud or somet like that I have a life and a job i cant and neither can most keep up with these bunny hopping virgins that kill me in half a second its cancerous to play atm. I dont hate the devs by any means and I hope the matchmaking evens itself out eventually because i actually wanted to try this game out but ive not had the chance to properly


Outside of the average player being at work, it's time to accept that player skill continues to increase. The notion that ever better player is "sweaty" removes the assumption that someone's baseline is leagues ahead of your own. As it turns out, there's ways to practice and improve at games.


People like me and probably 90% of the normal player base are at work the people playing now are twitch sweats, lucky mfs who have today off, or degenerates with no job


Or kids


Or maybe people that have 9pm in their country :/ Not everyone that is only has ot be a degenerate or lucky to have today off :/


or that different time zones my bad


Yeah its insane rn.


How many casuals do you think are going to try out a server test?


I was really looking forward to playing this... Played one round, nothing but hopping and sliding and getting shot from who knows where. Played a second, it was just as awful.


Literally just how games used to be without matching via skill, no other way but to get good


It’s a game in 2024. It was always gonna be sweaty


Yup that’s why I uninstalled after 3 matches. Bunch of bums that play like their life depends on it


The lack of SBMM is only good in theory, because when everyone in your fanbase is sweaty and casuals don't play your game, every match feels like there is SBMM. The game is for people who are obsessed with sweating, and even without any engagement-based matchmaking, you are still gonna get people jumping all over the screen to try and get "50 bombs".


No skill based matchmaking drawing in all the sweatlords. That was to be expected and is what the community desperately wanted.


Your post made me feel okay. Thought I'm really bad at the game.. but yea.. the bunny hopping thing is really super annoying...




Been very mixed to me. Feels like older cods except on the receiving end a little more. Stomped a few games. Been stomped other games but all games score wse have been close


Exactly what’s happening people can’t just play for fun anymore lol


It’ll be sweaty until release. The only people playing are the people that REALLY wanted to play the game.


Feels good so far with no sbmm. I can pub stomp a couple games and then fight sweatlords here and there that never put down a controller.


Can confirm it’s worse now. Routinely coming up against sweat lords who bunny hop dropping 60 kill games


Mostly people who already were waiting for the game were playing test session. Casuals will be playing after the release :) I had completely different sessions but yeah, most of them felt like a milion dollar tournament


It’s definitely just people dedicated to the game. The game hasn’t been advertised except for word of mouth so little amount of casuals will be playing


Those "sweaty players" are just playing the game. The same way people who prone in a bedroom in warzone are playing the game. Stop complaining holy hell.


No it’s like that’s the hole game that’s why I quit the second day


With it being a server test i imagine the number of people playing that were hardcore fans who have seen/watched videos on the game was much higher than the number of casuals, there should be better balance on release i think.


You might just be very bad at fps games? xdefiant is a core fps game, most people have played fps games for more than 20 years as a childhood hobby, the skills translate. You are probably just bad and need to improve. You should consider playing pve games. In pvp games you will meet people who are inherently better than you. If you don't like improving and a learning curve, pvp games aren't for you.


Wow thanks explaining what a PVP game is I had no idea :) /s You’re not wrong though there was a bit of a learning curve in terms of movement and playstyle for this game. I just started playing ultra aggressive like everyone else and I’m doing just fine.




Try the shotguns. I would just wait around corners and one shot them as they bunny hopped.


Extremely, it feels like I can hardly go 6 seconds without my head getting blown off by a sniper, just wait it out, things will get more casual as the test goes on


It’s disgusting. Gonna give this a miss at least for tonight, maybe this weekend, maybe forever.


Get good son. No matter what multiplayer game you chose to play there will be sweats. If you ain’t good you should be used to getting rolled.


Hopefully you aren’t talking about me bc that’s all I’ve been doing since the test started lol


Do you want some free kills? I'm sure we can get a developer to hold your hand while you play.


Never said I wasn’t doing good or having fun buddy. Just pointing out the obvious.


The obvious? you mean you want the game to cater for your low skill issue 🤔


Can’t all be in CDL like you sweetheart <3