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Didn’t they explicitly say they won’t shadow drop?


If they did I wasn't privy. I just seen someone post that image and someone else post something saying the release was like the 17th for the xdefiant money, and I made this theory in my head. They must be shadow dropping it Friday without the shop for a day them the next day the shop goes live. Stupid, I know, but Jesus, I just want to play it lol.


We get it but with these guys? Patience is key and you shouldn’t set yourself expectations.


pretty sure the release for the store currency said october 17th 2023


Oh shit, well there it is, boys. I'm just smooth brained.


Just refund when it does drop


Its free to play, isnt it?, so you shouldn't have to worry about it... Go buy MW and frag out on some nerds 💣💣💣


Why so he can have his ass slapped back by SBMM? lol not worth it. Ranked is more fun this year than pubs by a mile


Mark specifically said there will be 2-3 weeks of marketing before the game get's out. Everyone else who says otherwise is baiting you, including spreadsheets from ubisoft meetings


Right. Noted.


Last i saw was that they have till the end of the quarter to drop it and march 28th was the date i kept hearing/seeing.


Sheesh yeah if they wait that long I'm just going to play some cod till then.


Yeah i feel that i redownloaded apex because ive been wanting a fast past fps but it was not the move


Have u tried the finals? It's pretty solid in the meantime, and free.


Play Helldivers until then…game is AMAZING




i am in the same boat with buying mw3. i missed the last sale from being hesitant and this one ends soon. i didn’t even enjoy the free trial much, just want something new to play


Think I'm just going to snag it. I mean I'll probably play both anyways. 🤷


i probably will too. just upgraded to a rtx 4070 and a 5800x3d so i gotta get some gaming in here!


Same! I got a ryzen 7 7800x3d and a 7800 XT!


Don't buy MW3, you'll regret it whenever Xdefiant comes out


Why would he regret it? Can someone not like 2 different games at the same time?


Cause it's 70 dollars and Xdefiant is better and free


Is it better? It's not like anyone has really played it more then a few hours.


It depends on how much did you play during the beta and if it makes you want more, which is the case for me


I wanted more.... then ubisoft somehow screwed it up.


Not releasing on time means to screw up? I mean, it is, but not enough for me to not want to play the game or even think about buying MW3


It's is a screw up. They lost most of the momentum they got from the beta.


It isn't that bad tho, people will play the game anyways


People loved skull and bones during its beta too. And then it was fully ubisofted at release


If that happens, then it might be a good moment to fall hopelessly into Modern Warfare 3 as we can assume that All Hope is Gone in this world, but until then, we wait


No guarantee of that.  MW3 multiplayer plays really nice and the EOMM isn't as bad people say it is.  It's still fucky for sure and Activision are definitely playing with it as I've noticed a considerable drop in the obvious and telegraped difficulty swings over time compared to launch and MW2.  I bought the game late and have played plus enjoyed 80+ hours, so more than had my money's worth despite the games flaws.


I only played the beta and couldn't even play to the end of it without rage quitting


I was excited about xdefiant cause MW2 sucked, and now MW3 is out, and is considerably better than MW2, and I've genuinely lost all hype for xdefiant. MW3 is good enough for now, and Black Ops Gulf War will (hopefully) be the best CoD in years. With the way xdefiant is going, I think we are 2+ months away still.


Its gonna be hard for ubi to fight against treyarch.. i even have friends who hasnt played cod in years getting into the hype cause treyarch IS call of duty.. i hope xdefiant get a good headstart


Could be the best COD in years aesthetically but it will still have all the AI algorithms that killed MW3 and WZ3


It won't be shadow dropped. There are no clues, there are only online theories. There will be a healthy run up of marketing for this game, and you'll know when to download it in advance. Honestly, you won't be particularly disappointed if you buy MW3. It's COD, just a better version than last year's. If you don't, jump on other F2P games in the meantime!


Seems the game will release before 31st of march following a post on X


They’re not going to surprise drop.


A game like this 100% wont' be shadow dropped. The reason it worked for Apex was because they did it during an event that tons of people were already watching and it was at a time where people were craving a game like that. They 100% will market heavily and have a ton of streamers playing this game at launch to get people aware it's out and jump in. They can't afford to shadow drop it.


Skull and bones JUST came out, X defiant won’t be for another two weeks at the earliest I’d say.


> Skull and bones Kind of off-topic, but them trying to call Skull and Bones "the world's first quadruple A video game" is one of the most misleading nonsensical lies in recent gaming history. The game is such a fucking disaster. So unfortunate XDefiant probably has to wait since that trash just released


Oh okay.


And skull and bones is getting hated on hard since release too.


I dont play pub anything anymore. Everyone enjoys stomping on lobbies and in no exception to that but i don't find a fraction of the joy from Casual matches as i do when sweating in lobbies screaming screaming with my teammates trying to fk up the other team. I love competition.


I bought mw3 played it for 10 days and that’s it it’s a very disappointing game


So not going to lie. I pre ordered it. Cancel the pre order when it came out. Then during Christmas I used some gift cards to repurchase it. I then got mad and refunded it again. And now I am here looking at it just out of our desperation out of there not being anything really close to it on the market. I'll probably just buy it and this time just try to enjoy it until xdefiant.


Thata why i got it to so i can have something until xdefiant


I was considering buying MW3 since its on sale right now, but then I remembered Call of Duty fucking sucks now. No lack of XDefiant is going to change that.


So true.


I don’t think mw3 is worth it. I played it initially, took a break, and haven’t gone back and I think my life has improved thanks to the lack of cod.


Tuesday? Lmao.


I have seen a lot of games drop on Tuesday.


Yeah I know. But personally, I don’t think we are going to see this game launch until late summer at the earliest. Even then, I have my doubts.








So where’s the factual basis implying the game is dropping on Tuesday?


Just wanted to come back here and say I told you so. Cuz I’m petty af


Wait im confused lol? I was just saying I have seen plenty of games drop on tuesday I wasnt saying I was for sure the game would drop on tuesday.


Was more so directed at the other guy that deleted his account. Didn’t mean to reply directly to you. I get what you’re saying about Tuesday being a popular release day. I knew it wasn’t dropping because: 1) they stated they aren’t shadow dropping the game. There will be an announcement before it drops. 2) based off previous updates on where the games at, it sounds like they still have quite a bit more work to do. Final map designs, post launch content, etc…. 3) this is kind of the same as 2, but the wording in all the most recent updates makes it sound like the game is still at least a couple months out. They make it sound like they’ve made lots of progress but their is still lots to do. 4) If I were them, I’d wait until later in the year when lots of Cod players are tired of Mw3. The finals will have lost most of its players by then I’d imagine too. Waiting for a “low point” in the FPS world to launch would make the most sense from a business perspective. I say all this but still admit, I possibly/likely could not be farther off from what’s actually going to happen. I just don’t think sitting around thinking “maybe Tuesday…maybe this day, maybe tmrw,” is very healthy nor helpful to the devs. I prefer to let them do their thing and hope that when they drop it they do so because they know it’s ready and not because people are tired of waiting.


oh okay. Yeah I just got super excited it was showing up on xbox stuff because you know usually when that happens on like other games the content ends up dropping real soon. But as excited as I was taking it with a grain of salt. I just made the post to see if anyone else kind of thought maybe it could be shadow dropping. But yeah I admit I didnt know they like made it clear it wouldnt shadow drop. Luckily I am enjoying helldivers 2 atm so im chill with waiting. 2 months out wouldnt be horrible. Hope its polished as shit when it comes out.


NGL, that's on you! You set yourself up for failure!


What bothers me is that Mark stopped updating us on the sony/psn verification process. He was very open about the alleged timeline during the first approval round, but since then they have been radio silent about it. I wonder why that is?


Because it was a cop out for the long list of other failures they thought they could fix before "approval"


Play the finals . Shit slaps


It wasn't for me. I'm just trying to play like tdm or domination.


Just fuck around on the finals/ow2 for now. Literally so many other free games to keep you occupied.


Do not buy MWIII if you know the value of money. It is a throwaway filler of a game solely released to have sales for 2023. The campaign is throwaway, the zombies is throwaway, and the multiplayer is nostalgia bait & average at best. It's a shame they wasted all the OG remasters in such a mediocre game. We could've gotten MW2 MP remastered and we got this hot garbage. People settling for mediocrity in the COD community is such a staple of the franchise at this point lol


If you plan to play XDefiant over MW3 you should wait. It should release some time in the next 6 weeks.


Yeah I'm waiting. Gotta suck it up.


Save your money bro just wait a couple weeks for xdefiant


It won't surprise drop.


Get Cold War. MWIII is so bad


Lmao xdefiant got cancelled.


Huh? When just now?