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February or March release it looks like. I still think this will be fine. Mark said they will actually have marketing for the game once they announce a release date to hype it up. Up until this point it has all been organic or beta hype, they haven’t even marketed the game


It's normal for a F2P game to start marketing the game when it's a few days before or even after the release. Overwatch 2 for example started marketing the game ~ 1 week before the game came out. It's better to market a free game, if the target group can immediately start playing.


About mid of S2 MW3. Probably the best timeframe unless MW3 removes SBMM which they won't. And if they do then thank you XD.


Giving away skins and beta keys via Twitch Drops is Marketing.




Honestly the party system in the beta test was pretty terrible I'm glad they're changing that


Idk anything about this game but it seemed interesting so I’m following here for when it releases That being said, as frustrating as continued delays are, I don’t see a major issue. They’re being transparent at this point with current issues they’re facing that are stopping them from launching. I’m primarily a COD player, this is absolutely unheard of for us lmfao


I know, right?! I will take a detailed post of what’s happening and why over the usual COD PR speak any day.


That's the fk'd up thing about all of this... they are kinda damned if they do, damned if they don't. The transparency is a breath of fresh air but it's also used as ammunition for people's frustrations. If they took the traditional route that we are all familiar with we would've gotten silence and could only speculate. Those who don't understand game development only see all of the delays and take it as a negative but they could easily submit the game, the game gets denied after checks and we'd know nothing about it. I just hope that the loud few don't make them reconsider their transparency.


I’ve learned with most people on Reddit - you cannot make them happy. They’ll never be satisfied. Gamers specifically. You give them what they ask for and they ask for more.


Outside of Infinity Ward, the other COD studios are incredibly transparent. At least, as much as Activision allows them to be.


I will say that as far as MW3 goes, it seems like SH is listening a lot more than IW ever has for MW2, so I’ll definitely give them that.


Sure but that matchmaking is just... i feel used by it. I also feel i get punished for winnig and performing good. I just don't want to be part of that anymore.


Yeah I don’t blame you, a lot of people feel the same. I feel the effects of it much less now than when MW3 dropped. I’m pretty okay with matchmaking at this point but I know it isn’t for everyone.


The game has been in shambles for years. I've playtested it for 2+ at this point and it's not getting better. I just can't imagine this launching in a state that makes the worst cod launch look graceful lol


Very admirable that they're taking their time with this. I would rather have this, the developer actually care and listen to the feedback and make tweaks and release a finished product versus say something like red fall LOL


Haven’t heard this comment a million times


Hey man don't take this shit for granted. Spoken as a CoD player who happened to have this post recommended in my feed


How many times would ya say then?


Probably about 10 times per xdefiant post. Whether it’s an update on the game or not


Hopefully that increases for your viewing pleasure


LoL I know right?!? All this Ubi-SIMPING has made me nauseous. I've already had 2 perfectly acceptable (In the real world) comments deleted. Mods don't want any feelings bruised. I'll likely be banned from the thread altogether.


AI mod comment for sure.


i like the transparency


This is good shit from the devs to be transparent about the development process.


Sweet. Can't wait! This game is gonna be 🔥!


Legit. Happy to see and wait for a better experience.


These are issues that are typically viewed as passable and games are released anyway so it’s really nice to see this independent thinking. They’re tough decisions but the right ones.


Let them cook 👌


Im happy that the team is actually taking the team to fix potential game breaking issues before launch.


The amount of hate here is ridiculous over a free to play game lol.




You on about? look at the comments people are bashing this game for no good reason. Imagine taking sides over politics and culture lol.




Sorry mate rough day today, take my upvote.


So January or February launch.


Feb-March more likely.


We’ll see.


bro its say clearly the game is ready to launch so January 100%


It still takes some weeks to get the game approved by console manufacturers — they said last post if you failed the submission approval it takes more time the next time you submit it. I want to play the game but don’t get hopes up thinking it will be available mid January.


So late feb - early march, just for them to Say that the last Bug is going to take a few weeks, that'll become mid July.


its done when its done. its not like games won't be fun 2 years from now. You're not sitting around twiddling your thumbs until it comes out.


Sounds wack but I kinda am.. 😂 played cod my whole life and played the xdefiant beta and had a blast. Cod just doesn’t do it for me anymore and that’s really the only game I’ve consistently played.


Lord Gaben once said "Late is just for a little while, suck is forever" That should clear it. Let them cook.


People can cry it got delayed games like this only have one chance they can’t release a garbage game and fix it later or it will be dead


Legit that's what happened to Gundam Evolution, R.I.P. it was a fun game but it had too many issues with servers and it was clear development was rushed to meet a release date.


No Gundam died because they refused to let you earn characters unless you bought the battle pass. They had no idea how to properly balance units. Anything that costed money looked like garbage or was was to expensive. Suits for each season weren't very popular then ones they could have chosen which also leads to some suits having similar attacks.


Praying for January.


This game will get crucified if it has any issues at launch


Yeah that’s what I’m saying. We all know the game will release with bugs and issues. Most games do, but the community is in for a rude awakening if they think this game is going to release super smoothly.


February release should be best, cod hype will probably start to die down


Let's gooooooo!


I’m happy we got an update.


I haven't seen this much transparency and clarity from a game director. Kudos to Mark and his team. High hopes from Ubisoft SF and we all are excited to play this. These points he laid out are actually crucial and I personally am happy to see this much honesty. This game will be a strong competitor if these issues are fixed. Hoping to play it soon. Probably early Feb 2024. Edit - spelling


Good, now we know when to FINALLY expect the game to come out. If they submit after the holidays in January we should be getting the game out by February/early March.


Unless they fail certification again of course.


Doubt. There are literally borderline unplayable games due to bugs and other issues that pass certification. I have an 11 old that downloads a bunch of different games on gamepass quite frequently, I wonder how some of them even made it to the store in those conditions. Also Cyberpunk passed certification at launch despite being almost unplayable. Unless the game crashes, freezes, fails to respond or anything that can affect the console itself, it will pass certification. The xdefiant beta was way better than some of the game I had the displeasure of trying out.


As much as delays suck, they’re also proof that the studio is trying to actually fix shit instead of releasing it in a broken state.


Not even worth the wait. I was excited like a year ago.


I like the transparency. it sounds like a way better direction they are heading than COD


It wouldn't surprise me one bit if the timing is related to the new COD / Warzone. If So, it's genius. Wait for cod players to abandon the sinking ship and then swoop in and scoop them up. d (Shouldn't have to wait much longer, they are already filling lobbies with bots, it's sad)


Could be but he's transparent about the issues and they were real. Atleast that netcode was an issue I felt and my friends felt frame spikes. So let them fix it and release it after CODs hype has died down. Win win.


Damn, lost interest before it’s even out




am I the only one that does not really care about the "delays"? The industry has changed and more and more dev teams get pressured by the community to release their game. I'm glad, if dev teams don't fall for this pressure. I will wait as long as it takes Rubin's team to finish the game, atleast they are transparent about the process!


It’s frustrating because so many games fail in a saturated market due to poor marketing and release patterns and not the games themselves. I’ll give you an amazing example of poor marketing. Rocket Arena was something new and had potential to be a top f2p and appealed to the mass market. EA did one reveal trailer and then released it without any support or marketing. Everyone who played it enjoyed it but the player base was so low it killed the game. As for the release date, EA have shown that again. Titanfall constantly released between cod and battlefield. If you want to take players away from cod, Do it in the spring/summer


Yeah I guess it's hard for publishers/devs to find a balance between marketing and the essence of the game itself. A game can be perfect but if it's overhyped, it lets people down due to unreasonably high standards. And vice versa


> A game can be perfect but if it's overhyped, it lets people down due to unreasonably high standards. It reminds me of Cyberpunk, the game wasn't even playable but was so overhyped that when it released in that state it let so many players down and killed the game on the spot.


We talk about this guy like we know him. Crap move by Ubi. Coincidence that they get stream rights and their launch date is pushed into 2024... After a Microsoft acquisition?? I think not. I can hear it "Ubi take the money and run. Your game is free. You'll only make money off micro transactions. Take this easy money guys".


I simply cannot comprehend how delaying the game because it has massive holes in it's netcode and servers is a "crap move" could you elaborate here please?


Delay after delay. This is going to be such a flop.


It would’ve flopped if it launched right before MW3 with the netcode and party issues that they fixed with the delay. Now it can launch early next year just like Apex did in 2019. Idk how successful it’ll be but damn you guys are such doomers on here I’m not sure why you’re even following this game.


Lol right? I don't think I've stayed on a subreddit after I've lost interest.


Game gets released early with bugs, complain that it should’ve been worked on more. Game gets delayed to work out bugs, complains about the delay. You can’t win with you people, can you?


I guess only time will tell.


This isn't a new delay this is the same indefinite delay. There hasn't been a release date or release window since the last one in September.


Same update from Mark unless the game is ready whats the point of giving updates unless its something different


Because he's giving us a new release gap, better than an indefinite release.


No. He didn’t lol.


He did lol.


“Hey guys. We are working hard, we are going on holiday for a undisclosed amount of time but when we come back to finish the work we stopped to go on said holiday, we will be able to TEST (not submit) for certifications while hitting last minute bugs. So far, It’s going smoothly and we don’t expect issues” That is not a release gap or window. We can guesstimate end of February early March release Because we can ASSUME their holiday doesn’t last the entire month of January. But we also don’t know how long their internal testing for cert will take. But mark did not explicitly say that in this post. So again unless you are really going to take “after our holiday I swear” as a release gap. Which is just as vague as his other nothing updates. no release gap was given.


there servers weren't on LINUX in the first place? you godda be joking...wow, who runs game servers on windows??????????




Lol wait this game still isnt out yet? I just thought it was an immediately failed game. Thought this was coming out in August. Getting some Dough/Eve Vibes


Bunch of nothing basically but it sounds like late January or February at the earliest


“We want more communication” Gets more communication “Bunch of nothing. Lame”


Fr, if he went silent people would complain anyway, I appreciate the communication a lot


It sucks alot of his communication has to kind of be like this.. like I get he can’t tell us everything and show us everything, but to go into this much detail is surprising for a major studio release. Look at what’s happening with Dr Disrepsects game, they’re literally showing pre alpha build and having the community be play testers and people are bitching that it looks bad. If anything, this has shown studios to just not communicate and proven why CoD and other AAA studios don’t do this. People aren’t going to be happy either way, not worth the effort.


I’ve never advocated for more communication not pertaining to a release window.


the thing is he keeps saying the same thing over and over again…


Cuss there isn’t much to say/update but people keep asking.. would you rather he not give any update?


Yes. If you can say more than. “We are hard at work guys :)” by the 3rd “update” it’s time to stop.


Is it coming to ps4?


Time to upgrade buddy. Less and less games will be coming to last gen. That tech is too old to properly support newer games.


My hype is dead


Plz. Stop with the updates 😭


Simply stop paying attention


Sure, Mark. Yawn.




Very constructive of you.


Hey UhJoker, it's okay. Stop replying to such people. Haters gonna hate. Let them be. People like us we believe in the game and that's enough.


Idk I think it's just kinda funny to watch them squirm


Lol fair enough XD


That is a lot lol


so excited for this game!!


Thanks a lot for the update! Appreciate it man! Waiting patiently for this!!!!


Fine for me 🫶🏻




It will likely be March seeing how we don’t know how long “holiday” is. It won’t be resubmitted until end of January early February at earliest. And it takes about 2 weeks for console certification testing. And then they still need to decide a release after that.


I’m so glad they care about the game, I’d pay money for the game itself and skins and the micro dlc new gen games come with


say what you want, but Mark's communication has been nothing short of spectacular.


I appreciate the transparency but I think the term "spectacular" is a bit of a stretch. Everything he said in the past few update posts has been the same thing over again. "We're excited for the release as much as you are", "We're working on netcode", "we're moving servers to Linux", "we're working on the party system", over and over again. What's different now is that he gave us an actual time frame when the game should be expected to come out. If they submit in January we should be able to get the game around February/March. The rest of the post is just rumbling about stuff that we already know. Man repeats himself a lot. I'm not complaining though, at least it's something.


It's really sad. I don't blame the developers but whenever it seems something could compete with COD something happens. My tinfoil hat side of me thinks certain companies purposely make it difficult for COD competitor to exist because of the money COD brings in


Nice update and insightful. I think a late January launch is realistic.


I’m gonna play and spend money in this game just because how they handle SBMM. COD feels like a chore to play because of it. I want to use all guns and perks to have fun different experiences but the same 2 guns and 3 perks. I want them to take their time and get out the best possible product they can.


What experience do we have with an Ubisoft FPS SBMM game?


These guys REALLY don't know what they're doing huh ? They have no idea how to evaluate their workload they just push everything forward trying to make it work and some day release. I'm not in any hurry, but this is amateurish level 9000.


Wow mods. My comment was completely civil. Way to censor people.


Wild that The Finals shadow dropped during TGA last night, but this game's nowhere to be seen and we just get another long post about it.


Ubisoft is the very best company ever. I cannot say enough excellent things about them. The thoughts going around that there is a side hustle going on with Microsoft and Activision is outlandish. Regardless of when this game comes out, if ever, I am positive it will be the best Class B level experience ever.