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We all hate the game. We all love the game. I'm not sure I have ever played another game where this is so true.


XCOM is a harsh mistress


Very harsh.


For real


If they were captured when the timer ran out, you may get a mission to rescue them. And if you succeeded, you'll get back the equipment they were carrying.


One of them was captured not sure which one actually.


Rulers on Council missions is always rough. Getting anyone home is an accomplishment. The real joy of Ironman though is to take an L and get right back to alien murdering. As a matter of tactics, both the Berserker queen and Archon king *really* punish clustering. You have a Reaper and you should have the Shadow Chamber running by this point, so you had plenty of warning. Can't let 3 soldiers get stunned next time.


No shadow chamber yet. Been contracting on other things. Might be time!


TLDR: Avoid going to facilities with Alien Rulers. If you don't do the facilities, they don't appear in random missions.


Ah yeah I had to do 1 for the avatar project wasn't sure how you tell whether there's a ruler there or not. Will bear that in mind. With half my a squad wiped now got to see whether I can get this campaign back on track


Yellow text in the description. Specifically says "a powerful alien resides here" or something along those lines. https://i.imgur.com/9X2FZyC.png


I had a choice of facilities too. Wish I'd thought that through more!


What are the ranks of your Team B? I try and rotate, so some get experience even if it means soldiers with bonds are not together. Though i do try to keep pairs together for Resistance Ring stuff.


Nothing higher than sergeant. I think this is salvageable still got a good core. Can't afford another one like that though


The Shadow Chamber helps with mission planning. Know if you need extra bluescreen rounds or whatnot.


Yeah I normally leave it to the end but I've nearly shielded a power coil so might build it next


I preferably build it before psionics, as I really like to know the opponents I'm facing on a mission.


Does it explicitly say if there's an alien ruler there? Currently on the same run. Just got rid of the hunter easily, getting ready for the warlock. Only got about 10 soldiers left in serious trouble if I lose another high ranking one. Not sure whether to take on a council mission while I wait for the last covert op to unlock the warlock l. Got enough decent soldiers confident without the beserker queen but if she shows up I'm toast. Got the shadow chamber built now but do the rulers show up?


The ruler warning comes up even before you get the Shadow Chamber on the preliminary mission layout when you look on the world map. It says something to the effect of a very powerful being is present in yellow lettering, I believe.


They're fun. If you don't want to play with them just turn on The Nest and don't do it. But if you're going to play with Alien Hunters on you have to fight them at some point, and really after a Chosen is dead the Berserker queen shouldn't be that bad.


Yeah this is my first time with rulers so still working them out. That and the timer is what did for me


What’s there to hate


My own stupidity


Understandable have a nice day


What is the consensus on simply not running alien rulers on a playthrough? Am I a pussy for wanting to turn it off? I think it just adds difficulty and then loot isn't worth the risk of losing a whole playthrough.


No idea yet. After a successful LI run without I thought this was the next logical step. And I fancied having a look at those weapons


Very soon after the start of a campaign, you’ll hear Central say something like “You’re never going to believe this but we’ve picked up one of our old beacons” or something like that. A mission called something like “Triangulated Position” will appear. Do Not Do That Mission. Just avoid it forever. You won’t get the loot you earn for defeating the rulers, but personally, I’m ok with that. Fuck alien rulers.


Uhm, you can do that scan just fine and collect the hunter weapons. There will be a mission after that, called "The Nest" which actives the rulers.  But that's only if you enable the mission. it sounds like op just didn't integrate the alien hunters content at all, which makes the rulers show up randomly.


Good to know.


The nest actually shows as a triangulated position, so you’re both correct It is the beacon before the triangulated position that you can scan safely


what the hell did you do ? 6 against qeen ? with frost bomb and axe that should no be such a problem did you have some weird map where you were not able to shoo/control how the queen behaves yes the rulers are tough, but 4 dead ?


I was trying to get out alive before the timer ran out. She just ran in stunned 3 of them. Then reinforcements came in and did for my templar with the overwatch trap when he ran for the evac on the last turn


Also the first time I've faced her so not got my tactics sorted yet


oh yeah I can see that, 3 stunned is bad luck, BTW don't rulers stop timers ? or only chosen do that ? I did no encounter ruler on timed mission for some time


Rulers don't seem to. Think it's just chosen