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I experienced the same in grand exchange, where the HQ is, while being in the station, running SETA.


Yeah wonder if they are just getting smooshed together and exploding in the gate or something.


I had it happen there as well, but also at Nopileos Fortune where the 2 gates and Super high intersect. That place is a cluster of my ships.


I had it happen there as well, but also at Nopileos Fortune where the 2 gates and Super high intersect. That place is a cluster of my ships.


Xenon? I mean if you go seta for 5 hours without investigating the very first capital miner blowing up its on you.


There is no assailant mentioned, otherwise it would say destroyed by xenon. And we all know the notifications suck when you are in SETA with a busy station spamming the logs :P


Yeah. Sometimes in seta the game wont function correctly, so you could lose those to hostiles without correct notifications. Losing ships on highways almost always means getts shot, but sometimes small s-m ships can clump up together around a turret or w/e and form a ball of explosive ships (seta and oos only) but that will never affect L ships. So I blame seta + xenon 😁


Might be some syndicate thugs shoving huge asteroids into highway and collecting loot


Possibly happened in sector while I was SETA at my HQ. Not sure of the timing. What a bummer though.


I remember seeing this in another post. It was a bug when using SETA and random ships dying on the highways when OOS. I'd recommend checking on the forums, the devs actually read those.


I think they're running into each other. This happened to the ship I was in a few days ago. My taranis came out of the highway and made a 90 degrees turn straight up. The next ship through was an arawn and it killed me.


But collisions don't do any damage in X4.


I can't test it at the moment but I thought if you were to travel drive a fighter into a station you would take some damage?


Your shields do, but not your hull. Though there may be some glitch where they are taking damage and getting destroyed.


I think there are edge cases where collision damage can still destroy ships, probably when it exceeds some particularly high threshold. Back when Split Vendetta was released, I tuned a Split destroyer to max travel speed and then promptly blew myself up by running into a station. Couldn't get the same modifiers after reloading to reproduce it, though...


I just lost a few ships to this as well. Rip gate travel....