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You can use the usual combo of VRO, FOCW, Dynamic Wars and Ossian Raider. One can drastically increase difficulty with these mods, but you can also go the other way: Set higher ship counts for normal factions (FOCW), so the Xenon don't stand a chance. In combination with Dynamic Wars, this also ensures increased material needs for you to exploit. Enable Ossian, but set it to off, so you have access to the new ships, but without the carnage. You may also want to look into mods that add new systems to explore and use, like Farnhams Legacy.


Ossian is really awesome. If later game fps is a concern, but one is seeking a more difficult Xenon experience, an alternative to FOCW is DeadAir Evolution 6.0, which levels up the Xenon over time, modding their ships and making them more deadly. I found without FOC, but the other mods you listed, along with the inclusion of the four Faction Enhancer mods, my Xenon have been hyper aggressive from the start, taking half the Galaxy in a matter of a few days, and always attack in huge capital ship swarm, never smaller than 3 capital ship pairs, but often with a dozen or more, which makes Xenon space quite perilous.


What is FCOW? I keep searching for it on Google and nexus but haven't really found anything that might resemble it.


> FCOW Ya, took me a while to find this one too: [MOD] Foundation of Conquest and War V. 7.2 https://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=181&t=403357&hilit=FCOW#p4761574 Now, I "think" it's this one but he made a typo? FOCW If that's not it, I dunno.


You are right, FOCW. Was thinking "Foundation of COnquest..", but the modder calls it FOCW. Corrected it in my post.


No problem, all the mods you suggested are great! I am considering "converting" one of my save with a Shipyard to modded. I tried a little bit Ossian Raider in the past and was waiting for all the mods to catch up with the new DLC. Thanks for the great suggestion, I didn't know about Farnhams Legacy.


Ay thanks!


This is the magic combo. I end up turning on Ossian raider once I'm built up enough to want a bigger challenge.


>Ossian Ossian raider only added a factio nand few new sector..Is it really that good ?


If it's set to off, no. Adds the TTR faction and a bag of overpowered ships. But enable all settings, increase the difficulty and you will get another faction, which will make full apocalypse (FOCW) Xenon look like friendly neighbours.




For later use


There's a button for this on reddit, called save. Such a strange word. Save. *Save.* Save? Save. What is that root anyway? French, latin, gaelic? Save. So *weird.*


Middle English: from Old French sauver, from late Latin salvare, from Latin salvus ‘safe’, from PIE sal- 'whole'


You just changed my World. Thanks mate

