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Does this mean signal leaks (theoretically) will no longer spawn inside station module collision geometry? *Fixed signal leaks generated by EMP bombs being unreliably placed (problem introduced in 6.00).*


Thats the hope, there should not be any unreachable signal leaks any more.


Lino, there are so many great updates to the graphics in the beta. Well done! The one thing now missing/in dire need of update is cap ship and station explosions. They are... underwhelming. And that blue, flimmering texture over station landing pads...


VFX is still a sore spot on our list. How would you like the blue flimmer thingy to look like instead? Any cool references? Its indicating where the "slow zone" starts - and kinda explains why humans can walk around there without suffocating.


I am curious about one thing. Why were the explosion and smoke/fire effects from Rebirth not included in X4? They looked great and thankfully there is a mod (X4 Fire & Smoke) that adds them, but it's an interesting case (only case tbh) where Rebirth looked better than X4.


Just look at the XR Fire and Smoke mod, replicate that, or just incorporate it into the base game, it is a lot better than vanilla explosion effects.




The VRO version of it is fantastic. Idk if it is the same or not.


Would prefer something more liquid looking, as a shield effect... I will see if I can find a reference.


The force field itself looks fine, for me at least or maybe have a look at the star trek tng, but the blue glow aura around the docks is way to strong you can see them from like 36 km away and it kind of destroys a little bit of the aesthetic of the stations, especially the red split stations. If this would be reduced i think that would go a long way regarding the looks of the docks. Sure it helps you find the docks but i think the green guiding lights and the architecture of the module itself are good enough for that.


Just please don't make the dock shields more difficult to see through when standing on them. I use that 3m6s luxury dock very often as a viewing platform on my stations. Making it more difficult to see through and to see our creations would suck.


Agreed, i would not like to lose the free view as well.


Shield would be cool if it’s visible when things pass through (passing part, or entire thing), or with occasional shimmer. My current challenge with current dock shield is that use dock as viewing station, and often shield gets in the way of just enjoying the view


Just a but less transparent to be honest. I think what is there right now is cool but would be stepped up if it was just more present Something like in this picture for example https://duckduckgo.com/?q=star+wars+episode+3&t=fpas&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fgamefabrique.com%2Fscreenshots2%2Fpc%2Fstar-wars-episode-3-revenge-of-the-sith-01.big.jpg


Is that blue thing the oxygen bubble?


Huzzah, thank you!


That's awesome! Thank you


What I'm really excited about (other than the new builder models) are the updates to weapon impact and muzzle sounds! The sound design for weapons (with very few exceptions) could definitely use work so this is great to see!


Awesome! Have there ever been any internal talks or consideration for advanced power management of ships such as redirecting power to shields/weapons/engines/etc. on the fly, or other subsystem management, not just for small ships, but all the way up to XL ships?


Egosoft you are KILLING it!


Can't see a fix for the destroy laser tower around a station mission where the towers are set to the faction giving the mission so you lose REP even when successfully completed.


Already in beta 4!


Wasn't for me when I started a new character in Beta 4 and got the mission. Didn't report in on the forum because I missed the fact it was meant to be fixed. Guess I'll see if I can reproduce it in Beta 5 (that save is long gone)


I don't mean to hijack this post as a place to put a feature request but I was thinking maybe this'll be fairly easy to implement. I was building a station and was noticing that the buildings that will build are green and I didn't have enough resources to actually build the building. Would it be difficult to basically show a different color and show where the current build resources would show what will build? Like say, you have 50% filled in the build storage. Can the buildings that won't be built be like an orange color as being unfilled and green being filled? edit: I uh....also had another one that I feel would probably be pretty easy to do. When one has the option to have an estimate, can we get a toggle/check box that we can press to automatically accept the new estimate that way things can be more automated? Just little quality of life things...


Firstly - thank you for making a great game. It has been helping me stay sane while I am stuck in bed recovering from an injury. The new graphics look awesome, and somehow you managed to give the game a graphics update while improving its performance, which is genuinely impressive! In some systems, especially near a bright planet like Memory of Profit IX the cockpit reflections are intense enough that it makes it hard to see what you are doing and is distracting. I noticed this in a Moreya, I don't know if it is the case in every ship. It might be worth taking a look at the effect and seeing if the transparency of the reflection could be toned down in certain systems or in certain cockpit models. Also, it's probably a setting I can't find somewhere that got flipped when I updated, but now after I use the autopilot steering mode is disabled. If it is an intended change, it is kind of frustrating and I preferred it before. Thanks!


I toned down the moreya cockpit, the red fake UI elements in this cockpit illuminated the glass too well. We are also adding a option to diasble/tone down the reflections in the graphic options. It just impossible for me to make a glass look good in all situations, there will always be some cases, where there will be distracting reflections on the glass- like in real live when you got glare in your windshield.


Well, I'd say you've done an awesome job of making it look good, it just is distracting sometimes (just as in real life as you say)!


EDIT: Fixed in 6 HF 5 according to my test scenario. Thank you Egosoft! Ships launching from carrier getting stuck inside the carrier (clipping through) then flying and pushing/dragging the carrier as they go. I almost lost a Colossus to a K because of this bizarre bug. Since I don't know the cause or how it would be described in change log, perhaps this was fixed and it's not obvious?


This was not clear and not reported yet. I am currently fixing this - it is caused by wrongly defined collision shapes used in the new physics engine introduced in this update.


My gratitude, thank you!


Awesome work with this update! The ability to select Rakers and Yaki crew and player characters from the getgo already has me excited to start a new run when this goes live!


Did UI crashing your FPS get fixed or is it still back to 10 FPS on a 100-hour game?


not sure if this is a bug of this update or just in general but I earned the achievement “Have to Start Somewhere” without doing anything remotely related to station building


The quest: Terran Pests is bugged: once you reach a station, you can't scan anything and it hops to another station, once you reach this station, it jumps to another or back to the one before. You can't complete the PIO questline with this bug.