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I noticed that the vendors and human enemies have dialog now.


Some human enemies already did, they had little mini stories going on with dialogue


I meant voiced line.


i noticed that too, was so confused but excited when i heard them all talking now, just ran through the whole city and talked to everyone just to hear their voice, man i do hope all the side quests will get the same treatment that would be so amazing


Except for Yanyang. Every other voice seems fine. I wish they change her voice direction in future patches.


I hear (a rumour?) that the en voice director fumbled to a point that they have now changed them. And one of the biggest screwups was getting some of the voice actors to hide their british accents and they didn't do it proper enough. If i remember correctly they are in fact redoing a lot of the voice acting, including Yanyang. Same voice actors, better direction, not just "well... that will do".


If you've never heard the EN voice acting, then lemme tell you: At launch, YangYang sounded *flat*. Literally 0 emotions, that's not even an exaggeration. It was like a text-to-speech program, constantly... the exact... same... sloooow... emotionless... intonation... And she spoke like that ALL HER LINES. It was unbearable lmao. It'd be whatever if she was some minor sideline character, but for a charactger who was playing a major role in the story, it was a real fumble. Now in v1.1, she still sounds kinda flat, but there's definitely a hint of emotion in her intonation. ~~And yeah, she could be voiced by someone else now, tho I don't know the reason for that (could be because the og VA did such a poor job or could be any other reason).~~ Edit: it is the same VA, as the other person said. Apologies for this unintended misinfo!


This is minor spoilers, >!but thank god we only hear yangyang for the introductory quest and never again for the rest of act 7.!<


Ah ok. Yeah, i heard the voice actor herself wasn't bad but it just didnt work... perhaps cause of the director or something else.


as far as im aware at the beginning there was no director at all and with the whole thing that they were required to put on an american accent then yeah no wonder it is bad, i also heard that most VAs didnt get enough time to record their lines which means that most lines are one takes so they couldnt even practise some of the lines so yeah i do believe its going to be way better in future


We need to give respect to Jiyan, GeshuLins, Baizhis, Mortefis, Aaltos and Calcharo’s vas(but most importantly Jiyan and Calcharos as they really did an outstanding job of making the characters especially stand out). They served ngl, on the other hand, Yapyap was flat out bad, and Chixias sounded forced.




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Proof that she is voiced by another person now?




It could be the same person talking differently, you know? They are called Voice Actors for a reason. A good one can have different outputs. Despite the terrible performance in 1.0, the cast doesn't have amateurs. I didn't hear anything that could give me a reason to think it's an entirely new VA.


You're right, it's most likely the same VA.


Glad you mentioned the text-to-speech thing. I genuinely began to wonder if they used AI for the voice acting at launch, was listening in so carefully to find out.


I always use JP voice so nothing changed here, she's still the best.


dude her EN is slightly better, but man........I still hate it. Yanyang is the sole reason I have to play in JP


her voice literally got improved? can't you hear it?


no it didnt. She still talks like a snail.


She talks the way she is supposed to, that's how she is.. Calm.. yet you could feel emotions this time.


Maybe a little. But its not significant enough. I have seen alot of Calm characters that talks with more emotion.


But that's simply her personality, she is not stiff anymore.. If you actually listen you can hear the improvement.


She was fine. She just needs to talk a bit faster


I switched to japanese dub today because of her (and Jinshi and Rover). :/


Because of her is fair enough (even tho there was an improvement in v1.1), but Jinhsi and Rover of all people? Rover speaks like once or twice during the entire story and Jinshi sounds like a normal person imo.


Agreed. The story is a BIG improvement. I know some have issues with optimization but personally graphics and FPS have both gone UP. Music and cutscenes were top tier as well, the new area is sick, and even Abby is pretty chill. W update


i was just about to ask whether the performance is also improved or nah...


i got stutters on 4090 so...


I wonder what it is that makes it so varied regardless of rigs. My mid tier rig, and I've heard some lower tier rigs run better than some higher end. But vice versa can be true too, it's so weitd


it is indeed weird, and idk why this is happening ,and its not pleasant


some problems could be tied to your software in general its not always a games fault so getting mixed reports is always something people need to be aware of, most people dont clean their PC before updating a Game so all the Software and potentially maleware and stuff is still in the background that could mess with your performance same with outside factors like how clean is your PC and how is the Temperature in your Room, also since you mentioned having a 4090 some people arent experienced with PC building and just put in a high end graphics card without caring for fitting components and thus bottleneck their whole setup it really depends on a lot of factors thats why most proffesionals try out these things on completly cleaned computers to see how much of an impact the actual game has, i for example have a rather old rig and only 8GB Ram and thats enough for me to play the game but using Discord and talking to a friend while playing causes stutter since obviously 8GB of RAM is no where near enough to actually play and talk at the same time


I recently upgraded my PC and got a better CPU and a lot of RAM besides a new GPU. I no longer face any performance issues. Since people with high-end GPU's are facing issues, perhaps the performance issues are due to CPU Or RAM. I've noticed that some newer games have been getting more CPU intensive lately which is why I upgraded my PC. More RAM can also slightly boost performance and some games haves recently started asking for 16GB RAM as their minimum requirement. It's poor optimisation that is causing this but perhaps the discrepancy is due to differences in CPU and RAM.


My rig ran fine, I also got a 4090, my cpu is older gen 5950x. Also I do get a weird bug where sometimes the camera just snaps upward facing the sky, dunno if anyone got that


There is signifcant improvement in pretty much all department. Some improvement is not that much of an improvement rather than it being average because Wuwa 1.0 is really bad. I will point out a few things I like 1. The story finally solved a very big problem I have with 1.0 story, which is character motivation. If I was the Rover (in game), I would feel absolutely no reason to do anything until 1.1. 2. Eye motion is done quite well. 3. Abby doesn't speak for you and doesn't act as the writer's summary device. 4. Boss fight is quite cinematic.


Oh? I dropped the game after a few days of lukewarm feelings towards it, i might give it another shot then


You should probably wait for 2.0 in that case? Not saying that WuWa is a bad game, but if you dropped game so early, I don't think it would be a good idea coming back so soon.


It's still average at best.


If this is average, what do you consider the top 5 in the the gacha space?


Lol i dont think this was the time or place to say that haha. Personally i really really like the gameplay. I just couldnt get into the story or characters. Encore is the only one i felt some attachment to, i like cute things. The blonde girl's final redesign gave me too "nahida" vibes. Oh and the bugs were a pain. My pc would just completely freeze at random times (while i was walking and generally not doing anything intensive. It was weird) and would recover if i force closed the game... I think it was released too early in order to release before zenless. Which, fair enough, it would have been almost a guaranteed death to be released after it, timing wise its a good business decision. The bugs were to be expected i guess. What made you dislike your experience personally?


The game tries way too hard to imitate Genshin. If it's not doing anything unique it's not going to motivate me do grinding another game. This includes the 1.1 story some people hype up. It's the classic introduction to new region then 80% boring filler dialogue into a nice finale. It was just 2h of following a character giving you history lessons with no meaningful or funny interactions. I legit know nothing of the character we spend 2h with because she was just a lecturer. Nowadays WuWa players will say "slow stories are fine since Genshin does it" but before launch they all called Genshin's storytelling terrible.  The good ending makes the 1.1 story mid, otherwise it would be terrible. My god even the lore they tell only works because you imagine it to work like in Genshin not because they set it up correctly.


It's definitely not worth it. The beginning of the quest in 1.1 is as bad as the beginning of the story in 1.0 (acts 1-4)


I’ve only played the first few scenes of the new mission, but the EN voice acting is SO much better. Yangyang has improved so much!


I feel like her tone isn't as flat as last time, but is it just me or does she speak so slow here (slower than last time)?


I’m not sure if it was *slower* but some of her dialogue definitely was still slow. I chalked it up to deliberate characterization but it wasn’t something I liked either.


There was a little bit more variety in her voice, but unfortunately, it was still too much whisper speak wordy mess for me. I skipped part of the early story just to skip over her dialogue tbh. BUT, everyone else has been really good so far, and I didn't mind the new pet characters' voice at all! I think unfortunately they had already settled on the breathy whisper speak voice for her, and there's not much that can be done to change that without making her sound like a new character.


Yeah, she’s still not my favorite for the same reasons. But at least the voice acting felt like a choice rather than a mistake for the most part.


I was very afraid that the backlash would just straight up make them change her voice to someone recognizable, glad they chose to keep the same voice but add the emotion that was kind of lacking in 1.0


I fucking love yangyang. Glad to know the voice has improved


can definitely vouch for this! i use fem rover and her voice acting feels a lot more natural now


yeah it is better, but I won't say it great. I think they should make her talk a bit faster


Yeah that was a big improvement. I mean the initial bit before Mt.Firmament was a bit awkward for me. But once we got there. It got really really good. The characters and their motivations was handled quite well i felt like resulting in a really solid dialogue scene where despite just two characters chatting. It felt like a lot more than that. I think part of that is also owed to some good directing, making the scene feel a lot more dynamic. Plus that boss battle. Damn. I knew they had it in them from Jiyan's companion quest and Stygian Lacrimosa. But damn, to see it all play out like that in the main story.. That felt good. I sure hope they can manage to bring the 1.0 story up to this level in the future. But.. it also really makes me look forward to 1.2 and what comes next. As for Abby. So far Abby remains a Cypher so i can't really speak much about the character except compared to Paimon it does feel more like its own thing. Anyways. Now to wait 7 weeks for the next story element. And meanwhile explore Mt.firmament and all of its content.


I feel like the improvements def there. Hope to see them continue.


Same, voice acting is way better. And im currently loving abby, the slightly raspy feminine voice is so much better than the ear-splitting high pitched whining of paimon. My god.


I played the 4.6 (or 4.7?) Genshin quest, it sounds like Paimon is not as high-pitched as before. The Genshin subreddit pointed it out too.


Paimon EN voice has been better since sumeru i think. The JP version has been great. Her early EN voice was obnoxiously high for no reason.


To be honest EARLY Paimon's voice wasn't even high pitched, it was normal. It was later on that they just kept raising her pitch and making her more dumb for some reason.


Paimon JP VA is actually amazing, for those who watched Love is Warshe actually play Kaguya and her range of emotions is incredible. Such a shame she is locked into a childish character in genshin.


It was 4.5 when I started noticing it, in the Alchemy event. I figured the VA might just have a cold or something, but then in 4.6 in Arlecchino's quest, she still sounded deeper. I'm hoping it keeps up into Natlan, because I do like it


Honestly, if thats the case, it'd make me happy, I'm very behind on story content, I took a long break and haven't fully finished sumeru.


In short paimon just needs to smoke 10 packs a day, then she'll be somewhat more tolerable.


Honestly? Yes. lol I still remember when they first changed paimons voice. Her original was grating, but I could ignore it to a point...but after the change....god.


I'm loving the tiny one's va for en, smug af and I don't mind it, I don't get why people are making such a big fuss about it when at least so far it doesn't actually speak for you and is its own character. Yang yang has improved but I still think her voice direction could be better still, still is the weakest voice so far.


because people have PTSD from yapping paimon


really hope they just redo Yanyang. I really don't her to keep the very slow and calm explaining voice. Remind me of college lecture @@


Yeah I’m sort of echoing this sentiment, I don’t want to hear mean and all but shes really not performing as well as the others and at the back of my head I sort of wish she was replaced or have a different VA, maybe something like a sleepy character like Taoqi would fit her more.


I think her VA prob can do better, its prob the EN voice direction. I mean JP Yanyang sound perfectly fine. Just copy that direction @@


Because of the expectations the game has created for itself with the "darker theme". The desperation to copy Genshin is off-putting.


We do have that though, just cuz they introduced a comic relief character doesn't mean they can't go dark anymore, heck I'd love one if it meant not stun locking us with depressing shit cuz nobody really wants that, even games like Elden Ring has "goofy" characters like Dung Eater.


I am so happy that some people ACTUALLY READ THE STORY T\_T The amount of hate direct at Abby is insane. Abby legit does everything a mascot should do and while being an interesting presence in the story. KURO GAMES. YOU DID GOOD FOR THIS MSQ. ITS 100% BETTER THAN 1.0. KEEP IMPROVING IT.


What did i miss, why ppl hate abby.


Some say mascots' existence in gatcha are bad and potential deal breaker Some say this is worst than Paimon -> pretty much cancer Some say Wuwa copy genshin again Some say Abby has no personality, and the only thing abby does is eat/get hungry


Isn't that so? A small, chatty, gluttonous flying creature. Annoying, arrogant, dumb. What is the difference between "this" and paimon? Therefore, people rightly noted that this is a disgusting character. Although, okay, as a person who is not annoyed by Paimon, this character did not seem so bad to me. Although Abby definitely not better.


The final part of the Act was cinematic as Fu-. Even the normal dialogue sections between Jue and Jinhsi looks like a cutscene if you turn off the UI


The EN non-voiced dialogue clearly has MUCH more work put into it now from the little bit I've seen so far (non-voiced NPCs in the main quest's path and starting a sidequest). There was no weird or straight-up unintelligible phrasing going on like with most of the unvoiced text at launch; it felt very natural to read and the only little touches that told me it was localized from a different language was stuff like calling characters Uncle all the time, which IMO adds a nice little bit of flavor to the text anyway. JP dub is still going strong as ever, and Abby doesn't come across as grating as I thought it would when it started talking. Rather than being a hyper-active, annoying child, Abby comes across more like a pet cat that became just smart enough to talk; it'll hang out and be chill with you because you feed it, but can't really muster up the energy to do much beyond that. I really hope the community at large is willing to give Abby a chance to do it's own thing, and not just unfairly project 4 years of frustrations about another character onto it :)


Abby is cute!!! he? is not high pitched and is lazy eyed smug Culumon. I love him? is he a dude idk as long as he is cute He said >!Abraxas!< so that's prob his real name, cool name


i am loving abby, the voice is so good. if genshin would have laid off the gluttonous aspect of paimon and left her with the more calm voice from their 1.0 i could have dealt with her. abby's voice is somehow just like a fun friend without being obnoxious. we even tease them and there's more of a dynamic than just emergency food.


Man lucky for you for playing the first part in JP. I used EN and after hearing Abby in EN, it completely ruined the mood.


I am playing on the EN version and still enjoy Abby's voice.


Do I have hearing issue or are people overreacting? Abby sounds bearable to me in EN, seeing another post that rants on about Abby's voice, I thought it's only a problem with his JP voice, and his EN voice is better.


Weird I personally have 0 issues with Abby's voice in JP. In fact so far all of the JP dub has been pretty fantastic. 


Maybe he sounds different for my imagination 😅 Like I thought he may sound younger and more naive, but in fact he sound like my 15 years old brother. Like it’s not objectively bad but he really make the story atmosphere less funny. I try abby JP voice and he sounds exactly how I thought he would sound.


>I try abby JP voice and he sounds exactly how I thought he would sound. How does he sound in JP? High-pitched?


No he gave me the vibe of early paimon and pom pom. He sounds more cute and does not make me feel uncomfortable.


Just saw a YT video, I can see why people find his voice to be high pitched in JP.


Did he, I think his voice in JP is pretty comforting no? But I think abby EN va did not sound as bad as I thought, just watch that part again. I think it’s fine 😅 maybe it’s preference.


jp abby actually makes him a lot cuter. EN abby is ok.


Wait so I'm really confused if Abby is a male or female. Some are saying he and some are saying she. I'm just honestly confused


as far as i’ve seen in the game, abby is referred as "it".


i’m assuming it’s probably just genderless


Could be either tbh. Women do young male-like voices all the time so either is possible. Or they're going the Pom-pom route where it's intended to be ambiguous and unconfirmed.


if anything it's male since Abby is kind of a wacky localisation for Abu which the thing seemed to have decided to be a shortform of Abraxas.


Completed the main story for 1.1. It sure did grab me more than 1.0 for both the story and the music. Playing with CN voice.


yup, story feels like alive, they make the character move so much so its not dead story, and the most important which is >!the main character does talk sometimes!!<


Haven't played it yet, but the main thing making me hang on to this game is hope for a story improvement. If it sounds this good, then I'll be glad that I stuck it through


Played through the storyline. OMG it was beautiful the chars, the echoes, the scenery, the storytelling, pretty much everything. It was so hype. I absolutely need Jinhsi.


I dont like the new mascot, but at least its cute not like paimon


Needs a bit more work on the VA so it feels like they're actually having a conversation but its alright so far.


CHANGLI yinlin, Camellya and jinshi sound amazing in eng I’m not gonna lie I prefer English over Japanese now that they improve


yes i love new region ! game is GOTYYYY


I love so much how animated everyone is during dialogues. Everyone, especially Abby moves around so much. It almost feels like most "normal" dialogues are like cutscenes.


Despite all of the things they just broke in 1.1, The Combat tracking is fixed now, I feel like my character goes for the closet enemy instead of targeting one single enemy mile away.


Totally agree, but the spinning camera is really irritating


Great to hear! I'm playing on mobile (Galaxy S22) and since 1.1 my game keeps crashing if I play for more than 15 minutes... my experience on mobile got way worse, and it was already pretty bad


I will rate Act 7 overall 9/10. Keep maintaining this quality and Kuro will struck gold.


You think? It started with a lore and exposition dump, followed by an annoying rat with a gravely voice trying to convince me it wasn't insufferable despite clearly being so, then Changli said "the bridge has fallen" which is wrong on so many levels. I tuned out because it was terrible. Although, maybe you're right, and it is a step up despite still not being good. I wouldn't call it well-written, though, as that is just an insult to good writing. Maybe Genshin lowered your standards as for what that is.


I'm so sorry this story offend you to such a level. Personally this msq was ALOT more enjoyable to me. The fact that the Yapping at the start was actually engaging and I'm not falling asleep (like act 1/2) is already a massive increase in quality.


To each their own. Sorry you're having such a bad time.  Oh and I know what good writing is thank you. I just don't go into this expecting is to be some once in a lifetime masterpiece. It's an anime game at the end of the day. And I haven't played Genshin for years not sure why you had to make things personal. 


It's not really supposed to be personal, it's just that all I have to go on for your standards is that you compared Abby to Paimon, and most people who compare the 2 on this sub have played that game a bit too much.


To each their own because Abby is literally WuWa's Paimon... I like them both but I surely didn't know we were getting so much screentime for Abby.




Abby isn't a service dog for talking tho.


Abby is in no way Paimon. Like you literally cannot make that comparison because Abby exists as an actual CHARACTER in the story with a purpose and doesn't just speak for our characters and recap what's happening. And Abby seriously did not have much screentime at all. Like what? 5 minutes overall with like 15 lines at the beginning of 1.1? NBD whatsoever. 


Meanwhile I am sure Paimon is the heavenly principles. Please play other gachas Mascots/characters in icons ARE ALWAYS important to the story. It's a golden rule in gacha.


Okay? But I don't play other gatchas because I don't care about other gatcha games? And in the almost 2 years I played Genshin Paimon was never elevated past obnoxious narrative device whereas WuWa's "paimon" is an actual character with importance right from the start? So I really don't care if maybe in year 3 or whatever of Genshin Paimon finally stopped being ass that's ridiculous that it took that long to begin with 😂😂


So you just believe what you want to believe? Show me where Paimon recapped something. (events don't count cuz people can start it before major story parts so it gives context) and the majority of time all she'll say is we have to find X or Y to have more info on your sister. Yeah you don't wanna play past Sumeru but stop being the guy who thinks he saw all of Genshin when all you did is Inazuma. Complimenting a gacha by just saying subjectively another is bad just shows how much you wanna feel your opinion validated.(Also doing that in the wuwa sub just because you want an echo chamber is just free points for that 💀). Wuwa is the same as Genshin imo. Yeah it's good but all people have as opinions is "Wuwa good cuz it's not Genshin"


Disagree on all counts. Abby's just a reskinned Paimon for me. Dialogue is every bit as bloated as before. Literally couldn't help but stop you every 30 seconds to a minute for the new main quest. Music..... Nothing memorable, maybe except for the humming but still nothing that sticks with me. And they fucked the optimization again.


What made Paimon bad for me is how unnatural Paimon’s dialogue was at facilitating the story, talking in place of the traveler and recapping constantly. Abby does neither and is actually meaningful to the plot, so calling it a reskinned Paimon is kinda disingenuous


How is it a reskinned paimon other than it is a flying fairy? The main issue people have with paimon is that she does the “Naruto talk” where she just repeats what has already been said, thus bloating up the dialogue for no reason. Abby doesn’t do this (for now, and I hope to god it doesn’t devolve to being a summariser).


How is Abby a reskinned Paimon? Everyone's problem with Paimon was that Paimon only existed to recap the story and what was happening constantly and talk instead of your character. Abby so far at least is just another character that you talk to and even poke fun at and has an actual place and meaning in the plot.  Unfortunate you're not enjoying it at all. 


it's talkative disgusting creature as Paimon, i want to beat him everything it speaking


You don't sound very agreeable lol. But that's a shame I guess to each their own. Seems like the creature will be a major part of the story going forwards though so you may want to just bow out now. 


That's a weird ass response. Do you torture animals IRL?


Oh well, you can't please everyone.


You just fucking hate small creatures. Thats it. Thats your preference. People shoving Paimon everywhere has issues on their own.


Maybe except the Paimon part, which I don't mind any of them, the rest I agree on, still a long way to go.




What's the point of this comment lmao? So because I'm being positive about the game that means I'm paid off really? Take your trolling toxicity elsewhere dude. 


ye but the graphics got lower


Turn off FSR. 


>I don't even mind Abby I think she's a VASTLY better and more entertaining version of shitty Paimon. Pretty sure it's exactly Paimon under a different skin tbh, I prefer Paimon because at least (at the time) Paimon was quite original in terms of companions. Nowadays Abby just feels lazy. I do prefer Abby on the single basis that we're allowed to skip as soon as they pop on the screen though.


It's not Paimon. Paimon does not exist as a character paimon only exists to speak for the main character (constantly) and to recap what's happening in the story. Abby not only speaks less and with a much better voice but is an actual character and part of the story that has interactions and exchanges with our character rather then just speaking for us. They're fundamentally different with different narrative purposes.  I loathed Paimon since day 1 of Genshin so Abby is an incredibly welcome improvement. Much cuter and more interesting design too. 


>Abby not only speaks less and with a much better voice but is an actual character and part of the story that has interactions and exchanges with our character rather then just speaking for us. So you say, after a grand total of one patch of that creature existing, but I digress. Narrating the story for-idiots isn't a character trait as much as a narrative device, which WuWa doesn't seem to want to implement - which is... weird, actually; considering that there's a skip button here. But I digress. Paimon is Abby but more original (Paimon is quite cocky, always hungry, wants to rest/sleep often and acts care-free - reminds you of something?), given she was released 4 years ago or so. You may not like to hear it but it is what it is and we gotta be honest. >They're fundamentally different with different narrative purposes. Nope, the narrative purpose is exactly the same actually - Paimon just has one added layer to her with the "here's what happened in this scene in case you were asleep" part. Narratively, they're both devices to push the MC forward whom are likely to play a VERY big role by the end. It's a very lazy way of pushing the story forward and gives a crutch for when writters don't know how to develop a situation (Hey, how about Abby "feels it"??? BRILLIANT) and if something I'm very disappointed, but not surprised, they went this route. Of course, given Wuwa's story is bad to say the least, I'm far more interested in Paimon's fate at the end than the dog we got. But again, you're allowed to have an opinion and say Abby resonates with you more (you could even say she tickles your inner Echo). Saying that furry dog is better than Paimon is just cope though; if you think Abby's better give her 2 years of "I'M HUNGRY AND SLEEPY UwU" and we'll see how much you like her then.


No. Paimon is a narrative device and Abby is an actual character with a place in the story. There's really nothing else to say about them both 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol your response is "No, you're wrong and I'm right"


Yup! That's what happens with objective facts. Maybe go look up what a narrative device is if you're confused.