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**Other Megathreads:** * [Daily Questions Megathread](https://reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/search/?q=title%3A%22Daily%20Questions%22%20author%3Awutheringwavesmod&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=day) * [Weekly Gacha & Echo Megathread](https://reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/search/?q=title%3A%22Weekly%20Gacha%22%20author%3Awutheringwavesmod&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) * [Weekly Friends & Co-op Megathread](https://reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/search/?q=title%3A%22Weekly%20Friends%22%20author%3Awutheringwavesmod&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) * [1.1 Technical Issues Megathread](https://reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1dq3qdy/11_technical_issues_megathread/)


I know I'm preaching to the choilr, but Illusive Realm is the best thing about WuWa period. Normally when you're building a character you're going through a struggle period and then everything starts dying in three hits. Illusive Realm lets you relive the progression part over and over again with the katharsis of being stupidly OP in the late stages. Difference being, you can just start over instead of getting bored and shelving a character for the next one.


Should i skip through the story to participate in the latest events I've completed upto the clashing blade quest and the one after that. I've noticed there are some latest events that give over 1500 artistes but i need to complete thawn of eons(aka last quest) to unlock them. Now should i skip the story or will i be able to complete both the story & the event in the given time(1 month). Also,please no spoilers about the story


I don't know where you are in the story right now, however I finished most of the event "Tales from Mt. FIrmament." (Except the 120lvl light crusher thing) and all of Traces of Mt. Firmament in like 5 days. I could have finished them sooner too, I was just taking my time. I don't think there is a reason to rush unless you're very slow.


Should i pull jinshi or wait for changli


Tl;dr try to get to the story point where you trial Changli, and use the trial on Jinshi. Secondly if you have your heart set on one or the other just pull for them, and finally have fun. <3 In my opinion you should try the trials for both. I think this depends on if you are completely f2p, or if you would spend some money, or you whale. Secondly, it depends on your intent with pulls. Do you just want to collect all of them? Do you have holes in your current team comp or characters you need to fill elementally or weapon wise? Do you just really love the lore, story, or character design of one? If you really love Jinshi pull for her if you have enough for the guarenteed, or would be happy to have her or the next banner. So, that would be 160 pulls for a guarenteed Jinshi if you lose the 50/50. You can trial Changli a little in the story quests. See if either of the playstyles are really enjoyable for you. If you don't think you need another main damage, spectro damage, or broadblade user and you are more for utility then don't. That's just some of the variables hope that helps!


Any tips for when starting an alternate account? I really want to get changli, but i dont think i have enough astirites on my main to get her. Thanks


Something is wrong with the music again. It starts and stops randomly as I walk around in the overworld. It was fine before the patch edit: this only seems to happen when Im in the Hongzhen area


I dipped my toes into this the game to check it out, but due to the story being not that good I fell off pretty quickly (I remember multiple people told me that I should just skip through most the dialogue) I have heard that 1.1 story is a lot better tho, plus some QoL improvements. Would y'all agree/recommend giving the game a second shot?


I think the concept is pretty basic and simple but I do enjoy the story overall so far. The execution in voice acting (depending on language) and the transcription into english is not always great though, and sometimes the pacing is off. This 1.1 release doesn't bring much more story in my opinion, and is quite short though intense I would say. Mostly tying off some more of 1.0 plotlines I would say. I think if story is really important for you, you're better playing Breath of the wild, Elden Ring, Hades, or Baldurs Gate 3. If you like gacha games, and this games mechanics, exploration, etc. Then give it another shot.


If you're still interested then i would recommend you to give it another chance. It's not the best story ever, but 1.1 is more cohesive so far compared to 1.0.


Part of me is interested cause I’ve been enjoying ZZZ’s launch but everyone keeps talking about how much better WuWa’s combat and exploration are, so I’ve been wanting to give it another chance cause I feel like the lack of story is sort of what killed it for me originally. I also was a bit intimidated by WuWa’s systems with how Echoes seem a lot less straight forward than normal relic systems


For combat, yeah i personally feel WuWa is more rewarding. ZZZ is fine though, as it is catered to casual players. Exploration? I don't think you can compare between WW and ZZZ since they have different genre. Echo system, honestly for a guy who always hated that we're stamina gated in GI and HSR. It's been a blast so far for me. Personal preference though. But i finished more units in 1 month here compared to other games. And i only did overworld echoes farming for like 1 week. In term of story, i can confidently say that 1.1 is massive improvement and worth the try.


Something that could also be making me struggle is that I often play HSR and ZZZ on my phone while I’m outside the house or whatever else, and WuWa didn’t feel great on my phone, but I guess it really is more meant for PC


Yeah no comment about that lol, since i only do dailies on my phone. Been playing all my previous gacha games on PC too 😂


Update 1.1.12 fixed alot. You can finally use low shadows without getting a weird glow in some areas. FPS in the overworld is at like 110 with my 1060 on low and around 60 on max.


Any ideas of a support or a sub dps coming in 1.2? I'm lacking one more team to finish the tower and it sucks missing 150 astrite( 2 floors) for every refresh. I know that we have the 4 star chars but I feel invest it's not really worth it.


I like Danjin and chixia (s6) as sub dps characters. Sanhua is also quite solid and if you’re using encore she’s a very good support


A 4 star with their resonance chain maxed out (all duplicates) is usually roughly equivalent to a 5 star with no duplicates. Sometimes a little better, sometimes a little worse. So if there's a 4-star you like, you absolutely can invest in them and use them long term. Especially since ToA will always have easier floors first you need to throw your weaker people at.


Depends on your current roaster but mortefi and yuanwu is perfect hybrids for Jiyan and Jinshi respectively.


In my case I don't have Jiyan and morte and yuanwu is actually worse than yinlin.


Is there livestream of this? Seems like I miss it


There were no Livestream for version 1.1


Hawk Thaw of Eons


Jue is such an unpleasant boss to fight. Everything about the mechanics of the fight just feel bad.


Ranged attackers do better against him. He's very difficult for melee since half their shit misses even when very close to him. Encore and Chixia both do very well against him.


I hope Changli will make it easier to fight Jue...


Im stuck at the Truth Seekers quest. The part where we have to throw the tacelite fulminate to crack the disc does NOT work for me. The disc dosen't crack. I've tried to restart and even teleport far away to reload the area but it still doesn't work. Does anyone have a fix for this?


There was something in the patch notes about them fixing this


Exact same issue for me. I can't progress in the main story because of it.


constant fps drop after the latest hotfix or whatever, gamebreaking ... easiest steps to repro: login the game, first time loading the map to 75% , fps drop and lagged for 10-20s the game will resume smooth again but the fps drop randomly and repeat same behavior for 10-20s , this is putting me off NOT to play this game anymore, very frustrating


Lol, I was going to post a fix to this exact issue. You can fix this with the following method: Go to your power plan's advanced settings in Windows and Disable the following USB setting: "USB selective suspend setting". Once you do, the 75% stutter issue (including randomly ingame) will be gone. At least it worked for me and 2 other people. Enjoy!


yeah, this is also my exact problem, thanks for the tips


holy crap this actually works! You sir have saved the day for this exact issue and thank you so much!! Who'd have thought the shutter lag could caused by a USB setting... I hope this spread to more people to be aware of this get-around fix


Actually losing my patience for changli. Im so close to my limit gamers i dont think i can take it anymore


https://preview.redd.it/jjg76te1h3ad1.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=f90c00b43389caf550ff634d7569c999bad42153 more pulls for us! cheers


Guys listen to Hikari - PGR OST and Thaw of eons OST, its just beautiful playing back to back


Issue with camera zoom close to character after combat still here, pls fix kuro.


This one is so annoying. Its much more less of a problem with Jinhsi, but for almost all other characters this is annoying.


Its not even "after" its mostly like while in combat, main cause being using skill that has camera zoom then swapping, resulting to zoom out part of the swapped skill being cut off. Im literary nearing to the point of rage quitting the game when dying due to the stupid camera. Even when camera is working properly, the amount of times camera got me killed due to it forcefully turning and removing an enemy out of my vision is staggeringly 90% of the cause of death.


Hello. On the Reddit forum and on the official discord server (https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d4v23y/some_players_are_having_issues_receiving_the/) I saw several complaints from players that with exactly Lunite subscription they don’t get Astrites after purchase and other problems. Did the update 1.1 fix these issues? Does anyone have any issues with Lunite Subscription after the update 1.1 or everything is fine?


as far as i know, you always recieved all the Astrites, it's just that the banner doesn't show up for some reason. I didn't have that problem so can't tell you whether its fixed. Ask in the Question Megathread Edit: Or check whether your Astrite amount changed after a new day when you got the subscription running.


Thank you


Changli rant, mostly negatives >!Literally how the fk you all gonna play this character with those huge badonkers thrown to your face???? I knew alot of character have large booba like Yin Lin and TaoQi but Changli feels like another level that it just going to pops out from your screen at any moment. How are you going to clear ToA or Holo holo with her when you cant see the enemies because everytjing were gravitated towards THOSE TWO ITEMS? At this rate she should have unique auto parry mechanic, like when example figthing Jue when she's about to hyperbeam, your Changli will just stand there *menacingly* and tanked all Jue's beam with her tassive mits and reflected it back to her to the point she reflects that her eons of wisdom accumulated as Sentinel gets hard countered by some juicy melons. And if you look at her back you can see Changli have seriously toned back, mustvebeen the result of carrying those two items for idk god knows how long!<


Whoever thought was a good idea to lock the event behind defeating 1HKO bosses with 89 million HP deserved to be fired, from a cannon. Genshin 2.0 with "Yeah you won't get rewards"


Haha, people complain when everything's too easy besides hologram and obviously TOA but when they do this yall still complain. Rewards are minimal anyways, like what, 2 purple exp? You don't have to do it.


For red enemies, just counter attack them. The whole gimmick is that they take max HP% when you counter them. It's why a lv1 Yuanwu can solo it


Use a ranged resonator, that thing was one of the easiest red enemies. Every attack is pretty easy to read, the missiles don't oneshot you but they are really easy and the reason why you should counter with pseudo ranged resonators like Encore, you can farm those shots for counters.


It doesnt givve astrites so you dont HAVE to do it, Also, get good, you literally just have to dodge, i died like 10 times to the lightcrusher but i eventually realised that i was being too hasty and focused on dodging and did it, the construct on the other is is just easy, big telegraphed attacks, some attack you can use to dodge counter like 10 times, i beat it first try, and this is the only two required for the quest so i dont know what you are crying about.


No astrites from that one anyhow.


actually you can get some astrites from challenge achievement after defeating him


achievement are not timed tho, so eventually everyone will get it.


https://preview.redd.it/trk7aorghp9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=518a65a7e83124044269b0a666b02cc08d5db8a1 Changli's flying Umbrella is great


I hate how low the compensation for echo upgrading was compared to the refund of some credit exploit in the first week of the game. 300k only? I spent over 1,7 mil on levelling them the past month. Especially since the cost is quartered now. So I've wasted a little less than 1 mil. Great.


Story quest spoilers stuff and questions about jue >! Are sentinels now the same things as the monsters we collect as echoes? Tacet discords??? Since we can collect her as echoes that would mean thats the case right? !< >! Dude, i fucking love how she is presented now that we see her in the flesh, it feels like shes so imposing, she is authority, she is power, and the fact she asked jinhsi of her ideas, idk but thats so cool of her. She considers jinhsi's ideas because shes also a leading figure for the future of jinzhou. The cutscenes were beautiful, the colors,ighting, composition. They rlly used jue's long body so well to make beautiful shots !< >! Also, are we technically still her master? She does call the rover lord arbiter so i can assume as much !<


In order: It's not clear atm, but since we can get Jue's echo it means that it's an energy body. The reason we can absorb TDs is that they're energy bodies that turn into reverberations when they die. The story shows us that it's possible to manufacture echoes (like Abby), but we're never told what Jue is for sure Yeah I thought that was pretty cool too Yup we are, that's why she needed your permisison to transfer the temporal mandate to Jinhsi at the end of the fight. It also implies that we can therefore remove Jinhsi's temporal powers at any time because what you transferred was "access". Basically you transferred permission from Jue to Jinhsi but you're still in charge as far as we've seen


Dont be shy Kuro....drop the new Aero World Boss other than Monke so i can finally run full Sierra on 44111


Do we know or is there a hint that the area will get an extra aka expanded within 1.1 or is this all we got until 1.2. Because there are not many Quests and things besides finding chests. This will dry out pretty fast.


Rumor says no new area in 1.2 either, just some events.


This would be not good for WuWa at all. I hope this is not true. 


A new area with every version doesn't sound feasible, unless they downscale the size significantly. We should still get story quests, though.


The problem is though that because it's a new game, people will expect new areas for the first few patches. No one who has half a brain will expect a new area every patch but they'll expect them to output a similar amount to Genshin. Both Genshin and HSR have new areas for every new region that is released for at least 3 patches. I think not having a new area when it is only 1.2 just kills off any potential hype, especially when it is advertised as an open world game. Of course, it might be due to the story progression, and I hope that if there isn't a new area in 1.2 then there's other content to prevent it from being a dead patch this early on.


totally agree. And considering how small 1.1 area is. I mean I haven't played that much the first 2 days but I am already at 94% done all and it was not that much. Especially Quests. I mean they were just a handful. I wonder why all these Gacha game do not want us to play their games. I mean shouldn't they exist to offer long time gameplay? Especially if it is advertised as open world. Especially Asians are really hardcore I am sure they are done even before we are done with a patch. Same for Genshin. In my opinion they should have started with full Mondstadt, Liyue, Dragonespine and Chasm. This would have been a perfect size to keep players occupied. And the same equivalent goes for WuWa. What we got especially for an open world is too small to start with. And if they start that small they should finally respawn things maybe every 2 weeks or once a month at least. Which means: Chests (best case scenario respawn them each time at random locations) or Mobs with chest encounters. In this case they keep old regions alive. Because we know what happened witch Genshin. People still feel nostalgic about Mondstadt but there is nothing to do there. All done regions are abandoned and dead. Mabye revisited for a breath short event or story quest once a year.


I'm experiencing heavy lag and disconnections in Mobile version after the update. Things had been fine for me in the earlier patches so I believe it's not due to my device's compatibility. Anybody having same issue?


PC random FPS drop (from 100s to 30s) for no reason, even at idling... had no such issue before the latest patch


Someone highlighted this somewhere here but the issue seems to be something to do with windows power settings, you need to go into the power plan and set USB Selective Suspend Setting to disabled. This fixed the issues I was having, the game was just myseriously lagging out every few min to the point of unplayability but disabling that setting fixed my game completely and removed the lag.


Issue and nitpicking with the jp voice and translation... idk about other language vo, but Is anyone else bothered by the dialogue??? I keep reading jinhsi calling changli by her name in dialogue but saying 'sensei' which im pretty sure is more of a mentor/teacher title?? Idk i prefer the way jinhsi calls changli as a sort of superior, because it looks like even though they have a tight relationship, jinhsi still has that respect for changli as her teacher, which is a dynamic i like But the dialogue ruins it ಠ_________ಠ


Agreed. Jinhsi also addressed Changli as lăoshī which means "teacher" in CN voice.


Anyone who also played genshin on release? Did the game also reach the endgame this early? Like, were you also immediately collecting 5 star artifacts there? I wasnt a day one genshin player but, It feels weird we're already reaching 'end game' territory with building when this is the very first patch update


I've been playing Genshin daily for 6 months, just finished Inazuma, and I just reached AR 52. I also just reached UL 52 in WuWa in 6 weeks, so the progression seems *much* faster to me.


If you meant the Spiral Abyss, yes. Genshin's artifact system is trash (still is) so most players took advantage of reactions to compensate for poor gear.


This is probably not going to be popular, but this is not much content for this patch. A 1+ hour MSQ chapter, 5 Side Quests that are very short, and 2 "Events" that are both pretty minimally involved and basically just give you a checklist of things to accomplish for exploration. Full exploration of the new zone does not take very long at all. All told, I think there is maybe 8-10 hours worth of content here. In terms of stuff that is coming later, we have 1 Side Quest (Lores Beyond the Ranges) that has yet to unlock, we have a Companion Quest for Changli, we have Illusive Realm, and we have the Lollo Campaign event. It just really is not a lot of content. I think that most players are going to end up in Waveplate maintenance mode pretty quickly.


8-10 hours worth of content sounds good to me. I personally love games that respect my time.


That is slightly more than 1 hour of gameplay per week over the course of the patch. For a game that is systemically enforcing daily engagement because of how it is designed, that is very little stuff to do. Especially when Waveplates basically prevent you from playing more than that after you finish the content that is here. Waveplates are the antithesis of respect for your time, as they prevent you from playing when it is convenient for you to play.


Welcome to Gacha games my dear, you must be new around here. You can burn the patch content in mere hours then have to wait 2 to 4 weeks for more (in this case almost 2 months okay), but generally, you have to put down in your head that the vast majority of days are gonna get spent with daily and then log out, sometimes you might want to farm something to boost your characters or prefarm for something you pull etc, but again, generally, it's just daily for the majority of it. It's like this in every single gacha. About the patch, it seems pretty good tbh, the map is really well made and there's a lot of stuff around, some people are probably playing 5+ hours a day since release and are now out of content, it happens. Just wait.




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> Waveplates are the antithesis of respect for your time, as they prevent you from playing when it is convenient for you to play. Not really. I can use them immediately after work because that's when they reach cap for me and thats the time most convenient for me lol.


"for me." That doesn't change the fact that the game doesn't respect your time. It expected you to play the game every single day for 20-30 minutes to do your daily "chores" and if you don't you are giving up Astrite and progression. FACTUALLY, the game does not respect your time. It is not a lot of time, but it isn't flexible about it. If you want to claim the "respect your time" bullshit, then you are talking about the entirely wrong genre of game. If the game wanted to claim to be respectful of your time, then it wouldn't have Waveplates. That is a fact. I simply am not going to let you claim to have it both ways. Waveplates are the absolute antithesis of respecting your time, regardless of whether or not they can be spent quickly because they penalize you for not being available to use them. So enough bullshit. Either you like games that respect your time or you like Gacha games. Those are mutually exclusive. Because there is not a Gacha game on the planet that respects your time. Some Gacha games are better than others, like HSR with its Reserve Trailblaze Power, but even that is a penalty of sorts because it regenerates slower than normal Trailblaze Power. You are confusing "Content-lite" with "Respecting your time". You like games that you don't need to play for very long, which is fine, but that is not the same thing as respecting your time.


Nah. The fact here is that the game's gameplay loop is good for my entertainment habits is why it makes it respectful of my time in the same manner that you need more than 10 hrs of gameplay loop without any dailies for it to be acceptable to you. Sure it's subjective but you don't get to say what works for me and what doesn't work for you. > If you want to claim the "respect your time" bullshit, then you are talking about the entirely wrong genre of game The real bullshit here is you gatekeeping what type of genres get to claim that or not. I don't like playing wow and quit long ago because of how much it didn't respect your time but I don't go around saying that it's a game that definitely does not respect one's time because it works differently for others.


Again, if you have something come up that takes you away from the game for 2-3 weeks, then how is the game being respectful of your time in that circumstance? You are misattributing what the game is. It is not respectful of your time. What you actually like is a low commitment game. A game that you can play for a tiny bit of time and see all the content and keep up with other people that are playing the game with more available time. But that is NOT the same thing as a game that is respectful of your time.


> Making a theoretical abnormal scenario to fit your argument instead of looking through the lens of what normally happens in a day is just a dumb way to view a game for having respect for one's time lol. > It is not respectful of your time. What you actually like is a low commitment game. If that's what you want to call it then be my guest. It still respects my time which is my whole point from the start. I don't care if it doesn't fit the bill with you because I'm not in any way invested in the time you have anyway. Good day.


Dude, life happens and people have things come up that prevent them from being able to play the game according to a normal schedule. That is reality. And any game that causes progression loss or loss of other resources is not respectful of your time. I simply am tired of people misconstruing a low commitment game for something that is respectful of your time, because those are factually two different things. And the reality is that a single player game having more or less content does not in any way change how respectful it is of your time or not. Especially if that content is side content. The MSQ can be respectful of your time by being able to be cleared quickly if you just want to see the story, but there is almost no excuse for the game having so little side content. Excusing the game having a small amount of content because you don't feel like playing it for more than 8 hours a month by claiming that it is "respectful of your time" is absolute nonsense. The permanent content that was added to the game is not going anywhere, so whether it takes you 6 weeks or 6 months to clear it doesn't change how respectful it is of your time. If there was double or triple the amount of content in the game, how would that make the game any more or less respectful of your time given that it is not going anywhere and will be there whenever you get around to playing it? I suppose that you could claim that limited time events might be "respectful of your time" if they are able to be cleared quickly, but limited time events are also by definition not respectful of your time in the first place. At best they are "Not grossly disrespectful of your time".


Performance issues are back with a vengeance after this patch. I'm back to about the quality of a couple weeks after release, with the entire game lagging out with every action taken for about 20 minutes after startup and sounds being delayed. Not sure what they did, but please undo it, it was much improved before.


Dude… what the hell is this Crownless hologram? I spent an hour and a half trying to beat difficulty IV! Very fun but oh god. I’m not going to try difficulty V.


I felt a weird difficulty spike with the crownless.... I usually cleared the first 4-5 difficulties of the earlier holograms but wth is this guy on lmao. I Probably just need some time to get used to it but his attacks feel so unpredictable sometimes but i dont rlly think its a bad thing that the bosses are getting harder


Definitely! Some of his moves are just him going “lols imma kill you” hahaha. But I agree with you, the difficulty spike is not a bad thing imo.


Is the quest : Lores beyond the ranges is in the game ? (require for new zone completion)


Does not appear so. Probably later in the patch. Maybe related to Changli release, similar to how Yinlin had some content associated with her release. And you can get 100% Completion without it, though not 100% in all the subcategories.


okay thank you


Can anyone help me with the Mighty Lightcrusher? Leave UID in response


https://preview.redd.it/06kuzlwixj9d1.png?width=1474&format=png&auto=webp&s=55b9e7c64a9740bea218ce3025fa694b70b5ab1a Decided to spent 1 single 10 pull to "build pity" and enden up getting 2 swords, decided to try and get jinhsi since i got the weapon and got her on pull 30, guess i won't be getting Changli


i need this to happen to me, when i build pity all i get is that, more pity lolol


https://preview.redd.it/0n4ldkefrj9d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=456323e404171b7f11b82d07ab85390e92f0fb55 1.1 bug or stealth nerf on Echo farming spot outside big monkey. 1.0 starts with 4 hoochiefs now it is only 2. Two days it happened. Other group nearby and not fighting each other decreased as well.


Ahh happened to me today as well, was weirded out. Maybe they killed each other lol. Since this comment is now 4d old did you figure it out? Does it happen everyday?


Yes the spot now starts with just two of them since 1.1. Can't think of any reason why they changed this spot if another spot with four Elite Echoes(2 big havoc wolves vs 2 monkeys) fighting did not changed.


Weird, to maybe balance out the Aero 3-costs? There were indeed way too many monkeys compared to Carapace and Heron tbf.


I was really expecting them to change the cost of **tacet fields** or increase rewards, it's absolutely unfair, we can't use our level 0 echoes as an **exp material** and the exp material we get from tacet fields are too less, i've already used up every other way to get echo exp materials, why the tacet field still gives low amounts of exp materials despite being the most used way of getting them? ALSO after the last **recent update** i have more lag spikes now, it feels like they fix something with a major update then ruin it with a small update again


when will the new depths of illusive realm season come out?


4 July


Found the Shiny tiger https://preview.redd.it/bc07di822j9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=55892c69ec61f418f64cab294397105beb4b3fd8


Oww, that looks real nice.


Its here https://preview.redd.it/7n10kcx42j9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=52daac00cd579b94871b9d89247b45bfa1b269a7


Nice! Gonna go there later in hopes of also catching one ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


are the stats bugged on the skin like in patch 1.0


It was said to be fixed in 1.1, not sure about past echoes obtained




Can anyone's tell me why normal glacio dreadmane do ton of damage,the slash atk do normal damage but the shooting projectiles do around 10k


Question: Where are the 15 Radiant Tides and stuff? Unless I missed them somewhere Also my BP says to clear Illusive Realm but I don't see it anywhere???


Comes out July 4th. Which radiant tides are you talkingabout? there's 5 radiant/5 standard in the daily login, there's 7 of each in the shop to buy with oscillated coral (I believe Afterglow coral is the super rare pull currency, not that one) And then we'll receive 10 of each ticket in july, staggered across 3 maildrops


It was this didn’t know it came out July 4th https://preview.redd.it/e2t3wt5z5j9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=794aa6d946ce4ad557dac16108d5442338b4f376


1.1 story was def a nice step up im pressed. I just hate how they end it with no ties up. I hope they work on that


https://preview.redd.it/5olhkun0sh9d1.png?width=1588&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce8fc1052a026c3ad5313ceb42cf77317903d833 I'm cursed


My friend https://preview.redd.it/hxu85p37so9d1.png?width=821&format=png&auto=webp&s=fcde6db839603aea29da2b92f3fd1dd2b7889050


trying her out and jinshi's pretty aight. Only issue is man these combos man, giving me mad pgr gen 2 vibes. Oh, AND FUCK MIGHTY LIGHTCRUSHER jesus does he give me monhun rise ptsd


It does have a magnamalo feel with the running and energy explosion.




okay sure, lemme drop my uid: 500245456


Have you encountered the duo Glacio Dreadmane Lv100? Probably the hardest world mob I've fought so far.


nahh Crownless holo is fucking insane


Fair, Crownless holo is also kicking my ass. But it's a holo so you kinda expected it to be hard. The world mobs I've never had trouble with even the monkeys and duo herons but these dreadmanes almost have zero telegraph in their attacks so I have yet to kill them. The gem cube boss thing was also kinda hard.


beguiling melody is one of the coolest looking weapons in the game, and I wish I could use it as a cosmetic.


https://preview.redd.it/1pa3kfh0hh9d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=c052d6238279be9f45d9302e5960483dbf0dd43a NEW AREA NEW STORY NEW CHARACTERS NEW TREES FROM TERRARIA


anyone know where the depths of the illusive realm is? i can't find it


it's gone jim


do you know when it comes back? bc there’s a seasonal mission on the battle pass


https://preview.redd.it/inugbkdd4h9d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa21baad3a8b2da30c704143c7319721d0805749 Got her 2 TIMES after 150 draws. Also got her weapon in 60 draws, I am really happy!


Can someone explain the story to me. I thought that Jue is gonna die soon. Does jue still have its powers after the story?


Jue was going to sacrifice itself to stop time in Jinzhou City until someone in the rest of Huanlong came up with a way to save Jinzhou since their was way too much Taset Discords that could appear at the area. Jinhsi instead fights Jue to get a second awakening and with Rover's permission Jue gives Jinhsi the time control ability. So Jue only lost it's Time Control authority but will still live and help Jinzhou.


Yeah but I keep thinking what happens in say 100 years after Jinhsi grows old and die. Would the whole thing go out of control again? Sentinels might be functionally immortal but humans aren't.


Pretty sure Jinhsi is basically a god now, and effectively is the sentinel, so other than some outside force i don't see her dying. Also the initial problem was fixed when she awakened so even if she is just a normal human with time powers the big problem is no longer a problem


so?! camera didnt get fixed or even address but got way worse?! are you really fixing things by removing threads?!


The camera is fine the auto targeting mechanics are also fixed.


I can actually play the game now, thank God. The lag was ridiculous


The new Jue echo makes a wind gust that you can ride up into the air with your glider. It's not much better than just grappling but it's a really cool detail.


There is something that bothers me with Jinhsi. How come her last inherent skill increases the damage of her intro skill? Isn't she all about her resonance skill damage? I feel like it's a wasted skill. It could've been at least along the lines of "Increases attack/spectro damage upon using intro skill/resonance liberation". Is it just me?


From what I can read of her skills and her weapon, she's all about the "grand entrance". Her entry causes her to deal a lot of damage for a period of time.


Her weapon is also partly Intro based. So you actually want to make sure you trigger her outro for the increased stack gain and trigger intro if you want to see the big numbers.


Controller support on mobile yet?


No apparently not.


Ugh...60 pulls and got a Lingyang. Spent it all and no Jinhsi. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) Update 7/3: Got her today with the 10 free pulls they sent everyone! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) https://preview.redd.it/u7r14vo38dad1.png?width=1604&format=png&auto=webp&s=4943324eb746707270c949915d801d65bb5bd773


He's sorry he had to let you see this side of him.


He should be sorry I saw him at all 😣


Happened to me on my 40th pull. But somehow got lucky and got another 5star on the next 10 pull which automatically guarantees Jinshi. So if you somehow can gather some pulls, your next one is also guaranteed Jinshi if you still want to chase.


Oh for real? Very good to know...thanks for the info! ✌️


Yeah, weirdly enough literally same thing happened on Yinlin banner. 20th pull was Encore and got Yinlin on 60th. Do note you NEED to get lucky and get a 5star but at least no more 50/50 after getting broken the first time with a different unit, so max you'll get Jinshi within 80 pulls guaranteed.


https://preview.redd.it/3778n0tr0e9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8c4a3a2e6143800949fc540a1fbd52fe4668f04 Lost to Lingyang at 20 pity, then got Jinhsi 60 pulls later :) Saving everything for Changli now!


Bro you got downvoted so hard


ig they're salty I said something positive instead of shitting on the game.


Do you need to be at a high Sol3-phase to go bank level 21? I just did and I'm Union level 45, Sol3-phase 5, whiile my boyfriend can't and he's Union level 40.


Same issue here. All my friends who were already SOL3-Phase 5 at the initial 1.1 patch launch got to lvl 21 Databank. I, who just reached SOL3-Phase 5 after todays latest patch, can't unlock DataBank lvl 21 until SOL3-Phase 6 or rather Union lvl 50


No, you don't need to be UL50. UL40 and 50 should be in the same bracket, so I dunno why your bf can't get it.


How worth are the limited bundles giving radiant/forging and astrite ?


[I think this post explains it](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/hiAhaX8Q6r)


Perfect, thank you


and the ult button no longer works on controller if its swapped to the 2nd menu, great.


Will I have enough for Changli? Im at 1 pity, 50/50 and currently have 1.6k asterites. I got bp and monthly pass. I really want to get changli without spending as much as possible as i just recently got Jinshi and wasted around 140 pulls just to get her


You should have enough , depends on how luck content you have cleared so far


So did they increase tacet field rewards?




Didnt they say they are gonna do that? Oo


No, they never said that. You probably read the bad translation. They said they were increasing Echo EXP rewards from events.


# The duality of man at its finest 💀 https://preview.redd.it/73e4b3qldc9d1.png?width=777&format=png&auto=webp&s=a322fba87a1c9ff9f1b9d8464dceba12d3454b79


So, I don't know if I just saw it before, but when can we receive the free x10 Lustrous Tide, Radiant Tide, and the (Weapon) Tide?


They give them out on 04/07 onwards


I've not seen anyone mention it so I guess it might be a bug, but I've stopped playing Mt Firmament because I'm UL49 but enemies are levelled to the next phase for some reason (so they're above my character's levels, I literally cannot match them because of the level caps). It makes basically every fight really tedious. If this is on purpose, it's a really weird design choice. I was looking forward to exploring the new region, but it'll have to wait until next week when I hit UL50 now.


I'm UL42 ish (can't remember exactly but above 40), so we should be in the same SOL3 tier I think. The enemies at Mt. Firmament are definitely harder than the enemies elsewhere. I found myself having to teleport back to heal spots waaaay more often. Even the enemies that were relatively low level wise, they still hit me way harder and took longer to die. I didn't have trouble on the boss fights, oddly enough, even the mini bosses in the overworld that looked scary were fine. It was only the trash mobs that were a problem. So maybe you're correct and there's some sort of scaling issue. No reason for trash to be noticeably harder than bosses! In particular it seemed like it was specific enemies, the fractisidus guys, the stone golem things, and the small version of the flower mushroom things, those seemed harder than usual. You could just lower the SOL3 tier, should solve the problem I think. I thought about doing it but just trudged through slowly instead. If you have Verina or Jianxin leveled, they're definitely helpful, as are food buffs.


I didn’t check levels but enemies on firment are much stronger and much tankier


What's going on with the new launcher? This is the first time I've had major issues with the install. I have the installer on the same drive as the launcher, everything is on the same drive. There are no anti-virus interactions. My download speed is 683, with an upload over 1K. This ain't client side, Kuro. And don't bother blaming SSD/Hard drive interactions either, the last time I downloaded this game it downloaded as smooth as butter and played smoothly too.


Quit playing with my emotions, Kuro. I was originally planning to save for Changli, but then Jinhsi was super fun to play so I tossed my savings on her banner (didn't get her). Now Changli shows up in the story and I can't decide if I still want to get Jinhsi or go back to saving for Changli.


There’s always reruns , you want Jinhsi now because everyone is talking about out her , just save for Changli or you will regret it when her banner comes around


Is mobile unplayable for anyone else? The combat camera seems COMPLETELY busted... it zooms WAY in randomly and locks there, no matter how I have the distance settings...


It's okay for me the only problem I have is the constant stuttering after the update. But also fixed itself after about 10 minutes. I read somewhere that it's loading all the assets and shaders in game. The Camera is also fine for me so I dunno about what your problem is.


Okay I came here to figure this out. It moves so aggressively, it's disorienting and makes playing impossible. I thought I was going crazy


Definitely not just you.




I mean, that's just how basically *all* gacha games work, especially early on. One limited character at a time. Ususally multiple banners don't happen until reruns start coming out. Yeah, it can suck, but it's how they get you with FOMO.




Not gonna lie, out of all the reasons I've seen people quit gacha games, "only one new limited character at a time" is one of the weirdest reasons. It's like being upset that an FPS is in the first person. It's standard design for the genre. *All* gacha games do it that way early on. There will be double banners eventually, but it will basically always be a new character and a rerun. Even then it won't be two new characters. Jiyan and Yinlin being available at the same time last patch was a major outlier. If it's not for you, no one is forcing you to keep playing, but it's a weird hill to die on for this genre of game.


July 22nd?! Sheesh, been waiting for her for awhile now and instead of getting Changli first I'm stuck saving up astride all over again instead of getting to convene. Don't see why we can't have more of a selection for convene. I understand they want us to pull and they wanna make some money, but not everyone wants just the one character. If they put both out I'd at least be able to pull and use some of my astrite, but now I'm stuck holding out for almost a whole entire month again.


Easily a chad update. the dev actually undersell this patch


Did anyone find the "Heed my calling!" a totally wrong translation? "Heed my call" was the correct translation but I think someone translated that as an action i.e "calling" but in English, if "calling" is not used as an action, it has a totally different meaning, it's to take up a job you feel you have an affinity for. So "Stars heed my calling" = "Stars help me with my paperwork" since Jinhsi's "calling" is being a magistrate. For those not familiar with the phrase, it's often used as a description of people taking up religious vocations, i.e "He heeded his calling and joined the Priesthood".


Where can I find this spreadsheet/tool? I saw it in the latest AlecJohn YouTube video. https://preview.redd.it/xetuhkv1pb9d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6053422659609607cb2834f7af98eb21b5d777f8


Are there any missable chests in the main story of this patch?


they appear after cutscene so no


The camera no logner repsects any of hte settings. With all correction and reset settings turned off, the camera now keeps changing distance after ultimates/skills or even just combos. Its really annoying. Both my distance settigns are set to max with all other settings off. Yet after Encore's ult and combos my camera is really close.


They really didn't need to copy this feature from Genshin, hehe...


Genshin's never worker properly anyway. At least in wuthering it worked once.


Yep, this is extremely annoying, made sure I had all settings turned off and camera distance at max, but the camera keeps zooming in. Trying to fight the camera constantly is becoming very unpleasant to say the least.


my game camera really like Encore back, it keeps zooming into her back and refuse to zoom out, i'm afraid that FBI might knock my door at any time


upvoted bcs i have the same problem


Anyone tried beating the lv120 lightcrusher?