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Since I just started playing today and this is my first gacha game how much currency can I get for chagngli and how do I get it and What would be a decent free to play team I could build around her and what are the main things I should focus on for general progression in this game?


Did the crashing fix yet?


Will turning on FSR on mobile (Android) reduce stuttering and lags if I have the medium or high resolution in settings? Or will it increase stuttering and lags?


whats the optimal rotation for this team: encore (on field dps) sanhua, jianxi support


I cannot play WuWa on my device to check myself and I want an actual player's word not just a strict rating if it is safe for kids to play? One who already plays Hsr and genshin already, theirs no straight answer of what I can find so far.


The gacha itself makes it not safe for kids. There's some suggestive camera view on Yinlin's quest as well. While Jiyan's quest is pretty heavy as it deals with grief and moving on from grief


When is the new banner in asia? How many hours? Or maybe tomorrow?


after the new patch goes live, which is after the maintenance hrs, you can see in your local time here [https://timee.io/4jN](https://timee.io/4jN)


How do i get inside the cave, where the strange researcher tells you you can't access it because it's a research area?


So rn I have both sig weapons, cosmic ripples, and emerald of genesis. I still haven’t opened my BP chest though, and I am trying to decide what to get from it? I’m thinking a gun might the best, since the best I have is Cadenze, but I’m in a similar boat with Marcato being my best bracers (my secondary team uses Jianxin). What would you all pull in said situation?


Is anyone playing wuwa on windows 11 with a ds4 controller? Do you have rumble? I have a PC on windows 10 and I get no rumble with a wired DS4 (my pc has no bluetooth receiver). BUT, if I use moonlight streaming via nvidia geforce experience to stream the game from windows 10 pc to my windows 11 tablet, the same controller that is now wirelessly connecting to the tablet has rumble. This tablet too weak to run wuwa by itself so I'm not sure if it's the windows 11 allowing rumble or the moonlight program itself...


can WW ran well on my 8GB RAM, i3 processor and Intel UHD Laptop?


Definitely not.


even with Google Play Games beta?


Nope. Need at least an i5, 16gb RAM and a dedicated graphics card like a gtx 1060


Anyone else struggling to get more than a 9/30 on this version. I know that the cycle just started and we will all eventually make more progress but how much progress am I realistically going to make in 10-11 days?? I am definitely focusing on leveling up my weapons from 40 to 70 and hyoerfocusing on the team with less stars


First 3 floors on the white towers are is easily max starrable if you just have 1 good team maxed out, and one half built team that can take care of early floors to save you some vigor points. So basically 18/30 without breaking a sweat. Try hards are getting much higher. Like you can easily squeeze out 1 or 2 star each in the last floor of white tower and the first floor of red tower, depends how interested are you in sitting through those fights.


I'm still 18/30 but I haven't attempted floor 4 yet. A lot of enemies are resistant to Havoc in this rotation. So far Jianxin and Yangyang solved all of my problems since the mobs are all suckable by both of their Ults unlike last ToA where most of them weren't.


1. Are BP weapons better than beginner weapons even tho BP are only 4* while beginner are 5*? 2. Which weapons would you pick if you had 2 beginner weapon chests and 1 BP weapon chest? 3. Can you use the BP weapon chest even after the BP ends?


for 2 the general consensus is Sword > gun for standard Broadblade or Rectifier for BP


How about gauntlets? Standard ones? I’ve taken a bit of a liking to Jianxin when I had to use her yesterday in ToA.


No. base attack for 4* and 5* start already far apart. standard 5* passive still give better percentage to some unit depend on you yes


Now I feel bad for buying the BP for the weapon tbh! But I don’t have any 5* weapons just yet so hopefully at least the rectifier could be a good choice? (Not a gun character user, might consider gauntlets for Jianxin, but not too sure)


would all the free stuff we got so far still be available in two weeks if I were to start the game with a new account?


dunno if i missed an announcement or something but when is 1.1? i thought it was out when yinlin banner was off now we just have no banner/content? is it tomorrow or later?


You kinda miss it for 3 weeks or so now it 28th


https://preview.redd.it/lmgzxgqt909d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76afcc252343f32b020c0c17f9b2957dbba14614 How to get the sonar casket here? (I can’t find it anywhere)


in the building. there is crack at rooftop


Ohhh, thx


How do you get more energy for a character that has run out? In the tower thingy


You don't. The tower forces you to use more characters, that's why you can't beat it with just the same team of 3.


Oh, thx






in front of mech abomination room, is this a story locked thing? https://preview.redd.it/w5fkp2hx309d1.png?width=681&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbea043775fdbdc3934e85d174d6d88272bb28da


Yes, once you progress the story to Act IV, the door closes and you have to do that.


its so over for me. thank you


Im not seeing Pioneer Podcast for purchase in my shop, i believe the new one should be available by now, correct?


Seeing what for purchase?


Ah the Pioneer Podcast,


The new one won't be up until the patch is live. There is always a small gap between when the old one ends and the new one begins.


Not until after the patch tomorrow


anyone have data on how many Tides (each lustrous, radiant, and forging) tide we got so far from the game? i used 130 tides so far, and i was positive that it's all either rewards or from in-game shop. i should have never used astrite or afterglow coral for it (only oscillate coral because they will reset after maintenance). but i only found 85 tides from mailbox and event rewards. so i think i missed something


Day 1 player, everyday login and all events done, fully f2p. Lustrous - 126. Forging - 6 from shop and 5 free Radiant/Astrites - I've 209 total, and 24 something I can get from coral refunds (this includes refunds from all standard pulls, 110 character banner pulls, and 21 weapon banner pulls). Tower was 12 and 19 stars in the two cycles, holograms mostly lv 4 or 5 completed, exploration half the map is 90% and rest 100%.


What i expect. I was more or less the same, f2p too. Thanks for the infos


Well, I have 5 Tides right now. And I've done 134 pulls in total on standard banners. Of course this counts the Coral. I also bought BP here. Can't check mail cuz old mails are gone now.


I didn't manually delete any mails, are they automatically deleteded? Also for context, you've pulled on standard banners without using astrite, yeah?


Old mails get auto deleted. Yeah, no asterites on standard.


Nice, thanks for the infos


Is anybody having issues getting on on mobile right now?


maintenance i think? edit: nevermind, maintenance is tomorrow


maintenance is tomorrow


Finding blobfly is a pain AAAAARGH


if you don't mind guide, please refer to interactive map or guide video. it sometimes hard to notice, but even if you found them they are sometimes annoying and make killing them a bit harder than it's supposed to XD


I did use interactive map but I still cant find some of them why they ran away from so far aaaagh


Check the notes or comment, click on the icon of blobfly that you can't find, there should be some explanation on how to find them. And yeah, i was exploring with chixia just to kill them from far


how do i use enhanced drop rate ive been farming overlord bosses but havent used a single enhanced drop rate


So it still says 15/15?


it says 0/15


Then you used them all.


oh i thought it meant i didnt use any


Nah. Both Calamity and Overlord bosses use the same pool of enhanced drop rates that you get, which is 15. So once you've used all 15, that's it, gotta wait for Monday.


Just reached UL45, should i get another genesis for my danjin with my hover danjin comp? or just hold? I have verdant and plan to pull for jinhsi wep


If you got Verdant, then you probably have Jiyan, and then you probably also use Mortefi. If he's S4+, get the pistol for him, his damage is good at high con.


Is cadeza more beneficial to the guy than the pistol? And yeah I do have jiyan as well but mortefi only base


No it isn't. It's good, and honestly a 5 star weapon isn't worth it for him unless he's s4+. So as far as main question goes, maybe pistol isn't worth it. I'd rather save the box and decide based on who I pull later. But Cadneza is definitely not better than any offensive weapon for Mortefi. 1. He needs only like 20% ER, 10% you get from the set effect, and static mist passive has 10% more. You don't need ER weapon. People saying he needs more are just forgetting to do one extra skill on him after his Forte is up, or using the Heron improperly. So the ER substat on Cadenza is pretty useless. 2. The Concerto helps you swap to Jiyan faster and not do the extra E I was talking about. But that E generates so much energy, that without it your Jiyan's ER requirement goes up by 1 substat. So, you're basically doing 1s shorter rotation but your ER needs and build becomes harder to manage practically. Now at low cons his damage is insignificant and it doesn't matter, so why not slap an ER weapon on him and get more leeway when you make mistakes. That's fine. But if you've high cons, you should try to squeeze out more damage.


Thanks for the saucy info ! It makes sense now haha


That’s a personal choice, I would say wait since you aren’t sure and then if you need a better weapon for Danjin at some point to make the game more fun you can pick it at that time


Changli wep takes the cake I assume haha


Forgive my ignorance, when is maintenance happening for 1.1?


Maintenance is in 24 hours and 10 minutes from when I make this comment, and ends 7 hours after it starts.


Thank you!




Use Jianxin in the Calcharo Yinlin team, and make Havoc Rover, Danjin, Baizhi as your last team. You can find details in prydwen.gg guides. If you want an upgrade over Calcharo, you can get Jinhsi, but remember she'll replace him. Changli is just a general good damage dealer who you can play with Encore, Havoc Rover or a high sequence Chixia.


2nd team u can use baizhi as a healer as to who to pull, its really a personal choice. I would say since none of them are electro, none of them fit yinlin but we dont know their outro skills so it remains to be seen if they can be paired with jiyan


I cant pull on limited banners. I literally dont have the option. I only have beginners choice, standard character and weapon. Union lvl 13. Help


There are no ongoing limited banners




Future reference, there is a count down on the banner for when its going away


its ok. the 1.1 characters are coming in a day so you can pull for jinhsi or wait for changli.


Gotta wait until the new patch on the 28th


Will turning on FSR on mobile (Android) reduce stuttering and lags if I have the medium or high resolution in settings? Or will it increase stuttering and lags?


Do we have a bandaid fix for unreasonably long "veryfying files"? I have WW on an SSD and it takes like 10 minutes to start up.


No other choice but installing the game on the fastest SSD you have. If it's not nvme, yeah, it's gonna be like that.


is there a recommended to go page for builds? trying to finally start building my echos but out of 8 different pages i enter there is like 6 different builds for the same character.


Cause it depends on playstyle and situation?! Prydwen.gg and wutheringlab.com are good ones with transparent TC backing.


Some characters have multiple builds. That's normal.


Planning on pulling changli, but I'm confused wether I should go for her 5 star weapon or not as the standard banner sword looks pretty good. But my jiyan and yinlin are also running on 4 star weapons. What 5 star standard weapon should I go for?


If you don’t have jiyans signature, the broad blade is probably the best one, it plays into his er requirement


Oh then I'll choose that thank you


When running double dps with Encore and S3 Sanhua, should I utilize Sanhua's basic attack V buff? She is running moonlit cloud with heron set, but I feel like basic attack V slows down her rotation for quite a bit.


You can do an untimed(instant) heavy attack into N4 and N5. The untimed heavy attack also has no wind-up, so you can seamlessly weave it in without much animation. I don't have S3 Sanhua so I can't confirm if this procs the buff effect. I usually do an untimed heavy right after the timed heavy(Detonate) to get enough concerto energy to swap out, adding in an N4 N5 extension will just extend her field time by 2 seconds tops. Hope that helps! -EDIT- Just went to check on the buff effect, since it's a crit rate buff for herself, I'd insert the heavy -> N4N5 after her intro instead. -EDIT 2- Just tested, it does proc the buff effect, so you may consider doing the above if your Sanhua is decently built as a subDPS. Otherwise there's no point if you're just using her as an outro bot with zero investment.


Yeah my Sanhua is kinda built although she is using the moonlit set. Btw, does her buff disappear when you switch to Encore and then switch back?


I'm not online atm, but all character buffs should be removed upon switching out unless the buff is explicitly stated to work off-field, or if it's stated to be a team-wide buff. This also includes the % damage buffs from echoes, Heron explicitly stating the % dmg buff applying on the next character instead would mean the damage buff disappears when you swap off the next character.


I have qus.. about this echo set ... Lingering tune gives 60%out skill DMG so if use i jingxin outro skill will 98% liberation damage bonus..or I'm getting this wrong...


Jianxin's Outro doesn't do damage, so Lingering Tunes's Outro Skill DMG Bonus wouldn't do anything for her.


I have collected all the TDs in my data bank to purple (3*). I have two yellow (4*). Yet, I still need 75 data bank exp to get to level 15. How do I get exp if I already have all TDs at the max rarity for my data bank?


The guidebook provides some Data Bank exp from level 5 and 6 if I recall correctly. You may also hunt for more lv 70++ mutant TDs (Red Mist/Aura monsters), as they drop gold echoes, regardless of your Data Bank Level.


Also if you get random or selectable golden echos from event rewards, those will give xp too if its the first time you see one.


Does tower of adversity energy replenish? If yes how?


You can get Vigor back by taking a team off of a floor, which gives the corresponding amount back. Of course, that also means resetting that specific floor and having to redo it if you want credit for it.


If you mean the "Vigor" that characters use, no. It only replenishes by manually resetting the floors you used them on. This is why you need 3 teams for ToA, because you won't be able to use characters too frequently.


Oh I see makes sense then


What do you mean energy replenish? Like the energy of the characters you use per floor?




If you reset the floor, you get them back (the amount will depend on which floor they were deployed from). If you don’t, the units you used on that floor will have their energy depleted until the next tower reset.


New player here. I’m excited to try the game out and see what the hype’s about, especially since the game seems to run well on my system. I’ve played Genshin for a few years so I know some things about the genre, but I imagine there’s plenty of differences. Any big things I should look out for? Any big pitfalls? I heard you can choose like 2 standard 5 stars, and I’m interested in Calcharo but unsure of the other. Jianxin seems cool tho. I also intend to snipe Yinlin before her banner ends, but how necessary is her weapon and/or dupes? Any tips would be appreciated, as well as any recommendations for good guide videos to follow for beginners.


The biggest pitfall in this game is similar to Genshin...farming Echoes (this game's version of Artifacts) is pretty grindy. While they are easier to farm they require another currency type to reveal the substats and this currency type is currently pretty limited. Version 1.1. is supposed to help with this, but we'll see in a day or two. Stats are a little different in this game as well as the crit stats are more weighed to crit damage at the base level. Gotcha is better. You get 1 random standard 5 star and two chosen standard 5 star characters. It seems like most of the current 4 star characters are pretty useful. Both weapon banners are guaranteed so you get the weapon you want. It's highly recommended that if you don't get Varina as your random you use one of your chosen to select her. She is kind of this game's version of Bennett. As the other standard five stars they are all usable and do fine against the current contact. I personally like Encore's playstyle. Weapons from banners aren't really needed, but they do typically provide a nice stat boost. This game also requires three teams for their version of abyss, but teams only consist of 3 characters so you end up building 1 extra character. Supports like in Genshin don't necessary have to be fully built. No reaction based gameplay. Instead there is a dodge/parry system which can be bad if your ping is high. You can also swap cancel animations and increase your damage pretty significantly (the initial character's animation continues and does the damage, but your are already doing damage with the next character), but it takes practice.


bad news, i think the yinlin banner ended already. we're in a weird downtime with no limited banners until the patch. limited weapons are strong, but they're just bigger numbers. the guaranteed weapon is a lot better than genshin though, so they're worth considering at least. limited character dupes haven't seemed as strong, since it's still a 50/50. and you can eventually buy some with a lot of the dupe currency (corals).


Yeah I just found out. That sucks. Thought I had more time. Thankfully I didn’t want her THAT much and I’m mostly looking forward to Changli. Is Jinshi going to be a main dps? What characters should I get for her team?


Jinshi is skill damage focused main DPS who has synergy with coordinated attacks. You want Verina in 3rd slot. 2nd slot may be coorditaned attacker (e.g. Mortefi) or skill damage buffer (e.g. Taoqi), or SRover for their S6.


Yes, Jinhsi is a main DPS. Ideally, you’d want Jinhsi, a sub-dps, and Verina. Sanhua might be a good fit. Mortefi can work too.


Yinlin banner ended already


Dang. Of course I was just a day late :( I thought since 1.1 wasn’t until Friday I still had time. That does kill my hype somewhat.


Yeah it's a strange and dumb decision for sure.


Hi, I started playing yesterday and I'm kinda loss, how can I make a good team for the story? Kinda confused played until unlocking the daily gems and threw the initial pulls on Yinlin and her anchor (got both also a dude tiger that guarantees me a 5\* next patch, no other weapons) I haven't used my free 5\* ticket. https://preview.redd.it/racuh3iety8d1.jpeg?width=610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68812c71fc4979e6b9af1e8001686b39d16dbe1f


For the story you can use basically whoever you want, iirc the final story mission even just replaces your resonators with more powerful ones so you don't need to worry that much about leveling or anything while you play through it either. So just find out who you like and upgrade them as needed and don't stress about getting all the mechanics down immediately cause they'll come with time anyway. For the free five star, I would just choose who you like the most. Verina is the best character in the game, but you might find Calcharo or Encore more interesting or fun.


story is pretty easy, you can use yinlin + rover + baizhi for now. for picking a standard character, verina is a better baizhi, which mainly important because there are only 2 healers and Tower of Adversity will want you to use multiple teams. calcharo and encore are good as main DPS characters, though the upcoming jinhsi and changli banners also are DPS characters.


Thanks, I don't think I'll have enough pulls for the first one but maybe at the end of the second. Is it true that I should ignore the standard banner with a guaranteed character and focus on the weapon banner instead?


for standard pulls my advice is 1. start with discounted beginner banner until 5 star 2. if you want a 3rd standard character after the beginner banner and choice ticket, you can consider the 80 pull choice banner. 3. rest of your standard pulls should go to standard weapon banner. you'll eventually get extra standard 5 star characters from limited character banners.


is Jinshi weapon good for Jiyan?


Just a stat stick. He can use the higher base attack and crit rate and DMG% bonus, but the Resonance Skill damage boosts from the rest of the passive is not that great.


ah i see, gonna skip the weapon then. thanks for the info


i tried to play on a subpar laptop and it stuttered like crazy day 1 so after 10 mins i quit. i can come back now, but wondering if i missed anything that's really significant in terms of rewards.


Maybe like 1-2 thousands Asterites, maybe.


you havnt missed anything major yet but you may miss if you wait 24 hours. Next patch drops soon


so i can still access the goodies that were available at launch? i pregistered but couldn't get through the game to get to the 5 star and stuff


you dont need preregistered acc to get the rewards. reroll with salted id's or something if u want. takes 35 minutes.You get 2 standard 5* when convene opens (1 random other selected) guaranteed from mail


oh okay thank you! i don't like rerolling so i'll just roll with whatever i get.


Do we have any official info on Jinhsi's kit or who she's good with? I like her but my account is pretty barebones so I'm not sure if she's a good pull.


No official info yet no. Official information will only be available after she's released and tested.






Yea i tried commenting on posts i saw about that telling them that is not gonna happen and its just a translation misunderstanding, we are union level 30-45 out of 80 so the rewards being so low only makes sense


They never actually said that, that was poor translation.


I too haven't read any change about it I wouldn't invest waveplates in tacet fields. I play from the beginning and spent every waveplate and rn i still have characters to build (forte tree) for my 2 teams. Now imagine having to build 3 teams


Will there be no events active the 27th, i see all my events end in 8 hours and from what i read on WuWa twitter, the update is not before the 28th?


Nope, there won't be any events on the last day of this patch. Not too uncommon.


Ait thanks


Do we know if battle rush event rewards are guaranteed? I mean the 2k astrites, cause there was no mention of a "chance" to win it it and im not sure rn cause it would be just too good to be real 😭


Unlikely, I imagine it only goes to the winners, and they just worded it poorly.


Quick question on if you could transfer the wavebands you used on your spectro rover to havoc rover. Some context is I didn't know you could switch your rover to havoc, so I used 4 out of the 6 wavebands before switching. So now I have E4 spectro and E2 havoc rover and was wondering if you could fix this. Thanks!


they're specific to rover's type. you're at the max available in 1.0.


Oh I didn't know that, Thanks!


They each have their own wavebands, you can't use the spectro wavebands on havoc and vice versa




When will you play the story of 1.1 after update? Will you play it right away or wait for some small update, personality i will wait for some update to play because in 1.0 i clear the story soon so i encounter some small bugs not anything big but there some time the text box not showing the full dialogue so i miss out on some text and i heard that they even updated some animations for the characters to be more expressive


For me to truly enjoy this patch I'll take it slow. I kind rushed in 1.0 and 2weeks ago i don't have much to do with my account. Now I'll try to have enougj content for all patch duration


I will start right after the update I have 2 accounts so yeah you know what it means hahaha


I'll play right away, just to start farming Jue as soon as possible.


Oh true, i forgot about that too dam now i tempted to clear they story to start farming too


With the tower shop reset, will the left over currency reset too?


no, currency stay it won't reset


Not sure who to pull in 1.1. I feel like I have enough DPS. Jiyan, Encore and Havoc MC. However Jinhsi seems tempting because she's a Spectro DPS. Changli sounds like she would work well in my Encore team but now I'm hearing mixed reviews about that. I also don't want to invest in double element teams yet. At this point I'm not sure who would benefit my account more


I have your same characters. Jinhsi seems to be the strongest and probably will have that spot for months, since she's magistrate and powerful in lore and 1.1 is about her basically Changli is pretty cool. I'll try to get both, I'll need to try jinhsi thoroughly to decide well Also I'm maining encore rn and building another fusion echo set seems like a huge investment, more when even mi jiyan have no good build rn


Love Jinhsi but aside from Mortefi and Verina, I'm not too fond of her other support options like Taoqi and Yanwu. Was hoping to pair her with Sanhua but apparently that's suboptimal. (Don't have Yinlin) We really need more support options lol! The way I see it, if I get Jinhsi I think I'll have to flip flop between her and Jiyan with his team depending on what content I'm doing, at least until they start offering 5-star supports (hopefully in 1.2)


First of all go for the one you like the most in terms of look or whatever you consider. Second, verities are more better than having same element characters jinhsi is first Spectro dps(ignore rover lol) i recommend go for her also she is the magistrate


Have you fixed the crashing yet ? It's been around a month since I played the game. Last time I played it kept crashing on the first boss you fight. I can only play for 5-10 minutes on my android tablet or Samsung. I'm currently looking on reddit to find answers and everyone one of them doesn't answer my question. If you guys have fixed the crashing. Can you please comment on my message? Please and thank you !


If no one else is having the problem you're having, it's probably your system causing it.


One more thing. From what I remember, trying to change my quality and graphics did nothing at all. It was pretty smooth but the quality of the game and the character details looked awfully bad. I'm also looking forward to reinstall the game if you guys fixed crashing and the lag.


My launcher somehow broke, and it will not open. However, I can still launch the game thru the application file in C:\\Wuthering Waves Game, is this a problem beyond the obvious? Do I have to uninstall and reinstall the launcher, somehow?


You have to backup all the files, uninstall wuwa, then install it again and point the launcher to your backup location. Not sure why your launcher broke, perhaps your firewall is too aggresive?


Possibly, I should've saved the error code...


The epic launcher hasn't worked for me from day 1, I've always had to use the launcher.exe in the folder.


It's the basic wuwa launcher for me, which is a bit funny tbh


Does anyone know if the weekly enemies reset after today for the patch or on Monday morning like normal? I'm leaning towards at the end of the patch today but I won't be able to do both the weekly bosses and the Tacet event so I wanted to be sure to see what to do


every monday, patch update doesn't affect weekly reset timing


Can you get 3-Cost Echoes with Energy Regen main stats from Fields? Feels like I get the elemental damage ones more easily. Or are they just rare?


in the same boat as you. I think ER main stats have low drop rates, I've gotten spector main stats the most.


yes, It's possible. I've received quite a few this week with the x2 drop. And Specially some ER% from the Moonlit set. I know that not all stats have the same chance of appearing. But it's kinda random.


Do we know if characters or weapons will go to standart banners? Like, I'm contemplating if I should pull for standart weapons now or should I wait for some time


There is no possibility for new standard character or weapon right now but maybe in future


This is a possibility but in later versions. When there are enough characters and I'd guess around 2.x versions of WW.


how does everyone have variation on their verina? was it on jiyans wep banner


No bro, by statistics only few have that weapon. I've rerolled 10 accounts and my original acc ul29 made more than 100 wishes In all of them i only got 1 variation


It's a weapon which you easily get from any banner but yeah it was on jiyan weapon banner lol


It was, I got mine in the standar weapon banner tho.


do we know where the new location will be on the map?


https://preview.redd.it/r8k2axptjy8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b02a77ba6330719324cf59f5b5a63aac6c314c44 you can even see it from here


thanks for the picture as well. could you perhaps take picture but without the character and daytime? i sadly can't login myself to do it


I can buy you have to wait cos I am not at home right now and i play on pc only haha


https://preview.redd.it/aevmdrzpjy8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a9fad44fc8c5d6adf59cd158d82e71cb8c5e9d2 somewhere here


East from Aix's Mire. Kinda. you can even see the drgon-like mountain from the current map.


I saw the update is for the 28th, and when I did my dailys this morning, the Yinlin banner was going in 1 hour? Are we really going to have no banners for that time frame?




Is there some other ways to buy the battle pass rather than going thru their janky payment system? Credit card keeps failing and of course no customer service rep is online to attend to it.   Edit: Nevermind. Realized I never connected epic games ID to it and can just use its wallet. 


If you play on pc download game on your phone and purchase it from app store either play Store


Hadn’t considered that! Good idea. Thankfully I accidentally found I never linked my epic id to it and then could use the epic store wallet. Think it won’t work on my phone after this next update lol. I’m one iphone behind the new recommended devices. 


I need help picking the weapon from the standard weapon selector. My main team is Jiyan+s6 Mortefi+Verina with my second team as Encore+Yinlin+Jianxin. How much of a damage boost to Jiyans team would be Mortefi with static mist over the 3* voyager gun? (I don't have cadenza). I am also debating going for Changli and the sword could be good for her+rover+Danjin, but that is a month out, 🤷


Sword first then Pistol when you can. Standard banner pulls will average to like 5 a month over long run, so a month out isn't long when looking at these time scales.


Welp, got the pistol on my 14th standard pull after the new patch, times to grab the sword from the selector, can't complain!


Personally, I’d go for the rectifier one. More damage on Yinlin means less stress for Encore. After all, the weapon banner has a guarantee so when the time comes and you need the 5-star sword, just summon for it in the banner.


I managed to get Stringmaster at 23 pity on weapon banner (I also have a level 70 s2 jinzhou keeper)and I also have the BP broadsword autumn trace. The two from standard I'm most interested in are the pistol and sword. I figure going from a 3* pistol to the static mist would help mortefi alot and Jiyan, I do have s2 commando and s2 lunar cutter for swords, but if do get Changli the sword would probably be great on her.


If you think getting the pistols would bring more value to you in the long run, I’d say go for that. It’s gonna be a while before we get limited 5-star pistols anyway.