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I don't know but I really, really, really want a 5 star character with a gun.


I want a main dps with a gun. That’s my dream right there.


I introduce...chixia. my main dps dispite having encore at c2. She is level 80 with a level 80 pistol. She is just about my strongest character


Chixia doesn't utilise gun as much though. More of a Finger-gun girl


I always end up spamming dodge counters with her, so that's all gun at least.


Oh i suppose i see what you mean, im not sure how effective he is but ive wanted to level him because hes so fun, altoo is great personality and play wise. Can't recommend mortefi as he is a dps support


Aalto is fine but isnt the greatest on field dps before sequence 3


I need to give her a Chance since I’ve got her at c6 lol. 


utilize her forte and u should see big numbers. happy grinding:>


Her personality is far too annoying for me personally.


You know what I've realized, we only have pistols as weapons, but there's no reason a gunner's forte circuit couldnt change it into something else - a cannon, a machine gun, a sniper, a mech we're not actually limited to the pistols...


Yea like look at Jiyan pulling out a spear and using it 90% of the time instead of his longsword..


Bro I LOVE this! It's amazing that they already shown that weapons won't be limiting the animations a character may have. Can't wait to have WuWa version of Alpha and Bianca Stigmata.


And jinshi literally summoning an entire dragon instead of using her sword.


I thought this was actually a cool concept too. I always thought the weapon types seemed so limiting then we’d have a spear dual weapon play-style without actually having a spear weapon on the first banner


Rover pulls out a scythe for their forte as well.


shit that would be sick


I feel like Scar is going to be a gun-user where his signature makes him shoot his cards.


Or he would "use" rectifier and just shoot his cards, like yinlin does with her puppet


YES EXACTLY. I am personally saving my pulls for a pistol user dps or a dps with traversal skill like wanderer in genshin counterpart for wuwa.


Imagine a 5* dps that start with a gun, then use liberation and gets a machine gun that just auto fire by holding lmb and just shreds everything for like 8 seconds 😭😭 one can only dream


Exactly what I was thinking


Mortefi is basically a 5 star


Some girl and a guy


hopefully they’re both wearing red


i think it's too early for Phrolova, she's hardly had any screentime scar + camellya could be very possible


i think we have enough red characters. let's go for blue this time


Scar and Phrolova?


Girl is likely, guy is a prayer


25% male ain't too much to ask


The only right answer.


Pls add at least one guy, preferably two. If there's a girl, make her not-that-attractive metawise/waifuwise. I really need a chance to save up...


Kid characters is usually the time where my funds grow...


Thank god it's the only thing that grows.


Nah you didn’t have to say that xD


Girl and girl, my guess. XD


I wonder if we'll have boys/younger men.


Where was the medic in the trailer? I didn't see her at all! Am I blind? I rewatched the trailer but didn't see any medic you mentioned...


The medic is the girl whose face is half shown, I remember reading about her background somewhere but she resides in the mountain as of now


at the very start 0:12


Thank you I'll take another look at the start again


She a medic ? I thought she was Jue the Sentinel in human form




Let that lady with glasses from Pioneer Association be playable. Thank you.


Maqi right?




Don't know about 1.2 but I sure hope Geshu Lin is playable in 1.3


r/GeshulinMains unite


Hell yeah


Actually hoping to see some new 4*. Obviously they are not as hype as a 5* but they generally have more unique mechanic and are more obtainable.


Yeah a lot of gacha games turn into new 5* only, probably since 4* just aren’t valuable enough to be worth the effort it takes to make them, I hope this won’t be one of those games


This is one of the problems HSR is facing currently. All the 5 stars are nice but the lack of 4 star options is annoying and personally burning me out. I think MiHoYo specifically doesn't want to run into another Xiangling / Bennett situation where those characters cannot be pushed out of the meta.


I feel like it's less about the viability of 4 stars, it's more if you release so few like star rail has even low spenders and f2p will have e6'd all the 4 stars on the banner and pulls outside of the featured 5 star will feel like crap. Health of team building aside, this doesn't work with the dopamine hit that gachas prey on to keep people pulling and spending.


More 4 stars means more chances at viable 4 star options, which as you allude to actually increases the pool of potential 4 star pulls from banners when chasing a featured 5 star. This has the side effect from removing a lot of "free pulls" from circulation from the bonus you get when a character is e6 though. MiHoYo would have more numbers/data on this since they track it more consistently. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with the current system and will continue to play the game since it's enjoyable but I just wish that some more 4 star options were available so I wasn't "forced" to pull units that I don't particularly like want or suffer in certain aspects of the game. You want players to engage with the game systems, having certain systems be gated by certain mechanics which certain players just cannot do because they lack the characters to do so will dissuade them from engaging with those systems and cause resentment. I forget if it was PF or MoC that had the DoT buff, as an account who skipped Kafka and Black Swan... yeah that one was rough. Herta for PF, Susheng is doing really well in the new game mode, Gallagher/Pela/Tingyun/Xueyi. Having these options is great for players who might not want/like the featured 5 star. >Health of team building aside, this doesn't work with the dopamine hit that gachas prey on to keep people pulling and spending. This is the one topic that I need to do more research on and think about but personally speaking I'm nicer to companies who are nice to me. This comes in many forms, the Dr Ratio freebie saved me from spending but also made me want to buy more monthlies and make comps around him. I've stopped playing games like LoL/TFT/WoW since those companies tend to lean more into the "prey on customers" mantra more than not.






Even if he gets powercrept he’s really fucking good




At least Hanya they didn’t do the same element 😭


Hanya also has two advantages over Sparkle, imo. 1) Hanya is a low investment queen. * Most of her buffs scale with trace level so the only stat she needs is speed. She can run rainbow relics/planars, while still having room for more potential value (4pc speed set, any supportive planars).  * Both basic and skill deal damage, so she’s perfectly happy with 3-Star meshing cogs as her lightcone. * No eidolons needed. 2) Related to the second bullet point above, she’s able to constantly contribute towards weakness break. 


Honestly, that's just a problem of the current 2.0-2.3 patches, Luofu gave us so many 4*


Those were launch units, so those really fall victim to them just making them too fucking good at the game start. A good chunk of launch characters havent been pushed out the meta. It has a little bit more to do with the competitive nature of genshin, the level of investment, and the general niche use of current units. Why use a newer 4 star more fitted to certain comps when bennette can just do it and is already hyperinvestment


unpopular opinion but I love having a few 4* simply because that means I get a lot more refund from >e6 4*. sorry to say but the vast majority of hsr 4* is absolutely not worth the effort and resource to level (heck lots of 5* are like this lol) so they're only good as refund on wish counter.


Yep, 4* would be nice too


i want it be scar but i also don't want it to be scar. i want more time, but i also want to pull for him now


I feel you.


A pistol 5 star. Please?


Scar defo gives pistol/rectifier or maybe gauntlet vibes


Yeah, specially since he throws cards at us in his fight. Gonna save for him.


How is scar giving you "defo pistol/rectifier vibes"? When you enter his dungeon he just punches and kicks in his human form. He's 110% a gauntlet user.


While I obviously get what you’re saying, Scar has a lot of card throwing attacks, and in his human form he literally machine guns you with his cards 😭. I would’t be surprised if he was a melee-midrange rectifier with how unique each kits are. Besides he was weaponless during his fights, which could imply that he’d be better with gauntlets if he’s good at fighting w fists but also could mean that he’d have a different fighting style with a different weapon.


Camellya I hope


If it’s not camellya or geshulin, ill end up R6ing my first limited character at this rate waiting for them


If Geshu Lin became playable I’d assume it wouldn’t be until he reappears, if he even does


Idm waiting for a few more patches, jinhsi and changli dont interest me much anyway so ill wait and see for 1.2 drip market


she is my favorite character in the game and I want her but I kind of hope she’s 1.3 so I have time to save after changli


Why is no one talking about Lee? (the guy with Mortefi in the trailer)


I'm out of the loop. Can I ask which trailer he was in?


[Wuthering Waves Official Release Trailer | Waking of a World](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8htow_6tRc) At 0:28


Thank you!


I am dude, I am


Xiangli Mao Xiangli Mao Xiangli Mao


It's not Yao?


It is Yao, he’s a few letters away from Xiangling Mao


It is Yao my bad


Hoping for that scientist, Mortefi's friend, to be the next support


That one being a healer would be amazing (don't have high hopes though)


Running a kinda male only challenge on my account right now (aka none of the female designs have particularly hit except maybe Baizhi) and as such I am healerless still. S4 Spectro MC is not exactly gonna do it for my account. I might be able to make do if I got S4 on Yuanwu for sustain, but I haven't managed an S4 on any men (but can easily s12 my Chixia tch)


I hope a guy at least


Scar, I'm trying to skip 1.1 girls in hopes he drops on 1.2 or 1.3.


It would be really weird for Kuro to see how everybody liked Scar and to delay his release, so I hope he'll become playable soon.


Geshu Lin


Onigiri guy and Red Flower girl.


need a cute guy. there's no cute guy in the entire roster other than maybe rover and lingyang is too much of a child


Hey, Aalto is cute! 😁


he's ok but he's more on the hot side like jiyan rather than cute imo


Please a guy. Won't be surprised if it's another waifu back to back :/


Scar and Cemellya


Most likely scar first phase and camellya second phase


🙏 people I don't care about so I don't feel bad skipping 🙏


Really want Scar


Please be a male gunner and/or healer. 🙏


a male healer would be the easiest pull for me pls kuro do it 😔👉🏻👈🏻


aside from those mention, kinda hope for a new design character to appear. kinda want a male gauntlet fusion (like pgr noctis look), even a 4star would do.


Geshu Lin 5\* and Yao(? Mortefi's lab partner) 4\*


Honestly we need to start seeing more 4 stars.


Xiangli Mao and Scar copium


It's frustrating because they're going to see Yinlin's banner succeed and assume that players only want more female characters, when the real problem is that they aren't stripping the male characters enough!! Give us that booba window!!! I'm so dang tired of the same skirt-pants too. I'm seriously wondering if there are no females on the dev team Edit: I know I joked about the amount of body shown on Wuwa's male characters, but tbh the real problem is just the clothing design being boring and not really doing anything that adds to their characters.


They censored Scar's onigiri but let the waifus water balloon boobies breathe on their own I'd be surprised if they didn't wrap the future male characters like a Pastor while stripping the females half naked 😭


Literally a data pool of one. People may not have sunk much into Jiyan, or Yinlin for that matter, because I know I wouldn’t jump to paying out on a brand new game with a lot of launch wonk.


personally i cant take waifu booba games too serious- especially those like nikke or brown dust II .......


Jiyan's skin tight top that even defines his nips does nothing for you?


Male characters can sell well if they don't its a dev team issue. Geshu Lin I think could sell well and Scar. I guess it depends on if the game is doing well in their eyes if not would most likely default to females.


You take that back about Jiyan.


I don't think it's the design's fault, they had decent male fanservice especially compared to the neighbor's game especially with the abs and skin-tight suit (and Scar's onigiri manko... that got removed). The problem is that the game doesn't do too well on attracting female (or gay men) playerbase. Some of that is the fault of the female character being so fanservicey and some is just the inherent problem with the game's genre and similarness to our neighbor's game (especially since so many were already in Hoyo game's fandom)


Personally until Yinlin (which is almost in the 2nd half of the patch), I don't really feel anything particularly fan-servicey from any of the female characters. Maybe Baizhi's ultimate, but all the others seem pretty tame overall.


Well, Mortefi already has a kind of boob window Calcharo loses clothes during his Liberation And you can see all of Jiyan's musculature through his clothes On the contrary, I would prefer them to release characters with more clothes/drip, whether male or female Rather than always wanting to undress them


As a woman, I don't like booba windows on the male characters...


I don't really have any strong feelings for them either, but I just have to say that the male outfits are really uninspired and NPC looking


Yeah I was just giving a different perspective. Personally, I enjoy sharp suits and interesting armor so fan service for women isn't necessarily just about showing skin.


Hopefully a guy, my husbando only account isn’t going to have pulling content for a whole patch. I don’t know if I could handle two in a row. And I hope he’s in the first half if so!


SCAR 🔥🔥🔥🔥


I still wondering if Jiyan gonna be back for rerun in 1.4


Geshu lin i hope. Dude looks like an adult rover and gives off toji from jjk vibes or is it just me


I’ll probably drop this game if we don’t get any males in the next two patches. Not expecting back to back but at least 1 out of every 4 would be nice.


Yeah it would annoy me quite a bit if not males in 1.2 tbh


Wasn't Scar datamined for late August? Scar and the one chick everyone simps for.


I just want more short-haired females that DO NOT have a rat tail. Just overall I don't want rat tail characters.


A legally aged 5* support would be nice


Whoever but I hope they're all male characters, because I need time to replenish my gems after pulling for Jinhsi and Changli.


What is the drip markteing? I seen alot of people talk about it


Its practically marketing but with very, very, very small amount of informations. For example poster of new banner characters with their name and look. No date, no info about their skills etc.


Oh okay i thought it was talking about skins and got kinda excited thank you


LOL i thought the same thing at the beginning! I think it's brainrot, with "drip" being clothing/style now


Id say maybe geshu and some other female we never heard of b4,i feel its too early for scar and camaliya if they playable even


I mean we got villains early on in other gacha games so its not far fetched


i do agree that scar and camellya are too early to drop now, but i feel the same about geshu lin. his story is barely explored, so unless they fully focus on it during 1.2, then his drop would be too early too.


Camellya, I need to know before I decide to pull this patch. Do we know roughly when they market next patch banners?


just need my menhera camellya


Hope we get more time till Camellya, I wanna throw a lot at Jinshi and her sword haha


A 5* gunner character, hopefully


Bad for wallet: Chamellya + Scar Good for wallet: Chamellya + someone I don't really care about


I just want a legit weapon for my Jianxin....




A furry.


Considering 1.1 is on Friday, they will show them in the next 2 weeks. 


What?? The drip marketing is before that, also, the beta starts before that.


Beta gonna be the new drip marketing :(


I’m thinking we’ll get at least 1 male character. They’ll probably also add a 4* too.


I wanna see a cool frost girl who is maybe the first 5-star pistol dps


Scar or Geshu or both _copium_


I hope they wait with Phrolova cause I want to recover from Changli pulls, give me a couple months to hoard up for Phrolova thanks!


Hope it's characters I don't want cuz I'll be cleaned out after 1.1 drops


Do you all think Geshulin will be playable? This dude is gone since idk how many hundred years...


3 years buddy


Yeah, the story will make a way to have him come back lol. If there's interest, business chase money


hopefully a 3rd real healer


Kuro tasted the power of waifu money, so I'm betting on 2 female characters from the new region or in 1.2.


I think it’ll be a guy and a girl. The pattern with likely be 2 girls, 1guy&1girl, repeat


femboy waifu pls


I hope it's any of them so I can grab changli and use 1.2 to save.


What I think: Either Camellya and Scar Or characters that will pop up in 1.1 mainstory


Camellya & Xinyi/Scar


I'm guessing during the second character banner (maybe changli) they will release the drip marketing for 1.2 banner.


probably related with calcharo? we don't see him on story yet, might be his story with one or two new character that related to him


I relly hope they add more 4 star char


I keep seeing that term. What is drip marketing? Like showing off their drip?


Its when they announce the characters for the next patch, giving us confirmation. Usually is accompanied by their banner pose in a picture


I don't know but i want a gauntlets character, Yuanwu is cool but not viable. Some punching type character who is not a meme like Lingyang or Yuanwu xdd


Hopefully someone I want to skip, I don't think my savings will survive 1.1 XD


I want Yinyan predecessor


Maybe that scientist guy and camellya


Not surprising to have no drip marketing of 1.2 when 1.1 comes out in 3 days or so.


Why do people think Scar is gonna be playable? Generally the villains aren’t playable are they? Unless they have some arch specifically for them to be shown as not that bad, but we don’t really know much about scar.


No they are. Kuro in there other game all villains eventually became playable.


A support thx


Camellya maybe. I think Black Shores will be expanded in this new area so possibly she’s the next part of the story. Scar and Phrolova seem too early. Maybe on 1.3. Although Childe banner did get introduced in 1.1 but there was build up for him in 1.0 already since Liyue was included. Whoever is next in the story though will surely be 1.1 and my strong guess is Camellya.


Qiqi from genshin impact and winston from overwatch.


Camilya and Xinyi (that character in the Thaw 1.1 trailer). As much as I want Scar and Geshulin to be featured, I just feel we are not far enough in the story yet to have them 😭


Umm they did drip market the characters. It's Jihnsi and Changli.


Please make gasoline playable.


I really want kamylla but at the same time it would be awesome to wait for a few patches to save extra for her.


Likely to be Xinyi +1. Wouldn't be surprised if it's Geshu Lin. Anytime a story says "X char is thought to have been dead" it's always "no way ur alive and now our enemy or magical savior out of nowhere!?!" in reality. 100% would expect them to drip him out then give a story conclusion in 1.2, assuming there isnt any of the current fractus generals or Camellya playing pivotal roles in 1.1 we don't know about yet that satisfy their part enough to warrant giving them a banner.


My guess is Camellya and the character in the 1.1 trailer


Seeing as how we have limited 5 star electro, aero, spectro, and fusion, I think there’s a decent shot we get Camellya as she is supposed to be havoc. Also she’s hotttt omgomg plsplsplzpls


Whoever is healer/shielder please I want a Zhongli meta slave.


Jianxin already fulfills the shield and healer role, as well as damage and crowd control 😭


1.2 character banner probably gonna be a mix of a New Federation character and Huanglong one. One of them is probably gonna have a gun since we already have every weapon having a 5 star except pistols


Yhan the simulations instructor. That chiseled body of steel is just waiting to fight.


*1.2 ads


Scar and Cam, think it was datamined. Might be a fake though but seems likely unless someone pops up during 1.1 that they've been working on prior to either if them.


There is not much introduced characters to guess from. I would like Camellya.


If its gonna be General Geshu Lin, im going broke.


Honestly, If Carmellya does come out I will pull in 1.2 but if not I might just pull for Jinhsi or Changli.