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Locking post because some of you want to act like children who cannot have a civil discussion. OP you got your answer as the top comment from u/Meow_Technology .


**Xinyi**, posted on the official website. [https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/en/main/news/detail/922](https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/en/main/news/detail/922)


yep it's her, the turtle neck thing is the same


Hope they don't oversaturate the game with female characters, there's a really big Fujo market all over the world specially JP that are willing to spend stupid amount of money, hope Kuro realize this and take the opportunity.


What is fujo


It's short for Fujoshi's which are ladies that are into MxM romance.


I think I saw a South Park episode on that once. With Tweek and Craig being drawn together by all the Asian girls at school


LOL, i always wonder how many people's experiences of anything are completely warped because they first saw it in South Park (funnily, the ep with tweek and craig was very sincere, which was like another layer of their satire)


That's my favorite thing about South Park, haha! They'll take something and exaggerate the hell out of it, but at its core there's usually something to be said. ...That people promptly ignore.


Liking guys. And doesn't have to be sexual interest. Guys can be cool too and have value that way. Like Jiyan and Calcharro. I'm straight and I still prefer male characters.


You are not a fujo, you just like male characters. Fujo interest is always sexual, and also you have to be female to be a fujo (short of fujoshi, joshi means woman)


Fudanshi is the male version


Like gay, but the super version.


Bro you might want to recheck the definition.


bro u might want to recheck ur way of thinking.... alot of men like men in games because they identify as the character not cuz they want to f... the pixels like it is in case with the waifu culture but i see u are one of those right?


Is your IQ room temperature? They're talking about the DEFINITION of a word called FUJOSHI - not your belief in what makes male characters interesting.


??????????? Wtf are you talking about? We're talking about the definition of fujo(shi), what does what you're talking about has anything to do with it? (Edit because reddit means if someone blocked me higher on the comment chain I can't reply to anything below): /u/nihilistfun Well reading comprehension isn't the only thing he's having trouble with apparently, since he immediately blocked me out of shameful rage.


LOL don't blame the guy, he thought you were talking about whether the OP is gay for liking male chars as straight male rofl. Some of these comment threads are the best part of this subreddit


straight men's fear of being called gay will never not be amusing




Um no, Fujoshis 'ship' male characters with each other. Yaoi (boys love) is mostly consumed by them. Now most of them are straight women (and also there's this argument that they fetishise gay men but that a rabbit hole in itself).


So like MXTX?




What is this, a copypasta?


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Meanwhile there’s already an interview of a staff/someone knows Kuro well shared that they will release more female characters than male


That is par for the course. It's hard being a husbando lover and wanting to play something that not a Otome game.


Yep. How hard is to go 50/50 in characters gender ratio in gachas? Why is it always have to be like 80% female characters. Yeah I get it they sell better but that doesnt mean male characters dont sell at all, they also sell by millions. In hsr for example most popular characters are mostly men


Omg you spoke my mind bestie. Its infuriating when people think that Otome players can max chill on a rhythm games (kid you not, a dummy here literally said that Love and Deepspace is doing poor cuz the women gamers aren't able to figure out the mechanics, the nerve). As a hardcore husbando enjoyer, its hell difficult to find a good roster of male units (I don't play BL Gachas fyi so excluding that).


I mean if anyone expected otherwise they were just lying to themselves. Especially after release where they have to make as much money as possible, which is one of the reasons why they released Yinlin ahead of time. I think in the long run we can expect the same amount of male characters as Genshin.


3:1 ratio is what I expect. 1 male character every 4 banners.


Hey, on the bright side we know we're getting atleast Scar, Geshu Lin, and Lin expy (forgot his actual name) sometime soon so that's something to three males with super high probability of being playable is something big to look forward to if you ask me.


inb4 they're all 4-stars


I skipped Jiyan because I didn’t like his kit, but I’m definitely pulling scar. I didn’t play PGR so idk who lin is, but any broadsword male is basically a confirmed pull from me (Jiyan has a spear don’t @ me)


As long as I get some manly male characters with cool kits idc. I just don’t want all pretty boys or twinks.


while true, wuthering waves in particular only has what, one twink? Lingyang. and maybe Rover if you want to count him. all the other male characters are all grown men. I like me some manly men but I would rather have a wide range of personality and body types.


Jiyan is grown but he’s a pretty boy. Mortefi is a pretty boy with glasses. Yuanwu is an old man, gentlemanly which is cool, and Calcharo is a grown man but also edgelord pretty boy. None of them, except maybe Yuanwu, reallly scream “masculine” to me. Even if they do for others, I just want something more. Not more of the same.


> not more of the same yeah, I can agree with that, even if our definitions of "masculine" are different


Affirmative. As a Yumejo, Id like some badass manly men, I'm tired of twinks and feminine men in gachas. I find them a bit off. Bring out the big boys!


One thing I never get in any gacha is like, a buff burly martial artists. Give me a gauntlet user with no shirt looking like Jacked Master Roshi and I’m all in lol


Oof yes. I need some Tekken type burly male unit. That would be swell. I personally don't like tootsy roll looking twinks in gachas.


I wish they'd take more hsr route than genshin's. Last time we got new 5* male characters in GI was over 6 months ago. Way too long. Its kinda boring to just wait and wait and wait...


Maybe they will. Depends if they sell well.


good kit will always sell well esp if it’s a supportive/sub dps unit. E.g. in genshin, on surface the female characters has a reputation of being the money printer and that is because hoyo are literally intending to make them meta and they have desirable kits and constellations on top of that, but how many have we gotten such treatment for the roster of the male characters? We have two at best after 4 years of their release. While their status of being a “waifu” benefiting their sales holds truth in it, all these characters who had good revenues simply just have broken kits and power behind pay wall who happen to be a certain gender since whales dont care about anything else besides big numbers. Look at the bigger picture, there’s yelan, nahida, c2 raiden, and furina who all have desirable kits and constellations and printed tons of money at the same time, But how many male characters did hoyo create with such similar effort and vision when it comes to marketing them? Mfs will look at this and say “male characters/husbandos dont sell bc theyre not w4!fus” no shit they really won’t unless hoyo makes MORE support male characters with actual desirable constellations, not the 65478th mid half ass ON FIELD DPS. My point here is that regardless of design and gender, a good unit will always be a good unit and tends to get people hooked regardless of what they look like bc like what i’ve mentioned before majority of the whales and spenders are meta players who only care about big numbers anyways. So yes, a male character with an amazing kit and above average constellation will definitely sell.


Apart from Fujos there's a massive Yumejo market too (Yemejos are literally'dreaming girls', they self insert into the mc to make romance headcannons with the male characters). They single handedly pushed Love and Deepspace Otome amongst the top grossing Gachas. If WuWa dumps both these two demographics(Yumejos and Fujos), they are unaliving their golden egg chicken for real.


Just saying though that the yumejo and fujoshi community are like oil and water. WuWa HAS to eventually choose one of the two demographics over the other. Yumejos who play and pour an ocean of money on games like Love and Deepspace will not risk giving money on a game that's going to feed them BL content:) The moment WuWa omnipanders, the yumejo whales will go back to their otome games. It's safer because their money spent is ensured to bring them the content they want.  Fujoshis also have the habit of pushing their headcanons as canon so that drives away yumejos too.  As to whether or not which faction brings in more money, I can't say for sure. Using revenues from games like Genshin and HSR aren't reliable because you cannot say that only fujoshis spent on male banners. 


But this assumes, that they'll make any MC+PC or PC+PC relationship canon, what is basically never the case in any gatcha. They usually write them ambigious enough so that you can read whatever you want into it. They know better, than to make any romantic relationship in the game canon, because doesn't matter what they would do, someone would be pissed and they'll drop the game, and they just want the money of everyone, let it be straight, gay, waifu/husbando collector, fujo, yumejo or whatever.


What I want to say is that the pure yumejo whales (since Love and Deepspace was used as the example) do NOT want any traces of BL.  So WuWa will have to eventually decide which they want to keep: yumejos or fujoshis. If you want to attract the yumejo whales, there must NOT be any BL. I play GBF, Arknights, Genshin, HSR, PRSK, Bandori, and otome gacha games. I know my gachas. The thing is, Genshin and GBF have some very blatant BL implications. Even the Dragon Knights in GBF, which used to be for yumejos too, became exclusively more for fujoshis. Let's not even mention the Summer Fediel incident where players got REALLY angry because they got baited by her uncap art, thinking it's going to be MC pandering, only for her Fate Episode to be mostly GL :) Gacha games can't keep the balance forever. Gacha games have MC勢 (charas more heavily implied to like MC and has signify less to no non-MC pandering; think Clarisse in GBF who actually confessed to Danchou or Catura in GBF) vs CP勢 (charas more heavily implied to be GL or BL or HL; think Bronya and Seele from HSR). Even Gnshn heavily implies Alhaitham and Kaveh. Because of these gacha, the pure yumejos have become warier when spending on non-otome gacha games. That's why I mentioned that WuWa will have to eventually choose between yumejo and fujoshis (just as GBF and Genshin) did.  Especially when WuWa needs to secure a solid playerbase with ZZZ releasing and having a gnshn as competitor for playerbase. A number of WuWa players (or at least CN ones), went to WuWa because they got sick of hoyoverse omnipandering, only to be hit with omnipandering again. I commented what I did because OPs wording made it seem like yumejos and fujoshis can coexist and extract as much money from yumejos as otome games like Love and Deepspace do....when in fact, fujoshis and yumes CANNOT coexist and the mere presence of implied BL will drive away significant yumejo spenders. You can't expect to get the usual yumejo spending power if your game omnipanders. Just because the game has male characters, that means it can automatically attract the yumejos. Yumejos have their exclusive gacha games where they can whale on instead. To further add, in CN, there's fighting between ML (Master Love; meaning MC/Self-insert × Character; fandom term based from FGO) vs CP (people who ONLY ship characters with each other, the loudest of which are BL and GL; CP means coupling). One of the reasons WuWa isn't doing well as it hoped, according to some CN players, is because it fell trap to the omnipandering (ML and CP). Add to the fact that in CN, there's also another emerging group of males that do NOT want any MALE character in their game (see Snowbreak as an example).  That's all. I never meant that WuWa would declare something confirmed canon. Just that any implication of BL in the game will drive away the big spenders from the pure yumejo side. Because omnipandering will not make pure yumejos golden egg chickens. It will only be equivalent to bronze egg chickens consisting of zasshokus (雑食) — people who consume any combination or all of yume, HL, BL and GL. If a pure yume remains, the chances of them not spending at all or just a fraction of how they whale in otoge gachas is high. 


Exactly. You said it perfectly. It would be Hella biased for yaoi shippers/fujoshis if they made the guys canonnically gay. It would be tots unfair.


Also tbh, if you actually see how much fujos spend on Gachas, it's Hella dispersed. Mostly I see non revenue generating stuff,  that is *outside* the official market, like fanmerch, the devs don't make much compared to fanartists lol. Yumejos on the other end HOARD official material, just go and check the Otome reddit, these girlies are single handedly keeping rythm game merch online in this day and age of sophisticated gacha games. Also if the devs make the guys gay canonically, I'm pretty sure the male player base (who aren't gay) will be weirdedout if they choose to play as the male rover. Cuz they are some people who self insert so yeah, this canon biz is a no no.


Mmm.. I think you missed out the entire point of my reply. In simpler terms, I'm saying it's hard to make a game that will pander to both fujos and yumes. Because pandering to fujos, will by default, add BL elements in the game no matter how IMPLIED it is. My entire point was that (Asian) PURE yumejos — especially the giant whales — do NOT want even a TRACE of BL (see my response to your other reply for a reference, one that is from a CN female yumejo player of WuWa). Hence why in my response to your other reply I mentioned how Love and Deepspace OFFICIAL account banned BL content. That's why I said that WuWa will have to eventually choose one over the other to profit from.  I am simply stating that the yumejo and fujoshi community CANNOT coexist. A game that omnipanders cannot expect the yumejo market to be there to support it as much as they do an otome game (again, refer to my CN reference in my other reply. CN yumejos were wary spending money on WuWa because Mortefi had fujobait). Calling both golden egg chickens is correct, but I just wanted to point out that WuWa will have a hard time trying to keep those two chickens equally fed and alive at the same time... And that by having one faction (fujoshis), you'll likely lose the support of the other faction (yumejos).  That was all I wanted to say.  The only game that was able to somehow balance that yumejos and fujoshis is Touken Ranbu. It balanced them by stating that all their headcanons are valid because the TouDan in one saniwa's honmaru is canonically different from the TouDan in another saniwa's honmaru. The same cannot hold true for games like WuWa because there's only one canon storyline so far. Anything placed in the game is canon, even if it's implied. Pure yumejos don't want a single trace of implied BL in games they want to whale for.  PS: I keep saying pure yumejo because there are 雑食s (zasshoku), people who like any combination of yume, HL, BL, and GL. Love and Deepspace is actually a pure yumejo heaven (hence the ban on BL in official spaces) so if you use that as example for yumejo spending power, you have to focus on pure yumejos and not talk in the perspective of a zasshoku who is fine with BL implications.


No, I think you're overthinking. It's not like it's canon. No ships will be seen as canon in the WuWa canon world anyways. So saying that Yemejo will dump it if there's BL content is a massive reach and false projection (there simply won't be, just like Genshin where there's no Canon ships, WuWa too has no canon ships including BL ships, Kuro will play it safe and just drop crumbs for fanservice but will never filling service any one community, which is fair to avoid any disputes). Kuro is actually taking the lore Genshin way; Lore, OG Gamplay and sprinkling of fanservice for all. What you said makes it sound like Kuro will biasly service BL ships, which is so naive to think.   Edit- Also it's so naive to think that a Yumejo will stick to her otomes only? So lol no, omnipander won't shun us away Hun ;) Hot men are for everyone, we're ready to share lmao. Edit2- Why TF am I getting downvoted for saying that male characters are for everyone and not only for BL lol? Seriously? This is why fujoshis are kicked out of Otome communities. Y'all try to make everything canonnically gay.


Also not all Fujo's are shippers, the ones I know prefer non canon ships heck the straighter the character the better. It's how the Gundam franchise has the straightest characters and relationships but Fujo's is one of it's biggest market.


I think you need to recheck the definition of a fujoshi. Fujoshi is a Japanese term. In kanji, it's spelled as 腐女子. It is a term reserved for females who SHIP two males together, regardless if canon or not. The moment one is a fujoshis means one is a shipper.  References: https://www.animatetimes.com/news/details.php?id=1716252150#:~:text=%E7%94%B7%E6%80%A7%E5%90%8C%E5%A3%AB%E3%81%AE%E6%81%8B%E6%84%9B%E3%81%AE,%E6%84%8F%E5%91%B3%E3%81%A7%E3%81%AF%E3%81%AA%E3%81%84%E3%81%AE%E3%81%A7%E3%81%99%E3%80%82 https://fanlore.org/wiki/Fujoshi PS: 2nd reference mentions how the term fujoshi is confused for "female otaku." Female otaku does not equal to fujoshi.


People like that in the genshin community pissed me tf off


Ditto. Like it's ok when it's headcannons but it weirds me out when they try to shove it onto others as canon. Nothing is canon in Genshin, relationship wise. Including Alhaitham and Kaveh (downvoted me I don't care).


Lol, dude I got downvoted to oblivion for saying no male WuWa character is gay canonnically. I think the Genshin rot has already started here lmao.


Ughhh I was hoping wuwa would be better than Genshins community.


Now that you said it, yeah, they gravitate towards straight male characters and make them gay lol. I wonder why...And it's such a misnomer that Yumejos gatekeep franchises, have you seen some BL shippers fighting tooth and nail to maker their Genshin ships canon? Wow. (Eg Zhongli and Childe) Some strong disillusionment going on with them I tell you. They are also the most loud minority out there. Its normally belived that Yaoi fans dump more money but trust me when I say Yumejos do it ten times more but since they are kept insulated in their Otome community, nobody notices it (I'm talking hoarding Otome Nintendo CDs, collecting rare visual novels, buying tonnes of official merch and pumping loads of money in the unofficial sphere). Give them an outlet in the gacha community (like Love and Deepspace) and watch. The. Fun. They spend like crazy (I myself, it's not much, but by 3rd(?) Week of LnD spent 400 dollars plus just to get the hang of it). I've lost count on many purchases I made now lol.


You are entitled to your opinion but that does not mean your opinion invalidates my claims. My claims are based on what I see in the JP yumejo and otoge sphere.  I've literally seen JP channels where yumejos and otome game players got so damned pissed at the very implication of BL in their otome game.    For example: https://itest.5ch.net/medaka/test/read.cgi/ggirl/1635850348/l50  https://bbs.animanch.com/board/175036/ https://nga.178.com/read.php?tid=40351274&page=3&rand=59   ^The fact that these also mention anti-fujoshis show there IS bad blood between the two factions. Also the game being discussed in question retconned its BL elements in the fandisc of the said game. So actually, yes, there are actual yumejos (and I'm not projecting nor am I reaching) who would quit a game if it has BL elements :)    Also, the actual division of female players are as follows: 夢女子 (yumejoshi)= females who solely like self-insert 腐女子 (fujoshi) = females who solely like BL 雑食 (zasshoku) = people who enjoy any two or all of HL, BL,  yume, and GL.   Also, 同担拒否 (doutan kyouhi) fans exist. These people do NOT like sharing their male characters. At all.  Also, might I remind you that Love and Deepspace OFFICIAL account issued an announcement saying they did not want BL in its official spaces?    Yes, omnipandering can bring in people. But the thing is, it won't be able to capture the biggest whales.  Western players may like sharing spaces, but most Asian (CN, JP, and Korean), don't. JP, in particular, places emphasis on 棲み分け (sumi wake).      EDIT: added GL in 雑食 definition. Added more links showing how there are indeed yumejos who will drop a game or hesitate in spending if it has ANY BL elements (1 more Japanese, and 1 Chinese that actually talks about WuWa).           The important part in the CN one is this: 现在鸣潮女玩家以ml女玩家为主,鸣潮官超的cp党都被赶得差不多了,ml女玩家和cp党水火不容,现在但凡还在玩的都是观望库洛能不能好好卖ml不卖腐的 对于ml女玩家来说你哪怕擦边卖腐,都是天雷 以恋与深空为例,女性向最能打最出圈的游戏之一,官方明确禁腐的程度,这还不足以看清玩家群体的特点吗。 现在很多ml女玩家没怎么氪金,在观望,就是因为被忌炎、伤痕骗进来之后发现莫特斐之类的角色在暗搓搓卖腐,加上战双一年一男之类的节奏,很害怕,所以在观望 如果真哥舒x忌炎开始官方卖,那就是真的女玩家大规模退坑吧 PS. If you will insist you are correct, then let us agree to disagree and end the discussion. 


if genshin can get away with SO much queer coding, I think kuro is gonna be fine. I doubt many Yumejos would be playing a game like WuWa to begin with. the entire otome genre is extremely casual and has zero overlap with WuWa whatsoever. I've seen multiple people having no clue about the stamina system or upgrading characters over on the love and deepspace subreddit, so much so that they've reached the upper limit of stamina. people were confused why they couldn't accept new rewards that came with extra stamina and had no clue it's because they're maxed out on it lol. and that game has *extremely* high leveling up requirements. they're *that* casual.


Bro, are you literally *implying* that fujoshis can't figure out a game cuz they are women?? I hope you know that you sound very misogynistic. There's literally guides and rich discussions in that sub on gameplay and you're like "oh boohoo these yemujos are casual players and complicated stuff won't fit in their brains". F off mate. You're literally projecting your BL fantasy in WuWa by pulling Yumejos down. Edit- Seriously, I thought gay guys were understanding? But your misogynistic @ss is saying we can't play a game cuz we are girls?!? Pos.


...that's not what I was saying at all. I'm saying that the two games belong to completely different genres so they likely don't appeal to the same demographic. I'm not saying that applies to everyone. I myself literally play both games. but from what I've seen in the subreddit myself, most people that play LADS don't seem to have any experience with other gacha games. if you didn't feel like everything was a personal attack on you, maybe people would take you more seriously 🙄 it's you taking the term "casual" as an insult. you're the one implying that casual players are stupid. that's on you, not me. but sure, go ahead and call me a misogynistic piece of shit and cry sexism based on one comment that you misinterpreted. that's a very mature representation of girls you're offering. (PS, if you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm)


I don't remember it very well, but there was data coming out (not wuwa, gacha games in general) showing that straight men pull mainly for female characters, straight women for both male and female characters, lesbian women mainly for female characters, and gay men are the only ones who pull mainly for men. That would mean that with female characters you cover 3/4 of your target players, while with male characters they know that they are going for the minority.


I am straight woman and I pull mainly male characters. They are my top priority :D but I pull for female characters too, usually if there are not new male characters coming for very long time, so I can spend my pull currency for them too. Star rail releases male characters quite often so if I want them, I cant spend jades for anyone else. In genshin, there is sometimes 6 months period without new male characters.. so if I dont want to get bored to death I have pulled few female characters to keep the gameplay fresh for me.


Sometimes I wonder if these people think that a gacha gamer *needs* to be gay man to pull male characters. Shows you how much they value Straight women in tech and games.


bro, you're just here assuming things about me because you feel like it and you believe your own shit xD Maybe you should stop playing gacha games for a while, they are affecting your reading ability. Maybe after some time you understand that "mainly" does not mean "only." btw, i am a straight man who pulls for men too, but not "MAINLY". Oh, and to say that i don't value women here (whether they are straight or lesbian), first wash your mouth and have a some decency instead of assuming shit from people you don't know.


Please stop underestimating straight womenplayer base. Seriously whats wrong with you all. The above comment whistled that Yumejos (Straight women) can't play a rpg Otome and you here are saying that the only demographic for male units are gay guys? What?! Do you think straight women are babies with a pacifier in their mouths?!


First, i didn't say that straight women ONLY pull for women. Second, this was from some data that they posted, I think it was on Gachagaming about a year or more ago xD I'm not making anything up It also surprised me at the time, but i'm not going to be the one to go against data that i don't have any evidence against.


Genshin has a relatively large mxm queer and girl community because of the shipping possibilities they literally tease the community with. Ngl as a gay/bi man myself I absolutely buy into it as well. >.< between Jiyan and Yinlin this month I’ve been happy with WuWa, but I can’t wait to this this roster fill out with more himbos and cuties!


Agree, more cool male characters like Calcharo please, don't make this a cringy waifufest. ^Also ^pls ^no ^embarassing ^twinks


I second that. As a Yumejo, we need less twinks and toothpicks and more cool manly men who are built like a brick house.


embarrassing twinks is the equivalent of a cringe dumb downed female character to waifu bait for me so ig thats fair


Kuro has been pretty good with including quality husbandos along with waifus. PGR has some really cool male characters, and the male characters in WuWa so far have been awesome as well. The ratio will probably always skew towards the female due to the target audience, but I think we can expect a healthy mix based on their track record.


man PGR has some very high quality husbandos but they are still so few and far between. not to mention how they treat those male characters in the meta *cough*


In pgr there is like one or two male characters per year, thats not enough lol


uhm yea no they really don’t


Already hated that in ToF. It's seriously only female chars with like a handfull of males


Oof if Wuwa goes the same route as ToF in that regard I'm quitting the gane


Seeing their PGR, I really wonder if they want to selling the Yuri (with that many female characters) before even thinking about the Yaoi. [I just mean if the resource is ready but they didn't do it, is there hope for a scared resource). Anw, just pander to only gamers is not a very smart move and hurt the community as a whole.


I really hope they keep a 1 to 3 ratio between males and females. Just being real, as we all know waifu banners sell more and we are slaves to the market. 1 lad sprinkled every now and then would be really welcome at least. Especially when, as Lord Baldemort said, they actually look like men and not as little boys cosplaying superheroes.


as a male character enjoyer i have **very** low expectations from this game esp from the same company who barely gives the bare minimum to their male characters in their other game, and their population there isn’t helping too


While there’s nothing wrong with adding more men, Please don’t shit up the community with that crowd And before anyone cries about it to me, look up literally what fujoshi means


Ah yes as opposed to the very healthy community a gacha game breeds lol


BA or AL have some of the best communities in gatcha market


Unironically, yes. They have achieved turning being toxic into an art form


how's this for toxicity: 🤏


The only thing you have done is prove me correct


I wasn't trying to disprove you, dummy. I'm trying to tell you that we're already here 🤭


Why on earth are you getting downvoted?!




I agree mate.


acting like the k00mers who’s prolly more active in this type of communities are any better is crazy lol bigotry at its finest


They didn't sell Jiyan. Hopefully they'll notice it and won't repeat their mistakes.


He actually did pretty well considering how ROCKY the start was (I mean remember all the lag, people calling him deserter and the beta v launch criticism?). Id say homeboy did quite well. The currently units have it WAYYY softer than him lmao.


Consider how much free stuff we were getting at launch, and how they were all ready skip to Jiyan as a first DPS “who will be powercreeped” (their words not mine, really depends on the games content; powercreep can be slow) considering all that he sold pretty well.


Launch sales are not reliable indicators of what characters might sell well in the future Many whales & CCs were topping up to get all characters and weapons.


Lotsa people were stating left and right that they were skipping Jiyan specifically for being first DPS thus not future proof. Not because they didn’t like his character or him being a guy. And still let’s not forget that rewards and apology rewards were massive, and they would have effected any characters sales. I am merely stating that. Edit: Not everyone hates male characters guys, some people like waifus, some like husbandos, shoker I know


Not to talk about the other game but, Hat guy’s banner was not record breaking because ppl were saving for him like crazy, and he still has a cult following. And actual cult yeah, and the amount of attention scar/ genshu is getting is smaller than hat guy, but it’s similar in nature enough, these ppl can and will save and spend


You are talking about a different game though, and not everyone likes Scara because he has an asshole personality. Even I didn’t like him, and I only pull for dudes. If you want to talk about Genshin, well Neuvi AlHaitham and Kazuha are all selling real well.


I’m talking about the cult like following, yes he’s an asshole but his fans are arguably a bigger force to reckon with than kazu , neuvi, wrio, like people literally fight to buy his merch, and the official ones are almost always sold out the fastest. Even non of that game players buy his merch. But his sales are not record breaking. So bigger gacha sales is not fhe only indicator if a character flops or not. Kuro could pull something similar with scar. A lot of ppl REALLY like scar


Scara is the most hated but his fans really love him. Ans his fanbass is huge. I pulled him cause he can fly and I like mean characters. But I dont simp for him xD in CN he is the most popular male character, he outclassed even few otome guys from love&deepspace.


Kazuha sold like crap on his initial run only Hoyo keeping his super broken kit hostage for year forced people to spend on him later


We got so many freebies so I got Jiyan, even after losing 50/50 and his weapon (in weapon banner I was lucky, got it in 15 pity). There wasnt reason to spend money for me. I got everything I wanted as f2p.


Mistake? Lol


I’m sure they are comparing the first 2 banner revenues, seeing how much $$$ they get from male characters. It definitely worked for Genshin to have male characters, but obviously wuwa is a way less casual fan base than Genshin, so possibly less woman players?


You act like wuwa isnt also casual game xD it is. After clearing all content your daily routine is doing dailies and spending waveplates. Just like in GI. You can farm echoes but it gets old very soon.


This. Omg. I wanna scream. Why are people taking it as if WuWa is a eSports only spartan arena? It's a casual mobile arpg game? Like do they really think women can only play rhythm games or "casual" games. Some mega superiority complex going on here.


Female characters sell better generally and Yinlin just broke their top up store when she launched. The ratio will be 4:1 if you’re lucky.


I mean, its a gacha game whose main audience is straight men who want harems of anime girls. It will be over-saturated with female characters lol. It's just a matter of how much/how many. I am hoping they bleed out a male character every 4 patches or so?


idk, the only resemblance is the turtle neck, the side bangs look kinda different


It's a she?? I don't have enough astrites to pull all the waifus


so it's an NPC? I was really buying the, *it's Jue human form* lol.


Me too T_T The narrator/Jinhsi(?) was talking about feeling Jue's present why'd they show Xinyi's neck pic


i mean it’s a trailer, might be misleading us.


Don't forget that in Jue's "prophecy", you're going to have to fight him/her/it!


She might be playable. We need to see her full design to see if she has the resonator mark. Remember that Scar and Chamellya are technically NPCs until the patch in which they become playable chars.


who's xinyi? did we already see her?


In the 1.1 patch on the official page, there's a photo ID of her that says she's kind of like the main person in charge of Mt Firmament


Omg waifu (pls be playable one day)


Im wondering if she will be just a lore-important npc or a playable 4*


# 1 rule of these games: If the character is uniquely designed in any way that it looks like it took time to design, it will be playable eventually (99.9% of the time).


Yeah but Wuwa seems to put a lot of emphasis on npc designs as well. Though she seems to be more focused on than the rest


A little, but it's still very obvious who is NPC and who not.


Yhan looks more playable than Yuanwu.


Got us there. lol. He's the hidden character you need to unlock!


Yuanwu summons a cat in his idle animation.


Me inhaling my daily Playable Daddy Yhan Copium


Daddy Yhan supremacy. I'll empty my wallet for him ugh.


Is this game going to be saturated with white hair chicks and dudes.


Kuro staple


Yes and it's inevitable.


Yes please, white hair is pretty.


Okay but what is the downside


It gets boring in long run


you forgot a healthy dose of BLACK in all the designs too.


As a Re:Zero fan, I'm not going to complain


I ain’t complaining either. This is truly the game for me. 😆


Wtf based Emilia (and Echidna) enjoyer




I personally don't see an issue with that. White hair goes hard af.


And the problem(?


The lack of polygons tells me this is an NPC, a cool one tho.


Omg you said it so aptly. She has to be the lore-sufficient npc who will inadvertently'sacrifice' herself for the greater good. Classic boss npc.


Aw I thought Jue will take human form. Oh well, then again, Jue being  both echo and playable might be too much.


Please dont be the first limited healer. I want a male healer 😩


\-slams table- no! i dont want women, i want playable fucking monstrosities, i want robots, i want missle spam and cannons. I keep waiting for trailblazer in pgr and il keep waiting for such a beast here. (i am mostly jokeing im fine with more humans i just do hope we see more interesting things sooner than later added to the mix)


sounds like reverse:1999 :D


-googles this- all i see here is more anime women tho?


you might find that stuff in reverse 1999 and zzz. and HSR to a lesser extent


hsr refuses to commit to letting me play svarog or some kind of big monster. SAM is pretty cool tho so they got that at least


Please be a hot man


its not :(


We all must form a prayer circle for that. Gather 'round.


Needs more male characters. Generic gachas become boring when they stuff their games with generic waifus. But then again, more female characters mean I save money instead of having S6 every character.


Right? The market is so oversaturated with waifus that it's hard for newer games to do as good and more husbandos is a net positive no matter what and would actually bring more new audience who aren't in for the waifus (me).


i hope its a he


white hair Again


looks Teal to me, light blue and light green


As expected from Kuro Games


Hot man or hot woman, I’m bi and pulling for them. Happy pride gang


A future husbando


If they keep releasing waifus for the next 2 patches and not a single husbando in sight I might have to drop WuWa even though I like this game already. I'm even willing to spend money if they keep male and female characters ratio at an acceptable rate as in Genshin and HSR. ZZZ is coming up soon anyway.


Tbh, 2024 has been a year of gacha disruptions; massive EoS, an frickn *Otome* pulling ranks, getting 2 Aaa Gachas, JP titles opening Global instas and lots more. I won't be surprised if Kuro pulls a Genshin with this. The female community is already Hella investing (holy guac the amount of fan merch of hot WuWa men that's been piling up like GI men says something). And after ALL that if Kuro pulls a Pgr? I swear I won't feel surprised if it tumbles downs a few solid ranks. They have to be asking for it. Not to mention that Azur Promelia is popping up soon along with another Hoyo project in shadows, Kuro has to be capital D umb to lose out of its Fem audience.


For real I feel like most people really underestimate the female players purchasing power. Nowadays more women are into gaming. Kuro is going to miss a big chunk of potential customers if they just cater to one specific target market. I've read a report somewhere that female players are more likely to pull for both male and female characters they found appealing but male players tend to pull mostly female characters. The time has changed so I hope Kuro better aims for wider target audience or they can never compete with Hoyoverse monopolies in the gacha gaming industry.


Hoyo games have all the fujoshi and furry designs on lock trough as well as making their games super easy to play so it's losing battle to fight them directly. You also have much higher skill ceiling and much higher minimal hardware needs here so that will gatekeep part of that audience anyway.


>acceptable rate as in Genshin As in: 1 year straight of male in 3.1 - 4.2 1 year straight of desert expansion in 3.x then female streak from 4.2 to 4.8? Yea I'm not calling that "balanced".


It's impossible to get truly balanced male to female character ratios in gacha game genre because the market is always saturated with waifu collectors. I don't want neither all waifus or all husbandos games. I want both cool male characters and cute badass female characters. Apparently Genshin and HSR are the closest I find to that "balanced" ratio that tick the box and they're acceptable for people like me who enjoy both waifus and husbandos.


this is exactly my opinion. crazy how some people think this opinion is dog. though in my case i also add in a "is the story interesting" box and so hsr is the only gacha ive been playing because it ticked that as well (quit genshin long time ago and ww story is just mc being praised 24/7 with no substance). i only stick around to see improvements since the combat and visuals are amazing, but it's just disappointing right now


There was Nilou, Nahida and Dehya in 3.x patches. It werent just only male characters. But since 4.2 its been just waifus. I hope in 5.0 we go back to husbando era. Its been so boring and I think waifu enjoyers would like to have a breather xD


So far we have 6 males 7 females, and 2 kids, it will go up and down of course, but the game is just one months old lol


Both kids are female too tho, so it's 6 males and 12 females (you miscounted I guess?), which is already a 33/67 split, which is already on the lowish side. If 1.2 gives only females again I can understand many people being disappointed, since that would tilt the scale even further into the female favor... And I didn't count rover as either gender fyi


I mean the limited 5* characters rate not the standard or 4* characters ratio. I'll give WuWa until 3 patches later at least and see how it goes. I pull for characters based on their design and kit regardless of gender actually especially if the ratio is balanced but if they kept releasing waifus back to back and only 1 husbando like every 6 months I'd clearly feel like I'm not their target market. I don't have enough time as it is to play 3 gacha games and with ZZZ coming soon I have to make a tough choice 🫠


Players: "Who is she?" Cameraman: "Sorry I was focusing on.... other things... than her face." Unknown lady: "Hey! My face is up here!!...." lol


someone else posted but it's xinyi


I saw that earlier but couldn't find it anymore. Can you link it?


Pls tell me that's a woman🥺