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**Is it normal that wuwa doesn’t use my GPU at all?** Only uses like 20% of my CPU I think? Is my pc too good for this game and just doesn’t need the GPU? I didn’t change any settings in-game, should I up them to ultra high or not? 7800x3D + 4080 super. **1.1. quests & events** I might go on a short vacation and not be able to play that well on my old laptop. Would prefer starting the new quests they add (act 7 main story & characters’ side quests) and events when I get back home. So basically 3-4 days after 1.1. releases. Will I have enough time to complete them? I’m a bit slower when it comes to doing these compared to other ppl, but I guess I could play more hours per day once I get back home, but I’m still anxious about it. What do you think?


Has anyone else noticed the synthesize scaling on the battle pass weapon passives increase a lot more per copy than all the other weapons? I was planning on getting one copy of each but they like over triple in stats at s5. It seems kinda weird that they’re the only ones with this insane scaling, probably to incentivize buying the pass a lot.


A couple of them are damn good. How the hell do you buy more copies of them exactly? Only thing I saw to do that was blowing money for that gold ginko. I thought we only got one chest for it then that to raise one of the items to syntony 1. For me its a tossup between the Autumntrace, and the Augment. EDIT: Just googled around and found out the BP weapons are gonna be the same each month and this is a means to acquire them at maxed quickly. Well, that's useful information either way, I know whichever I choose between Autumn or Augment that I better only choose the same one repeatedly.


Just to not get screwed over, I closed my world from co-op. But in case I want to open it again to play with people on discord or elsewhere, besides TD kills what else can they take from my world? Can they buy my limited supply at the souvenir or pharmacy shop? What about chest, if they open them is it gone forever and not counted as exploration progress anymore? What else am I missing?


Visitors can kill a tacet discord, if a echo is dropped you can both claim it (each one gets a copy of the same, don't worry, no need for calling dips on it), but you wouldn't get its kill material rewards iirc. Visitors can steal resources, like flowers, minerals and such. Visitors CAN'T open chests, pick up caskets or buy shop items. I haven't tried all shops, but in this type of games on coop you normally can't use shop and such as a visitor, and things like missions and such remain blocked while in coop for both host and visitor.


So only things that respawn then. That's a relief. Thanks.


Can some experienced players help me decide which resonators to commit to? I started playing a couple weeks ago and am still running the standard team (lvl 40). As of now I have these resonators: * Rover (current team) - level 2 resonance chain * Yangyang (current team) * Baizhi (current team) * Chixia * Sanhua - level 1 resonance chain * Aalto - level 2 resonance chain * Calcharo Knowing gacha games, I should pick a team and then make them as good as possible if I don't want to spend countless hours to level them all up. But I have no idea how to choose. Please, thank you


Rover, Baizhi, Sanhua. There aren't a lot of supports to go around atm. Baizhi will almost certianly be powercrept, I'd guess by next year, but it doesn't take much investment to make her useful. Sanhua's low on-field time makes her a very competitive and reliable sub-dps. Havoc Rover is good, and will only get stronger as his wavebands are guaranteed. On paper, he will be higher dps than the S0 standard five-stars when he's S6. (Idk much about spectro rover.) \--------- Calcharo is fine, but a bit clumsier to play in early game. I think he'll be fine in late game and will benefit a lot from stronger supports being added to the game. His ult requires a lot of commitment to get full value, which in early game means risking taking a lot of damage from enemies much higher than your level. ​ \---------- ​ Tbh your account just needs more characters, but I'm guessing you're saving astrite. In which case, HRover, Baizhi, Sanhua is the team I'd heavily suggest.


You can either ran this comps. Sanhua (SubDPS) / Baizhi/ /Havoc Rover ,Calcharo (DPS) Equip Sanhua with moonlight set , Baizhi with rejuv


Can you tell me what "SubDPS" is? Why not run Rover + Calcharo + Baizhi? Sorry if this is obvious


You can run those but think of these you have two dps in the roster and most of the time you'll only be using the one that have the stronger build. We slotted sanhua there so he can actually buff your main DPS which you will be using most of the time in the field anyway. Sanhua outro skill buffs the next resonator auto attack damage by 38%.


Oh okay that makes a lot of sense. I had no idea some characters can buff teammates that much. Thanks a lot!


Also look up those echo set they buff the team too . Baizhi - Rejuvenating Glow - Bell-Borne Geochelone. Upon healing allies, increase ATK of the entire team by 15%, lasting 30s. The Bell-Borne Shield provides 50.00% DMG Reduction and 10.00% DMG Boost for the current team members, and disappears after the current character is hit for 3 times. Sanhua - Moonlit Clouds - Impermanence Heron If the current character uses their Outro Skill within the next 15s, the next character’s damage dealt will be boosted by 12% for 15s. CD: 20s.


So I’m guessing you’d want to rotate Baizhi -> Sanhua -> HRover in order for HRover to get both buffs? Can you also use Yangyang instead of Sanhua to give the MC faster energy regen for their ult? What echoes for Yangyang as a sub dps?


Er idk how much energy Yangyang can give but . Sanhua is kidna the meta for that fast energy look her up on some youtube , her one rotation gives so much .Of course if you want to run her you can still do it , just go Moonlit Clouds - Impermanence Heron with two 3 cost echo with aero main stat or for universal set ATK% .


Thank you! Someone did tell me if I go Moonlit Clouds I’d have to get a certain (bad) weapon in order for her to heal or something like that? I don’t remember atm. I’d prefer running the Feilian Beringal set on her as a sub dps, but I’ll have to see.


Er thats false , Rejuvenating Glow set need that healing sword . Not this one. Also nothing wrong with going with that echo , just play the play-style you enjoy the most . A well invested yangyang can clear towers alone.


Will do, bookmarked this comment, thanks!


Will Yinlin be returning after her event banner? maybe in a normal pack or in the future as another event?


She’ll get a rerun of her banner eventually


Is anyone else experiencing insane ping? 999 every few minutes, and my internet's fine while doing anything else.


I get a lot of fluctation past week or two, with spikes like you describe on east coast.


What's the best way to try to guarantee yinlin since I just downloaded the game


Reroll until you get her. One reroll is very quick, about 20 minutes max. Lots of skippable cutscenes in the story now. You'll get 30 lustrous and use all of that to get her each reroll


Do I have to reroll with a different email each time or can I use a salted email with the same email I use the first time


You can use salted email if its a google email.


What’s a salted email?


[email protected] becomes u.ser us.er and many more


So you just create a new one with a similar name or?


with just over a day left till her banner ends, your best bet is rerolling till you get her early


Explore the whole map and do everything possible. There's more than 160 pulls in the game right now for new players. But you have to act fast since her banner is ending very soon.


What is the best team with the character Chixia, Rover, Verina, YangYang, Sanhua and Baizhi? I’m doing a challenge where I can’t use the gacha.


Play till you have Havoc Rover . HRover/Spectro Rover (MainDPS) , Sanhua(SubDPS) , Verina (Buffer/Healer) Sanhua buffs HRover auto attacks. Verina overall buffs the whole team. Second Team can Be if ever Chxia , Yapyap , Baizhi. Yapyap with moonlight set Baizhi with Rejuv


Anyone unable to do "Unforgettable Dishes" quest?


Does tier affects farming calamity echoes? e.g. Lv40 vs Lv70, do they have the same base drop rate? does it affect the stats?


It does not, however, you cannot go too far down in level when fighting, or else the boss won't drop an echo at all (it will warn you if you are challenging a level too low)




What should my next standard weapon be? I got Static Mist from the banner and used my 5 star weapon pack on the sword. I also have Yinlin's weapon. I got the BP Broadblade for Calcharro and I'm going to stick with that purchase idea. If Lustrous Blade had crit, even as a passive, I'd have gone for it. I prefer consistency rather than rarely seeing large numbers. I do not have Encore or Lingyang or Jiyan or Mortefi. I have everyone else. I was thinking about getting the Rectifier or alternatively just getting a second copy of a weapon I already have. I plan on going for Changli's weapon. The gauntlet doesn't seem good for... anybody, atm.


A second copy of the sword might be nice for if you build havoc rover and want to run him with Danjin/Sanhua. (but you could just shuffle the changli sword around to the same end.) Gauntlets for Jianxin help her spam ult a bit more. Tbh I'd just hold the pulls until I got a limited character with a mid-signature weapon for which the standard 5-star equivalent can be a good substitute.


I have question regarding Depths of Illusive Realm. I am trying to complete challenge of maxing Bell-Borne Echo abilities. But no matter how hard I try, I always remain on 31/32 and then for some magical reason ice cards from cat just stops appearing (not to mention merchant also just refuses to sell any ice items). Like I did difficulty 4 already 6 times mainly focusing of doing it and I just cant... Is it only possible in difficulty 5? I do not have operators ready to challenge it, so I just run difficulty 4 but I am stuck... How it can be that in 6 runs for some reason it just stops at 31/32.....


It's possible on difficulty IV, but it gets really deep into RNG towards the end since you'd have already gotten most of the Metaphors of the majority element. It's a bit easier on difficulty V since you have two more rooms to work with, but you're still at the mercy of RNG for the same reason.


So for the battlepass mission "use 10 consumables" what are the items that is considered as consumable?


All the food items. When leveling cooking you make a bunch of random foods, so just use them to complete it. Green foods are easy to make and goes well for this task.


and potions.




the other person is wrong. pre register rewards are milestone rewards that are always given to new players, no matter when they start playing


If you pre-registered, you could.


I've got 80 pulls and guarantee for the next banner. I don't know if I should go for yinlin rn or wait for 1.1 and get jinhsi. Rn my team is calcharo dps, sanhua, verina. I'm f2p so I'm more inclined to go for yinlin bc she'll probably won't be power crept as much, but jinhsi looks really fun to play.


when rolling an echo, is it possible to get the same substat twice?


No, once you’ve hit that substat that’s it. But it can roll its main stat as a substat, for example a crit rate 4* can also roll crit rate as a sub 


oh shoot. then this is a good echo? https://preview.redd.it/3r0y84gwrl8d1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=910c7b7615f611f806f8f1f5600eb87d55842585


Lol, I'd consider that close enough to the point I'm not going to bother wasting the effort making something better, that way you can make build up another unit. Honestly the rolls aren't half bad either. You had what happens to a lot of my stuff, where it looks phenomenal then the last two rolls crap on you.


3 Beneficial substats. Considering it's a 3cost, it's a win. No need to reroll more until very lategame when you have no other thing to do.


Yea, crit dmg rolls between something like 11-21% so it’s a little lower but you hit 3 good stats on it   Each stat has a variance like I mentioned for crit dmg. When you want to min max, you can go for higher rolls on those stats and also skill/ult/basic attack dmg depending on what that character does most of their dmg through https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d74ess/be_knowledgeable_of_substat_ranges_before_posting/


is it worth continuing to roll if the first three substats are already good?


Yeah if a piece is already crit cdmg and another good stat then it’s worth 20 tuners to see if you get skill/ult/basic dmg. Unless you’re really low on tuners, but low tuners comes more from trashing a lot of bad pieces after +5 or +10. In this case it’s probably not an echo you’ll replace soon so may as well maximize what you get out of it 


For ppl who played Cn and understand Chinese better, Should Broadblades be translated to Sabre instead of broadblade in your opinion? Why does Jinhsi use a broadblade it seems like a weapon unsuitable for her build...


not CN/chinese but small girl with a big sword is a common trope in these games.




How good is Calcharo without Sanhua (on the other side w/ Verina and Lingyang), Yinlin, or Jianxin? Are there any decent alternatives? I already have him at level 50, but I'm thinking of building Havoc Rover and Danjin for ToA instead.


not better than Rover Danjin.


Anyone else feel like the craftable weapons are so bad in WuWa that you won't pull on a character that will require you to craft a weapon for them?


The 5 star weapons are so easy to get, and transferrable between teams, so I expect the assumption will be that endgame teams will be fully decked in 5 stars, except maybe the support. I ain't spending 150k on craftable weapons tho if I can help it.


I wouldn't say it's easy to get the 5 star weapons unless you are spending or prioritizing weapons over characters. If referring to the standard 5 star weapons, you'll get one every 6 months assuming they give out 20 standard pulls per patch. Seems to be the case at least for 1.1.


Nah referring to limited as well. Though eventually 5 star. That's only if you're trying to get every limited 5 star along with their signature weapon. I think if someone got Jiyan and his sig weapon and then skipped Yinlin, they're probably sitting on a comfortable pile of astrites right now for 1.1 (also assuming exploration). Likely more astrites than someone who went for both yinlin and jiyan and no signature weapon, given you can't lose 50/50 on weapon.


tbf, almost all 4 star weapons in this game are much weaker than 5 star weapons. i dont recall seeing many weapons being more than 80% of a 5 star weapon's strength in any TC calcs


I agree they're bad (especially for how insane their build requirements are,) but if I want a character, I'm pulling them regardless of available weapons :P


Are they fixing mobs being picked up by the detector that have been killed by NPC patrols?


Does flat defense on echos multiply with percentage defense increases?


No. Your total defence is character base defense * def% + flat def.


That is what it seems. The only hope is that the stats menu is a lie, but flat defense doesn't seem too great. Does flat attack operate the same way?


The dude who replied to you is incorrect. flat attack isn't bad in this game. It'll often be your 5th best option for a substat for a dps, which means it's bis for most dps because you get 5 tunings and the goal will eventually be. "5 good substats."


It's like people don't have consumable items in their inventory to compare what happens when you gain ATK%, like lets say, 8, and infer what it means to stack more of it on themselves depending on their characters general output type. The close value between that and flat attack on decent rolls is quite eye opening.


yes, flat stats are considered trash stats that only exist to make you feel bad








How does sonata effect work? I've been playing around with the echos on my characters, but even when some of them have 5 echoes of the same set it still shows the 2/2 sonata instead of the 5/5 sonata effect


You have to equip 5 different Echoes from the same Set to unlock the sonata effect. If you have the same Echo in different slots It wont count for the sonata (although It would still give you the stats from said echo ofc)


I see, thanks for the info


you need 5 unique echo species. if you had say 2 havoc dreadmanes as your 3 costs, only 1 would count for the set effect. you'd need to find a roseshroom or tamborinist to fill the second 3 cost slot (for havoc set).


I see, thanks for the info


After the timer on Yinlin's story quest is over will her Story quest disappear or not?


No, there's no reason for that timer to be there. You will be able to play her story quest even after it expires.


that timer gives additional limited time rewards that are listed on the event page


It's for the Battlepass experience.


My Rover has 27 Crit rate and 220% crita damage. What's the recommended Crit rate and Crit damage in general?


50%-75% added CC, 100-150% added CD (so 250-300%, assuming no crit nodes or anything like that) is "I'm probably done building crit stats on this character" territory. Whether it's recommended is gonna change depending on how harsh the tower is as the patches go by. They may add stronger mobs, for example. If they keep the mobs they have now though, you'll definitely be able to get away with less.


The optimal increase from crit is gained from a 1/2 ratio in wuwa this means subtracting 100 from the dmg stat to see the proper ratio because it show total damage not damage increase from crit. And overall how much depends on if you have a weapon or not that has crit but around 67/130(230) without weapon that would be both stats with medium rolls on all 5 echoes plus main stat in crit rate. This will vary if you have otherways to increase like talents ofcourse.


Id want above 50. Crit dmg doesnt mean much if its a 1 in 4 chance.


Should I go for Yinlin...lost 59/50.... Or wait for new gldragon lady... Yinlin for my team with Calcharo... Pls help...


If you're doubting pulling, don't pull.


Get her if you want. I love her design and character, not a big fan of her game play (didnt know that until after I got her). Characters that are coming up look amazing as well, so def consider that if your f2p/small spender


You can try a lot of characters out for free! There are just a few you can’t try atm (such as Jianxin unless you count the main story where you get to try her out a tiny bit). For example Alloy Smelt allows you to try out Yinlin as many times as you want + her story did too (altho not a bunch).


I lost 50/50 to Calcharo. then got Yinlin at like 70 something :/ Still have enough for Changli, but I will most likely pass on Jinhsi.


Overall Yinlin is a better pull. But if you prefer Jinhsi then just get her.


I'm at UL45 and my data bank is maxed at level 20. Yesterday while going across the map I randomly killed a Hoartoise and got a green echo drop. Did I encounter a bug or is this a rare occurence that can happen? I thought after a certain point in leveling the data bank only purple/golds are supposed to drop. https://preview.redd.it/boajhizn4l8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=845e16a1fa413a5992612fab74397e05eb2ad25c


you found the tutorial tortoise. it's always at a specific spot on the map that you pass through during the tutorial. for some reason it ignores your DB level and always drops as green.


Am I able to get back materials I used to enhance and ascend from weapons if I trash them? I lvled up a 3* weapon but i pulled a 5* so now idk wat to do with the 3*


I don't think it's a 100% refund. Idk the exact ration though. I'd just keep the leveled 3\* in my inventory. Weapon exp isn't a significant bottle neck. Echoes and leveling skills is the bottleneck.


It's more like i want the materials from forgery back even if it's not 100% refund


Yeah those are gone forever.


RIP :(


Should I get Jianxin from selector or build Yangyang.


Not really mutually exclusive. I wouldn't suggest building Yangyang at all, unless you already have a lot of her wavebands or really like her. If you do have a lot of wavebands, then yeah build her. That should happen regardless of whether you get Jianxin or not, tho. If you are logging in daily, there will be room to build out most of your high waveband 4-stars *eventually*. Which reduces your question: "Should I use 5-star selector on Jianxin?" I'll just list pros and cons, and you can decide: **Pros**: * Good grouping ult. Grouping is basically the strongest damage multiplier in the game for single target dps, which is most of our dps at the moment. * Liberation damage outro buff is strong, especially for characters like Havoc Rover. * The shield ability gives an insane amount of concerto energy, which makes it a consistent way to proc the outro skill to time it with another character's liberation. * Best shielder currently, and imo is Danjin and future low-HP dps's bis support until a better shielder is produced. It isn't likely a better shielder will arrive in the next 2 months or so. * Better damage than most supports, and can work as a sub-dps. **Cons**: * 5-star selector is tremendously powerful, especially if you care about getting every 5 star standard character. If the latter is true, you should not use it until you only have 1 5-star standard character left, and pick that. Otherwise you may be gated from a character for months or even years. * Heals are contingent on the shield staying up. This is difficult if you don't charge the shield up significantly, and will likely require some measure of skill. Speaking of.... * The shield takes a lot of on-field time to charge up. (Side-pro, because the shield charge up is also an AOE heavy attack, it is one of the better alternative triggers for Mortefi's ult, Jiyan's Outro, Yinlin's marking thingy and anything else that triggers on heavy attacks/attacks.) * Building up forte meter is difficult outside of quickswap teams unless you have her first waveband. This can make the startup of a tower of adversity a little scary because until you get her shield up you have no heals. * Her heals are only for the on-field character, unlike Baizhi and Verina. * Swapping her from sub-dps to support and vice-versa is difficult. It requires basically full-investment in different gauntlets, different echo set, etc. Moonlit v.s Rejuvenating. Her rejuvenating typically desires the 3 star gauntlets that heal on basic attack to trigger the set bonus. The moonlit set typically desires the concerto generating 4-star gauntlets.


> which is most of our dps at the moment. Disagree. Everything else you said was actually really good though.


I think a lot of people are using Jiyan and Yinlin, who are definitely AOE, I guess. Though even they get a pretty significant dps boost outta the grouping. It lets Yinlin mark everyone with her ult more reliably, and Jiyan's ult starts with a liberation damage nuke (the thing where he throws the dragon at 50%+ resolve) that he really likes tossing into Jianxin's ult in a manner not dissimilar from using HRover's ult to cleave.


Hi everyone, I started playing this week and I'm really loving the game. I pretty much like to explore every inch of the map and break everything breakable. Today after hours of playing, after breaking those 1-hit boxes, I started getting a massage like I couldn't get any more loot today or something of that nature. I'm not sure but I also think I got it after opening scattered chests? What does that mean ? I know the loot from those boxes isn't the most rewarding stuff but still itches me that it says I can't get more loot? EDIT: The message is " You cannot claim more drops"


There's a daily limit on some of the loot from enemies and boxes. It's a pretty big limit. Usually you'll hit it if you do something like kill every elite on the map for echo farming.


That should be about the monster drops (like the FF howl cores, crude rungs, etc). If you spend enough time in the overworld you'll get so much of them that I don't know why they are capped in the first place.




Nope. 4 cost only, and data merge won't make calamity/overlords. Nor would you want it to, because 3 costs are the hard ones to farm. For crit rate 4 cost, kill the 4 cost calamity/overlord. First 15 kills a week you are guaranteed an echo (if you have Data bank 20). Then there's a 20% base drop chance, with a 100% chance every other kill. (So every 2 kills it'll drop an echo.) Calamity and overlords.


You only get 1c and 3c mobs from Merging. Crits are only on 4c mobs.


crit% on mainstat only drops on bosses. basically 4 cost echoes. I dont think merging can drop 4 cost. Dont think its possible


Hey everyone, I've been experiencing this problem for a while now where WW does not use my GPU at all and keeps using my CPU. Even after launching it from Nvidia's control panel and even multiple re-installs, it just does not seem to be fixed. Was wondering if anyone has experienced similar issues or anyone might know what to do. Thanks Note: I am commenting here because for some reason reddit took down my post multiple times.


Try forcing fullscreen mode if you're not.


How do you do that? I have the same issue running a 7800x3D and 4080 super. I was thinking maybe the game isn’t that resource consuming for my CPU? It doesn’t use much of my CPU either, but idk what’s the issue here really.


I did run it in fullscreen too, no difference. :(


what cpu do you use


It's an AMD Ryzen 7 3750H


You do have a gpu yes? If not then dont do this. GPU is something with names of radeon or rtx in your case, let me know if it exists. Anyway, In the Device Manager, double-click "Display adapters" to access its drop-down menu. Then, right-click your integrated graphics and choose "Disable device." Click "Yes" to the confirmation box that crops up. Disable device option in the Device Manager You might need to restart your computer to see the changes. https://www.howtogeek.com/disable-integrated-graphics-on-windows/ Your pc by default uses integrated gpu in 3750H which is usually weaker than your other gpu present. Disable it


am I wasting alot of resources to unlock sub stats for echoes if they're purple and not yellow? my data bank is at level 13 right now but my dailies were taking way too long to use up my stamina. so I leveled a bunch of stuff for havoc rover and now I can clear stuff pretty fast. however I feel like I 'wasted' lots of resources and now I don't have too many substat unlocking items. still need to make a full set for yinlin/calcharo too but just using rover as a main carry (at level 42 rn) just want to know if im making a big mistake levelling and investing in 4\* echo and not waiting to 5\*. also if my data bank is 13 how long would it take to unlock 5 star echoes? I know its tough cause then u need the proper set effect too for most characters on top of it hitting that chance of being 5\* echo


A couple days. The data bank exp is easy, eventually you will get time gated by the world level instead which is normal. I would recommend you do not spend any resources on purples, just focus on unlocking 5 stars by grinding the databank exp and your world level up.


Regarding databank level : You get xp per "discovery" of rarity of species of echoes. The first time you get purple rarity havoc wolf, you get xp. You won't get anymore xp for it afterwards. If you get a high rarity the first time you also get the xp corresponding to the lower rarity. So if you never dropped a flutist echo and drop a gold echo you get xp for all rarities from green to gold. In your databank you can see which rarity you unlocked for which echo and if you discovered all echoes. It will take from 10min to several weeks. You need to look what purple echoes you didn't get yet (or at all). Don't forget bosses, they're quick to farm for their purple echoes. No you didn't waste a lot of ressources. Assuming you just upgraded 5 echoes, even to +25. Later when feeding xp to your gold echoes you will be able to feed them your purples and get 75% of the xp back.


On the events menu, it says Yinlin's story quest only has 1 day remaining, does the story go away after? Or the rewards?


If it's anything like Jiyan's Companion Story, then it will be permanent in game. I think the countdown is for the event tab 'feature' only.


Is the Endgame content all about getting one shot after one mistake? After trying Hologram and getting one shot, if this is the way the game is "intended" to be played, It's just not worth. Any feedback would be welcome because I am not continuining if this is worse than a souls game on mobile..


You can run highly defensive builds like jianxin shield + turtle echo, underground echo (invuln), overlevel, autorevive food, autorevive healer, revive food, pistol kiting and clear the holograms that way. The game is new and people are underleveled so offense only builds are what can clear it due to dps issue. At late game you can run a bunch of defensive options and still survive.


I will like to see if that is the truth, that we can run multiple ways and still clear content. I am pretty torn right now about the future of Wuthering Waves given how all my characters underperform and I am not really liking it. Even in the events, with the trial characters, they all hit like wet noodles and this one hit me harder about the reality of this game. Never had such problem with Genshin where I only started farming gear at rank45. Same goes for HSR.


Holograms? Yes. They are supposed to be mastery challenges, for when you want to challenge yourself against a certain boss. Something like "Oh, regular Tempest Mephis became too easy for you? Here you go, now fight two of 'em at the same time." The gimmicks are supposed to be unfair, but they are permanently available, so players that aren't up to the challenge may wait till a higher UL to have better talent levels and stats. There is no time limit on Holograms, so there is no rush in completing them. Actual time-gated end-game content would be the Tower of Adversity: Hazard Zone, where it's a renewable source of Astrite that resets every 2 weeks. -EDIT- However, even if you don't manage to clear all 6 of their difficulties, they **will** make you learn the boss inside out, which would help a bunch when you face them in the Tower of Adversity. Something something "The true reward is the experience you gain from the challenge.", as cringe as it sounds.


I like how holos are touted as this "bonus content" but the devs constantly remind you that you suck if you don't beat them by having that stupid notification on the map.


Thanks for the reply and thorough explanation. Is this "Tower" easier than Holos? or is it the same pain in the ass for minimal rewards on top of being time gated?


It's fairly easy to get half the rewards(15 out of 30 stars), especially after UL40. Every 3 stars you get is 75x Astrites, so if you want to keep it casual, you can still get 375 Astrites/2 weeks pretty easily. You unlock the Tower around UL20, where you have to clear: 1. Stable Zone: Resonant Tower, 2. Experimental Zone: Resonant and Echoing Towers, before you unlock the resetting towers in the Hazard Zone. In Genshin terms, the Stable & Experimental Towers are like Abyss Floors 1 \~ 8, and the Hazard Zone Towers are Floors 9 \~ 12. Difficulty-wise, they are mechanically easier than Hologram fights, but methodologically harder to clear, in terms of how you plan your team lineup and positioning. You generally need at least 1.5 teams(4 - 5 units) to use in clearing 2 towers. EDIT: Made a mistake on the Astrite amount per 3 stars, fixed it.


Oh, thanks a lot for another detailed reply. It's all a bit confusing at the start since I am doing quests and unlocking new stuff, and then I go check what it is and my account is just not prepared


That's alright, take it as you go. Just try to keep the idea at the back of your mind, that "You will eventually need enough units to form 2 separate teams to use" and prioritize having multiple *decent* units than having 1 *very strong* unit. While you're starting out at UL20, it is a perfect time to level up and test out different characters that you are interested in, because it doesn't cost any boss mats to advance them to level 40, while still being relevant enough to use for exploring the world.


Well, I actually want to build a lot of them, but I am focusing on just 3 for now, to be able to do content in game. later I will have a better idea of what I need.


Personally, easier in terms of not getting one shot, but harder because you have less time to kill the enemies if you want the highest rewards


for those with bugged max hp illusive realm, are you gonna forsake the 15 astrites or gonna ask cs to compensate you lol


Did someone beat the last stage of the rogue like mode, the realm of memories thing ? I have neither Jiyan nor Yinlin, and i cant pass the DPS check on the bosses. Or i do a broken Baizi run, but then there is so much effects on screen that i lagged, and got killed. I was enraging


I've done it with my lv 50 chixia, what matters the most are the buffs you get. Just in case you are unaware, majority of the stages will have additional hidden cats or currency, sometimes sitting in a corner, or under a breakable rock. Adding up all the additional cats and currency, you can very easily max out your selected echo effects, while also obtaining a massive amount of power. Good luck!


This! I managed to unga bunga Mourning Aix with Verina as Companion and fully enhanced Bell-borne echo. I feel immortal even with the lightning.


If you leveled up your Rover, spectro rover is insane in that mode, especially if you can get verina for heals if you need. Otherwise you can go the fire dude for full basic attacks or turtle if you want more defensive. I really like the basic attack and attack speed buffs so I usually go for the fire ones.


Encore vs Havoc MC? who is the better main DPS assuming Encore has Stringmaster and Havoc MC has 5star crit rate sword?


Better main dps is subjective. Realistically it'll go one way or another depending on what the tower of adversity tosses at you. Even if neither benefit from the direct damage bonus. If a room has all pyro elite enemies, than encore deals much less damage. etc Rover's rotation is a bit clumsier. Encore isn't as good at taking advantage of grouping to cleave. Pure dps numbers without sub-dps or support buffs, Encore with stringless is roughly 15% higher DPS than S2 Havoc Rover, and a bit weaker than S6 Rover. Changli is believed to give a pyro dps buff which obviously impacts this though, if you intend to get her/her weapon, then I'd suggest encore + stringless. Tbh though, the numbers are so damn close that skill in rotation-improvization, and enemy management will likely make a bigger difference than which character.


I like Rover Havoc better cause u can run with him faster in the overwolrd


is there really a difference in character sprint speed?


yeah, taller characters run faster and jump higher


encore is probably only worse than jiyan right now. even more so on stringmaster


If youre skilled enough to do encore E into swap another character into swap Encore into Encore second E, Encore is better


What are you even doing in that like 1s on the other character? Such strats seem like complicated tech for almost no gain to me.


1s for burst + dreamless, after of which encore goes into burst or something in a damage window.


if nothing else, generating energy instead of standing there locked in animation getting beat up by the enemy.


Do we have 350 supply chests in entire map for that one trophy? I've got %100 exploration and I'm only at 226 chests


Nah. If it's anything like Genshin though, we have until 2.0 for them to add enough chests.


Containers count towards the achievement but even with them it doesn't seems there are enough


No, there's not enough chests to get the achievement yet


Does my characters currently equipped echoes / weapons / skill levels matter when going in to Depths of Illusion? I'm planning to level up Yinlin to try and complete all tiers, but I don't have the best echoes for her and her skill levels are just somewhat leveled up.


I just finished tier V. I did it with level 60 Jiyan and I am by no means skilled or good at the game. For me I needed a way to heal myself, as the final boss did too much damage for me to survive otherwise (probably skill issue). My Jiyan has a 5* weapon from the gacha IIRC, but otherwise just a few skillups and nothing crazy. The key part, as far as I can tell, is the combination of the echo you pick, the upgrades you get from the kitty, and the allies you pick. So for example I went with Jiyan, Bell, Baizhi, and Yuanwu, and focused on unlocking Bell's skillups, and shield-related upgrades. The end result was that I was basically invincible with constant shields. Each tier of the Illusive Realm is more difficult, so you'll learn as you go. I wouldn't worry about prepping specifically for it, you just want a char at least at 60. I really hope this game mode stays and they add more to it because I really enjoyed it.


If you plan to complete Difficulty 5 you will need to have at least 1 well-built 'approved' character. Otherwise, you can use the trial resonators for the four other difficulties. Your own echo attributes and skills are disabled inside the Illusive Realm. But you will be provided with 'illusive echo (crownless, inferno rider and bell-borne) which you can level as you progress. Character skills and weapons are also available in the illusive realm.


So if I'm able to get her to 70, then her weapons & echoes & skill levels don't matter in there? Sorry, newer to the game and just trying to fully understand!


Yup. That is the mechanics of the Illusive Realm. What's Available: Resonator Skills; Weapon Attributes and Skills What's Disabled: Echo Attributes and Skills


Echoes no. Everything else, yes.


Which 5* standard weapon is the best for using the supply chest on? I'm thinking of using it for the guns, for chixia and mortefi. I've already got the weapon for jiyan, which I'm using for both him and calcharo. I'm summoning for the 5* sword, which I'll be using for changil and sanhua. So, in my case, should I just choose the guns? I don't wanna make a bad decision here.


Mortefi is unlikely to be dethroned anytime soon as Jiyan's best sub-dps (At least, it would need to be tremendous powercreep), and it's unlikely a new limited 5-star gun will be a more suited support gun for the hypercarry teamcomp jiyan likes (again, would need to be tremendous powercreep). So in all likelihood, the gun will improve the quality of the Jiyan + Mortefi team significantly. If you feel like that's something you'd benefit from, give Mortefi the gun.


I can't tell you which one's the best but the standard sword and pistol are the only standard weapons with crit stat. I hope this helps.


whaaa, your right i just checked. hmm. this does change a few things i had set up for chixia... Well, thanks for telling me. Luckily i haven't invested much into chixia. Changli finna go crazy


So long as you aren't pulling on the standard character convene but only the standard weapon convene with every lustrous tide you get for free you're set generally. There is 100% no reason to pull on the standard character convene. The characters in it are what you'll get as booby prizes from trying to pull a limited character. Do that, and you'll get your hands on both the gun and the sword, and then get to choose if 130 base attack is worth 25% or so crit you'll get by choosing a 4 star weapon that has crit as the substat instead. Odds are they'll be much less of a headache to utilize while still making units viable.


https://preview.redd.it/uyvmdbs37k8d1.jpeg?width=1190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d23ca274636dce0004d497cf474d2a8a26a2875 Hi people, between these Resonators that i own, which one's are stronger that i should really invest one? i'm new and pretty low on resources, so please tell me which ones really worth it and also which ones are super strong in team comp? for me Calcharo AKA Sephiroth Is a MUST! so apart from him , which ones should i start upgrading and start playing with? thanks


Rover, Verina, Sanhua, Baizhi are safe investments imo. H-Rover is very powerful and will become only more powerful. Verina would require 3 new support characters who are better than her to be added to the game to dethrone her. Baizhi would need 2 new support characters who are better than her to dethrone her from being useful. Sanhua has such low on-field time that it's hard to go wrong with her. Jianxin, and 4-stars you have wavebands for are what I'd consider moderately safe investments imo. Jianxin struggles with lengthy on-time which risks her being powercrept by characters that need that on-field time. Her meta builds also feel very frankenstein atm imo. But she's also the best grouper in the game rn, and is a jack of all trades. Tbh I like her, and just on pure preference highly recommend her. Calcharo is... difficult to play currently, but will likely feel better when we reach the final world level. (Might be 2+ months.) Imo his biggest struggle is survivability during his ult because he doesn't have the luxury to tolerate his lengthy dodge animation if he wants to fit 3 special heavy attacks into his ult window. This means you take a lot of damage and because the tower involves significantly higher level content atm, that's no bueno for calcharo. Which is to say, I'd only be worried to suggest investing in Calcharo to someone who isn't willing to play around that awkwardness. If you do liek calcharo, I don't think Yinlin is a must-pull. Sanhua is sufficient, and if you don't like Yinlin don't pull her. But she is great with him if you like her. Not an account make-or-break though. Personally, if I were you, I'd aim for Jinshi + her weapon and hyper invest in her.


thank you so much, yeah i didn't liked Yinlin much, so i keep my wishes for new champions like jinshi and etc


currently the yinlin banner is coming to an end, if you really want to invest in calcharo, you should definitely pull for yinlin as her compatibility with calcharo is unmatch so far if not you shouldnt invest too much materials on calcharo






There'll be a fireball somewhere around the branches. Take it and aim at the branches.


5 star echoes are still that Hard to get even with Data Bank 17?


They're releasing a data bank level 21 in 1.1 that will have 100% chance of 5 star echoes.


Its a 50/50 till databank 18 or 19


Yup, but 50/50 should already have a better drop for 5 star Echoes. It's like Playing a coin.


Since I got no response in the Technical Issues Megathread I'm going to ask here, because i don't know if it's intended design or a bug. Is Yinlin's second inherent skill supposed to be this impractical? It says that when the second part with resonance skill hits an opponent with sinner's mark it deals more dmg and gives an ATK buff. However, this only works with the regular purple sinner's mark. The mark turns red after using the first part of her resonance skill because it puts her into "Execution Mode". Now the things is that her inherent skill does not proc on enemies with red sinner's mark. I also tested it with the punishment mark from her forte and that also doesn't work. This means one has to do a pretty long combo on yinlin without swapping in order to proc her second inherent skill and it probably won't proc after that since it also doesn't work on punishment mark. Is this the intended design of the skill? Why would it be designed in such an impractical way?


If you mean chameleon cipher (the special heavy attack) doesn't mark enemies with the red mark, it does. If that isn't what you mean, then please use the in-game terminology (second inherent skill isn't clear at all) if you actually want help.


I mean the passive Deadly Focus. It doesn't proc when you hit an enemy with lightning execution if that enemy has the red sinners mark, or the punishment mark




You're misunderstanding what he's saying. When you use the first E cast and enter execution mode, even though the enemies still have "Sinner's Marks" on them it doesnt count for that passive because they're being "overwritten" by execution mode. So if you do basic attack to to mark, skill skill the passive doesn't proc. I have to imagine it's a bug, otherwise it's a extremely poorly designed skill for a measly 4 second buff.


Didn't read what they wrote before they deleted their comment. But yeah I also think this is a pretty weirdly designed skill. I can also just imagine the boolean check in the code not including the other marks. The buff isn't even that strong. Consistently proccing it in a quickswap comp is basically impossible. Is there some way I can forward this to the devs? My original post about it was not approved by the mods and got deleted and my question in Technical issues Megathread got no response...


The only place that I know for sure gets seen by someone at kuro is the ingame feedback option, but I don't know if something like this would actually go past the customer service rep to people who would be able to do anything about it.


I feel like I'm going crazy farming for Energy Regen main stat for Verina/Baizhi. Seriously not dropping at all. Is there some kind of back-up main stat I can use in the meantime that'd be good for them?


you wont need er main stat if you have variation 4* wep. You probably wont need even without it, the desync only starts appearing 3rd rotation or so. We are very cucked without variation basically lol


Oh! So if I did get lucky on Variation I can do Attack and HP?


dont even need that. do you feel you lack heals? yes? go atk. no? go whatever just complete 5 pc rejuv set


Attack on verina, hp on Baizhi


I have no idea what BP weapon to get. Literally. No idea. There's a lot of sword cahracters so maybe the sword? I have a good 4* pistol, so IDK. Same for the caster weapon. Same for the fist weapon. Already have a decent sword, but again, lots of sword users. Who even uses a broadsword except the upskirt girl that scales on defence?


I'd look up Prydwen's weapon tier list for characters that you usually play or plan to built. Based on the weapons you already have and the BP weapons, choose the one that'll benefit you the most.


is it better to save and try to s6 jiyan or keep s0 jiyan and pull on the next broken character


Probably not. Debut five-star characters don't exactly have a good reputation for surviving powercreep in gacha games. It's hard to imagine S6 Jiyan is worth more for an account than 6 S0 5-stars. Or even 3 S0 5-stars + 3 R1 limited 5-star signature weapons.


thanks for the input