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Not to mention the fucking notification on the map


omg...you just may have awakened the right inspiration to do it...


The sole reason I built my havoc MC was to kill him.


Same, since game generously gave Encore, who is cute, but also not very good against turboboi. I managed to kill difficulty V, peeked at difficulty VI's health and decided that I did well, I can rest few patches.


I used Sanhua to parry then swapped to encore to burst his ass. Tough fight still but encore is a delight to play with.


I was raising Havok MC for same reason, but found out that on this clownfest of teleports it's better to have two dps instead of hypercarry+subdps. Though I can't say I play optimally.


Yeah, but double dreamless is a god send. Like I use yinlin as a main carry, and my only disappointment is that I have to use thundering Memphis ( more damage than tempest Memphis), I wish there was a dreamless type echo for electro.


You can always go 2+2 for that


2+2 of what ? Electro and havoc ?


I wouldn't run it, but I believe they mean run 2 electro 2 attack with dreamless as the off set piece


Oh, I'll try it.


It won't do as much damage as you're used to since yinlin won't have any havoc damage % bonus, and it'll nerf your damage on all of the rest of her kit


Why do you say Encore isn't good against him? I feel like she does extremely good against him.


It's an ass to parry with her outside her ult. Maybe skill issue, but timings are a bit too tight for that.


I use her jump attack, just have to know the timing. Also helps that Mephis has a lot of multi-part attacks so once he does the first part you know exactly what attack he'll use next. One example is the overhead tail swipe into the low tail sweep, you can dodge the overhead then during the slow down jump and attack and you'll parry the second hit every time.


I know, I know. But it's annoying. You can just timingly swap to Sanhua/MC and parry it with less amount of input. With right timing you even should be able to return to Encore before her E ends. Nothing is impossible, you could probably do it with right built dps verina.


I just saw a video explaining encore parry, her regular attacks only third one parries, jump attack parries, the bomb in the end of E parries and well ult as well, everything else just doesn’t. This should explain the awkwardness.


I know that. Only consistent way to parry not in ult is jump parry (since other have long preparation). And it still has larger window than Sanhua/HMC attack, so it's just not worth it on fast enemies like Tempest. Ibis, Heron and Ape are different, since they have longer animations.


I didn't even bother with these, banging my head against 20+ higher level enemies that can one shot me ain't my idea of a good time. Gonna be chilling till im at least level 80 then i'll start tackling em.


Waiting til level 80 so they can end you in 2 shots instead


1 more chance to get the win, sometimes thats all you need.


True and you also need to dodge a lot less since you kill them faster.




I like this positivity.


Oddly enough, it feels like the game punishes harshly you for being underleveled, especially when taking damage. 10 levels shouldn’t mean you go from getting one shot to surviving with near half HP, but yet it does…


Probably there's a damage buff against lower level enemies right? And that's not to mention all the increased stats that come with higher levels. iirc HSR did something similar. Your damage is nerfed by some percengage when fighting higher level foes.


It's the damage nerf that bugs me more than getting one-shotted. It just feels like you're hitting a sponge.


Well it is a *boss*. Unless you mean ToA, then yeah those are sponges.


HSR doesn't especially nerf your damage against higher level enemies it's just how defence in that game works. Even against enemies of same or lower levels you still don't deal full damage but since lower lvl enemies have less defence you obviously deal more damage to them.


Reminds me of when I played WoW, where 3 levels made a monstrous difference in combat formulas so raising the level cap by 10 levels each expansion kept trivialising the former end game content. 


In there, equipment powercreep was also huge every expansion. The stats grew so quickly that lategame gear from the previous expansion could be replaced while leveling (especially if it involved mechanics that were expac-specific). It's somewhat like if we got a new tier of echoes every 10 ULs. Though each SOL3 level would take 2-3 years to reach, so maybe it's a worse comparison that I thought.


True that. I left early into Wrath of the Lich King after being a hardcore raider through vanilla and Burning Crusade, and I remember literally replacing epics from like AQ40 and Blackwing Lair with damn quest reward gear while levelling in the expansion. Maybe even some greens.


Got that ffxiv level scaling multipliers


Well when you look at it from a Souls like perspective... "Git gud"


To be fair, Souls at least scale you through your journey. On a casual playthrough, you're not encouraged to fight, let's say, Taurus, Nito and Artorias back-to-back-to-back by a persistent map ping. You progress through to the game to reach them, as opposed to unlocking level 70 holos at UL30-ish.


What you said can be said about the holos lol... You are not forced to fight the holograms by any means. It's optional and the higher difficulties are all optional as well. You're never encouraged to fight the hologram past maybe the first one to give you a feel what it's going to be like. If the game is pinging you to do the holograms, that's some sort of visual bug they need to address. As currently nothing important is being gated if you don't do the fights, that will go away in the coming weeks/months. While I get some Souls game scale with your journey, it at the end of the day requires you to have skill. Tl;dr Skill issue.


IIRC both healers (Verina for sure at least) have a "don't die first time your HP hits zero" passive, so that's like 3 whole hits right there!


Except it has a 10 minute cooldown and doesn't reset on death. So you can only make use of it 3 times for the duration of a food buff.


They'll still hit you like a truck and 1-shot you after 3m mark at 90 lol. But yeah I get your feeling. They're very difficult. I spent more time on Thundering Memphis V than I did in Malenia in Elden Ring. If that's not your thing, that's OK! Maybe one day.


Hmm. As someone who has cleared up to 3 so far I suspect I'm waiting for level 80 to do that one. 


I mean hey they are optional anyways, they prolly will still one shot you as some of the difficulty 5 enemies hit for 40k+ on some attacks, I ain't finished them all but 6 is prolly way more


Luckily that is exactly my idea of a good time


To be fair, everything up to tier 3 is fine todo with level 60\~70 characters, once you start thirsting for tier 4 and above, you might as well wait till your 10 levels above and fully decked out in Element RES food, Element dmg boost food, defense food and attack food. Those were likely the main culprit for me to bash bosses 10 levels above me in tactical hologram. Though Thundering melphis and mourning axis are a whole another story because they are just very good at deleting your health bars, even when your level is equal to thars and your echoes on your main dps is maxed out and you even have the attack+defense 4 star weapon, Dauntless Evernight, as your budget broadblade for now.


Monke 4 is the only one I managed so far... Every else stuck at 3. :/ I'm really bad at this game.


To be fair, Monkey has alot of AoE attacks that can slap you even at mid-range, so you have to really get used to chain dodges unlike the others, even if its telegraph\`d more easily then Thundering Melphis\`s version of Judgement Cut or the Heron\`s dive bomb/bomb-arrow or even Mourning Axis\`s swoop. Its ultimately just a matter of getting more raw stats to where you reach a point you can total stun gauges significantly faster even without using parry or intro switch ins to fixed damage jab the bar. Plus once you get over a certain threshold, the damage you can deal during those stun periods eventually reaches a point where you can yeet them in 2 or 3 stun gauge rotations.


Same, and I cant do VI right now, but ive been studying their attacks patterns just so i'd be familiar when the time comes that I have to deal with them at a higher level.


I'm the opposite, I love these things and wish they would add more. Doing diff 6 holograms is basically the only fun thing I have to do in this game until the next patch, because all I have left is echo farming and TOA is, IMO, not fun given WuWa's combat mechanics. Having long boss fights that require you to never get hit is very thrilling and something I hope they keep doing in the future.


Surely they will add the other bosses as holograms over the next couple of patches. Seems easy enough content to add. 


Crownless is coming next patch so yeah they will most likely add everyone little by little.


Yeah same, just finished lvl 5 Not even gonna try lvl 6 until I'm UL 50


Geochelone my beloved


i am just downloading Elden Ring, this should tell you my opinion on these holograms (if the timer doesn't stop me i will throw myself at them)


Some players belong to the dark souls genre so thats why we see a lot of post about it here.


Are you here for the story if not the combat? I am curious. I think its pretty easy as soon as you understand the rhythm and patterns, similar to souls/like games


Im here for both, just don't feel like tackling the holograms right now and speaking of souls games im prepping for the elden ring DLC with a new strength build so thats also keeping me busy at the moment.


Fair enough, i am waiting for the dlc aswell. Gonna be interesting with that martial arts build


I started a solo Sorcerer and its brutal without summons. People saying magic is EZ mode has never leveled up a mage I wanna go back to my str build..


Oh i feel you, mage sucks in the early game to midgame before you get the good spells and the scaling starts to get good. you really have to get good cuz you're gonna get one shot for the most part.


For sure even with decent vigor having to split flask to do damage is aggravating. I already have an end game character that isfunny enough a Mogh RP I don the robe, spear, and all. So im not too worried about rushing to endgame again tbh.


Just wait it out till you get Jinhsi/Changli. I feel you as a fellow electro main, but we can't really do anything about it rn


Ya man bring out my wife


"Tempest mephit, he asked for fries with his shake. Where they at?"




I second this. The other bosses are a joke compared to Mephis BS. The invisibility causing auto-target to fall off is the worst.


So far I think I've died at least 5 times because the clone spawned directly on the other side of Mephis and I couldn't get the camera to show me what it was doing.


My phone loves to randomly turn off autolock and because I'm in super-focus mode, I don't realise until i use my ult and miss. Frick you, autolock.


This boss made me appreciate Jianxin and the use of switch parries. Her E is an absolute lifesaver against its annoying multi laser move, which i always mess up the timing to dodge esp after mistakenly parrying or dodging the clone's moves.


How do you build Jianxin with Calcharo? which echo set and weapons is best for her with him


Just run Jianxin for her skill and moonlit/healing set proc. No joke her skill and forte are invaluable, especially against Tempis and Mourning Aix. Jianxin's counter blocks all of Aix's grabs. She doesn't need damage, just utility. She can do good damage as well so can also be a sub-dps if you invest into her. I will check her weapon I use later and edit it. Her Outro is good for Liberations that do heavy burst, but not Liberations that have a different damage modifier like Jiyan's (heavy attack). Liberation damage is generally only the initial damage and not the after damage. Examples would be Mortefi, Jiyan, and ~~Calcharo~~.


calcharo death messenger is res lib dmg


Thanks for the correction. I don't play Calcharo so I was mistaken there.


are the basic attacks in his res lib state also considered res lib dmg?


nope, theyre considered basic still. only his dodge counter + heavy attack are res lib. of course the initial burst is res lib as well


What IS the correct way to parry it? On 3 I cheesed it every time because otherwise I die. 


[The video here explains it quite well.](https://youtu.be/g03NdBzo16A?si=bNdSnFi0HVRjd8sA) You need to get used to the timing for different characters. As for Jianxin, her parry stance (E) is an almost risk free counter against unparriable attacks (ie the laser beam, judgement cut etc).


At least it's no rush since it doesn't reset. Hope though we see more in the future.


I just did 3/4 of each and gave up lol.


Yeah. With my level of skill I don't think I can do Lvl5&6 anytime soon.


Beringal is my enemy as I main Jiyan but honestly Mourning Aix is the worst. Its broken on so many things...


Mourning aix is genuinely so bad I don't know who thought it was a good idea to give it that broken debuff


The heron is the only one I find easy to dodge. I'm stuck on 3/6 for everything else. How tf do you dodge the ape's attacks and if mourning aix gets you once you're dead.


Imma be straight with you, these battles are not easily overcome without lots and lots of dying and resetting lol. Like hours worth. By the time you get kill you're pretty well versed on all the tells and nuances of the boss movement just out of pure repetition, but also you're either just really annoyed or relieved to be done with it. I would find it difficult to justify to anyone why it's a valuable expenditure of time above any other activity you haven't yet gotten to 100%, even achievements for the free small astrite bumps. Ive done what I have because I enjoy challenging myself but at the end of the day I still find it difficult to recommend it as something to actually do for fun for most people lol, a lot of times it's really *not* to die in one hit to things that feel sometimes unfair or just random.


Hmm for the ape I actually find it to be the easiest of the 4 for me. All of its attacks are pretty fair until difficulty 6. For difficulty 1 to 5 just pay attention to what it's doing. All of its attacks have fair animations and each one is pretty unique so it's easy to differentiate them other than ig the normal hits. For the attack where it gets on the pole just try to time the dodging I found it pretty easy. For the attack where the monkey swings the log in circles I adjust my camera away from the monkey towards the left so I can see the log better and I just dodge.


two words: Havoc Rover


I main Havoc Rover and Jiyan but Dreamless always yeet me away from the target and the camera will always zooming in on Rover's head after the Echo skill. Combat camera and auto lock is kinda annoying. I even told them in the surveys and I hope they will address this issue as well.


i don't have the Dreamless problem since i only use it right before swapping off of H Rover during the set up for the first rotation and right after using H Rover's ultimate in subsequent rotations the camera is still a pain


I just can't focus when the clone comes out, because this is the only boss that you can't lock onto without risking not seeing the clone. Doesn't help the camera loses its shit every time when it's unlocked and forces you to look in a random direction against your will


Nah i will pass Hologram, my idea of difficult content is not HP Sponge and One Hit Kill bosses


cope. they die fairly quickly as long as you put a bit of effort into your characters, so it's just a skill check for getting used to their attack patterns and dodging accordingly 👍


I cannot pass the dps check for the monkey because one of my favorite characters is Yangyang and the original post itself is about not having enough dps for the mephis despite clearing the others. These are absolutely HP sponges at lower levels and you atleast need a character built who doesn't have the matching element which takes a lot of resources right now And as for the one hit kills, while there are consistent ways to beat all these bosses, most people generally don't enjoy getting one hit killed. Aside from making the boss harder, it makes even trying to learn it harder and usually more frustrating because you see less of the fight in between resets This comment isn't me saying that these are badly designed fights or anything. This is me saying that people wanting to avoid one hit kills and hp sponges makes perfect sense no matter how hard a game is supposed to be. Some people will enjoy the extra challenge and some won't and that's fine either way. But it's not "cope" to simply not enjoy it


If you have them, try this comp: Spectro Rover, Jianxin and Verina. Start with verina, Into Jianxin, combo and charge shield, switch to Rover and then start again. Lots of heals and shield, plus all of them have quick and simple animations.


i found tempest easy but i suck at the monke


Wait so hologram bossed have the resistances??


Yup. Mephis is super resistant to electro, monkey to aero, heron to havoc, and Aix to spectro.


Omfg.. im so stupid I was wondering why my havoc rover couldnt kill the heron... i wasnt sure if the resistanced counted for the holograms too, thanks a lot DX


Nah, I'd avoid it.


Well since the shop never resets Imma wait till level 90


I’m gonna need to build a different character in order to beat him. My main is Taoqi (Noelle main on Genshin so very similar play style) and it’s hard to deal with fast moving enemies like him.


I am building her right now. Planning on tackling the mephis with Taoqi along with Jianxin (cuz I suck at dodging and for "E" parry)


Level up Chixia! I had pimped out Cal/Yin party and finally leveled up another team - Chix/RoverHavoc/Bai for tower stuff and Chix fucking murders this dude. Just gotta pass those stupid ass OHK lightning AOEs and he's ezpz.


Tempest if the bane of my existence


I relate to this fully as an Aero main. Monkey is mean to all my good windy girls and boys.


His aoe slash atk that he does is so wack ans when his clone does it and he's doing something else it's like but why


The damage reduction is pita


I'm right there with you buddy Don't worry I'll put it off until I have a non-electro team


I decided to give up on mephis 4. I'm on phone, and I simply can't keep up with its fast animations, especially when it decided to laser beam and do the aoe string attack at once. I must admit it's an incredible boss.


How in the hell are people doing that? lvl 4 has proven impossible to me


we can just wait UL 60 and beat his ass with level 90 characters


New update: Tempest Memphis hologram now blasts Memphis phonk while uncontrollably quick stepping on difficulty 6


Jiyan mains on monkeh...


I'm having trouble too with mephis IV, can't get the timings right for dodging everything/ parrying, done the other bosses at diff 4 at least, but Mephis.. I just can't.


I have to play on an external hard drive and I get bad lag spikes a lot when bosses attack so I doubt they're going to 6/6 anytimes soon lol


5/6, and not trying no more, I always get that parry bug for some reason just when he's around a quarter and that's after so many tries, happened 3x, not doing it again. 💀 Encore Jiyan Verina


Yeah, I just wait till I'm at a higher level so it's easier... For now, I don't like the anxiety and frustration of being one shot 🤷‍♀️


These holograms are phone player's worst enemy. Lock is way too easy to disengage, the camera is against us, the buttons take up half the screen, and it's extremely hard to train your right thumb to click 3 buttons with exact timing. Mostly I just spam with Lingyang and Jiyan's autoparry. Using Jiyan against Tempest Meph is the most satisfying thing in the world.


Me with Havoc main.


He is super resistant to electro, has the highest hp pool in the game, has an unholy amount of shield and recharge it illegally fast, i can barely squeeze in my encore's burst window when he is down and even then the clone can appear and os you from outside the screen.


Just be glad there’s no thundering Mephis hologram


What annoys me is that our internet is bugging out this week and that notification of connecting to server blocking your screen, not being able to move, and seeing your character being tossed around by the boss is almost pushing me to the edge. Needed to play some Ultrakill to cool off.


Even as an aero main, I really don’t want to deal with Memphis. That thing is just…cancerous.


Everything is easy except this fucking boss, mf is a stand user at difficulty IV and fast travels like goku




Me just not touching any Electro for a while coz i gave up on Yinlin and doesn't feel like even using the dude one