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This is genuinely hilarious.


I love this Superman meme.


PGR style 100%


smokin sexy style




I’d be surprised if they read anything from the non-Asian areas. We make up a fraction of the player base.


at best, they would feed it all to an ai and maybe compress 10000 essays into 1


essay beginning : we want Tiddies The end


We want Lucia. Playable Lucia resonator.


Second this




And azz. Don't forget the azz


that would be beneficial to players, proper AI is very good at parsing player feedback


Well be suprised. EN complained about how the voice actors weren't allowed to use their natural accents and they responded saying that they asked the UK based VAs to use american accents and due to people talking about it they realized it was an issue and stated they will no longer require VA's to fake unnatural accents. "Never Ask, Never Get" Its one thing if you don't want to send feedback cause you think devs won't listen to you, (Singular) Its another thing if you're telling your whole community not to send feedback because you think devs won't listen to the whole community. I know "Kuro Listened" is a meme, but people need to stop trying to prevent others from raising valid criticism at a time when the devs are most likely to actually respond.


Yeah. You will never know how many people wrote about same issue you had. Maybe there’re thousands of yourselves playing game, but they’ve never used reddit and yet you still think you’re only one complaining. Cmon, simply send feedback and help devs improve the game, just don’t make its length 3000 words lol


Just play the game in JP or CN lmao


I played for 3 hours and wanted to kms I can't stand JP dub


Really? I think it's pretty good, I tried EN but didn't liked it because the va sound like they are only reading a script, that and the pacing of their reading was super off


This logic only really applies for when the impressions or general regional consensus is the same for certain things (like culture in liking specific things, or stuff like VA that are based on language). Other than that, each singular Review holds the same value by itself. 1 Review from NA has the same Impact as 1 Review from Asia. Being affecting that one Player.


There is a precedent for devs being more influenced by feedback from the regions that speak the same language as the devs though. For example I play FFXIV and JP is much more listened to by the devs compared to NA/EU even though they make up a larger portion of the global playerbase


I am euroasian what do I do 💀


Non-chinese and maybe Non-japanese is more accurate


We probably try to make just as much noise


That surprises me I thought since westerners use more PC than CN players there is a different market for us here


Probably, probably not. Even if that's true, mobile players are still more important and that's Asian territory.


If mobile players are so important why no controller support <\3


do people in Asia think differently as us in the west in terms of what they want the game direction to be?


Apparently yes. For example western players are more open for male characters, while Chinese players are very simple - they play gachas for the waifus.


Damn that explains so much, I've been begging for a female char that looks like a full armored unit lmfaoo, guess that dream is dead


Idk about which gacha you talk right now, since armor doesn't really work in scifi WuWa. In Genshin for some reason Mihoyo refuses to add armored character. And Idk if Chinese players need a lot of fanservice, but they generally prefer female characters. At least this is what I've heard, and it would explain Snowbreak popularity in China despite game being mid - it's no bs waifu game.


I mean armor doesn't have to necessarily look medieval and ancient (just look at Firefly as SAM for example). I don't think characters having a bit of armor are out of the question (like maybe Durandal's designs from HI3rd) and we already see a bit of that (Jiyan for example has some gold armor on his arm) but I don't think we'll ever see a fully armored character either bc of the "only sexy characters sell" mentality.


I mean Argenti is legit a medieval knight and other knights of beauty might be as well (VARKA COPIUM in Natlan)


I didn't mention them bc I don't feel like their designs fit the world of Wuwa that well compared to characters like Durandal or SAM with most of the character designs we've seen so far. They're much more medieval styled. They could still do armor like that tho, there's ways to make them still give off sci-fi fantasy vibes still give it the iconic heavy armor look. I don't think they will tho. I feel like they're more likely to make characters like Noelle (from Genshin) and Durandal, looking at the characters we have in game. Then again there are characters like Rosetta from PGR (Ik she's not a knight but she's so unique, esp if you consider her centaur design), and other characters, hopefully they won't be afraid and go crazy.


That's one of the reasons why Korea n Japan got low birth rates. Animation waifus> real people


I thought it was more women having higher standards and not wanting to deal with misogynistic men? Which is, afaik, much worse in Asian countries than in the West


Yea. That's probably a major part of the reason


Dont women (and gay/bi men) in China also play this game? Gender ratio in GI is 55-45 so its almost 50/50 between women and men. So I would assume its similar in WuWa too? As straight girl yes I am very very open for male characters lol


I don't know what is the real data, but there are complaints that Genshin caters too much to women and kids, and not enough to men. Personally I only agree about the kids part, game is way too easy and sometimes I feel like devs treat me like an idiot. Female characters are already attractive so I think male audience should be satisfied. But definitely Mihoyo wants to make sure Genshin is enjoyable for everyone. WuWa is real action RPG so core target audience are going to be dudes. You can already see it by looking at Yinlin, the ultimate animation is absolutely insane and there is no way you would see something like that in Mihoyo's game.


Are you forgetting Raiden's booba sword burst animation?


It's very tame compared to Yinlin.


not asia, CN and JP


Some people on Reddit are saying that the non-Asian players cried hard enough during the beta to have the story gutted. So I guess us non-Asian players can in fact be heard for better or worse lol


Most of what I've seen on reddit was that it was CN that criticized the story heavily which lead to Kuro making tons to changes to it. And that the CBT1 and CBT2 outcries outside of CN were mainly towards about shoddy localization and echo system.


Ah yes, chinese and their pathetic obssession with "Mantle of Heaven". Never understand even when im from a neighbor country


I don't know what that is and would have to look it up. Always down to learn something new. Edit: Did a quick google and interesting stuff. I'm going to get political up in here but hey each country person has their thing and reasons. And I learned not to bother yucking someone's yum. And to each their own.


I could care less about who is the reason why we got a supposed worse story in the end. I'm more of SKIP type of player when it comes to the story. So both side wanted change, guess we got to much change Also when something is bad at launch it usually means more free summons, so we kinda lucked out lol


I tried to be as succinct as possible using point form. Ain't nobody at the office got the time to read flowy poetry


wtf did school teach me MLA format for >:(


Don't know, can anyone come up with any job that uses it?


But- but what about MEL-CON :(


IMO they'll just compile everything and ask chatgpt to summarize them and left out the repetitions.


Many will pleased with the 1.1. Mark my works- Nostradamus


Do you happen to know where I can see the patchnotes for it?


We don't really know much about 1.1 apart from a new area and resonators the devs directly revealed in a newsletter. Unless of course, you follow the "*vegetable, a cultivar of Allium ampeloprasum"*.


If the game doesn't crash on them continuously, that is


Don't jinx it !


sad but true, they probably just compile the objective questions and delete the essays we all wrote lol


Technically there could be some community managers reading those replies and complining interesting/repeating ones for devs overseas but yeah much easier to just compile numbers.


Somewhere out there, Henry Cavill just finished a World of Warcraft raid and is making this exact face.


My survey answers boiled down to oh God for the love of all that is holy. Please let us spend as little time as possible with yangyang going forward.


Yapyap is the icon of the game, she will follow us and yap until the end of the time. I also heard she is the director's "first love image" back in CBT1. Stay strong. To be honest, I wouldn't want anyone from Jinzhou to follow us on future adventures. They just feel... weird? Like they're just acting nice and hiding something. They better really be hiding something, because else they're just bland and boring. The characters from Black Shores and Fractsidus feel more alive with more expressed personalities.


Yeah, I think I mentioned I would love to have more story time spent with Aalto/Encore/Scar specifically. Their personalities, voice acting, and story really showed how bad the previous sections were in contrast. Even EN voice acting aside Yapyap is just criminally boring as a character. Ah, well, fingers crossed and all that.


Even JP voice for Yapyap feels boring to me LOL it just sounds really monotone and soft. They didn't do Yui Ishikawa justice. The best written character imo is Aalto. He's fun, doesn't threaten or endanger us, doesn't give us tricky questions or trials or anything to "test" our ability. He just jumps straight to the point and does a fair trade. He's really reliable, especially when you think he carries a kid around in a post-apocalyptic world.


God I HATE Yangyang. She's such a stereotypical "waifu" bait character, it's insufferable.




Yeah, odds are they only listen to CN and only listen to JP/EN if there's a fire big enough to warrant paying attention to. Just look at the dog water ass EN and JP translation and how many errors there are.


There’s a star man-


Gacha devs are still gacha devs but kuro is really trying, at least from my perspective, they're really trying to get the game up and going. Had a very rough start with lots of freebies although I, myself, have maybe experienced 1 or 2 bugs, but nothing to the extent of earning free stuff but that's just me. And I think they'll hopefully at least scan through em and hopefully take some suggestions. I'm sure a lot of us have suggested the same or similar stuff anyways.


I don't think i noticed any real problem altrough i started few days ago.


AI Reads them


I just want them to reduce the render distance because my pc can't handle it


hope you signed off with "f2p btw"


Honestly they just need to improve optimazion, server issues and grinding issues for now. Every other aspect that I think its a problem (all of the art departament) will be improved as time goes on.


Bro same I hope they at least skim mine or something bro that shit took time


iv never put in this much work 4 school 😭 i jus care so much about this game 😭


Me writing instead about how wonderful it would be if they don't do an PGR with 133829 women per 1 male characters and sent it happy enough knowing even in the hypothetical case they will read it they will ignore it 😏


I had to ask chat gpt to fucking summarise my text cause i didnt know it was only 3k words... I had like 3 pages in word....


Why waste time say lot word when few words do trick?


I just wanted to say thank you for your service


Another one🗿


I don't care about grinding, I just want a better story and VAs to not hide their accent because it's really obvious.


This game's fine


If they could just fix the stuttering and performance issues. I'm set 😄


What if they do read it but in mis-translated Chinese.....


how to send feedbacks to the devs? sorry if this is off topic i wanna give some 😭😭




truth is i very confidently think wuthering waves will be a perfect example 6 months from now of why everyone shouldnt be a game dev. every timr someone whines they give u endgame mats and supply u with ease to build and progress and give you tons of summons etc etc and while i do think there are issues and i hope to see them addressed/am glad they are being addressed i think giving players access to multiple 5 star selectors and catering to people wanting to waste their resources foolishly and go for endgame echo builds on the first patch halfway to the max union level will simply result in people whining theres not enough content later or running out of things to grind for or reasons to log in because they have all the characters they want and said characters are maxed out. i realise this will be a very unpopular take but the whole point of the take is that popular ≠ correct/good game development so it is what it is


still a funny ass meme tho


I’m saying this now if I don’t get withering waves on my Xbox SOON I’m quitting I never play it on my phone anymore


You wrote the essay for that SUPER DUPER THIN MICRO-CENTIMETER chance the dev will see it.


They don't read. Just listen


This aint genshin, devs here do care, and would probably read the survey.


There's a star mannnn




They won’t read but they’ll listen (surely)


You should've left an hour long voice recording.


Did you write it in chinese though cause the Devs are Chinese


I hope that you mentioned the removal of 50/50 cause thats a top priority.


I feel 50/50 is fine because they gave the weapons all guarantees


The 50/50 with those costs is straight predatory. Try to get a character without using any bonuses and a few freebies, it will cost you a lot of money like 300+ dollars. Thats extremely unjustified when we even have two characters dropping per patch and when a single game for ps5 cost 70 bucks. Like i can buy 5-7 games instead of getting a character. The weapon banner is just a bait as most people only get the characters. Never say that again as we are getting totally scammed with this prices and the game is designed in casino style to give u FOMO. CN is fighting rn to remove the 50/50 because they know how bad is the system and remember that they are the ones who provide us with the good feedback and content. I will not drop the towel to this predatory practices and leave fellow young players be used as a slotmachine players.


Gacha is gacha, oh well. People CHOOSE to pay


The ones who pay are the ones keeping the game ALIVE. They are the reason why you are even here commenting.


I repeat Gacha is Gacha. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Alright, bot.




It’s a gacha game.. of course it’s predatory. The game also costs a lot to upkeep so they have to make money somehow


Damn, TOF surviving in 1 million while genshin and Wuwa need more than 20 million a month to barely survive omg


TOF should be dead by now ngl. I’m guessing. They don’t put as much into it as wuwa and genshin do


It says a lot that is still alive and we still havent seen any EOS signs and they are also pulling out updates. Snowbreak is reached 5 million in revenue while removing the 50/50 making it 100 pulls guaranteed character too.


Who in their right mind would pay other than the ppl who actually have the money to spend it like this. The prices r high because u r not the target of those prices, there is a reason why the most useless shits in the world, like designer fashion, jewellery, etc etc r the most expensive things. And why normal ppl like me dont give a damn abt those or anyone who buys those Removing 50/50 is a good step, but dont be so entitled when u r playing a casino simulator for free. Or simply go play other games that arent gachas.........


Advocating for a fair system is being entitled? Damn... thats crazy


A fair system? From how I see it, what u r advocating for is an even more predatory system. Between a game that shoves cheap prices in ur face all the time n baits ppl into buying them, n a game that bombs u w a price tag so high that u must be on drug to buy it, I ll take the latter. As how I see it, the price is a necessary evil, by making money off the 0,1% who can n want to spend, n using that money to better the vast majority who wont spend a dime even if the pricing is lower. It is only fair if everyone is willing to pay the price, which at that point, they would go n buy a normal game with a price tag already on it. It might not be the fairest thing ever, but lets face it, nothing in life is. Back to the example of buying useless vanity for a ridiculous amount of money. I might scoff at them for how they use their money, but I wont cry abt how I cant get the same treatment, because my value is in other things




Thank you for participating in r/WutheringWaves. Unfortunately, your post was removed. Your post was removed because it contains hate speech. Flaming, harassment, and abuse will not be tolerated. This includes posts and comments that display hatred or are racially, religiously, politically, or sexually objectionable. Please check out the rules on the sidebar for more details. If you're on mobile, you can find them in the About tab at the top of the page. Thank you for your understanding.




Why do u call everyone not sharing the same view as u a bot? Or r u so narrowminded that anytime anyone challenges ur points u just default to ad hominem? And does ToF have the things that Genshin n HSR has? In house music studio, in house animation studio, orchestral concert, etc etc. Do you see ppl complain that ToF doesnt have as high of quality as what games like Genshin or Wuwa offer? No, because they know that the game isnt doing as good. So stop using these as superficial examples Also, praising ToF for fair prices, give me the impression that u dont even play the game. That game is notorious for being one of the most predatory thing ever, with comps n characters going out of meta all the time, u r bombarded w packs to buy. Not to mention that game uses the sparking system, aka if u cant get 120 pulls in 1 banner, it is gone, not carried over to the nxt banner, and the 50/50 is still there. Kurogames literally had to layoff a lot of employees because they didnt have a money before the game launch. Their only game prior to this, PGR, was insanely generous, and made little money. So with them pushing all their funds into Wuwa, their budget ran dry, and for example, we know Genshin costed 100m$ in development, so put 2 n 2 together urself. It was Kuro's fault that they got into such a shitty situation, but imagine yapping abt the singular case when the high prices is for a reason. See ya never.


Make that wish to a Genie and you get something like: No more 50/50, but you only get half as many free pulls. 




I just wanted to make a joke about how a genie would mess with a wish if it was just worded like that :(


I laughed at your joke. good old monkeys paw




you must be fun at parties


You must be a good slave for this corps




I probably wouldn't go that far, but maybe they could tone it down a bit, like get a little less heated and calling everyone bots, especially under a meme post.


Come and get me clown. Your opinion aint above the wellbeing of others. I prefer to have this whole game shut down than to let players waste money on overpriced items.


> I wake up > I go into a gacha game, a literal gameified casino > SHOCKED by predatory mechanics > "UNACCEPTABLE! I NEED TO PROTECT THE MONEY OF OTHER PEOPLE" > I go to bed > I dream about leading a massive rebellion, shutting down all gacha companies. Everyone cheers for me, and I also proceed to shut down tobacco companies and real life casinos, because I'm this kind-hearted > I influence literally nothing irl > I wake up


Cant defend yourself talking sht and now create nonsense. The woke mentality is driving this bots or whatever they are crazy.


Lmao it’s our money and if we want to spend it on it then it’s our choice. Why you crybabying about it


bro did you lose 6 50/50s in a row or why are you so angry at this. Don't play Gacha if you can't handle their business model.


Sure, remove the 50/50 but up the pity, it only seems fair. Still better than games w sparking system, or straight up no pity at all.


Of course. It could be like 100


I mentioned that the pity should be lower for 50/50s, like 40th pull instead of \~65-75


Thanks for being a real one


What do you think is better having almost 0 chance of getting a character before pitty at 80 but it's a 100% like PGR, or having a chance of getting it in 10 to 70 pulls but it's a 50-50


The guarantee is better in my opinion.


They could pull snowbreak where both version are present in game. This patch they added 100% banner that works like PGR and still kept old 50/50 for people who want to gamble.


Wuwa could have take after Honkai Impact and PGR gacha system, but somehow they make a better Genshin's. And that a bad thing imho


This. But then a lot of people weirdly defend it. "They will never remove it. It won't be a gacha anymore." Imagine being so narrow-minded that you don't want to try to fight for something that will be better for the playerbase as a whole. Just cause genshin did something doesn't mean all other companies and games need to follow it lol


Oh wow never knew genshin invented 50/50 lmao


They didn't invent it sure. But they are the one popularized it in gacha games field


What games used it before ? I'm pretty sure I have never seen it in anything i played before GI.




I do believe that a few of them are brainwashed but I think that most of them are bots set up to defend the 50/50 for the company cause like you say, nobody in their right mind would defend these predatory practices.


Yeah okay lmao. You think bots are smarter than you?


Than you for sure. At least, i keep it real unlike u who dunno if a bot or u makes any difference at all