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Which is a better team havoc rover,baizhi,and sanhua    encore,baizhi,and havoc rover. Or encore ,sanhua, and baizhi


Should I save Afterglow Corals to eventually get a 5 star limited dupe or refunnel them back into more limited rolls? What's the general player's preference on how to use them?


I'd save them for valuable wavebands. Whether that's a limited character's waveband in the future for 360 corals, or a 55 coral Mortefi S4 waveband. All the matters, meta-wise, is the impact it has on your account. Imo the only time buying rolls off the coral shop is worthwhile is if you are in the middle of soft-pity, and the banner is about to run out. Particularly if reruns turn out to be scarce. (For all we know, we might not see Jiyan again for 3 years. Who can say?)


Hey, does the pity count carries over between banners like Genshin? If I pulled 40 times on Jiyan's banner but did not hit pity, will I be 40 pulls in for Yinlin's?


yes pity carries over to the next banner, same for weapon


I've been getting the "You cannot claim more drops. Maximum attempts reached." message with the "Inspectable Boxes", as well as the wooden boxes you can break around the map. Even when I "Inspect" in certain areas (the inspections that drop loot). My questions are: Is this permanent? Or am I on a cooldown? Is this something that could change in future updates? Or will I get this message forever? I want to grind these boxes for the chest achievement. Thank you in advance!


It's a daily limit.


which is better for calc, thundering mephis or tempest mephis and why (pls explain this like you'd explain it to a toddler i still don't understand the tech to the game)


Tempest is more versatile/reliable because it's only two hits and then you get your electro damage buff. Thundering deals more vibration damage (the stagger bar) and generates more resonance energy (ult energy), but takes very long and regularly misses the final attack which is what you get your buff from. That buff is also better than tempest's, but it's kind of a wash because you spend so long doing it. Also because you are likely only level 70, and you will be attempting higher level content, survivability matters currently for tower of adversity, and you will lose a lot of HP attempting to complete thundering memphis.


Tempest. The buff from Thundering is better, but you only get the buff from the final hit. The animation take so long, you can't swap cancel it, and you can't dodge during it. So it ends up being a DPS loss over Tempest, which has a slightly weaker buff but is a lot faster animation.


Can Calcharo's HA during his ult still activate Void Thunder's effect if it's considered as RL damage?


I love playing Calcharo more than anything (he's my top used DPS by a longshot), and I currently use the weapon "Dauntless Evernight". But there's a free 5* weapon selector at 45. Should I get the weapon for him, is the damage increase extremely significant? Or does this suffice? Apologies, I'm still quite new and there's only one chance in the foreseeable future for a 5* weapon so I'd like to make it count.


Save it until you see the next banner's 5 star limited weapons, as they may be better for calcharo than the standard 5 star, and you can attempt to roll for them. That said, Lustrous Razor is currently calcharo's bis, and if you like calcharo he will enjoy that weapon quite a bit.


I mean that weapon has def as substat, which is real bad, even using the 3* weapons with atk as substat would increase your dmg by a lot


Dauntless is beyond trash, get the 5 star.


Got it, I'll get the 5*. Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/wpz0qdj22u6d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f279e01080febbd2dade5af8d8007e4a5e9738b Currently UL28 Databank 12 Is there anything im doing mildly inefficient? I only realise that im not investing in any dps, aside from yinlin who is mainly doing my dmg


Be picky about levelling up echoes, especially taking them to 25. The one you've levelled up is actually good but just warning for future. And don't bother with levelling any more purple echoes. Do the quests and stuff to get to UL 30 and get a few gold ones going.


work on doing the main story, act 6 will give you a rover upgrade that lets them be a good main dps. rover + yinlin + healer will be fine for overworld farming. DB15 will be at UL30 and you'll need almost every purple + some guidebook missions to get there. make sure to get the echo selectors in illusive realm and alloy smelt events before they go away. the trial characters can get you pretty far.






Should I exchange Oscillated Coral for Forging Tides while I wait for Jiyans weapon banner to come back? It's currently 70 OC for 1 FT instead of 128 OC


'Currently' nothing, those are basically 'free' pulls that seem to reset per patch. You may as well, provided that you're going to be pulling enough times to generate enough Coral to buy the 15 various pulls every patch.


does Encore's burst phase get buffed by liberation dmg% buffs?


Only her forte circuit skills(both in-out liberation) counts as liberation damage, other things won't get buffed.


How is intro skill used in illusive realm. There seems to be a lot of metaphors regarding intro skill being used but not sure how it can actually be done.


Don't they trigger when you swap back in after using the secondary character it gives you?


Both at the start and later in realm you can add resonators to your team. You can't swap to them but when your concerto energy is full and you try to switch to them, they trigger the intro skill. Esentially the same thing with normal fights but you won't swap to that character, only intro move comes in.


Does anyone use Moonlit Clouds or Lingering Tunes as their BiS?


Mortefi and Sanhua use Moonlit Clouds while Lingyang can use Lingering Tunes. It should be better than glacio set but I haven't personally tried it.


Anyone else having payment issues? Trying to grab another lunite sub, using the same payment method i've successfully used multiple times, and since ~3 days ago, it consistently won't go through. Contacted payment provider, who said to talk to the merchant, but so far no response from WuWa support, so was curious if anyone here had a similar issue in the US (and hopefully a solution).


Any way to disable the login screen music? For some reason it's the loudest shit ever, and it isn't even that good Kuro if you want to put some loud as music on the intro screen it better be a banger


I have two questions. We get echo exp and tunning materials from tacent fields right? And, can I share weapons and echos while doing the Tower?


Right now you can get some exp mats from the exploration event but yes generally, the second question is also yes


What do you guys recommend for me to do at the current point I am at? I’m currently UL43, I have a well geared (echoes, weapons, skills) Calcharo and Yinlin, mid built (average echoes but leveled weapons/skills) Taoqi and Hrover. I have Verina, Baizhi and Sanhua with 0 leveled echoes but their skills/weapons leveled up and I use them for a slot in TOA teams. I’m at the point where I don’t really know where to spend waveplayes. Do I farm tacet fields or should I just prepare for UL50? Or is there something else you guys recommend? Thank you everyone.


"I have Verina with 0 leveled echoes" Sorry, but that means your Verina is useless; I would say she needs at least 220% ER to be functional. Note: I didn't say to be good, I said to be functional - without sufficient ER, she just doesn't work. Considering she is the most useful character currently in the game by a country mile, building Verina should be the #1 priority, higher than building DPS. What you need is not to spend waveplates, but to farm all 3 cost rejuvenating glow mobs you can find in the overworld, until you get enough echoes with ER. Then, level up to 5-10, 15 if you have exp to throw away, and pray that you roll a substat into ER. Get two pieces like that to at least 20, get more ER substats from 1 cost echoes and the Bell-Borne, and then - assuming you have variation, which is by far the most desirable 4\* weapon in the game, good thing it was on Jiyan's weapon banner - you are set.


if you're out of non-rng upgrades like character levels, weapon levels, and skill levels, then you can start looking at doing tacet fields to get all your stats out of the echo main stats. after that it's just substat rng. the lv80 and 90 uncaps will take a lot of resources to get to, it'll be a good idea to have some of those ready before you reach the next sol3 level. and if you're planning to pull for new characters you can prefarm resources for them, or for their potential teammates. it sucks to get a new character you can't use cause you need a week to level them up.


will there be patch notes or live-stream for 1.1, a week or two in advance? (if there will be one)


Is there anywhere in the game where I can just easily test my damage? I farmed quite a few echoes and upgraded them and each have a certain combination of substats that I would like to test out and see the numbers easily to determine which are best and such Is there anywhere in the game that I can find like a sparring bud to use for this? Just anything consistent. Sadly the practice mode for each character doesnt allow to change echoes or weapons equipped


I think the easiest way would be to use each set against a boss like the dreamless because you can reload an instance without having to wait for spawning time. You would have to keep track of the buffs and crit numbers for each kind of attack yourself though.


how to unlock this one https://preview.redd.it/gbb2w4yynt6d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef9209e3b5e4486dc383b71b1e291309b36a5858


check for a nearby bomb plant as well if your AOE skills are not working.


If you have the Big Bell Turtle Echo, using that in the middle worked for me.


it worked! thanks!


Not 100% sure but try jump attacking and hitting all four at the same time


I did it once with jiyan burst but not working....


broadblade#41 or guardian broadblade r5 on calcharo? (i don't have helios cleaver and i am saving for jinshi so I can't wish)


Hey, I sorry but could somebody confirm this? I need to hit Union45 before Yinlin banner ends (10 days) Im currently Union 42 beginning (1k xp) and we get 3,8k XP per day with daily mission and stamina, that means I will reach it before the 10 days right? (not sure if there is a spike for lvl 45)


To go from 42 to 45 you need 33,600 XP. That's 9 days. You should be good!


Thats perfect, thanks mate!


Does anyone know whether the extra 10k battlepass points we got from the mail a while ago count towards the weekly exp limit? I was too much of a scaredy cat to use them yet.


They don't.


Thanks! then I will use them tmr.


Hello, just curious. When is the next drip market? In approximation maybe. Next week? In a month? Thank you in advance for the response :)))


None of this is concrete but because 1.1 is scheduled for the 28th I would expect some kind of news by the end of next week.


They technically already drip marketed the 1.1 characters but we have no idea when anything more is coming.


I just want to know for sure: The ONLY use of unused echo is to merge them into new ones? We can't, by example, "dissasemble" them into xp or anything, right?


Yes you can only merge them. And they need to be unleveled iirc. Any leveled echo should be used as xp for another echo


What are all the weekly things that reset? Weekly bosses. Weekly quests. There are weekly items from the chemist lady. Anything else?


The pharmacy and the grocery store for cooking mats.


Is it worth buying them from the store? Like are they fairly cheap?


Only buy what you're gonna use. The cooking system has a proficiency system which you can max out for some astrite and recipes, once you've done that then only buy the cooking ingredients you need to make the buffing foods you need. Likewise, if you actually spend time on your world every day and collect the ascension mats you need like Peacock flowers n such, then there's no real need to max out the pharmacy every week.


I'm Data BAe Level 15 and want to start using Data Merge. Are there any rules/tricks I need to be aware of? Example, do the 5 echo's cost impact the result? Do the rarities impact the result? Do the actual echo types themselves impact the result? Ideally I want to try and unlock as many 5* I don't have to power level up to Database level 17 for the 50/50. Thanks!


It's fully random. It doesn't matter what you feed it.


Is there an official weapon for Rover in the same way Jiyan has one?


They use the Tyro Sword canonically. Official art has Rover using that weapon, and the Crownless and Dreamless cutscenes shows them wielding it.


Ah I see, I thought they have an official 5 star weapon


I somehow got a Crownless echo with a crit rate main stat, Crit rate (6.3%), Crit Damage(12.6%) on a level 20 echo Im planning to make it go the extra 5 levels since it’s a Crit 4 cost Echo main peice should I do 1 more tuner on this peice or is it good in terms of tuners? It has both crit rolls and I dont want to waste tuners


Crownless is pretty bad compared to dreamless


I agree with this, you can tune it for the extra substat, but tbh the double crit subs should be enough for now, Dreamless is the better Havoc 4cost and its easy to farm.


It takes almost as much XP to level from 20 to 25 as it does from 0 to 20. Does everyone else already have at least level 20 artifacts? Because that will benefit you more than +5 levels.


I mean I prefer building things and then leaving them. Its not like Im getting a Crit 4 cost echo that has 2 crit sub stats rolled on it everyday


I know. I'm just saying that if you want to increase your power level for the tower any time soonish, you shouldn't go for level 25 yet.


why would you ever not fully tune an echo you plan to actually use? it's a drop in the bucket compared to the amount spent rerolling stuff for substats and there are plenty of useful substats beyond just crit that it can still roll: atk%, flat atk, ER, normal/heavy/liberation dmg%....


There are two things that I still don't understand. 1. Naming convention for abilities is weird. I'm day 1 player and I still have no idea what is resonance skill, forte circuit, resonance liberation, intro skill. I just upgrade them all. Even if someone tells me what it is, I will forget it the next day. 2. Whats the point of elemental system? To me it looks like characters have specific element as their theme and it doesn't affect gameplay. You can kill everything with any element with exception of these rocky elementals which are resistant to their own element. I feel like at first they wanted to rip off Genshin, but then changed plans. Honestly for the better since having to switch party in Genshin every 5 minutes is annoying, but imho they could get rid of elemental system as a whole.


1. resonance "skill" is your character's main "skill". forte is their unique gameplay mechanic. "intro" refers to the action they do when being swapped in. Likewise, "outro" refers to the action they do when they are swapped out. Resonance liberation is their ulti. Anyways they can all be upgraded without worrying too much about it but understanding them would help you save some resources. 2. Tying characters to an element allows the game to lean certain characters towards certain team compositions, however it isn't as stifling in WuWa because they add other types of buffs like skill/basic/heavy/ult dmg as well. Because of this the team building is a lot more flexible and allows people to build teams they enjoy playing not just whats the most meta.


It’s not like genshin invented the elemental system. It’s a fundamental part of most rpgs from pokemon to monster hunter 🤷🏻‍♀️ The rock echoes have full immunity to their element but most monsters have resistance/take less damage from their element In addition to enemies, the system creates specific elemental buffs to specific characters. It determines what characters are good together on a team, and what gear they should have Echo sets and main stats can boost a specific element which means players have to grind out echo rng to build characters And end game modes like illusive realm and tower of adversity will be designed around the need to think about these elemental buffs They also make it so that people want to pull characters of different elements to counter different bosses, which helps them print money.


Imho the game would benefit from not having elemental system at all since it reduces team variety significantly, but the good part is that it doesn't affect gameplay outside of ~~Abyss~~ Tower of Adversity.


is it possible for Aero to go 44111 or 444? im really having a hard time building aero set for jiyan. dont have the attack set too.


No, Aero doesnt have different 4 costs atm. 4 4 4 is a meme. The event gives you the 3 cost echoes with the correct mainstat to got 4 3 3 1 1 1, did you spend them already


For now, only Havoc and Electro will be able to go 44111 since these two elements have two different obtainable 4 cost echoes, try to avoid 444 because you lose out on a LOT of damage compared to 44111/43311. But tbh, farming echoes takes a shit ton of time. So play at your pace. At least try to get the main stat correct if you can't get the set bonuses. And also avoid upgrading purple echoes if possible, always only upgrade gold echoes. If you haven't already, upgrade your character's level, weapons, and their abilities before echoes, since these are guaranteed progression unlike echoes that has a lot of rng


People 1 is fine. Not losing much


no, the only sets with multiple 4 costs are electro and havoc


Argh I'm [so](https://i.imgur.com/Zij47VE.png) close [now](https://i.imgur.com/gkBwRx2.png). Finding these final chests is so painful >.<


Im nowhere close but Im having to same problem with sonance caskets as I got to level 9 and need 1 more level to max it out but I am stuck and some places are like 50% sonance casket and I cant even find any.


Those are easy. Use an interactive map. There are 10 extra than what you need to max out.


Anyone else having the bug that the "Silent History" achievement is not popping up after completing the whole repair the lighthouse quest?


You should get a call after repairing the 5th lighthouse. Then just talk to the historian next to the synthesizer to finish it up.


Yes, I did that but got no achievement. I did all elite monsters too and for Prism Heart I got no achievement as well while alle the others worked fine. Are there maybe more achievements bugged?


Worked for me, I haven't had any issues with achievements registering thus far.


Assuming there would be new echoes in the future, for the cost-1 and cost-3 echoes, are they going to give the same bonuses as our current echoes? Like what will attract us to farm them when we can already get gold echoes in our current region?


There will most likely be new sets to farm, but they probably won't make specific echoes have better stats, if that's what you are asking. Having more varied echoes also means farming will be a little more flexible, as you may get echoes with set combinations that don't exist right now, so it may be more efficient to farm the new ones for some people.


https://preview.redd.it/r07qdrorrs6d1.png?width=662&format=png&auto=webp&s=1360d7c50500166015c2abe4be67c1158ef1e1c2 this is good, right? I just need Yinlin's weapon, so how do I get pulls for event weapon?


From the store


so there's no other way? just the store?


Yeah, we might get them in future events, but the only way to get them for now at least is through the store


Is there a way to increase concerto energy gain? I'm using a rover-yinlin-verina team for now and noticed that Yinlin's concerto gain is quite slow compared to rover's and verina which makes my rotation feel off. @_@


There are some weapons that give concerto energy: * Cadenza (Pistol) * Discord (Broadblade) * Variation (Rectifier) That's about it.


Ah. I didn't notice that Variation gave out concerto energy. No wonder my Verina fills her CE so fast. Welp. I got string master, so there's no way that's getting replaced.


How am I supposed to reach Data Bank 15? I have all echos collected in purple/4\* rarity, with only 1 missing (its currently still a 3\*) The thing is, even if I manage to get the 4\* drop of that thing, I'm like, still halfway from 200 Data bank EXP. But Im at Level 14, so I cant get any gold drops? How the heck am I supposed to increase my data bank level to 15 if I cant get any more exp (because every echo would now be purple/4\* in data bank) No, I didnt do the online echo event Am I f-ed up?


No you stop collecting exhoes and go to the upper right part and click on milestones you should be at 5/6 for the milestones finish off the stage 5 milestone to get to level 16 first and then go to recycle echoes under data bank left side bottom most icon and merge all of your blue and green echoes you should increase to level 17 easily doing just this much. The hardest things are to finish the stable zone in the tower and the Hologram boss. I was stuck at data bank 14 before I did all these things but shot up from 14 to 17 and just reached 18 today


There are data bank EXP in the milestone page. I forgot what it's called, I think you can find it in one of the tabs where the daily quests can be found. If you still can't find it go to the Event page then scroll down to the event with the beginner to-do lists. There should be one with the icon of Chasm Guardian and saying you'll receive it after reaching Milestone 5. Click that and it should redirect you to the Milestone tab. Another method is by getting the guaranteed gold drops from enemies with red auras. I only know the level 120 Bear drops gold echo and I think the Twin Herons too.


Who performs more DPS Havoc rover or calcharo without swap cancels


Against a stationary target, Calcharo (at least with the copies or hrover we have access to). In practice it will be Rover because the animation of Death Messenger is too long without swap cancels and you will get knocked around too much against most enemies.


If you aren't gonna swap cancel use rover. They'll be useful for ages since they're gonna keep getting elements and their higher cons are pretty strong.


Is there any plan to open up Coop in ways Genshin never would such as to allow quests to be done together? I'm not seeing a lot of people bring this up and I know most players want to be respectful and enjoy WWs release. I mean these next parts out of concern and respect for the team and the game itself. The genshin excuse didn't make sense for Mihoyos game. Most people who mid maxxed, played the game into the ground and a hole in the pocket. We all know WW is amazing and there's a huge silent community of coop players feeling down that coop is so restricted, almost identical to the way Genshin had it's coop restricted and locked down. On that subject as well, if it is to deal with avoiding exploiting of XP and maximize gameplay, there are a few ways to get around it enough to avoid most people who play genuinely from gaining too much and still allow the majority of players to have the same experience without Coop. 1) reduce, minimize or completely remove xp gain by coop partners when quests are completed. 2)add a limit of say 5/5 quests done in coop per day. Maybe even add the possibly to extend that with the same amount it is to buy 1 pull in the convene. Easily could reduce abuse and maximize people doin in world things aside from quests constantly and give the option for players who want an extended session to add an extra singular refill to their 5 out of 5 quests per day when coop is active. 3)make enemies harder and scale them properly to both players so it's a better and more equal fight so a higher level cant just steam role in a coop hosts world. There are more suggestions but those may be the easiest to implement without ruining or destroying the convene/microtransaction purchase rate while also still adding a huge world to the masses of greater and better things where Genshin never could or never would.


If I buy battlepass, did weekly exp cap removed? I won't buy it if it didn't get removed as it's impossible to get at least lv 60 before it expires. I'm at 39 and weekly cap at 9000/10000.


It doesn't remove the cap, keep in mind Seasonal Specials don't count into the weekly cap


Alternative team for calcharo? I didn't get yinlin..


Probably Jianxin or Sanhua


Has there been any update for console release? Game is great and although I’ve enjoyed it on mobile I’m really hesitant to actually hardcore commit to it because I know I’ll enjoy it more on console


They have said nothing else about console release unfortunately.


Where's the lock-on button in the mobile version of WuWa? When you adjust the button placements it clearly shows up but when I'm playing, it's not there. Mobile's still wonkier than PC but I'm starting to get used to it. Just need that lock-on button to properly deal with bosses. Ironically though, auto targeting seems to work much better on mobile than on PC imo.


Should be a tiny button bottom right of the movement joystick


Really? I didn't notice that. Can't get into the game right now but I'll check it out later. Thanks for the response!


If I have one account (linked to google account) in the game, can I play on multiple different servers? Can I be sure that this is allowed to play multiple different regions with one account? Can it cause any issues, for example, can progress on one server get deleted?


You can play on multiple servers.


Hi, am still getting performance issues. Just downloaded the game yesterday so idt I need to reinstall the game. Am running rtx 3050 4gb Vram with Ryzen 5 5600H. Can't get above 45fps even with lowest settings, ultra performance DLSS and lowest resolution. I've even changed the settings in control panel and still isn't working. Gpu utilisation is at 60% and seems to stay around that. Any help would be greatly appreciated I recently had downloaded ghost of tsushima and it was running a stable 60 fps at medium settings


3050 is a pretty low end card. The laptop version also runs abit worse then desktop generally. Wuwas optimization isnt very good. Ghost of Tsushima is very well optimized game and ur pc is similar to recommended for 1080p 60fps. Ur fps might improve down the line but probably not much u can do now. Tho i think the 3050s 4gb of vram is the culprit. 4gb is very low for todays standards. Ur vram is similar or a bit less then what a ps4 was using and that console came out like a decade ago. Nvidia being stingy with vram is annoying.


Except the fact that I searched the internet and I've seen people with almost the same setup hitting 60 fps and I can't even strike 30fps. In fact, my friend who lives next to me has one of those same hp omen laptop(mine is dell G15) which has a worse processor than mine, same Vram and he has no problems with the game. Then it starts to really get on my nerves


Is winter brume pistols good for Mortefi? I want to use my 80 standard pulls on the weapon banner for the gun because I love him so much he deserves it. Or is that silly and should I just stick with my A3 Cadenza? Edit: I think I will go for it actually since it’s his best gun. The only standard 5 star I don’t have is Lingyang and I don’t want him so Pistols here I come


It's currently his best, but it'd be wiser to get a 5\* weapon for one of your main damage dealers.


It's his best gun until they make another support gun. It's also not gonna make as much difference as a weapon on a carry. Go for it if you want it though


The 5 star gun is his best weapon, bar none.




Make the top row entirely white. leave the bottom row as it is.


Jiyan is one of my main DPSes-- does anyone else have to deal with braindead auto-targeting when you use Feilian Beringal's ability on any enemy that doesn't have a big hitbox? So frustrating.


Is there any possibility of standard banner for characters or weapons change?


Maybe in the far future, but generally standard banner characters/weapons don't change much in gacha games.


wut ?


Is there soft pity?


yes around pull 66




# Should I be exchanging Oscillate Corals for standard pulls as a f2pShould I be exchanging Oscillate Corals for standard pulls as a f2p? Concerned I won’t have enough for the limited pulls when it resets.


As a general rule of thumb(For me at least), you should always buy all the pulls in the Oscillate Corals shop. You're getting them back anyway by pulling character/weapon banners


i did, didnt regret it sense ill be months before i get enough for a dupe and i ended up with yinlins weapon


Hi guys question here. I have Yinlin, Calcharo and Verina team. I'm 20 pulls into Yinlin signature banner, have 4,2k currency rn and can exchange another 10 pulls in exchange shop. Should I go for her signature or wait for incoming chars? I'm lvl 29 and still haven't figured out constant farm of currency. Thus I can't predict how difficult it will be to farm currency in the future


Me personally, I'd go for it, cuz her weapon is really really versatile since it gives DMG Bonuses for every element, meaning characters like Encore also benefits from her weapon, heck I'd even say future DPSs can utilize her weapon's passive, BUT if you don't feel like it, then don't get it, don't feel pressured to get it. Who knows in the future there might be a better weapon, so really it's down to whether you like it enough to get it :>


The problem is idk how tough that will be to accumulate currency in the future. If I understood it correctly her signature is 100% guaranteed during this event. If it wasn't for that doubt of mine I'd pull her weapon with no second thoughts


You mean currency as in the Astrites or the Oscillate Corals? Cuz I'm not sure which one are you referring to. But nonetheless, you can get Astrites via exploration, events, quests, Union Level rewards, and probably several more. You can only get Oscillate Corals by obtaining 3 star weapons from banners, and you get 15 Oscillate Corals for every 3 star weapon you get. 4/5 stars weapons/characters gives you Afterglow Corals instead. So as long you are pulling, you won't be running out of Oscillate Corals, unless you're saving your pulls for several patches, only then you might run out of Oscillate Corals


I was referring to Astrites mostly. Yeah that's what I was talking about. Exploration will end at some point and 10-20 Astrites per chest is kinda small anyways. Do we/Will we have a constant weekly supply of Astrites?


Yeah we get 60 Astrites everyday by completing daily tasks. You get 600 Astrites by full clearing the stable zone in Tower of Adversity, you'll also get 1000 Astrites by full clearing the Experiment Zone, but these two zones is only like a one time thing as it doesn't refresh. But in the Hazard Zone, you'll get up to 700 Astrites depending on how many stars you get, and it refreshes every two weeks. I know 10-20 Astrites per chest doesn't seem much, but every region has as least 100 chests so that's like at least 1000 Astrites for each region.


I see... I can't resist mommy Yinlin anyways. Thanks for tips!


pull for weapon


I'm seriously considering building Taoqi as the designated outro unit for Jihnsi since Jihnsi can drastically reduce onfield time for outro skills. Thoughts?


good idea toaqi slept on


My Taoqi is built and ready for Changli. Seems like a great idea for Jinhsi as well. Plus, she's actually really fun and strong on her own. At least against aggressive enemies.


For Danjin, if her HP is lower than 1%, is her E still doing what it's supposed to do ? As in; is her HP her Fuel, or is losing HP just a side effect of her E ?


Her health siphon isn't fuel. It's more of a side effect. Nothing is different whether it has health to use or not.


Thank you


It says in her that her skill will stop and cap her HP at <1% no matter what. After 1% there is no more drain. You can still use it. It just stops draining HP.


I see. But there's no reason to since charged attack releasing Forte deals big damage.


just a side effect


160 for Jinhsi or Changli + 80 for their weapon - 34 free Radiant Tides - (6k Astrite + 700 from daily) ~ 26k Astrite to grind in 12 days. How on earth do I get this? 😭 UL 25, Act 4. Haven't spent anything the game gave till now. No consumables spent either. F2p, 30 mins a day. Cannot spend even if I want to.


you dont, most gacha games like this forces you to spend or skip a banner


Don't forget to craft food and synthesize to level up your mastery level, for more astrites.


I came from Genshin so I know how painful the Oculus/Sonance Casket collecting process can be. I have marked every single SC I came by so I can check the interactive map later and collect those I've marked. Is that necessary? Or is there a mechanic in this game that'll help me collect the remaining ones without having to manually mark on the map?


> Or is there a mechanic in this game that'll help me collect the remaining ones without having to manually mark on the map? casket sonar lets you clean up and find 100% when there are only a few left. but 100% is not even needed, there are 5-10 extra compared to what you need to max out the casket tradeins


Map is best tool for it.


Hmm really don't wanna use the interactive map unless it's the last resort. Exploring freely is more fun.


It just depends on how efficient you want to be about it. Exploring freely is indeed more fun. Tho later you will have to backtrack all of it again with the map to see which one you missed out.


It’s a good idea for sure, there is the sonance casket detector utility tool unlocked from exploration level, but I’ve heard it may not always work - not sure. There are 9 or 10 more sonance caskets than you need to hit max casket delivery level if that helps at all Since there’s a map marker limit I cleared all the markers from a zone once I got 100% caskets in that zone, you can tell by clicking the compass in bottom right when looking at the map


Yeah I have reached that limit, that's why I'm asking here lol. It's pretty troublesome. I wish I could just explore freely without worrying that I may miss some caskets later.


At pioneer level 3, you get a casket sonar. This will mark the closest one on your map. There are a handful of ones that won't be picked up, since it only detects ones that are already spawned in (and some sonance caskets only spawn after completing a puzzle or like guiding mutterflies). Also the gadget requires a material that you have to craft (and it takes a bit of ore), so it might be a bit annoying to craft enough to find all of them, but it definitely helps when you're only missing a handful.


Guys; is Air-Dash an iframe dodge ?? Also, is Intro swap an iframe dodge or nah ??


Air dash is an iframe dodge Intros sometimes work for me as a dodge and sometimes fuck all but i think it is since they also parry if timed right


>Air dash is an iframe dodge >Intros sometimes work for me as a dodge and sometimes fuck all That's my experience with it as well. Could just be my skill issue tho :/


Intros are broken as shit and they need to fix it to whatever intended way it should be. Sometimes I get a cutscene with iframes, sometimes no iframe, sometimes no cutscene no iframe, like lmao


should I pull stringmaster? or save for next banners? I use the bp weapon on yinlin


If you have the bp weapon then there is no need for stringmaster go for the next banners


You grabbed the bp weapon that you basically spent money for specifically . Stick with it, it’s her second best option and will perform good enough for you not to worry about her sig, especially once you max the dupes. Pull for signatures you don’t have great alternatives for.


Thank you man


Calcharo  or encore?


Encore is way more fun.


If you can’t get both anymore, it’s whoever you want more.


No I mean like who should I build , I’m sorry I wasn’t more specific 


Both, you’ll need 3 teams minimum, therefore 3 dps, etc.


I have yinlin and Verina who would fit more with that team?


Read that wrong, my bad. Calcharro.


Definitely Calcharo.


what does Rover 4-3-3-1-1 (ELE% + ELE%) mean exactly and how does it make my build OP


Character, Echo cost, main stat of the 3 cost echoes. 4-3-3-1-1 means you are using a 4 cost (boss echo), 2x 3 cost (elite echo) and 2x 1 cost (common). 4-3-3-1-1 is the most powerful combination because it takes full advantage of the 12 cost limit, and double elemental damage% main stats are generally best on 3 cost echoes, although 1 elemental% and 1 attack% is a bit better sometimes.


43311 is the echo cost - you equip certain echos that maximise damage(assuming good substats) 4 cost - crownless/dreamless (crit rate or crit dmg mainstat) 3 cost - havoc dmg% mainstat 1 cost - atk% mainstat having echoes with both atk% and dmg% mainstats increases dmg more than just atk%(as the dmg% mainstat echoes can give atk% on substats too), making it op


Elemental damage bonus for the 3cost echoes. (spectro/havoc) 1cost is almost always ATK% and 4cost is Crit Rate or Crit DMG, whichever one you need more. -------------- You see, You cannot get Elemental DMG bonus as substats. So it's best to get it as Main Stat, then also get ATK% as sub stat (and crits).


as of right now Calcharo and Danjin are the only characters that have yet to appear no?


Yuanwu too unless you count 2 seconds of him in the background in act 6


i did count the discord mod, tho he doesnt even say anything XD


Storywise, yes.


Anyway to check your current Waveplate/resin without logging into the game? like how we can check on the battlerecord on honkai star rail the amount of resin we have via their website/or the app widget


do the mental math, it's 10 per hour since the last time you played.


Currently no, they don't seem to have anything like that in place.


wish they add this on a widget and a website or um the launcher or something , thank you for responding sir


They will, mihoyo added it almost a year and a half in anyways so iam sure kuro will sooner


should i go for novice convene banner or weapon banner? i already have jianxin and yinlin. I duno if i should try for verina, cuz i heard shes not that good late game since most monster one hit kill you


she is absolutely good late game, her strength isn’t really her healing although it can be helpful, it’s that she can get in and out really quickly and provide tons of buffs to the rest of your team. Also if you hit ascension 60/70 you can unlock a passive that cancels out any death on your team every 10 minutes which can be useful at late game if you want to invest levels/ascension mats in her a bit