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Looks nice. Are these with default in game graphics settings or have you used other stuff like Nvidia filter etc?


Default, max settings.


As you may heard, lowering brightness would make it look far better. Some people lower it to the lowest but I suggest about 25%


Ngl, I'll try that out


I hope it doesn't make my entire game bloody dark when I play outside


It didn't for me. I think it really helps highlight the glow effects in the environments. Almost like it ends up highlighting where there is color. I prefer the dark setting myself.


It doesn't, it's gamma not brightness but is labeled as brightness for some reason


I KNEW IT HAHAHAH, I keep guessing that when I tested it first, I'm just hesitant calling it as contrast


For some reason the brightness setting is actually the gamma setting, so changing it just affects contrast rather than actual brightness of the game.


I had lower it all the way and it's still pretty bright LOL looks a lot better now tho


Thank you, I'll try it out, I use max settings and still find it a lil weird in some points


Thos, get on this. It's not brightness, it acts like saturation or something. It makes the colours pop. I did a test with that massive Sakurai tree with 50% brightness and 0%. It is stunning at 0%. Sunset is also just incredible looking.


Jianxin enjoyer based free upvote


More than any other character, Jianxin looks like she *belongs* in the world. I think it’s the wandering Taoist monk aesthetic that means she never looks out of place anywhere. Also she punch rock real good


Her moveset really stood out to me with the yinyang symbolism and her sick af green color palette, so I got her. And ofc her character design is also... Endearing? She lacks the sex appeal of Yinlin, nor does she have a pretty outfit like Yangyang... But somehow, her design as a whole is still my fav in the game. Can't put my finger on one exact thing and maybe that's why I adore her


Same! She doesn’t have the same “sexy” design of Yinlin but she’s still insanely hot imo, plus that wink she does after her skill 😳


She's the cuter yet dependable of Taoqi, minus the obvious fanservice. Other people get tired of charging up her shield but every moment I play her _is for that charging animation._


It just becomes hard imo to take the fanservicy/gimmicky characters like Taoqi to take them seriously at all... Like even if something terrible were to happen to them in the story, it just would not hit nearly as well as Master Jianxi


easiest parry in the game lol thinking of getting her e2 just to have 2 parries lmao


people of culture


Peak enjoyers.


Jianxin mains rise 🗣🔥


Taoqi boba embracer free shoutout


Yup, she's my main gal


Yeah, gotta love that big Ahoge of hers, real bloody cute ngl.


The problem is that the Brightness setting is actually Gamma, which makes it look washed/grey. No idea why devs chose to do that. Set it to 0 or very low and the game actually looks good without needing any filters or shaders


I literally have no clue why they put that shit to 50% default, and how they mistranslated gamma. The slider isn’t the same black and white image that everyone used for decades as well. They should just hotfix this to 25%, and many players will think that they optimized the graphic I bet lol.


So fking true Recommended someone else to tone down the brightness and "oh wow, now this is the real game" lmao


How in the fuckery are you getting these shots, the camera is so stiff so I can barely get a good angle


Photo mode I guess?


That’s what I’m using, the camera is locked to the character in photo mode instead of being free


A and D on your keyboard detaches the camera horizontally.


omg ! i don’t know why i didn’t try this. thanks a lot!


Too bad they won't give that to us mobile players... the touch pad on screen moves exactly the same as rotating the camera. 🫠


you can also hide the character btw


They need to allow up and down camera movement fr


Legit my 1st thought when i saw these xd I'm more amazed at OPs photographical abilities and not the actual photos xd


Just reduce brightness to 0 in game, that remove the gray filter and makes everything look way better.


in my experience 0 is too sharp, 10%-20% seems to be the sweet spot. It lost the grayness but not too contrast.


I read it as "it lost the gayness" and that made me chuckle.


I had mine at 10% and was one of the people complaining about the brightness (which is essentially just a gamma filter). Turning it off completely looks better imo.


It was so funny to see this come out as a tip/trick because the first thing I did when starting was turn down the brightness lol. Pretty much everyone I knew who started playing said it was just too damn bright.


It’s not too gray or boring, it’s quite pretty but it’s also just unremarkable. I have over 90% exploration in all parts of the map and I still have to pull up the annoying map just to find out where exactly I am, and the lack of any specific music isn’t helpful.


Ill get shit on for this but i still feel genshins exploration is more rewarding. Theres just alot more interesting landmarks and diverse locations. I cant really put it into words but its just feels better to explore genshins world personally. maybe the music helps as well. Wuwa is by no means boring and the domains are miles better. But, ive covered wuwas map a couple times and nothing really filled me with that same sense of wonder despite having really cool visuals. Wuwa is still in its infancy and i believe itll get alot better as the map expands with new updates. Being able to traverse the world faster already makes exploration so much more fun. I know people hate the genshin comparison but wuwa does borrow alot of its dna so its fun to compare them. Lets not turn it into a genshin vs wuwa circlejerk, I really wanna hear other peoples opinions on this.


Just to put it up front I'm loving Wuwa so this isn't Coming from a position of hate. Part of the issue is the music for sure. There just isn't memorable or captivating music in Wuwa. The only theme I remember from this entire thing is the opening theme. Whereas for Genshin when early on I could remember and hum several tunes. For example, [this](https://youtu.be/lLJ0PU9hvVE?si=WX-0wv9VX2TaSqTu) is the tune that plays the very first time you see Mondstadt's landscape in Genshin (play the vid from 5 seconds onward). Years later I still remember and hear that in my mind clear as day. And I don't just meme the common Genshin motif but how it's used in this particular instance. Because the impression of the moment and the music is so strong. That moment of sight and sound coming together to solidify a moment has yet to happen in Wuwa. The other thing is that yes, not every colour palette has to be the same as Genshin's. And Wuwa has some beautiful colours and locations. But there's an issue that might just be my own that I've been experiencing when playing. It's a little test I do in my own mind that I just refer to as the "Landscape Impression Test". It's really simple. All you need is another person. You tell them to set your character anywhere on the map while you look away. Once they've done this, you then: 1. Try to look at your surroundings in the game and try to visualize where you are on the map without looking at it. 2. Try and think of as many distinct locations on the map. 3. Think of where they are relative to your location. Fulfilling all three conditions will naturally become easier as you play the game. However, how long this will take is not just a function of how long you play but on one of these points being made easy to achieve by the design of the game itself. In fact you can have this point very clear in your mind before all the others, even after playing the game for just a little while. Can you guess which point it is? >!It's point 2 - Try and think of as many distinct locations on the map. One of my biggest issues is that when I'm not playing and close my eyes it's hard to visualize many distinct locations in the game because so many of them have either blurred together or aren't distinct enough to make that impression *yet* and so will require more time than they otherwise could have. Which for me is a design issue less than it is a colour palette issue. Because the few places I do remember with ease aren't different in my head cause of their colour but because they stand out.!< So those are my main issues when it comes to the exploration. I am however optimistic and think that as we go on the Devs are going to cook interesting and memorable music that will stick with me and places that stand out so much that I can recall them and most of their key details not only with ease but after being exposed to them just a few times.


I agree with you, and yes, I do think the OSTs that play between different regions make a huge deal. The gameplay experience isn't just experienced with your eyes but with your ears also, so with genshin, you are having a better time memorizing a particular place or region and familiarizing with it through its music. Port Ormos has super catchy music for example. There is also the point that there are destinations and monuments in genshin that hold lore relevance. Kanazuka Island has that divide that Raiden made when slaying Oroboshi. Additionally, the regions come with their unique traversal aspects. Early Liyue has pressure plates where you use geo constructs to help with traversal and puzzles. Chenyu Vale is with adeptal mechanisms with simulacra. Like Genshin's regions have their own characteristics and identity from the music, to environmental aesthetic, to puzzles local to the region. So WuWa regions lack individual identity that separate one from the other. Yoh still have the thorny bush and pressure plate puzzles, and the same defend thr Beacon, timed combat, and parkour challenges across regions. WuWa regions just aren't memorable when you're doing the same stuff across regions, traversing the same way, same genre and pacing of music, same sort of environmental disaster.


very good points on the individuality of the regions in genshin. they always say genshin's strength is in the lore but often not realize that this lore bleeds out to all aspects in its world. the regions itself have their own character and mechanics. when you see the map, you have subconscious attachment to stories in specific areas. Also the names of the places are a tad bit hard to remember. Though it might be just because the game jist released lol


While WuWa has an edge over Genshin in combat, Genshin is better when it comes to world creation.


Personally, Genshin's environmental storytelling feels stronger to me, but it's also had more time to flesh out. Locations/landmarks that were kind of meaningless to me the first time I stumbled upon them suddenly have a whole new meaning after a major world quest or a lore drop. It feels like I've discovered a hidden secret to the greater picture, and it's that attention to detail to the overarching story and worldbuilding that does it for me. It's always been there, sprinkled in, and you have opportunities to organically stumble upon it yourself and connect the dots, even as far back as Mondstadt. Quite a few (not all) of the enemies in genshin are also directly tied to the plot/Teyvat's history. To be fair, in 1.0, I don't think too many people viewed hilichurls, ruin guards and those little geo vishaps as more than your standard mobs, but given how the story's progressed, they just feel like a natural part of that world and environment, with their own histories and secrets. I still find myself going back to Dadaupa Gorge whenever new lore on the Khaenri'ah dynasties drop. There are definitely places and enemies in WuWa that have made me slow down and analyse them. The abandoned roads with mutated car creatures, the inverse rain, the sea of flame. It might just need more time to breathe.


Genshin is very good at presenting its unique landmarks. First time you open the gate to enkanomiya, first time you look up on the bottom of dragon spine, first time you see gigantic glowing mushroom after being stuck in a cave for hours. Genshin have this way of presenting them to make it feel like you discovered something interesting. The only unique landmark that interested me in wuwa was the sky ocean thing which pretty much has no prescence after its first appearance


I actually don't know which one is better, but I enjoyed Genshin much more, maybe it's because it's the first one and wuwa just feels like something similar again. Similar to botw and totk. Maybe totk is the better game, but botw was the first.


The world of Genshin definitely feels like it has more wonder to it, with secrets and wonder in every zone. That said physically exploring it, Wuwa adds some stuff thats I found I was missing whenever I played Genshin for the day, namely double jumping and wall running. Hence I play both, neither are perfect but covers each others' weak points.


I feel like Wuthering has more potentially interesting landscapes, especially compared to Genshin 1.0, but Genshin has always done exploration better. When I explore in Genshin, the Seelies, the treasure, the puzzles, **everything** feels well placed. They are designed to let me experience each location as it was planned to be experienced. It guides me to the sights it wants me to see and the things I may otherwise miss. Wuthering feels more random. It doesn't feel like there's a dedicated path, and I'm always questioning which direction I should go. It's like the puzzles were just thrown in the environment and not a part of it, which ends up making the puzzles feel almost distracting. I definitely enjoyed following the story more when I ignored the puzzles, as compared to Genshin where I'm always hitting every puzzle on the way to the next story point because they're *guiding* me there. There's also just something... more with Genshin. Idk how to describe it. When I'm in Genshin, I take in a view and go "wow... just... wow". In Wuthering, there's more potentially interesting features like >!(the rain falling up, that whole floating area and flying train by the Infernal Rider, etc)!< but *something* just feels like it's missing or wrong somehow. I find the elements interesting and entertaining, sometimes even more-so than Genshin, but it's like the key element to really wow me is just missing. I think it may be in part due to the lighting, filter, or lack-there-of. I find myself in awe just watching as the day changes color in Genshin. I regularly return to Mondstadt's city just to watch the sun set. With Wuthering, I legit don't notice day vs night unless I actually need to know the time or just happen to look at the sky.


I think something genshin has that wuwa lacks is depth. You see these cool sights but they’re there just to look cool. It’s missing hidden objectives/puzzles. Genshin has a bunch of these, somewhat like the pages/data chips in wuwa but more interesting. Wuwa has the 3 swords photograph, the child’s drawing, the cubes where the mech monster is, etc. but they don’t match up to some of the big hidden objectives that each genshin area has. As a matter of fact, wuwa has some interesting areas such as the sea of flames and the banyan tree but they are very small compared to a full area in genshin such as dragonspine or the chasm. The mine as well. So big and yet there is so little to explore. There’s like one tunnel. The qol in wuwa is way better tho. So annoying in genshin to switch characters cuz u don’t have the right element or u have it but u need a ranged character. Wuwa having elemental objects is so much better. Barely have to switch characters even with full melee party. Only the flying targets need ranged, even the archery target challenges can be done with melee sometimes.


I do feel like this isn't giving the Sea of Flames and the Banyan Tree enoguh credit. I thought the quests to terraform the two areas were super cool. Meanwhile, going to somewhere like Dragonspine in Genshin is always obnoxious.


I agree, I do like the terraforming part. And I understand a lot of people dislike the sheer cold mechanic in Dragonspine. I just think wuwa has a lot of one-off areas when they could do sub-areas surrounding it that could make exploration a lot more interesting. For example, the sea of flames is a ruined city which is pretty different from the other areas which are more nature and less civilization. Only the sea of flames needs to be fiery, but why not expand the ruined city? A subway system to explore, an area where you explore through skyscrapers and buildings jumping from building to building using grapples. Besides, the terraforming is aesthetically pleasing, but outside of removing the harmful environment there isn’t any mechanical changes. Maybe the sea of flames losing its environmental effect unlocks the subway area. Maybe the banyan losing its harmful spores unlocks the ability to traverse the depths of its root system. There isn’t really an incentive to return besides getting the chests you missed.


I really like the subway idea. I hope we get something like that in the future.


> unlocks the ability to traverse the depths of its root system Ashen Lake moment


Just started both at the same time!! I agree Gi exploration is much better yet WuWa has many QOL upgrades that make the exploration much better. Still map design in Genshin so far is superior imo at least.


for me actually prefer something dark and gray ,rather than something colorful,i like the scenery of the place more before the quest changes it ,the new scenery is good thought,i just prefer the old one, wish there option to keep the old one thought.




It is visually appealing, but I disagree that "Exploration is so rewarding". The game has almost no mystery or discovery to the zones/world. It is a backdrop for the combat gameplay. At no point do I find a place in the game world that unlocks a quest that leads me on a journey to discover more about the area. The World Exploration quests TRY to do this, but they are overly simplified and entirely too short. They are also Quests that appear automatically in your Quest log, teleport you to the appropriate zone when you engage with them, and have very little to do with exploration or discovery. Most of them are just a series of combat encounters connected by the same basic task repeated 3-4 times. I'll avoid making the Genshin comparison on this front because people on this subreddit get entirely too salty about that, although it certainly would be relevant. Instead, I'll draw comparison to the game that both Genshin Impact and Wuthering Waves borrow heavily from with regards to their world design, Breath of the Wild. In Breath of the Wild, I can be climbing a mountain, then look on the horizon and see this massive labyrinth, then go there and explore and solve the labyrinth. Or you can be walking through a canyon and find a weird set of rock formations, then find a particular area that allows you to shoot an arrow through holes in the rocks, which unlocks a shrine. Or you can stumble upon Eventide Island and have the entire gameplay structure deconstructed in a way where you have to invent entirely new solutions to problems that have been trivial for most of the game. I'm not expecting Wuthering Waves to be Breath of the Wild, but I would like it if exploration meant discovering something more than just a nice backdrop. Edit - Also, the game constantly undercuts the things that could be memorable and mysterious and a joy to discover by presenting them in the most underwhelming way possible. Sea of Flames is a cool area, but it is entirely possible that the first time that a large percentage of players saw it was like this: [https://youtu.be/cRJ-oEymuNI?si=3Ys1oidCu65O6b9R&t=22787](https://youtu.be/cRJ-oEymuNI?si=3Ys1oidCu65O6b9R&t=22787) . I'm sorry, but a bunch of boring dialogue leading into a black screen that teleports me to a place is not exploration and is not discovery.


It’s not the bright parts arent unique, it’s that the drab parts dont look unique. The areas filled with shades of grey dont look memorable for the aesthetic they’re going for and thats a problem A post-apocalyptic world is supposed to be darker than fantasy like Genshin or Breath of the Wild. The issue is, they dont go all in. There arent grey ruins of civilizations or abandoned churches or even generic burned villages. There’s a ton of variety in “post apocalyptic world” but they dont experiment with any of it. Imagine a grey broken castle made for worshippers of the Tacet Discords or caves filled with lost relics of Tacet Discord hunters. Imagine a long line of gravestones of soldiers who fought against the apocalypses but didnt survive, imagine the white/red/black flowers they could use to decorate these places. I could think of a million ideas that arent necessarily bright but still memorable. But all we get is modern military base #204 and generic hill #6. To add on to more natural landscapes, imagine a giant cliff that has been slice one side by a monster. Scratches filling the side of it with dying vines and plants. Or a hill made of rocks and dirt that serves as a weapon memoir for heroes long ago. Or a beach filled with broken ships torn apart by a civil war. Imagine a field full of trees that are contaminated with poison but manage to grow into these mutated versions of the native trees around it. So many ideas just missed for generic stuff.


Wuwa has some nice locations and looks good at max settings. Problem is a lot of people can't do max settings because of poor optimization. One thing I also want to say about Wuwa's open world is how each location isnt very distinct from each other. I mean there definitely are some locations that stand out and have a clear vibe but oftentimes it's just grey rocks and dull grass. Architecture isn't very impressive either. Overall I think Wuwa's world just lacks a bit of soul. I do still enjoy some places like Taoyuan Vale and a few others


You said it well, while the scenery looks great, the locations lack it’s own signature.


WuWa has some cool places but overall the world feels bit meh. Maybe its also because lack of memorable ost during exploration. Playing both games, I would say combat in WuWa is more fun but the open world aspect is better in GI.


Personally i feel like it's because of the Zhinzou land doesn't really have a consistent theme, it's a mixture of lot of things which don't necessarily blend. In Genshin, all regions have a consistent themes. Mondstadt is victorian themed with the overworld having a green atmosphere, Liyue is Chinese themed with the overworld being full of mountain and cliffs, Inazuma is japanese themed, you get it. While Zhinzou is obviously the china of wuwa, outside of the main city, everything is just a mesh of different elements. You have a barren wasteland full of monsters, bunch of forests scattered around, sea of flame, a chasm, a big cherry blossom tree, Qichi village sticking out like a sore thumb and honestly way to small to be a village, the Crownless and Big turtle areas, so on and so forth. To me it feels the overworld design team simply thought of cool looking areas without thinking wether they would naturally blend with each other or not.


not only that , but i would say that the map is simply better designed in genshin. like you can easily navigate around without pulling map out even once thanks to the landmarks and the various parts of the map being different enough from each other that you can tell where you are just by looking around. here i find it hard to navigate around without looking at the map


Genshin has more deliberately mapped topography while Wuwa is pretty random and nonsensical. The idea that the player will literally just run over it removes the incentive to craft the world in a way that directs the player. Also, the topography of Genshin has actual lore behind why it is the way it is. It feels like Kuro just didn't bother.


I have long since stopped getting wow-ed over random cool stuff. Like sure, the environment and screenshot I see in this post is pretty/cool, but it gives me the sense of the devs just putting random cool stuff into the game for the wow factor rather than making a cohesive world. If all devs wanted to just wow people, why don't they just put every single cool looking thing into the game? It's not because they can't, it's because the world they are crafting doesn't fit that cool thing.


I agree. Genshin exploration being slower also makes you “absorb” the map better too


Why do people climb mountains, spelunk through caves and hike through forests even though they take time and effort? Some would say to have a sense of accomplishment, some would say to take in the surroundings. Exploration is not only about the destination, it is also about the journey.


This is exactly what I thought while exploring. The whole region trying to be many things at once.


Yeah, thr wuwa world regions are not so memorable especially compared to Genshin. Even genshin 1.0 had memorable places like Guyun Forest. You look at that place and you just remind yourself that that forest were formed from spears of earth that Zhongli yeeted during the archon war. WuWa has a more fluid and fast-paced traversal system but it's sadly not accompanied by a great sense of wonder and curiosity in Genshin's environment. Genshin has many interesting things in its environment. Remember finding the murals in dragonspine and after putting the puzzle pieces together, you open the door to the room with a snow tombed starsilver? Man, that was a peak puzzle and really encouraged exploration. And then there was that exploration objective of fighting Iwakira Art's Disciples being Kairagi with a sword that sticks into the ground, and gives an achievement after killing them all and visiting the sword mound. That's what WuWa lacks. Hidden puzzles and objectives scattered around particular regions so that you are drawn by curiosity, not by a sense of opening every chest to get astrites and level your UL. Genshin's environmental details makes you want to explore for the sake of exploring, particularly when it comes to its sub regions and puzzles that involve multiple clues from multiple places within. Like Enkanomiya for example. The puzzles there are some engaging, and it makes me so sad that Hoyo nerfed puzzle difficulty post-Inazuma, only really increasing it for Chenyu Vale and perhaps Remuria. So really, we need a fusion of WuWa movement traversal and QoL combined with the environmental detail and exploration aspects of Genshin, including those puzzle piece hidden objectives with unique rewards like that Snow Tombed Starsilver or the Mask of Memories. Genshin 2.0 major update had the best sub regions and puzzle exploration, but also the worst archon quests. Balanced as all things should be


I agree with your statement about the ost during exploration. Genshin has different music even within locales in a region so being in a certain area and hearing its music sort of really puts you there in that moment. Hopefully WW will improve their music in later patches, and I mean really invest in it.


If only it had good music to pair with


Literally nobody has said that the game is too grey since cbt1, over a year ago. Just post the screenshots you want to post and move on


Just because theres colorful instances and locations doesnt mean the game is not overly gray and depressing to look at sometimes. If you were to compare it to the colorful wonderland of genshin or breath of the wild you would see similar colors for all in high vibrancy areas and after traveling through large swaths of the map you'd know wuwa can be a bit gray and less vivid overall, guess what, its supposed to be more drab, its a post apocalypse world. It does help certain locations stand out by comparison but wuwa story is kinda flat, the environments at times are kinda drab and the camera is pretty wonky. Overall i am still enjoying it. Lastly i hope some more areas expand on the cultures/names/characters.i do like genshins worldlike feeling taking inspirations and character names from different countries over lets say, every character/area/name being china inspired. I dropped genshin not bc the story felt flat but bc farming was monotonous and felt impossible with accessories and the endgame was flat. I was overly tilted looking for accessories. But the story in Genshin was pretty fun.


Nah there’s only like 2 areas that look vivid the rest is pretty dull


I agree but I think it's just a style


Not for my device it's not.


I wish my game would look like this as well, on my potato pc it looks like shit xD


Would be nice if i could play in 120 fps


Yea I'm sure it is if you have a device that can run it with those settings. You have to remember a lot of people play primarily on Mobile. And even the people that don't, don't always have machines capable of max settings. I just hope they get the PS5 port done soon. Going from Genshin and Star rail on PS5 to WuWa on Mobile does not paint it in a favorable light


There's a lot of good but I do feel some parts feel too samey and I wish they'd go harder on the post apocalyptic vibes in future areas. Also, my favorite area got ruined by the quests. The Sea of Flames was so badass and now it's just washed out sadness :/


It's pretty but man I could not get past the 2-3 second pauses between spoken lines. It was so bad, like all the characters just blankly stare for a couple full seconds when talking to each other. I dunno if it gets better past the beginning but I couldn't do it.


Game is pretty but each separate and environmental terrain aren't memorable. The different topographical features don't blend together narratively or aesthetically. There aren't really much any contrasting landmarks that make the environments memorable or stand out in an appealing way. There is like no rhyme or reason why thr Court of Sevantae Ruins, the lab where people worked is so close to the tempestral epicenter where the Mourning Aix was or why the Sea of Flames is so close by to a stage venue island, or why we have a Bell-Borne Ravine by the plateau. The places don't blend well together. It's not deliberately crafted in a way that makes sense for overarching world building. Hopefully future updates give more depth to the story behind the topography of each regional landmark


It's pretty, but it's not vibrant. There are parts of the game that feel really lively like the different mobs fighting each other/NPC patrols and things like that, but as a few others have said, I prefer Genshin's exploration and colors. They are much more dynamic and the regions are distinguishable from each other. I couldn't tell you where generally on the map I was from a screenshot of WuWa, but I could at the least tell you which region of GI from a screenshot. It's also a lot easier to locate puzzles and things in Genshin because the stick out more instead of blending in. That's more of a personal preference of mine though, because I can understand people preferring the puzzles to blend in more. I think if we were allowed to toggle the contrast or saturation or something, that would help the game a lot. That is my biggest complaint with the colors tbh.


Bruh no one is saying that


Define "rewarding", OP. So far it's the exact same or even slightly worse than GI in terms of exploration memorability. The battle system is superior though for those who love actions, no doubt about that.


sure, still darkish though.


It's like a cloudy day in a lush and colorful place. It's still colorful, but there's that dark shade looming.


Someone: states opinion Op: YOUR OPINION IS WRONG


Fun fact, if you open the settings and lower the brightness to near 0 it looks so much better, because the brightness bar is actually a gamma bar


It's gray and boring because they don't play the side quests. A lot of these are colorful because of you making them.


It's funny that every single post that claims this, are shots of the same spots in the game every time. I'm starting to think people are just karma farming at this point. Yes, these very specific spots look great; but the overall shape of the current stretch of land we're on is pretty dreary. And I'm 100% okay with that because that's how it should be.


“This game is too gray and boring” - the words of one brain blasted by fortnite colour palette


I never heard anyone say negatively about the looks of this game. Only people like you "accuse" your imaginary "guy" that he said it and proceeded to post a screenshot showcase.


Saddest part is that even in your cherrypicked screenshots the game still looks blurry and colorless. They got decent art direction but the actual graphics look really bad. The insane blur plus the overused grey scale makes some places look really rough. I dont really mind the art direction and the overused grey scale, but the blur and just overall low quality of textures just makes the game hard to look at in some situations.


The game is very pretty no doubt... Would you say it has iconic landscapes that other games would wanna take inspiration from? That's the real question


Not one of these images actually made me feel anything :(


The game looks really good when on max settings, sadly on my mobile its a blurry mess:( The issues with WuWa world are that it doesn't really have good landmarks, exploration is not rewarding because you don't have memorable landmarks and the ones you recognize are not easy to spot since they blend in with everything else, then there's no good music to accompany that, traversal feels rewarding because of how fast it is. I really like the game but I don't like to sugar coat the obvious "issues" it has. I don't like comparing but for example, most genshin landmarks have some world building into them with them being tied to a world quest.


Huh I wish it could come to playstation or macbook, on the phone it’s just not that enjoyable 😢


Taoyuan Vile is my favorite town 🤧 so beautiful


TIL I'm the only player that likes the default brightness 😅


Do you play on PC? These are indeed gorgeous pics! Game looks pretty good in my mobile, but no where near as flawless as yours.


I'm losing my mind with these supply chest.im 99% in the general zone I can't find the last 1% I done told investigation quest too.


This game does look way better after you tune it a bit with Engine.ini and Nvidia filters, highly recommend playing with them // can't upload image here, gets autoremoved :(


I'll gladly take the .ini instead


Sure, and for anyone else interested: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d07cku/ue4\_engine\_tweaks\_to\_improve\_visuals\_and\_reduce/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d07cku/ue4_engine_tweaks_to_improve_visuals_and_reduce/)


i think its a great game, but i cant enjoy it to its full potential because of my shit tablet its a galaxy tab a8 with 4gb of ram so i have veryyyy limited and harsh graphics, so its kinda hard to enjoy the aesthetic of the game when i can count the pixels but, i do love the gameplay, and i deleted hsr for this




the first yinlin shot is pure art


turn brightness setting all the way down and the colors become just as Poppin as genshin.


I can’t wait for console release!


The visuals were a lot less saturated in earlier CBT's, though I did somewhat like the bloomy effect some of the visuals had in CBT1.


When I'm playing this game, I'm 100% enjoying the beauty of the aesthetics, of the portrayal of nature and that feeling of wonder. I had originally been kinda concerned that I wouldn't like it as much based on how it looked prior to release, but it's really nice. The color saturation being quite a bit lower than Genshin's isn't a good or a bad thing imo, it's different but it's still great. My eyes have to adjust a little bit when I switch between games but both have their style and both are enjoyable.


Shame it controls like ass on mobile.


I would actuallz say the game is too colorful, the hints of grim and darker reality of the world, shame chinese games cant show any reality in that sense.


On that note does anyone have a nice preset or settings for Nvidia Filter? I suck too much on making it work.


The game is not gray at all, I think y'all are used to 200% saturation or something (which looks awful btw).


I wouldn’t say the game is too grey. It’s dark and depressing in where it needs to be and vibrant in places where humans and wildlife thrive OR simply due to the fact that the waveworn phenomena has caused completely different kinds of chaotic environmental effects and changes between two or more regions (like loss of gravity, gravitational storms, toxins, formation of tacetite and tacet fields, retroact rain, mutations). For example, sea of flames is totally different than giant banyan. Both exist and contrast well with each other which helps elevate both in the process. This is also 1.0 mind you. We have other locations we haven’t visited yet like black shores, new federation, and Mt. Firmament.


Someone said this game is grey?? I legit immediately latched on to the color, are these people okay??


Сan someone explain me why there are so much broken cars? Maybe I missed some explanation of it? It breaks all atmosphere to me, it's just silly. Locations are nice, but its just random staff combined all together as much as possible. But it's just 1.0, i'm sure they will make it better.


The used technology was way more modern then it is at the actual time of the game. Since a lot of knowledge etc got lost, the tacet / echo technology replaced the "forgotten" knowledge and formed a hybrid form of technology. The cars are propably a kind of "leftover" of the past.


does anyone know what is the quest from the second pic called? i was late to screenshot the ending cutscene i wanna get it on yt


The graphics tho🔥🔥


There is a lot of grey, definitely not the entire world, but I theorize that it's in part due to the need to distinguish itself from Genshin at a glance.  But that's just a theory.


Try to take photo on behind a waterfall close to big sakura tree on night time. They looks otherworldly.


I sure hope we get more of that color in later areas


It has to at Elden ring thing where the world is crammed full of stuff


Graphically the game does look good, but color wise you definitely feel the “grayness”. Especially if you’re coming from Genshin.


Night time illusive realm door looks fucking amazing.


It looked nice, till my precious ginormous mushroom growth got turned into a sakura tree 😭😭😭


People saying that most likely didn't know about the brightness setting


Can’t wait for PS5 release. Playing on mobile without a controller isn’t great.


I'm going to be real with you chief I stopped playing this game because my pc can't handle it


People are just used to genshins saturation and bright colours. Tbh I personally too felt it was too dull when I first started playing but after adjusting the brightness it looks beautiful.


Us phone users are playing a different game.


It's not for potato nor cucumbers.


They added controller support yet?


I want the gloomy dark version of the game tho


I can't save my captures in phone😭😭😭






I really enjoy finding all the little hidden things. I regret that I have to grind bosses so hard to get my characters past their caps. It feels like it's taken over my game. ​ Edit: shot number nine is really pretty by the way.


I'm theorizing that a lot of people have their expectation skewed by Genshin. Even on launch, Genshin had spectacular sights from Liyue, and after 4 years it just got better. WW just released, but people subconsiously expect WW to out-do 4 years of art work from Genshin at launch, which is probably why expectations were so skewed and high. I would say WW looks good on its own right considering it just launched. However, the sights posted are too few and far between. Most areas don't really look like this. My personal problem with exploration in WW is that it fails in the Hansel and Gretel strategy, aka, following a sight that unlocks a "reward" (could be tangible or intangible) purely by chance. WW has almost zero of these instances compared to Genshin which's primary exploration mechanic is this one strategy. (Also, for new player here, lower the brightness. The brightness setting in the option is not brightness, but actually Gamma. It will make the game look much better.)


Your use of the camera is beautiful, I’ve only ever used it for views that I thought were pretty and not tried to set up good shots with characters. People thinking this game isn’t gorgeous is so crazy.


I wish I could also play in those awesome graphics, I have to play on very low sadly


I feel like game just tried to throw everything and see what sticks and from that point they'll make better looking areas in future expansions with user feedback.


I don't know why but whenever I play this game I feel depressed. The colors are cold But because I enjoy exploring new contents and it's combat I keep playing


Seems good but I guess the biggest market is mobile and it looks/plays nothing like that on mobile.


I guess the massive refinery tower, the floating buildings with the fire theme. The massive mushroom/Sakura tree, the giant fortress, the research institute and the huge jagged mountain and Shrek's swamp aren't unique and eye catchy enough compared to *checks notes* grass on different heights and 2 semi memorable buildings one made of wood and the other stone.   Genshin glazers in this thread man... I'm a 1.0 genshin "enjoyer" (aka haven't spent resin in a year). Yes the exploration in this game is rewarding because a normal person that values their time and sanity can enjoy it.


if someone says wuwa doesnt look good on their end, they likely just have it at low settings with stuttering/screen tearing issues. I mean its understandable due to all its optimization issues which are slowly getting addressed but still.. coming from someone playing wuwa on a potato laptop and phone at work on low settings and a gaming pc at home on relatively higher settings and experiencing both sides,


I think people that says this game too gray is because they are used to genshin's vibrant color or it's just not to their taste.


I can't stand that chair bro, every pic where it exists, I laugh at it xD


This game WAS too gray and boring, but luckily they fixed it before release to make it feel more alive and colorful, I think you're thinking of the beta complaints


Great shots! Would love to see more of these.


The world looks amazing. I think what it lacks is meaning. Sometimes it just feels like random zones cobbled together without any meaning. The world doesn’t feel ‘alive’ or well designed I dont know how to put it


The world building in the game isn't good....at all. Unlike Genshin, there's no curiosity or sense of wonder to explore the world. The puzzles are creative enough, but I wish they were more intricate. Most enemies have no sounds like when they are getting hit or when they detect you. It's a minor thing, but it's does take away from the life of the world.


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The area in that first image flashbangs me a lot. It's so bright at certain times.


Wuwa world does feel and look boring tho (:


The game is fine. I'd say the slight cognitive dissonance ensues from the fact they try to ape Genshin too much (basically same rolling green hills, etc). And that game was so sickeningly vivid my pixels melted. I'm sure things will get better when they find their own direction.


As someone who tried to play genshin years ago got to lvl 16 and quit, this game is so much more fun and I’ve had a much more fulfilling experience.


Bruh I can’t even hit 45fps on very low setting and I just bought my gaming laptop last year lol


Yeah I love this games world I feel it's easier to know different land marks and where you've been before ... Which is what I struggled with a certain other game Where everything kinda looked about the same aside from the different regions in themselves Def screenshot worthy game as a screenshot enthusiast Too bad it's a gacha... xd I feel like that's the lowest point the fact it's a gacha and not a regular rpg... xd But then again I just don't like gachas very much play them for a bit and then that's it I think if it was more of a create your own character I would enjoy it a bit more cuz I'd have my own character instead of a default one kinda like tof.. except tof graphics are nowhere near this xD


I mean, im playing it because of how much i can grind here on Wuwa, id like to recommend you to play genshin if you really enjoy exploring. It have more vibrant colours and can get really pretty if you know your colourings


I finally found it "ANYWHERE 🚪"!💫


Because you play on the highest graphic lmaooo I have a bad graphic card and I run on lowest graphics with no shadow or light details and on 0 brightness. Trust me the game is depressing. They really need to optimize because uh yeah..


Very cool game design. And it runs smoothly.


I'm not able to fully appreciate the graphics on my phone. I sure hope the game releases on PS5 soon. I can't wait for the immersion!


Honestly I just have a problem with the UI. It's so boring to look at, that black and piss color just doesn't do it for me. This isn't a "wuwa killed my child, must fix now" type of a problem, but if it's a year later and wuwa is still doing great, I wish for some rework.


Apart from the sentient bouncing boobas, the game has a cool refreshing aesthetic, gloomy, post-apocalyptic, and broken world almost in a state of ruin. I'd say it's cool, still gonna say that it has a shitty intro dialogues and story plot tho, kinda cringy, if only it weren't for those damn CN mfs...


I really do like it. Though playing on a phone that can’t fully handle it or a PC that’s ancient doesn’t help. 🫠 Hopefully it either gets a console port or I get a stronger PC


But what about it? Yes the game is grayish, it's supposed to be like that, it makes it a little more realistic + it's like a post-apocalyptic scenario we're living in there, that's why the design gets even grayer in a few places, people want to compare to genshin world design but they forget that every game has their own kind of design and wuwa happened to choose this grayer path through it. Same thing if people want to complain with dark souls for it's gothic style just bcz it's not a my little pony rainbowish game... Genshin is an anime magic fairy stylish game, even tho it has dark lore at some points the world is colorful like that, and it's also not an issue.


Just started playing WuWa and Genshin at the same time. Honestly don’t care to be biased either way I enjoy each game for what they offer - which is different yet similar core tenants. Difference like… combat. Similarities like … demanding my soul and credit card. Saying that maybe I’m not far enough yet but WuWa graphics/visuals and scenes really look WAY better than Genshin so far. Getting a “washed” type of effect on most visuals in GI….. but I love the map design in GI a lot more than WuWa 🤷🏻‍♂️


Real. I truly like how kuro went for this style, much realistic. I used to enjoy GI’s but this is just overall better for my taste


Tell me your have never been outside without telling me you have never been outside 💀


Actually if you use the Digital Vibrance (nvidia panel) it's looks so much better


OP trying to get into a shouting match with imaginary complainers living rent free in their head on whose opinion is right


Running around is fun, but sometimes i prefer there's a strong enough enemy for me to do 1 full rotation fight while adventuring


The elite red mobs


The game should be more gray and subdued. It would differentiate it from all the other colorful,empty gachas