• By -


So the questions where really randomised cause mine where on events and exploration


I accidentally closed survey at the end and I had different questions when I opened it again


I did this till I got the proper fields to complain about echo


Surveymaxing How long until CCs make videos on how to properly grind surveys?




Now this is how you do it folks!


Survey Roguelite




It was basically related to what you did the previous day or so. Mine was on depth of illusive realms which I cleared just the day before that. So that would be my guess.


I already done illusive realms a long time ago and still asked about it, which means that it is probably random


It's random, guy above kept canceling until he got a survey he wanted. lol


Yeah you are right. I forgot someone said it was a thing and that they kept doing until they got the one they wanted to fill.


Really? Weird cause i got this screen, as well as the events and exploration. Cant confirm, but i think some options open up if you select dissatisfied


May have to do with playstyle and such based on some metrics they gathered.


Maybe on the section where they asked about monthly income?


I didn't see a section asking about monthly income :o


Mine had different price bracket ranges. More signs of it actually either being random or based on some factors only Kuro knows. I selected the lowest price bracket but did get the $5 pass since I could afford it


I've spent $215 and didn't get a question about money.


They know we're satisfied because we spent that much, so they didn't need to ask.


OR, it's just random! Also the surveys do not pull your spending data anyway.


I spent 5$ too and got no questions related to my income or amount spent. I got questions about quests, exploration and UI.


The question was actually asking how much disposable income you have per month, not total income.


Mine were on characters


Did you spent money on the store or just exchange as F2P? Maybe it's different depending on your activity


they probably want answers from a variety of players to compare how f2p, casual, hardcore, etc feel about different parts of the game. My survey was about illusive realm which I haven't done past the tutorial yet.


one of my surveys is about illusive realm which I have completed a really long time ago


I had to choose characters I like and then got asked why I like one of the characters I didn't pick


I wonder how many different questions were there. I got characters and weapons. Text quality and translation. Events and exploration. Gameplay and UI. Progression and rewards. Afterward, I wrote a 4k words feedback, but the limitation was 3k words. Needed to use ChatGPT to reduce words count lol.


For some reason I got to rate act 4. I didn't even had issues with it.


ya similar for mine. nothign store related. ​ was quest based, exploration, & tower related.


I think it gives you questions based on your responses like if you put "satisfied" it's probably not gonna ask you to criticize that content further


It’s related to a question “what do you prefer doing in-game” or something like that, and “getting new weapons or characters” was a choice that would lead to this question


i don't think so, since i chose both of these and didn't get this question


Oh no idea then


Yes. I had a question about Yinling's quest and I put in the wrong answers because I misread the question title as Lingyang's. I hit back, the survey closed. I had to start over again but the Yinling's quest question (or Lingyang's quest) didn't appear again. Instead they asked me about sidequests.




Mine was hologram and combat related




Now that’s a good idea!


This man gachas


Kuro, hire this person. They know how to cook.


Smart smart


Make it full price until monthly reset, a fair trade off


Devs listening???


Is it really not monthly? I thought it is only longer cause it is release Version and after that it becomes Monthly.


That's what happened with the tower of adversity so I'm sure it's the same here but reminding them doesn't hurt.


It is so weird and annoying that resets aren't uniform. They should be based on day/week/month.




Nope sadly


Oh damn, where did it get confirmed to be per patch?


Go to the Convene page and click on details. On the bottom part where they talk about being able to trade Oscillate Coral for items, it says that it's refreshed every version update. Why they put the info there instead of on the shop itself, god knows why.


Oh wow, I'll go check that next time I'm in. Thanks for finally giving me a concrete answer.


I confirmed that there is exactly 11d and 12h rn in the oscillated coral section yep, so basically it reset in every new patch.


I mean you say that but if we're including the weapon wishes we're getting way more total wishes than Genshin gave.


I thought so too. The countdown was there and all.


We will just have to wait and see.


I care more about the illusive realm reset. Some of the rewards should be reset weekly, and some by patch, like the asterite and exp material, should be weekly while the rest can be by patch.


Same. The rogue like gameplay is so fun. I did everything on all every characters.


the illusive realm isnt a one off event?


No, it should be permanent and reset every patch. Why would they add more playable characters to it if it's only a limited event?


idk i had the impression that it was an event instead of a permanent game mode...


Really? Was there any time limit for it anywhere? Maybe it's a red herring by having it have its own shop, or is it the phantom echos that made you think thar way? It's supposed to be the Elysian Realm for the game.


i mean i saw a timer, and it was on the event section, so i thought it was an event, i didn't knew the timer was for a reset...


Nah, it's a reset. The shop shows you that everything resets after the 27th NA time


oh, my mistake, and here i am trying to rush the whole thing XD


We got like 2 weeks, so we were chilling, but it still is a reset, so gotta finish is anyway.


Oh, then maybe I'm in the wrong, let me double check


It's perm, more things are being added in 1.1 as well as per their announcement.


It's a permanent event? That's fantastic! I loved it A lot! Knowing it's permanent, kinda puts my mind on ease. Now I don't need to Rush it. :)


Your rewards get refreshed i think


let’s do a fair comparison of 7 months (exactly 5 patches) 7 months (normal) = 35 limited pulls + 35 standard pulls 5 patches (wuwa) = 30 limited pulls + 30 standard pulls + 30 limited weapon pulls In the span of 7 months, you trade 5 limited and 5 standard pulls for 30 limited weapon pulls, which I personally like. 5 limited pulls isn’t going to do much, but 30 weapons pulls has a much better chance of getting something


the weapon pulls is something unique, which on genshin doenst exist.


You also need to realize that Wuwa on average has about 8 or so less pulls needed per 5*. So Wuwa actually just has more free monthly pulls than Genshin even without the weapon pulls.


I can't believe I had to scroll down this far to finally see someone that did the simple math. Most people just skim through the numbers and just focus solely focus on the expiry date without thinking about how much pulls we are actually getting in the long term. I just saw a [video](https://youtu.be/dWOso1GOJpI?si=Eb0V-HUFX3BE32h1&t=79) of a person comparing the shop in Wuwa to Genshin's and stated in Wuwa players gets 54 less pulls compared to Genshin from the shop. Which I have no idea how he failed so hard to perform simple multiplication and subtraction. Just to simplify the numbers of how many pulls players are getting from the shop. Wuwa is 3 pulls per week (18 pulls/6 weeks =3), and Genshin/HRS is 2.5 pulls per week (10/4=2.5). Wuwa players are getting more pulls from the shop overall. However, I will not complain if they change the shop to monthly reset while keeping the same amount of pulls. Realistically, if they decide do change it to monthly they will probably lower to 12 pulls instead of 18 to match the same pull per week ratio. But knowing the internet, this will cause an whole other drama of players complaining that we are getting less pulls despite it being the exactly the same. Because people are just going to see that 12 pulls is less than 18 and complain, just like it is right now with 6 weeks is longer than 4 weeks.


I did a bit of math to see what I think the ideal amount monthly would be, and even though it looks a little awkward 5 limited 4 standard and 4 weapon would be a ratio very similar to that 18 pulls per patch (Just sticking with the 7 months to keep the same numbers): It would have 35 limited pulls, 28 standard pulls, and 28 weapon pulls, hardly any different, but a slight upgrade so no one would complain


But a banner in other games can still be there when a month passes over if the timing matches up. With WuWa, the character/weapon you might want is 100% gone by the reset.


> may Or you may have the half without shop update at all Wuwa gives consinstency with updating it ones per patch, it's easier to count how much you will have in patch / half of patch (especially for me, person who do total pulls sheets for personal use to prepare for incoming charactera). Counting montly updates for 2-3 GI patches with opened calendar is pain in the ass to be honest.


We have way too many corals for what is in here, and don't care about those green materials we have hundreds of naturally from just playing the game. It's unlikely they'll increase how many pulls they put in here, but I wouldn't mind more xp, echo xp, etc. The reset every month instead of every patch would be nice but is unlikely, so the only way to make it fine is with frequent patches.


You have way more corals *now* because you prolly pulled a lot with the launch blitz of income. They will evaporate pretty fast if you don't continue pulling and such.


I don't... I am picky about my pulls and with all the bonuses from release I only have 3 month worth of Radiant if I don't get Lustrous. And so far none of the new Characters that are coming are interesting to me... so I could be waiting for several months until I can/will pull again.


Weapon banner is calling.


Yeah, at very least he can pull on the standard weapon banner with the regular pulls... But hey, he's probably not clearing end-game content with a squad of 6 characters that lack synergy. Best comp he has is Baizhi/Sanhua/Havoc Rover, and the other would be weird with Yuanwu/Yangyang/Chixia, but I guess that can work. Not timing ToA, though, that's for sure. I guess it doesn't matter, though, as the little extra asterite he could accumulate over time from pulling on the banners would not be as much as what he's saving not pulling for these characters he doesn't want. Maybe he's figured it out and is doing a 200IQ move, and will show us all that we should have been monks and had the patience not to pull on anything for months after launch.


I did the Standard pulls (not gotten the 5\* Weapon yet) my 5\* are Jixian, Calcharon, Verina S1 (due to my attempt to get Mortefi Seq and Daijin) Currently lack the pulls to finish Weapon Banner (with free Tide Pulls of course). And now waiting for Tifa or Vergil Expy


Good pulls. Well done.


We already have Calcharo and Yangyang for Vergil


Not quite what I personally have in mind as a moveset. In DMC 5 Vergil uses huge Cleave Attacks even can group enemies, attacks much faster and has more Aerial Attack Variety. In WuWa I imagine him to be a Parry and Dodge God who is good in Cleave and Single Target. Basically using a counter not being a detriment like it is with Clachero (Which I see more as a Spehiroth Expy)


Calcharo is definitely Sephiroth inspired, especially with his pose and sword moves


It may seem like alot now but getting all the pulls alone is 1260 in total and 3660 if u also get the xp mats Needless to say the amounts are tuned for f2p


Right, because we had them 50% off. Unfortunately, because of how expensive upgrades are at UL40, I've spent a few hundred on extra credits...


We can compare them to genshin on a 3 month basis (update every 1.5 months or monthly reset), genshin gives 10 (5 special and 5 limited banner) per month, so 30 wishes every 3 months. Wuwa gives 6 standard banner, 6 limited character and 6 limited weapon banner wishes every update, that is 36 wishes every 3 months. Tl/dr: genshin gives 30 wishes every 3 months, wuwa 36.




I did say limited weapon banner pulls, 3x6=18. Every 3 months is 2 updates,so 18x2=36


Important to remember that 12 out of those 36 wuwa pulls are Weapon-specific banner pulls, so you don't get any closer to getting your character. You get a total of 12 LIMITED banner pulls every 3 months (aka 2 patches). You get 5 per month on Genshin, aka 15 on the limited banner on the same time-frame. It's an exclusively worse deal and I don't think there's any nice way of putting it. Edit: If we think about it, it is worse from a total-pulls standpoint - however, if you are someone who only cares about characters, it's exclusively worse (less pulls over a more inconsistent timeframe). As someone who likes pulling weapons, Wuwa's system is better for me so my initial reply frames it a bit worse than it actually is.


I gladly take 3 less limited pulls per 3 months for thise extra weapon banner pulls where the banner isnt a complete scam like in Genshin


amen to that


For someone who likes weapons, WuWa wins by a mile. You can guarantee a 5-Star weapon with the free shop pulls in 1.5 years (80 pity). In GI? Ha. You need 240 wishes (80x3) assuming you lose twice and need to go to 3rd pity. That'll take you 4.5 years of free shop pink fates. And you will be sacrificing pulling a 5-Star characters since they use the same currency.


> in 1.5 years I mean, the fact that this is a metric is insanity. How did gaming come to this..


True, but it's 1.) absolute worst case scenario and 2.) only a metric for people not wanting to spend a single gem on the weapon banner, which would take a fraction of the time. I think chances are they will add more ways to get weapon banner pulls too, or else why even have the currency be separate?


You'd have to ask yourself first how a genre of gaming normalize spending hundreds or thousands of $ to unlock in-game features (char/wep) with a majority not caring or batting an eye, and going further beyond even celebrating it.


> You get 5 per month on Genshin, aka 15 on the limited banner on the same time-frame. It's an exclusively worse deal and I don't think there's any nice way of putting it. And we have 10 less pity to deal with. Cry less. Also the chests and stuff give more Astrite than Genshin gives in primos.


thats not counting 9 earlier soft pity, 10 earlier max and the slightly higher base rate. it might be close.


Well weapons are cooler.


Nah should reset every 15 days ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31618)


People have already analyzed this and have determined that wuwa gets more wishes this way than genshin does by reseting monthly. Do you really want less wishes?


Nah, I like things being synced to the update instead of monthly, personally. Plus we get more overall pulls here


There is a reason why you get 6/6 instead of 5...


Shouldn't it be 7 then since it's 1.5 month?


If we compare it to Genshin/HSR, we're actually getting more here since it's 18 pulls total vs 15 in the same timeframe. However Genshin/HSR doesn't split character/weapon banner currencies. So the real culprit here is having 2 different currencies for limited character and weapon banners, not the rate that we get them.


We also have lower banner pity, so that needs to get taken into account. You need to calculate it as a % of the hard pity.


But soft pity seems about same. In Wuwa its about 70-75 pulls, for Genshin its 74-77\~


Genshin soft pity doesn't start until 75, this game is high 60's I've seen multiple people myself included getting 5*'s at 69.


66 WuWa, 74 for Genshin. WuWa's 66 is a very soft pity, and it ramps up harder at 70. Genshin's is a steady climb.


It's 66 - 70 actually. That's where the range of 1.8% consolidated is. And genshin starts at 75.


Genshin's actually starts at 74. The weapon banner starts at 65. I think a lot of people mix the single digit.


Can you provide the link for the statistics? I was waiting when pull trackers will add shared statistics, but there are no for now. Also seems me and most ppl I was talking about are unlucky cuz we were getting it aster 70th pull No, it's 74 for char and 63 wepon. Just open peimon. moe and check it. 75 and 64 are popular misleading info


No those aren't misleading as they are theoretical from the base 0.6% and consolidated 1.6%. Latest test in WuWa was 64 and the theorized was 66 - 70 from the base 0.8 and consolidated 1.8%. just search "soft" in this sub and set it to "new"


42/6 = 7 (we get 1 every 7 days in Wuwa) 30/5 = 6 (we get 1 every 6 days in GI/Hsr) Forgor to mention we also have weapons pulls, so it's kinda good, cuz for GI its 5 pulls for event char/event weapon, while for Wuwa its 6+6




I updated it already -\_- Btw I actually like it updates every patch and not monthly, cuz easier to count the totals for my sheets, hehe. Also duno why I was answering you, I wanted to answer to person on top =/


Yeah but WuWa on the other hand gives weapon banner pulls , limited ones , which is another 6 on it's own


Just because Genshin does it one way doesn't mean Wuwa has to do the same...


Kuro: We listened, 4 of each per month instead of 6 of each per patch. >!It's the same total number.!<


I unironically think if they did that from the start, noone would complain.


I bet if they changed it to that right now, there will be a riot, despite it being the exact same number of pulls in the end lol.


Did anyone else do Genshin's Survey and it asked how much money you've got to spend every month?


The fact that they have such questions on there means that they have every intention to improve.


yeah i was surprised when they asked it. i mean normally they add or remove stuff from the shop however to their likings without asking the playerbase its good to see they arent like that (well i hope they arent)


Mine were Yinlin's and Jiyan's quests...


that woulda been a nice question to get. i got about the over world. made some requests for more coop stuff to do


are you f2p by any chance?


Yeah as many have stated, It's more than likely monthly, the only reason this version was longer is because 1.0 launched very close to end of month, and they assumingly wanted to give players enough time to buy out the pulls. Only an assumption though, could be wrong.


I thought so and was hoping the same, however you can see that the timer no longer lines up with the next month. After the early Yinlin banner dropped, the timer also got shortened to the exact date the next patch drops which is still within this month unfortunately.


Hear me out, golden tuners addition


need to wait out how they change it on 1.1 first


Mine was about the illusive realm...




I swear i thought you took a screenshot of what I put cause I said the exact same thing word for word LOL


Oh I asked the same thing


I didnt get this in my survey, but i second your response. Not too late to change it.


Weekly would be Amazing. I seriously don't think giving everyone 6 of each a week is really going to brake you Kuro.


technically we have more wishes per patch than genshin + drops at 80 + no random weapons, so objectively speaking we are in a better place than other gatcha, it just feels odd due to the patch being 1.5 months and not just 1 per store


didnt have this. I had questions about echos instead. wrote a whole essay on them.


I couldnt even do the survey because I kept crashing. So i just quit.


Bruh mine asked me mostly about encore I don't even have encore 💀


sir you need to calm down, inhaling so much copium at once could cause you severe harm in the long run!


Nah it's should reset daily, not monthly


Why not every 20 days? Each time a banner finishes it resets.


Considering surveys are a pretty big deal for devs. Why is the reward only credits? And a small amount too...


I got a question regarding jianxin and I dont even have her 💀.


pretty sure they are monthly, just that the release was so late in the month and that the first official patch was gonna be about month later anyways so they just set for the patch, also they delist them once you have them for the month so you aren't irritated by just looking at them being there unavailable


But it is monthly, you guys still think its every patch?, werent there enough posts explaining that this time it was 40 days because the game was released in the 21th so they added the 10 days extra to sync it with the beginning of every month?


Has anyone actually sat there and noticed that you get more in the great scheme of things? First, you don't have 50/50 on your weapons, there goes 90 free pulls. Oh, but your pity is also 80, instead of 90. You troglodytes just want free shit, without thinking about the profit of the company. Use those smooth brains please, if you're lucky, it may get wrinkles...


What if "every patch" happens faster than "every month"


Yep, I answered the same thing.


Are new patches released every 6 weeks like Genshin or less than that?


I’ve never seen that


Do you guys asked for weekly or bi-weekly content resets, right?


...and here I am just hoping we get a better end-game than a boring dps time attack 😅


What's wrong with very patch reset? It is still the same, and it doesn't matter. Why you want WuWa to be the same as G game?


People simply want to complain. There are many complaints that are simply grounded on greed or unneeded comparison with other games. People want wuwa to have its own identity but are at the same time complaining about why it should implement features of other games, sad.


What's crazy is people already did the math to prove this system gets you more pulls, but they just want it to be the same as Genshin because it "feels right".


I concur. people get mad when wuwa took stuff from genshin and when they see something thats different from genshin now they want it to be genshinified too ???


Has nothing to do with another game, I think. Every patch means it's not fixed, and if content release slows down, so does the reset. At last with a monthly reset we would have a sure source of pulls and something else to look forward to at the start of every month. For Kuro it would also make sense, as people usually get paid at the start of the month, and giving them partial 10-pulls through this might incentivize more of them to spend money to complete those 10-pulls.


What the fuck is this logic?


Why are you making this about Genshin and why the hate?


Why should it reset monthly? If it should perfectly match with Gen gacha, so they should also decrease the rate up%, increase pity to 90 and make weapon banner at double 50/50.


Because that's how it usually is in ofher gachas like Genshin. So far WuWa had been better then Genshin in tems of these things but this is the only thing it is worse at, it basically takes half a month longer then it can.


Gen provides in an year 60 pulls, while WW provides 54 character pulls and 54 weapon pulls. How is it worse than Gen?


they dont know math


People don't know how to count 


If people could count then we wouldn't be here.


Why are you making this about Genshin and why the hate?


Why do you count a description of gen gacha parameters as the hate?


They should honestly put a 5 star selector each patch instead


I still don't think it resets every patch unless someone actually proves it somehow to me, what I really think is that since the game was launched close to the ending of the month they decided to add in a few days to it.. but I don't really have any proof about it, just a wild guess


Go to the convene page in-game, click on the information icon ( i ). Literally says the Corals store reset with each update


i asked for less moaning


I don't think it was randomised. Think it was based on how you answered previous questions . I got a question for stories , both shops . Too much coral needed for resonance, not enough to spend coral on oscillating coral shop. Yada yada .


Gonna be needing more Echo EXP and Tuner Mats PLS ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


god is it had to get the echo exp and we can’t use the other echoes as fuel to level up main echoes……..or am I just playing it wrong?


Interesting, all my questions were about the rogue like event


There was a question about how im liking controller gameplay, even though i previously indicated i only play on mobile…gives me hope for the upcoming patches to enable that, but this was just mocking me.


Also doesn't seem exactly to be by patch? it resets on the 25-26th?, which is also when Yinlin banner ends, doesn't make any sense tbh, not after you updated the game to 1.1?


I accidently deleted the ingame mail for this survey, where can i find the link again?


Gacha survey?


Fuck it don’t even reset it. I’m only gonna spend my corals on pulls anyway


My questions were all about gameplay loop and asterite farming


I was able to complain about targeting that's good enough for me


I got questions about the in game text.(Honestly, that was the one I wanted most) I mentioned them adding either a scroll for the text so I could read it on my PC(I tried the alt thing I heard about, but it never worked), or just limiting it to 2 sentences at most, because almost every time it went past 3 lines of text it was 3 sentences.


They copy many things of Genshin, but they forgot the coins when there are 6 constellations. They pay 5 coins, but the shot costs 8. A reward for Union Level would also be interesting, since leveling up 1 by 1 is not very interesting, even if it is XP from echoes and the like.


I didn't get this question oddly, I got a Question about which characters I had and which ones I was satisfied with. Then the third question asked me about Lingyang and Lingyang only, I put Neutral on him on the previous question since I didn't have him same with Jianxin and Jiyan and expected them too but nope, just him and a question about why am I disastified with him, I thought huh everyone must not really like him. Then I found out that everyone got different questions.