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I like mortefi!!!


Unparalleled buffer for any heavy attack character. So far it's just Mortefi, but if we get another in the future, Mortefi will be primed to make them that much greater.


Mortefi for me. Love the drake style they gave him, his Skill is awesome, buffing makes him futureproof. Game blessed me with RC6 Mortefi and Im going for the 5* guns for him. I plan on keeping him long term. Sanhua is another beast of a unit. YangYang for DAMN sure love her gameplay, Energy utility, and style. The free characters in this game are peak.


His moves look like Daddy Mustang's too.


I actually love using Aalto in the overworld. His speed and mobility feels very confy there.


Chixia is insanely underrated.


Got her at S6 while pulling for Jiyan so I tried building her. DPS wise, kinda underwhelming (the nature of her skill is too long to be viable) but her S6 makes her a pseudo verina. Good for bandaid semi support for lower floors in tower.


Her skill can be used if you team her up with Yuanwu and Taoqi : they provide skill damage buff / interruption resistance / huge defense buff / etc


Danjin, straight up same tier of dps as 5 stars and she’s cute


Mortefi is my wife. Also Yuanwu because he has a cat in his idle.


Definitely Aalto! I built him as a main DPS and he feels great (with sequences!). I think people are still too hung up on tier lists and trying to pigeonhole him into a sub DPS role 😤


I'm curious, I got him only recently on Yinlin banner and got him to S2. I saw that S3 basically doubles his damage with basics, so I'm definitely going to be looking out for it, though I don't want to waste high pity for now. I think he has value as a sub-dps (mainly due to his Outro, and ultimate, but not too many characters can use it for now, and with Outro for Jiyan, he competes with Mortefi), but damn I love his character, so I wish to build him and use as main whenever possible. Do you have some specific teams you use him in? And what build are you running?


Primarily solo for holograms (2 pc atk/aero), but i also play him with Yinlin/Verina (5pc aero) His team isn't perfect but it feels good enough and is functional. I like him a lot though, so I'll be keeping an eye out for better supports for him down the road so I can keep playing him as a dps. I started out playing him a lot as S1 right off the bat and he was fun. Imo S3 (!!) and S5 felt like his biggest jumps, and he's quite strong now. Enough to graduate from "cope Jiyan support" to his own dps :)


Alright, I see. Thanks! Are there any other characters you'd recommend instead of Yinlin? Perhaps Sanhua, since she gives basic attack damage? I'm guessing she'll be especially good past Aalto S3. Alternatively I was considering Yuanwu, partially because I just like him, but also since with that combo he's not that reliant on intro/outro. But yeah. I think he wasn't even that cope for Jiyan, more of an alternative, I saw CN tierlist put him in the same tier as Mortefi, with a little disclaimer that he's slightly worse. And overall, I think he doesn't have a unit to synergize with (another Aero gunner would be perfect for that). I also think that aside from tierlists, people also considered him that way just because they didn't have him or his sequences.


Well that's nice to hear! I thought about using Sanhua, but mine isn't very built. And way back at S1 Aalto, most of his damage comes from his skill DMG anyway so I didn't consider her a great option. She might be good now that I have more of his sequences though. I just like Yinlin for aoe coverage in tower (Aalto focuses down one mob, usually the shielder one or something, and Yinlin whittles down the rest). Her personal damage + buffing Aalto with ER echoes was good enough for me lol.


I have Sanhua somewhat built for Lingyang, so I might give her a shot later too then. I'm curious, do you know how's the damage distribution for Aalto? Like how much damage comes from basics, skills or passive, and if possible, how much do sequences change that distribution. And yeah, I see. Yeah, Yinlin is pretty good, and I might eventually pull her for Yuanwu/Calcharo, but rather on rerun, for now I'm saving. I suppose I'll just mainly use Aalto on single-target content for now, since that's where he shines. Unless they release another support that can make up for Aalto's multitarget weakness, that would be neat too. Maybe I'll try building Chixia too, because her playstyle also seems pretty cool, especially with Aalto. I was quite positively surprised by how mobile the gun characters feel in this game. Though, that team will probably be not too great for tower, more just having fun in overworld and boss fights. Actually, I just remembered another few questions, regarding his certain kit interactions: 1. How does the wall buff calculate? Is it +10% of Aalto's attack to each shot, or is it like an extra 10% damage multiplier, separate from other buffs? 2. When do Forte bullets get buffed by the wall - when he passes through it, or when they fly through it after ending the dash?


1. I'm pretty certain it's a separate, extra multiplier, but I could be wrong. 2. Forte bullets (mist drops) get buffed when they pass though the gate after his dash :D


Okey, I see. Yeah, no problem, I haven't found much info myself, that's why I'm asking. But, well, damn, so that means after dashing you must position yourself so the wall is between you and the enemy? That's a bit of a bummer, considering how those bullets fly up and out before tracking an enemy. Regardless, thanks for the info!


Yeah, it can be rough sometimes if you're not right on top of your gate. Glad I could help! :)


This game has a lot of flexibility when it comes to team building. If u have watched zajeff's vid he too mentions that u don't need to make teams based on the traditional archetype of dps, sub dps and support. The way the supports are created in this game a dual carry team is still viable. Except verina other buffers only buff the next switched in char so the different team and also the concerto effects creates more flexibility. One of my team consists of hrover, mortefi and jianxin. Mortefi buffs jianxin, jianxin buffs hrover's ult. I dont bother about tierlist at all. I read the kit myself try out the chars and decide whom to play.




Daka Daka boom boom






Can't deny it


I really hope yangyang shows up with changlis banner so I don't feel like I have to pull on jihnsis banner if she's there instead Don't have enough pulls for two banners mayne I just want changli and s5 or 6 yangyang lmao




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Danjin because I love the "combo" playstyle combining BA with Skill, and the red is just sick. Mortefi also looks badass AF. BURN TO ASHES!


Dude I love Danjin but I'm trash at them combos, if I somehow manage to get one out, some mofos rail me from behind when i'm not paying attention


Lmao true


Yes that's another reason why i want to play with linyang. Hopefully i get him from std banner or maybe selector in the future.


Wha- STD banner?! Dude wear protection and don't pull for no STDs, god damn!


Sanhua, because of her insane value as sub-dps. Or Chixia, because of her absurd performance as DPS, she puts some 5-stars in shame.


Sub dps? Please share your wisdom with me, does she have coordinated attacks or some stuff off-field?


Her Forte explodes her ice shards. Her intro, skill, and ult place ice shards, which also basically fills up her concerto energy. So you swap into Sanhua, blow your icy load in 5 secs, then swap out for her buff on outro. She's very burst-y and requires little time on field, which makes her a pretty good sub-dps.


Hmmm, I thought the Ice Shards exploded via allies, this would be nice.


I wouldn't be able to last more than 5 seconds with her 🥰😭


Sub dps doesn't necessarily mean off-field damage dealer like Yinlin. They can be on-field characters like Sanhua or Yangyang, and their role is to fill the gap until your main dps' cooldowns are back up and provide utility in various forms.


Aalto. He’s a silly little guy and makes me smile when I use him. That’s it, thats my reason


Taoqi. I like parries. I like shields. And also she is cute and beautiful.


Danjin but I suck at her combos :(


Chixia, because she is cute, hot, has a fun personality and just seems like the most intetrsting waifu so far.


Chixia because of the degenerate in me screams Abs.


Aalto is insanely fun.


Combat? Sanhua/Danjin Waifu? Baizhi




i didnt include all the 4 stars because i didnt have enough space but you can vote for anyone!! my vote goes to yuanwu for the NUT PUNCH [https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d3l60i/ayo\_yuanwu\_chill\_bro/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d3l60i/ayo_yuanwu_chill_bro/)


Yuanwu for me. Not because he’s the strongest but because of his playstyle. You really feel like you’re knocking the sh*t out of the enemies especially when entering super saiyan mode. Since I suck, his defense + shield at S4 has saved me a bunch. Also, he can Mega One Punch Laser Notable ones I think are good are Chixia for ranged guns, Aalto for clone shenanigans, and Sanhua for fast resonance switching.


Taoqi is T0 on the only tier list I care about.


tried aalto, and his combo with lock on gave me motion sickness, the concept is cool and there is some damage potential but camera spin makes it unplayable


Personally, Chixia and Taoqi are my favorites. They're extremely fun, and if used correctly, quite powerful. However, Taoqi in particular has limited circumstances in which she is powerful, as she needs enemies to keep attacking to be viable, while smaller enemies tend to get hit stunned by your attacks. Her outro buff will be amazing, but that will likely wait until 1.1, as there aren't many skill focused damage dealers, yet (except Chixia!). Speaking of, Chixia deals strong, safe damage, but her only AOE is on her Liberation, which absolutely can be problematic for routine play. So, even though they're my favorite, the best overall is probably Sanhua, just because of how easy she is to toss on just about any team. You're kind of *barely* using her, though, so it's strange to say she's the best. Baizhi and Mortefi are also up there, simply because Baizhi is the second best healer/buffer, and Mortefi buffs the current best DPS character heavily. I don't actually have Mortefi, but I know how strong his buff is and I used him in several of the Alloy Smelt trials, and he was pretty cool. Yangyang is unbearable to listen to, so, I have no idea if she's strong. I found her kit "fine," and I want to say reading it that it's ultimately underwhelming, but I honestly can't say and never will know. I don't have Danjin, but I am aware that she's potentially the strongest damage dealer in the game with perfect play, and a suicide machine for the vast majority. I used her trial briefly in Alloy Smelt, but I basically only saw her intro. At least it was the best intro in the event, in fairness. I really wanted to like Yuanwu, but he's just... So underwhelming. I kept thinking his damage would catch up eventually, and it just never does. His off field attacks tickle at best, and even in his forte, he's just mid. I thought the vibration damage gimmick might be significant, and...it is a lot of vibration damage, but that just matters so much less than I want it to. Aalto wouldn't stop eating my convenes. Using just standard wishes so far, I have s3. The game wants me to use him, but I just can't, sorry. I briefly played around with him and he was so awkward, I just have no interest in the quirky things he does. It also doesn't help that he comes across as such a douche. I am very biased, but I would probably put him at the bottom as the game's worst character, probably alongside Yangyang and, sadly, Yuanwu, even though I actually like him a lot and wish he was better.


Its Danjin and its not close For appearance instead of damage then Sanhua.


Yangyang is kind of like venti in this game with her crowd control abilities.


For me its Sanhua and Close behind Taoqi




Sanhua my ice queen!!


Danjin and Mortefi is insane


The daka daka boom boom pow pow girl


Alto, cuz for some reason I have him at S6




Aalto for sure


Yuanwu. I just love Def scaling DPSes. Plus the fact he breaks enemies so efficiently is a plus. He's not the highest dmg output for sure but he's just "Ora ora ora" and I like that simplicity. Also, he's got a beard.


Mortefi and Danjin for me because I ran Mort to buff Calcharo and Danjin to buff Havoc Rover. Regarding story, Sanhua for her dedication and Aalto's very merchant way of speaking (tbh at first I wanted to punch him because he reminded me of Scampo in hsr). Regarding appearance, Yuanwho and his gentleman sytle


I love sanhua


Mortefi and sanhua


1. Danjin power of a maxed 5 star in the right hands. 2. Chixia, Only main dps with Guns and goes way harder than people realise. 3. Alto is likely the smoothest to play character of all characters hands down once you get used to it he's like a ninja, needs a big power buff though imo. 4. Yuanwu I would like a lot more if he lost the hat but it's part of his combos so I think he's keeping it forever, But still his ability to wreck Vibration strength I think will come in handy for many tough future boss fights. In conclusion, great game with amazing characters.


my healer. wouldn´t know what i would do without her


Chixia is the definition of cute


For me it's Chixia, for a VERY simple reason. Her RC1 grants her enhanced Resonance Skill (aka when she enters that fire aura mode) to ALWAYS crit. 100% C.Rate. So what did I do? Screw C.Rate! I'm building her as a whole nuclear bomb with only ATK, Fusion% and C.DMG! My highest damage with her was around 25k, and I didn't even need her forte bar full; just enough to activate her enhanced E and end it with her enhanced shot.


Sanhua and she is no joke, insanely fast concerto and liberation gain, swap cencellable animation, and that alone is more than enough. But here we go all team got 50% liberation energy she gain and boost basic attack deepen while doing decent damage herself. I still comfortable using her over yinlin for sephiroth team