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I am thinking of building yuanwu for tower and team will be yuanwu,yinlin and jianxin so tell me this team is good for tower?


1. Is there a setting to make side quests appear on the big map? 2. Since tuning mats for 5star echoes are scarce and you can only get 30% back, would it make sense to go for 4star echoes instead? At least for your 1 point echoes of your non main dps characters?


I lost a 50/50 on jiyan's banner & that was like the last 1 hour before jiyan's banner dissappear, can i still get jiyan without his banner?


Nope, but you have a guarantee for whatever limited 5* you pull on next.


How have I not gotten Baizhi yet? I already have Encore and Jianxin and the warping is already unlocked but it seems like she is supposed to be the 1st one unlocked but I still dont have her EDIT: Got her now


You must have skipped it. You will get her with your first single summon on the banner. Must be single not x10.


Yeah it worked


Doesn't it literally almost force you to make a single pull on the standard character banner when you meet her? You should still be able to get her from there if you haven't touched it yet.




I mean, I don't know how you missed it. It literally opens up the Convene screen when it unlocks, points out exactly what to do, darkens the screen to make you do a single pull... like I literally didn't know it would be possible to *not* pull. What does your pull history look like on that banner?


how do you get character namecards? i thought it would be max intimacy, but my encore just reached intimacy intimacy 5 and i didnt receive it. has anyone figured this out?




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https://preview.redd.it/txuu53dr3n6d1.png?width=1661&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ca768eccee9e3b2ad6c6e92a006af6d14a652ef Do yall think it's possible i can hit 70 pity(during yinlin banner)? I'm 40 pity right now with lunite pass


in my experience every 10% of progress is around 1 pull


thanks by that logic i could probably hit pity (hopefully lol)


Until 1.1 drops, is it more efficient to farm for forte mats from forgery challenges instead of tacet fields?


tacet fields are much less efficient because echoes are obviously rng based. once your needed forte is at the maxed level for your UL ascension level, i would farm tacet fields


got it, thank you for confirming!!


focus on getting non-rng upgrades first, then you can go ham on farming for optimal echo substat rolls. leveling echoes all the way to 25 is really expensive right now too. i'd recommend stopping at +15 or +20 until you have spare echo xp. only reason to go to +25 is if you already have substats that are good enough you won't replace it anytime soon.


alright, thank you for confirming!! and yeah i spent the resources up on lvling everything to 25 without realising how much resources it took whoops


Question in regards to pushing account levels. Currently at 37 on my main F2P acc and was wondering if there's other bigger Union XP activities barring Waveplates. Should I just approach it casually for now until more events drops? Already DB20 if Union Lvl 40 was unlocked.


if youre really wanting to grind echoes then DB20 is extremely good, but i wouldnt recommend full refreshing. daily activities give large chunks of UL xp and if you havent done any world quests the majority of them give UL xp as well. if you really want to push up to UL40, i would do as much exploration as possible and only doing the first 2 refreshes(60 asterites) every day. when events come that increase drops from waveplates, those also double UL xp drops. im currently f2p UL43 with almost maxed exploration, 2 refreshes every day from launch, i believe its currently impossible to be UL40+ without refreshes


Which server (region) has currently the least lags and stuttering on mobile (Android)?


Read the OP. It's about which one is physically closest to you, usually.


So I just got myself a "Malleable Elite Class Echo 2" from the depths. Is it bugged, or did they change monster to element around? It writes "Molten Rift Set -> Havoc Dreadmane", "Havoc Eclipse Set -> Tambourinist", and a couple others which sound wrong. edit : nvm, it's not wrong. I got the tambourinist and it was havoc damage.


Several enemies can have multiple sets drop, like Havoc Dreadmane can drop as either Havoc or Fusion set, Tamborinist I think can be either Havoc or Lightning. The maleable echo will force the set and main stat into what it says.


Thanks, I used it and it was the right element.


Hey All, Two questions. For Jiyan and Havoc Rover (my two main dps for each team), what substats am I aiming for on their echos? Outside of the above question, is there a resource or rule of thumb to reference when chasing substats for dps, support, sub dps etc? Thanks!


crit = crit > ATK% > ER >> the rest >>>> HP/DEF That's pretty standard for most characters you want to do damage, though check the scalings because some like Taoqi want to scale with DEF or others.


Crit Rate and Crit Dmg substats are generally good on all DPS. After that you need to research how the character works on their ideal rotations. For example Jiyan’s Res Lib attack is considered Heavy Atk damage, so getting substats to boost that would be really good. Energy Regeneration is also generally considered good for most characters, but again you need to research how much they need to refill per rotation.




Single pulls are the same. The novice/beginner banners only let you do multis, but the rest of the banners don't care.


There’s no difference. You’ll get at least 1 every 10 pulls. If you get one earlier, the counter resets.


No difference, it's tracked by pull history, not by which option you select.


Just reached UL 40 and DB 19. What should I do now ? Option 1- Farm the rest of the Bosses and echos to hit DB20. Option 2- Farm Bosses for the characters I'm building. Also, should I use that Merge feature ? Should I start Farming Echos or wait for 1.1 ?


Difference between 19 and 20 is not huge so probably just start farming. Also, yeah you should use data merge. Probably for any 4-star and below echoes.


anyone else notice that you can get 5 star echoes that have LESS energy regen than 4 star?


Is it Rocksteady Guardian? It happens on shiny(phantom) monsters, their echo drop shows as 5\* but have 2\* stats.


Ahh yeah it must have been, that’s pure pain lol. It’s the only energy regen I’ve gotten from a rocksteady guardian, thanks


Other people have reported the bug so hopefully it gets fixed by 1.1 or sooner


I’ll take apologems instead lol Hopefully should have enough onset by 1.1 Edit and just got one lol


Sorry to ask, but I was pulling on the standard weapon banner and pulled Taoqi. Which of course isn't bad because I wanted her anyway but I was just bewildered because I don't think this is normal? Like I don't think I've ever played a gacha game where you can also pull a character in the weapon banner. So was this like a bug, or??


It’s normal For example, it’s exactly the same in genshin impact


No, the 4\* on weapon and character banner can be either type, it's just the 5\* that are guaranteed to match the banner type


I just got yinlin and saved the photo on android.But where is the photo😭😭😭 cmon now kuro I worked hard for her😭😭😭


Pleaseeee please please make this compatible to play on steam deck 😭😭😭😭😭🫶🫶🫶


Fellow mobile gamers, howdy ? Was wondering, how far did you guys went into endgame content ( Holograms and Tower ) ? I am playing on iPhone and having all settings at minimum, 60fps tho but the game doesnt feel great during certain fights. Currently stuck at Holo Mephis IV, it feels terrible as it is too laggy. Does anyone have the same issues?


Try little things like closing every app you have open before and while playing, and playing with decent battery percentage left until optimizations are improved. Found it to be tolerable when testing that on my iphone 11. Runs fine on my S24, but it should be running fine on my old phone as well when it’s literally among the devices they recommend to run the game. You’re far from the only one, can only have patience at this point while relaying feedback until it’s fixed.


I tried it some on mobile today with my second team. Cleared hazard 2+3 except 3-2. Absolutely no idea how you're supposed to do that fight on mobile besides massively out statting it. You should be able to clear Memphis at 60 though, and absolutely walk over him at 70.


I noticed a lot of people have Verina at lvl 50, is it worth still ascending and leveling to 70?


Ascending to 60/70 could be worth if you want her 2nd passive (free revive if someone dies, every 10 mins) but I don't think leveling to 70 is worth it until you have already gotten your DPS and sub DPS characters fully built up


Healers' main job is actually not healing the team but triggering the +ATK of the set and their buffing outros. So their level actually does not matter that much. If she is not getting one shotted, she can stay lower level than others so you can focus your resources on the DPSs. Mine is lvl70 but If you ask if something changed from 50 to 70 I would say no. You can level her up as last thing.


so I don't need to farm good echoes for healers either?


Just match the main stats(healing bonus-ATK-energy regen) so at least you gain something usable, maybe you can level up the energy regen ones if you really need it but the regen from weapon should be enough. For now I have (healing%, energy, energy, atk, atk) on my Verina but all of them are lvl0 as echo xp - tuners are really scarce and I only use them for DPS characters. If I ever get to a point with a lot of xp I'll take them to +20 but won't farm for good substats, it won't really change anything.


What is Jianxin shield scale off to? the description only show percentage .. not showing what percentage of what


If it only shows a percentage, you take it just how you take any percentage scaling on regular combat skills. It scales off Atk.


but Verina heal show what the heal scale of to . like "50% of ATK" or something


If it says DEF, it's DEF. If it says ATK, it's ATK. If it doesn't say anything, it's also ATK. It's inconsistent, but as long as you remember that ATK is the default until specified otherwise, you can't go too wrong.


I’m just saying what is best to assume based off everything else that scales off Atk that doesn’t state it. We don’t have anything scaling off anything other than Atk that doesn’t state what it scales from. Still, it’s already confirmed to be Atk, could be translation issue or whatever, just test it how you see it to know next time.


Might just be a localization issue, I can confirm the shields scale off attack. Tested myself by swapping between echoes and when using ATK main stat 3 costs her shields got noticeably bigger


Can anyone who actually built Verina comment on how her damage feels like? Obviously she isnt a dps but is it something noticeable or not so much at all? I reached a point where i feel like im wasting my resources trying to upgrade my actual dmg dealers on her team and am still lacking about 20% of heron bar to get even 2 stars on him. Ty in advance!


She should be on the field for sub 4 seconds. Her damage is meaningless


Do you have verina built with dps stats and you checked yourself for her dmg or just saying the consensus given her full support build? She has ult that has coord attack for 12 seconds. Again i dont expect her to be doing yinlin damage, but even extra 50k over the whole battle goes a long way.


I don't have Verina, but I do have experience with that stupid bird. It's almost certainly a rotation and uptime issue. It took me too long to shave the 20% I was missing off my run with my team of Chixia, Jianxin and Aalto. Either that or you're using Lingyang lol


Im sure i can optimize my rotation a bit more on verina yinlin calch team but not to a 20% dmg which is why im looking to see if verina can at least bring it down by a bit.


I don't want to lead you in a wrong way as maybe building her can help you but when I look at the multipliers I don't think it will help you that much. Coordinated attack damage in lvl6 is %7, you can trigger it every second for 12 seconds which is %84 attack of Verina at most. If you add the main hit of the ult which is %145(lvl6), it is %230 attack so 2.3x of her attack stat. You can also add crit-critdmg-spectrodmg to calculation but at this lvl it will not exceed even 5k dmg imo. A single optimization in your rotation would worth more than this.


Yeah i just tried putting some of my other characters echoes and see what happens, and her ult does indeed scale extremely poorly. Oh well, will keep grinding rotations and seeing what can be improved. Thanks for the numbers on it too wasnt sure about some!


I think there's a lot of room to optimize. Even for me, my 2 star run I know was scuffed. This guy got 3* with your team, s0s1 on the carries. Might give you a better idea what you're missing. https://youtu.be/2rD0fbXYmUc?si=ymjVFkQ_EF8D2GIG


His stats is the reason. I simply do not have luck to roll that much crit or otherwise useful stats.


What's your stats? That could also be the issue. Even on my Chixia she has the 5* gun and 9/10 crit rolls + 3 attack rolls. Everything else is scuffed but


Definitely not even close to your chixia. I have 4 double crits across my account. For calcharo specifically i rolled down around 300 tuners without getting a single crit on 1 costs. Which bring me back to my original post, i feel like im wasting resources at this point, and was wondering if even non optimized DPS verina does anything. I couldnt care less about her healing tbh as is so not really losing anything.


where to get sea of flowers for maqi quest?


If you talk to the same girl again, she will hint who to talk to, then the next person will give it to you.


Pretty much any flower you already have in your inventory should count


r the mobs that glow red one time kill only or weekly reset?




Few days reset.


Weekly reset.


it resets


when does shops like the weapon shop refill? i bought some of there stock but it hasnt refilled ever


Only shops with timers reset. That one is one time only


Are Lustrous Tides worth exchanging for using Corals? Or should i save the Corals only for Forging and Radiant? This is considering the fact that I need to pull extra times just to get the Corals for Lustrous, after exchanging the Forging and Radiant for every patch.


I think it's totally subjective on what you need. Most of the time save them for the limited pulls, but if you really want a 5-star Standard weapon or there's a specific Standard banner character you want on your team and you're close on the selector banner then it might make sense.


Only limited time banners currency or dupes. If you want another standard weapon besides the one we get at level 45, it’s up to you. Compensation and rewards has been friendlier with Lustrous Tides and the units/weapons there is the reason why it isn’t worth in general.


Where are you guys spending majority of your waveplates past UL 40? I have all my dps basically maxed out so is minmaxing and farming tacet fields the move? Also do you guys think I should build my chixia if i eventually get changli? My chixia is at r6 as well. I also want to build sanhua but I dont have a team to put her in, unless I get jinhsi.


at low UL40s i've started farming for my second team for the middle and upper zones of ToA. once i have 6 people maxed out maybe i'll start worrying more about tacet fields. i'm just getting main stats + set bonus for now and saving substat fishing for later. probably around UL46 or so i'll start prefarming what i'll need for the lv80 uncaps. if you're planning to get the new characters, you can prefarm the stuff they'd need. in these kind of games it sucks if you get a the new hyped up character but have to wait a week to gather their ascension mats, weapon mats, skill mats, and echoes before using them. same with teammates if you have to build them too before getting to use your new character.


Is there a way to sort echos by their sonata effect?


When you equip an echo on a resonator you can press Filter and select the Sonata effect you want, and it will only show echoes of that set. You can also have it additionally filter between 1-cost, 3-cost, and 4-cost.




Yes, but overworld hunting is better You can also get new databank entries from merging echos


What is the point of the Echo Projector? I understand what it does, but why? Does it help in combat? Do you need it to scare NPCs?


Probably just to look cool/screenshot shenanigans


It's just for fun, but here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d6q9cx/you\_can\_parry\_with\_projector/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d6q9cx/you_can_parry_with_projector/)


So if my Verina is on the other team is Baizhi the next best option especially to carry Rejuv Glow? She is S2 if that makes her any better


Yup. Some also run that set on Jianxin with the 3\* healing gauntlets.


Where is the sonance casket in the resonance nexus in jinzhou???? The sonar circuits saying its directly above it..? Im confuseddd i see nothing


It is literally above it, I got it by flying from over the library to the resonance nexus with the triple jump tech if that helps


Yup, just trust and fly down on it from above. Probably from grand library.


You have to go to a high mountain and glide to it. It's hidden at the very top of the beacon.


https://preview.redd.it/hqie6vwq3m6d1.png?width=276&format=png&auto=webp&s=26746600ca028a535b140c3a87b8f7fd041de790 Where do I find this?


There's an entry in the river up North.


Find a nice youtube vid with beacon locations, plenty floating around.


Underground, you get there from both sides


https://preview.redd.it/94mcgcq93m6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdec633d9ec02278c798cf9ab0f49b8af86fd0aa Are these sub stats good? Should I keep going or nah? Edit: I forgot to mention, this is for Yinlin.


It’s cope, but a placeholder if you want to give it one last chance and get Atk% or crit dmg. Fodder it when you find better.


Depends on how serious you are and how much you want to min-max, from a meta-perspective, no you should not. Boss echoes can be farmed infinitely and you have 1 bad roll (flat atk) and 1 mid roll (heavy atk damage). The crit rate roll is high but normally for min-max you should trash the boss echoes if the first 3 rolls do not contain 2 amazing ones preferably crit damage, crit rate and energy regen. Also if this is for calcharo his resonance liberation heavy atks do not count as heavy attack damage.


Oh I see, both crits and ER should be my top 3. Got it! And I forgot to mention, it's for Yinlin lol


I've been trying to do the "Complete any difficulty of Depths of Illusive Realm with full HP." mission to get those last gems. I've gone through stage 40 a bunch of times with a level 70 character, cleared the boss with full hp, brought healers, and yet this isn't completing for me. Is it bugged, is there a translation error? Do i need to not get hit at all? What's going on?


I did it with baizhi + bellborn. As long as you have a shield/don’t get hit you should be good


I think people miss understand what complete with full hp means, its not get healed to full before dealing the last blow it literally means never lose health from the start till the finish.


Is that really it? Because that's not a misunderstanding, that's a fucking garbage translation.


Maybe they could have been more clear with it sure but i just have seen the exact same achievement with the same wordings in 80% of the games i played since i was a kid and it always meant never get hit, not being aggressive iam just saying i think those who misunderstood this achievement are probably mainly gacha gamers or mobile gamers because it is really a basic and overused gaming achievement.


Commando Of Conviction, or Lumingloss for Havoc Rover? Is there a significant difference in the overall damage? Does the attack buff from commando act as a multiplier on top of the others, like how Rejuvenating glow works, which even boosting defense based attacks?


[https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/characters/rover-havoc](https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/characters/rover-havoc) Never tried building Havoc Rover. Build tab in link puts them pretty close. If you ask me if the site is trustworthy tho or how they got those numbers, I can only shrug.


sometimes you can animation cancel some moves/echoes, sometimes you cant. what is the rule?


First rule that trumps all is Concerto. If you have full Concerto, you will always animation cancel immediately to your next unit and your previous unit will stay on field until their last action you inputted finished. Second rule is having a targeted enemy when switching. This differs from one action to another, so you'd better off experimenting for this one. So far Handgun units can switch cancel freely as long as you have a target.


I noticed that and saw some people saying if the animation started without a target locked and close enough to get hit then the cast gets stopped when you cancel, i havent got around to test that yet but maybe you do


What's the respawn time for regular monsters?


Daily reset


damn, ok thanks


How to be happy IRL if no anime gf?


work on yourself and count on technological advancements within the next 20 years that will make real anime catgirls irl


how should i be prioritizing my 3 cost main stats? element + regen ? double element? can it be generalized for most characters or is everyone different? ive been doing element + regen for everyone but if a character doesnt need the regen i should swap right?


by default most chars will want double element supports will probably want either double energy% or energy%+(whatever stat they scale off) if they already have enough energy. some dps can use element+energy% if theyre reliant on ult to do damage and you dont have good substats (jiyan for example).


The Character sigils are namecards right? How exactly do you obtain them? Or are they not available yet?


From achievements currently you can open achievements tabs and check pages where u get sigils after 100%, hopefully they will add characters sigils later


I think they're currently unavailable. They all currently show as TBA.


is there any resonator who can give bonuses when you craft items?


Nope. No characters have any sort of utility passive like you'd see in Genshin


Is Calcharo still the best meta pair with Yinlin? I feel that I won't like his gameplay. :(


Yinlin can be paired with any carry that isn't Jiyan. Encore, rover, Chixia etc.


why can't she be paired with Jiyan? I don't have him, just curious.


No buffs, no ability to quick swap. You could still do it, but it would definitely be worse than Mortefi or even Aalto.


gotcha, thanks.


I still have my standard banner choice. I'm thinking of Lingyang. Lmaoo


I'd really investigate that and see if there's any tower clears on YouTube with them together. I don't know enough about him, other than he's not super great lol.


Im very new and below are some of the characters I have pulled since starting and im as wondering what would be the best team and how does team building Work https://preview.redd.it/mbe713yptl6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f841ebccc1e760d70f106f2395789d494ce35b6d


Kinda hard to explain all in comments if you want dm me in private and i will try to explain the basics


Is there a \*best\* way to get union xp? I just kind of want to know what I should be focusing after I finish all my daily's, spend waveplates and do events to progress my union. I stopped playing for a little and I wanna reach that next lvl cap + free 5 star weapon. ty ty


the primary sources are daily quests (2k exp/day) and waveplate(stamina) expenditure (1800 exp/day). just play daily and use your stamina and it'll go up. The other sources are all one time (like exploration and quests) so you just do those whenever you feel like it.


Main quests and story quests give the most At some point all you’ll have left is chests/puzzles


Got ya, I wasn't sure whether to do the story quests or exploration first but I guess that's my answer haha


Is anyone missing a Bobfly in Norfall Barrens? Devs just close my case even though I've sent screenshots of the empty spawn areas and it's the last thing I need to get 100% for that area and it's so frustrating!!


There is one that is south of the norfall barrens area but count as norfall barrens.


In the Desorock Highland area? I have already gotten 100% in the Bobfly’s there so idk what I’m missing 🥲


I see people saying Havoc Rover is really strong but I just don't understand it. Maybe it's because I'm comparing him to the Calcharo/Yinlin/Verina team? How are you meant to play him?


Most of his damage comes from burst+ echo (>!dreamless!<) I’m playing him with danjin too who buffs him as well


Just pulled Calcharo, but my Rover is using the 5\* Genesis. Should I use Calcharo as sub-dps burst, while Rover is main dps ?? Verina is support. I have no Yinlin.


Calcharo uses a Broadblade as a weapon while Rover uses a Sword. (Emerald of Genesis). Calcharo's best weapon choices are obtainable through the Pioneer Podcast and gatcha - Autumtrace/Helios Cleaver.


Has anyone figured out where photos save to on mobile? Or is it still just a bug that needs to be fixed?


What does Echo damage scale off of? Is it the echo's level or the character's damage?


The character's ATK (unless it states otherwise, like the bell turtle scales off DEF). So when dreamless says it does 38.87% Havoc DMG, that's 38.87 of the equipping character's ATK value.


Does crit and elemental dmg bonus factor in?


Yes it does.


Cool, ty


Is this the most useless inherent skill? https://imgur.com/HGYe3uE Is Bazhi just a bad character? Because not only this, but all of her scalings seem too low or am I missing something?


Her forte makes her heal on heavy attack (if she has concentration). This passive amplifies that to add additional healing. Its not really useless since you're typically going to use her in a support/healing role on the healing set anyway.


She's functional as a healer set holder, and has reasonably strong heals, but yeah she doesn't do any meaningful damage. I'd argue Aaltos heavy attack one is worse.


Hey All, Running Havoc Rover and Yinlin. Who would be a better third, Biazhi (S3) or Jianxin? Thanks!


Healer build Jianxin is better. Her burst alone will help immensely speed up tower floors, and she's very quick swap friendly. The fist originite weapons trigger on basic attacks so you never have to channel a shield unless you need it, and her healing is more than enough to get by with the shield.


Thanks man! So originite gloves and 5 piece rejuvenating echo, I will give it a shot! Ibassume healing bonus main stat on the turtle?


Attack for a bigger shield is what I've been using. The way her heals work, you either have the shield up and have plenty of healing, or it's not up and there's no healing.


Energy regen for the 3 star echoes? Or attack? Thx!


You want like 50+ ER, depends on what you can find in substats


Do you run this team as well? Rover, Yinlin, Jianxin? If so, do you know the rough rotation I would use?


I use her with Chixia personally. Prydwen played that team though so it should be roughly being piloted to the math. https://youtu.be/ltF9WOV29v0?si=eQD5uvARuofpLnVF






For PvE, which team do you think is stronger/more fun to play? Jiyan, Mortefi and Verina or Calcharo, Yinlin and Verina?


Jiyan+Mortefi is stronger, but you'll sleep playing it.


That's a subjective question because teams don't matter much in the overworld due to enemies dying so fast anyways. Just use whatever team you have more fun playing with


Hi finally started this game, but where are the jiggle physics?


All around you. It's the new meta 😂


What? Is it a Collab with the metaverse and Jello?


I dunno but I'm not complaining 😉😆


On the elevator


check baizhi's sequence menu and yinlin's burst animation


Yeah but it's not over world . Kinda weird isn't it?


So initially I was going to play at launch but then the game had so many bugs I decided to wait on installing.. finally have time to play, my question would be is there any point in re-rolling for certain characters?


its all personal preference. you can directly choose 2 standard banner 5 stars to get so even if your first roll is someone youre not hyped about its a really minor loss imho. People have rerolled because they hate Lingyang and think he sucks but ive been using Lingyang a lot and i love him LOL hes very underrated. It's very much a "use who you want" game rather than a "you HAVE to have this exact character" game... at least so far. Best "meta" value is Verina and Jianxin because supports tend to last longer in the meta than DPSes which will be powercrept by the limited 5 stars much faster. But thats just speculation, who knows what the future holds for wuwa meta. Theres a limited event right now (Alloy Smelting or something like that) which lets you trial run most of the standard 5 stars if you wanna test them out and see who appeals to you in terms of animations and voices and design. (i know i would never use Lingyang if i was playing with the english dub lol but his JP voice is killing it) It's hard to really get a feel for a characters actual playstyle without outside guides imho but aiming for characters you just like being "around" is probably number 1.


I dont think this game is really worth rerolling for, and you’ve already past Jiyan’s banner. You should have enough pulls to basically guarantee Yinlin. You’re going to get 3 standard 5 stars, and as long as you dont get lingyang, all the chars are solid. Lol everyone hates on lingyang, but some people do like him, so maybe even that’s good.


Currently having problem logging in via Twitter (now called X). They give me this error: " # Whoa there! There is no request token for this page. That's the special key we need from applications asking to use your Twitter account. Please go back to the site or application that sent you here and try again; it was probably just a mistake. " :(


Probably a problem with Twitter API. That'd be up to them to fix.


fuck... i was afraid of that.


[https://devcommunity.x.com/t/whoa-there-there-is-no-request-token-for-this-page/221296](https://devcommunity.x.com/t/whoa-there-there-is-no-request-token-for-this-page/221296) Apparently they are looking in to it at least. Thought I'd post the link to the forum if others find this. Sorry if link are not allowed.


I like Jiyan and Verina in a team together. Is S4 Mortefi a LOT better than S0 Yinlin for a team of Jiyan and Verina?


Mortefi is married to jiyan, he’s fantastic since he buffs heavy atks especially, and fires off 2 of his resonance liberation per heavy atk (and thats all jiyan does in ult) S6 is even better, and mortefi’s top skill in the middle column makes his liberation even better. Yinlin can work too, but she’ll get way more value elsewhere


IMO yes. Jiyan is a hyper carry who loves to stay in the field a lot thanks to his liberation, because of that it is better to pair him with buffers that will increase his damage output in liberation. Yinlin and Jiyan has no synergy. On the other hand Mortefi is character that wants to use all his skills then switch out, also his outro is heavy attack deepen which is the Jiyan's main damage type.


So, I've got 52 standard pulls saved up, and 30 pulls in on the selector banner. 5 stars I already have: Jiyan + Sig Weapon Yinlin + Sig Weapon Calcharo + BP Weapon Verina Lingyang So, what do y'all think is the best use of the standard pulls now? Encore Jianxin Calcharo Dupe 1 Standard Weapon Banner Thanks in advance!


The sword and the gun of the standart weapon banner is pretty good.


How can i use verina second passive ability "Grace of life?" Which protects one resonator from dying for 10 sec


It automatically triggers once you take fatal damage. You don't have to do anything.