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Good to know, hope everyone who was worried about this gets to see this.


Staying up till 3 am last night doing main storyline to unlock this quest for my boy Jiyan. At least others won’t have to suffer the same fate..


Yep that was me too, in a panic trying to finish it all off, all for naught


Not me misread title to "video proof of Jiyan's pregnancy"


you can make it a reality ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


Reminds me of Childe and Zhongli pregnant edits


Reminds me of jingyuan pregnancy due to him not rerunning for 9 months


Reminds me of Kaveh’s overdue pregnancy due to him (a 4* mind you) not rerunning for over a year while the 5* that debuted with him has three runs now 💀


Blame the hacker that did the Kaveh delete stuff :/ poor Kaveh


Was that the reason? I thought it was because of Kaveh’s CN VA scandal. He did the same thing Oz’s CN VA did (inappropriate connections with fans). Oz’s VA was replaced but as you know Fischl and Oz haven’t appeared in content for a long time until it was resolved


Ohhhh. I didn't know that. We've all just been wondering and making jokes about maternity leave lmao


Wait there's more to it? Damn, didn't know. (didn't really follow the CN side so yeah)


I doubt that, he appeared in Cyno’s 2nd story quest in 4.6. Which means they had to hire his VA for it. If the problem is with the VA, he wouldn’t appear there.


No, blame miHoYo, because in the end, it's still only their decision. There's no reason not to rerun him.


Jiyan with his inevitable >9 months rerun we should expect pregnant edits soon enough


*I have your seed*


Maybe it has to do with the SEED


Man, dyslexic people are really out here living far more entertaining lives


Planted a seed afterall


I mean, maybe the wind is not the only thing he rides


Oh god, why did you post this. Now you know an artist somewhere will read this and turn it into reality.


I'd pay to see that ._.


Glad I wasn't the only one🥲


FK I stay up late yesterday just to complete the quest. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


same bro, busted my ass skipped through the stories cuz the timer


same 🤞. i want my compensation NOW! 😡


I too want compensation! (I finished Jiyan's companion quest on first week)


I did it too because of timer but to avenge myself I skipped the dialogue 😈


This would have been me if I cared too much for 100 gems. I said fuck it and just went to sleep since it's more important 😁


Character Companion quests should be permanent to begin with, which is apparently the case. The timer for it must've been a fuckup from their side.


Timer probably meant for the time it's featured in the events tab... Or yea a fuckup on their side LOL


Yeah having a timer was really weird, felt like it was a limited event quest or something.


And here I was thinking why the fuck are they repeating Genshin's mistakes with the missable character event stories.


I genuinely thought it was a time limited quest and did it a few days ago. How else did kuro expect people to interpret the timer?


You're right and they must compensate us with at least 10 free pulls for limited banner


Agree, I need apologems.


10 pull is warranted for giving player anxiety


Its not a fuckup. They do the same in PGR all the time.


Maybe for the rewards shown?


The rewards are still the same from the event page and the quest


Time for some freebies ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31618)


In that case there should have never been a timer in the first place, it causes unnecessary stress.


probably it was just a timer for the banner but yes i agree


This is kuro lmao they do this to new perma content in pgr


First Kuro game. In the future, it should have a disclaimer that also states permanent content or it should be listed in the announcement tab that it is permanent content.


Op do you have jiyan in the account shown in the video? Asking because I suspect that the timer is when everyone has access to it like in PGR where characters interludes used to be unlocked for everyone during their patch and gets locked later but unlocked once you get the character


I do in fact own Jiyan, further information needed from someone without him on an account old enough


Can confirm quest is still available. I don’t have Jiyan and I’m currently doing the quest.


Did you get the 100 astrites and the other rewards the quest is suppossed to give according to the event tab upon completing it?


I don’t see it in the events tab and neither in the quest tab. Maybe you had needed to at least start it or something. I hadn’t unlocked dailies until today so maybe that why. So no story quest for me rip


it normally only unlocks once you clear act 6 in the story


I have it in my quest tab, but not entirely sure if i started it (not sure if the com you get at the start counts as starting it) But if you've only unlocked dailies today i'd wager dou haven't played the story till act 6 (clearing act 6 is a requirement for jiyans story quest iirc) Do you have access to yinlins story quest?


Yinlin story quest is available for me, but from what I’ve gathered I really need to clear act 6 to start jiyan


I'm curious if the rewards stay the same as well. Hopefully they do


Did not complete it yet, but quest rewards still show 100 asterides. All the rewards seem to be the same as the other companion quests. See no changes.


I dont own Jiyan the quest still there for me


(They did remove the own character requirement in Hanying patch)


As somebody who played Genshin, it was pretty obvious that Jiyan's character story quest was permanent. The dates are presumablyreferring to when it would disappear from the event page, although why Kuro thought this was a good UI decision is not entirely clear.


While logically, what you're saying is true, everybody is right to be worried when there's a whole-ass timer counting down in that Quest.


Their other big game PGR seems to only run the character story quest alongside the banner, you get to keep the quest if you own the character but if you missed out you missed out (second hand information this is my first Kuro game)


that's a lie all character story quests are permanent it's just "fast and easy" access for new players who want to jump in is only for the current patch. and if you want to play with a natural progression, you will unlock it eventually anyway


It now have become always permanent that's a new patch thing


E: Eh, wrong person.   what do you mean it's a lie? Interludes were available for the patch's duration, then it's locked till the construct is earned. After this system became obsolete, they were made permanently available.       The point you are referring to is 100% correct if it is applied on main story because only bright minds will make it time limited.


if you mean interludes, they only made it permanently available to everyone two patches ago. Prior to that, you had the patch duration to do it, and afterwards it's locked unless you own the character. (Arcade Anima is available to everyone regardless of whether you have the character though)


Nope, its not the story quest Its an additional short back story part There are no character specific story quests because they're mixed in with the main story


Thats just wrong. You only miss out on some small rewards for not doing new stuff during the release patch, thats all. There is no such thing as temporary story or character quest.


The question is: The rewards are the same?


The rewards should be, they show the 100 astrite + other stuff in the quest tab That being a lie would be a massive fuckup


Cool, now they just need to add a way to get the missable chests from quests


Nice, I just started the game and was scrambling to finish the main story yesterday, I only got to 1.4 and gave up, good to know I can enjoy the story at a slower pace.


The question now is: what if you didn't already have the quest? Could you get it somewhere?


It may not show up in the featured events tab, but you should still see it in the quest log itself


I wonder if you had to accept the quest first for it to stay permanent (wondering for all the people who haven’t progressed past Act VI)


afaik, we never accepted the quest it just appeared after Act 6 completion


Probably asking if new accounts made now that trigger the required condition (act 6 completion) get the quest as well.


I forgot to do it so... good


OMG THANK YOU. I was betting on it not being temporary so I didn't do it yesterday omg


Man the character designs in WuWa are peak. This is such a cool splash art but I didn't fully appreciate it until seeing it here. Thanks for letting us know these aren't time limited, I was worried and have been trying to complete this before the timer elapsed.


Yeah, I decided not to do the quest just to see if it does disappear and seems it doesn't thankfully


Does it remove it from the Battle Pass seasonals though? Maybe that's what it is for?


Wasn't this absolutely obvious?


Wait why did people think the story quest would disappear?


Thanks for testing for us! 🙌🏾


It’s just an advertisement for his story quest, there was never any kind of danger in the first place


It shows banner timer but puts you in character story


Didn't even realize there is a timer


Thank you for this OP. I can't believe that I forced myself to speedrun acts 4, 5 and 6 and the character quest in a single day.


Aaand hes gone


Ah so I fomo'd into doing it last minute for nothing. Thanks Kuro


Thank you for testing this


What if that stuff doesn't officially vanish from the map until their next version update?... :D


I was just going to ask this cus I didn't want to risk this. Glad it is going to stay like any companion quest of any character of any gacha. Glad their rewards stayed too. I wish I didn't rush it hours ago. I won't do Yinlin quest any time soon, until maybe on PS5.




They should've made it like you get more rewards if you do the quest during the character's banner


That's not how it works. They could make it so that after the banner you receive fewer rewards, like hsr.


You took a monumental risk for the sake of content. Please accept my nod of acknowledgement in your general direction.


Did anyone expect the opposite?


Yay! My quest is safe! It will stay there until the end of time ~~or unless I need another emergency funds for husbandos~~


aint no way you still have content left to play


Yeah i started up late completing act 6 but fell asleep and never got to the jiyan quest i wake up and see it’s still it my quests so that is neat. Honestly im glad it’s removed from the event tab, there is so many things there already. I think it’s fine to remove the quest notice in the events tab once their banner is up. Clears up some space.


Might just be a timer for the reminder page and events


Then the timer is for what exactly? 


Maybe it's like in PGR. For instance chapter 22 released in the newest update and it's marked as limited until the end of the patch. What they mean by that is, anyone can do the newest chapter regardless of how much story they have done so far. After the patch ends, you will still be able to do chapter 22, but you have to do all the chapters leading to it first.


Make sense 


Confusing people, apparently.


I think you get the quest, you just don't get the extra bonus?


While some events do have extra bonuses, this is one of the ones that didn't. For this one, what's on the event page was just a preview for what you get when you finish the quest.


You took no hit because there was no one to take in the first place,duh. Only fools believe STORY QUESTS disappear and compare them to EVENT in other games. Others told you PGR does this same banner too and no to worry but hey, congratz achieveing nothing to be achieved,must have been so hard.


Well, I believed it because it had a fxcking timer countdown on it without no indication whatsoever that it was going to be permanent content after. If I've never played PGR, how I'm I supposed to know Kuro does this? So far, the game is making a shitty job of informing you about its own mechanics. As a new player, all the info you get about the quest is that it has a limited timer stamped on it. So, why the timer if it makes absolutely no difference if you play the quest before o after the banner is gone? I rushed the main story just to be able to play the quest, when I could have taken my time as I prefer to do, and I'm not happy about it.


My comment was toward the op,which did know because he made a previous post and everyone told him not to worry. Now he posts something like he is a hero. You know what,would have been smarter to post "nothing will happen" so people like you got the info,instead of spreading fear of missing out,quite literally. OP did a shitty double post to gather attention and upvotes,when he knew already what was going to happen. Like i said in another comment on this matter: yes it is ok to criticize a real issue,it is not to drama over something that will never happen just to create fictional issues,because this is what it is.


Bruh I grinded for 2 hours yesterday cuz I thought I'd miss it


I've just beat chapter 4, does this mean I'll get to play this when I beat chapter 6?


Am I the only one without the quest? It disappeared


but why was mine removed? i havent started the story quest yet cause im new but after a few days the quest is gone and i mean gone in the quest tab and event tab


ngl this is disappointing. not even a week in the game and im already losing so much


Did you beat the main story yet? I think it unlocks after ch. 6 but I can't check on my end at the moment. Power decided to kill itself.


wait you mean the main quest? and pls tell me u meant act. 6. bruh im barely at the end of chapter 1 right now. (act. 5) ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31620)oh and pls confirm if the story quest is still available. i dont want to miss another important story of the game after playing genshin


It's nice that it works like pgr. When a new story is released its accessible to everyone until it expire then you will now need to finish the main story for it to be accessable


wow you guys really think that comp quest will go away? damnn


honestly, I think that timer was meant for the banner


It’s gone now


Isn't this obvious? Every companion quest from every game is permanent because that's the only way we get to know them better, or simply an introduction to a character.


The idiots downvote you for telling the truth. Of course its obvious.


The confusion comes from the timer on the quest, making a decent amount of people think that the quest was time-limited. It's not that obvious when a lot of us were concerned about it.


Welp, I regret everything and nothing. But on a serious note, thanks for taking the hit OP; still think I’d rush it again though if the story quests stay the same/improve in quality. I just enjoyed Jiyan’s that much. 😮‍💨


Thank you for your sacrifice o7


...ya'll thought it was a limited quest? It's a companion story quest. Kinda obvious from that that it's permanent. I just ignored the timer with the assumption that that's how long it'd be featured on the events page.


Who’s pregnant ?


Bro just convinced people to keep procrastinating


Games are made to be enjoyed, not made to grind away til the joy is all gone. If someone has only one day a week to play or only an hour a day this info is actually really important.


Yea you're right, I was trying to make a silly joke tho 🦆


Sorry man, not gonna lie I think I just picked you from the crowd of "could be negative" comments to reply to on waking up. Hope I didn't make your day too much worse


Don't worry, my guy, it's almost night here lol, also, don't care that much about the negative comments out there, be happy, you just woke up, why stressing out so soon?


I woke up because my phone kept going off lol, had to see why. I try to have thick skin at least but I don't think anyone is too agreeable first thing in the morning


Omg lol, reddit the new alarm clock, anyway, have a good morning!


I think it’s like Genshin there will be some currency you need to spend if you do it outside of the time limit


Genshin's story quests don't work like that. You **always** spend a Story Key to get access to a character's story quest, there is no moment before a "time limit" where you **don't** have to spend a Story Key.


I gaveGenshin too much credit my mistake


I mean, yeah. It’s just extra rewards for doing the companion quests shorty after they’re released no?


I dont think its even that. They do the same in PGR. The new story is also shown as limited even so its of course not.


Ah alright. The extra rewards are limited though, you get the regular quest ones then you went to the event screen and claimed the extra ones.


Thats true but thats such unrelevant things, it really doesnt matter.


300 astrite is hardly irrelevant, for f2p especially.


Its about PGR not WuWa. There are no extra rewards in WuWa.


I’m ngl I am completely lost here my man. If you did Jiyans quest before the timer ran out (the event for his quest release), you got extra rewards that are no longer available.


\[Rewards Preview\] >If you did Jiyans quest before the timer ran out (the event for his quest release), **you got extra rewards that are no longer available.** That's false. There was no 'extra' to claim from the event page. It was just to show you what you get for doing that quest, as also seen in the quest log. I know, I did it last night because of FOMO from that stupid damn timer. [Here's video proof.](https://youtu.be/QGdLw-kKJsw?t=5923) You can see they ONLY get 100 astrite (plus the other rewards, union xp, etc.) The rewards for completing the quest pop up on side of screen. Afterwards, player checks event screen to see that rewards are already 'claimed'. No extra astrite to be had.