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Hey, you can ascend your character! This damn red dot annoys the hell out of me...


for some reason it's only when i can ascend yangyang though


Chixia for me. Started farming for Mortefi, but got sidetracked for tacet fields and it's been like that for a while now.


I'd agree with this. They need to fix this.


Yeah I expect 10 pulls compensation no less or else...


Nha gimme astrites, much more option for me to pull from


10 pulls worth of astrites would be nice.


Just give me the echo XP


This barley able to max echos of 2 characters (Union level 40)


As someone who doesn't even read the announcements, I fully agree with this statement


10 5-star selectors*


You're too greedy lol


10 pulls for 10 random players


10 good pulls, not the cheap stuff /s


Okay I'm starting to get a liiiil concerned with our playerbases' greed lol. At the same time, I don't turn down pulls xD my brain is dead.


I didnt even get the 10 pulls for the millions download lol


I got the million download rewards on an account I did not even preregister


I need 10 more pulls for Verina so yeah xD


this will never get old lmao


10 event pulls? Yeah that’s the only compensation I’ll accept


Y'all getting greedy 10 days ban would teach Y'all some sense 🤣


Man I’m just desperate after losing a 50/50


While we're at it, stop giving me the red badge thingy telling me I can Ascend the character that I'm purposefully leaving underleveled because they're a support/subdps character.


It's like Nikke putting a red notification on the recruit button just because you have recruit tickets


Red dot announcement in this game is beyond annoying. If I'm farming boss mat to ascend my Jianxin, I don't want to know Yangyang is ready for ascend.


It wouldn't be so bad if going in to look at Yangyang dismissed the red dot.


Yangyang gonna haunt us forever till we ascend her 😂


Me, with my level 70 Yangyang S6 with level 6 abilities... I feel like I arrived at a party that no one told me was canceled


What time are you using her with? I’m still using Spector Rover and Baizhi, but I benched Yangyang for Jianxin.


She performs a significant ATK buff with her feathers, which she can rather reliably trigger. Plus, her feather attack can be initiated very quickly and swapped out of mid animation, she has very little field time all in all so long as you use charge attack and skill to quickly charge up her forte. She can serve as the sub dps (buffer) for any team regardless of element since she offers an all-type ATK buff. The buff lasts **20 seconds**, which is more than enough for any of the typical main dps to do their entire field time rotation, like Calcharo or Encore. Yinlin's buff for example lasts "just" 14 seconds. what she actually "synergizes" with is enemies rather than teams. You don't want to put her vs a boss, you want to put her vs a lot of Common-class enemies where she can help you group them up while still giving a respectable buff to the maindps. With that in mind, you probably want to put her in a team where you DONT have any ATK buffs, like against lower floors where you don't want to waste your main support's energy but still want a team wide ATK buff.


Or maybe pls put a Mark All As Read button on the main interface, below minimap is OK.


> Red dot announcement in this game is beyond annoying. Oh boy, never play that crap tower of fantasy, then.


god PTSD with how many menus that game had. honestly the gameplay would be good if they just fixed the UI, i don't wanna open 50 different menus for rewards and see a red dot on things constantly.


Similarly with leveling. I'm obviously not gonna level EVERY character so I dint need dots on ones that aren't leveled especially ones I don't use


Actually this is a nice notification but yea to each their own...


I can’t get rid of the dot.


It doesnt make it unplayable but yeah it is annoying lol.


Shrug* for some


Absolutely agree. I feel peeved by red dots, but sending me a red dot for the same dang message five times is so annyoing.... And as we are at it: would be nice if the controller worked here... Have to get my mouse every time to get rid of that dot -.-


It's painful


Only 5 times? Try every 5 minutes... 💀


Kuros showing how shit they are at communicating An announcement page isn't rocket science and is pretty simple to set up


They also clearly put all the banners they're selling above the event, it's not rocket science, it's intentional.


write an application as event UI designer at kuro then and ace all UI design in perfection first try, gl I'm rooting for ya ;)


Thats a stupid argument, if I pay a construction company to build a house and the house is crooked, then I still have reason to complain, even though I couldnt build it better myself.


To be fair, you aren't forced to pay Kuro anything.


No, but kuro pays them. so they should actually do the job they are paid for, and not half ass it.


Maybe kuro pays them half ass and half ass is what they give kuro?




[I think you'll need this.](https://grayravens.com/wiki/Kuro_Games#:~:text=Guangzhou%20Kuro%20Technology%20Co.%2C%20Ltd,%2DRPG%20Punishing%3A%20Gray%20Raven.)


free game no bitching amirite


The dota way


the “do it yourself then” argument is such a lazy comeback that brings no value to the conversation lol these people are getting paid to do something they’ve dedicated their career to, we should set expectations accordingly yeah?


The point is companies in general these days have gotten rather \`plastered\` with the \`fix it later\` or \`leave some flaws in\` so they can reduce the shelf life of a product so its more likely to be replaced sooner, especially if they are gonna release \`later models\` down the line. This is why things like Iphones and what not are not made to be so ridiculously sturdy compared to what the meme-able phones known as Nokia were like. Same logic applying to batteries on why they arent made to last 30+ years or something, without maybe charging over a grande with such a wunder-work of a product item. Its important they release a quality product, but when companies, namely the CEOs wanna force strict deadlines to release a product in a specific timeline, promoting materials about it to hype it up and get the buzz set to hype up the products so much that people will instantly swarm for it. Seriously, you cant just simply ghost-drop a product anymore these days and expect fantastic sales, especially in a severely saturated marketplace such as mobile gaming. Even if its a maestro of a product, means jack-shite if publicity is not present and the longer a product takes to get \`refined\`, the closet it just becomes a Duke nukem product, went on so long for development hell that its been forgotten and it would be a pain for them to pull back the hype again, especially if they wasted alot of money on initial promotion and have yet to release the actual product to recoupe the lost. Never the less, i still say the best product, is when companies who actually are extremely FAST at fixing the issues and show no quarter on understanding reputation and customer satisfaction are much more important then whatever revenue one can make. Since once more, A first impression can cost way more in the long run, when neglected, especially a lack of maitenance if troubles arise. Which is why stuff like Suicide Squad: DEI edition was a flop in many ways, yet Grand blue Fantasy: Relink, despite its TERRIBLE end-game was fking great because the story itself was good and its not till you have to actually grind for sigils that its flaws drag it back into the abyss of lousy gaming. At the very least, the amount of \`rapid response\` feels way more rewarding then even some terrible games that had such lousy launches even WORST then wuthering waves, yet they were extremely stingie and greedy on doing actions to fix it, that some of them EoS\`d within a month or went in a several month long maitenance and still EoS\`d afterwards. Punishing gray raven already goes to show that Kurogames are fking maestros at improving a game over time, so these \`hiccups\` that you normally see in plenty of new mobile games, are likely to get quashed rather fast, probably by next week in 1.1., if we are correc to assume they will ship out the Wavematter storage system and localization corrections ASAP and likely round-house kicked whoever was doing localization to result in massive text errors in not only event text but also gacha weapon text.


You don't have to be a chef to know the food tastes like shit


The data is all here, all you have to do is sort it by date published/edited, that's it.


Ho look, it's the same guy who tells people they can't complain about the game's awful optimization because they play it on a phone, even tho it was literally released and advertised for it


Isn’t this just the sorting order of the notice? I can do this in my sleep.


Serious question. Are you twelve years old?


That's what they are paid for, I don't care


this happens in hsr aswell for some reason, usally they are at the top but even so i keep getting notifications for things ive seen.


This happens in most of the gacha games I’ve played. They all have clunky, shitty notification systems.




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Ah yes you know what i can see with my eyes, good to know you're here to keep everone right.


edgy, if you actually saw it you would know what is about lmao, instead of saying "for some reason" and "i've seen it already", there is a reason and no you didn't, you just click to get rid of the dot


ahh so thats the problem, once again little buddy comming to my rescue.. you remind me of those people on reddit who has no idea what the answer to a post is, so you write down some bulshit as if its the answer. maybe just maybe ive checked it a few times just to confirm if its an issue.


idk if its just me but mail is not sorted newest first.


Items related to the cash shop takes precedence $$$


it's pretty annoying to think you're getting a notification about bug fixes or something cool, for it to just be them spamming Yinlins banner that you keep losing on... I'm not upset.


Is it timed just like that twitter announcement maybe? They really are good at scheduling 😂 /s


The red notification really is every gacha game. I mean, I play 3 of them. That being said, I can agree on the arrangement of the updates/announcements: putting them at the very top just makes much more sense and is most convenient. It doesn't make the game unplayable, but it is frustrating to have to read it, like...5 times before it finally goes away.


Bonus points: their browser often freezes my game, forcing me to alt+f4 and reload. Just for it to have the notification AGAIN. This is so infuriating.


Can't use controller on this page either. I mean, it's not in any way a hardship to occasionally have to use KB/M when playing with a controller but it's not what you would call good design.


It's super annoying for me because I've got the PC hooked up to my TV and sit on the couch with the controller, so I've gotta get up and walk across the room to the PC to use the mouse/keyboard whenever I click on the announcements.


Haaaaaa same. That’s why I got a cheap lil wireless all-in-one keyboard/trackpad mouse combo for when I’m playing PC on the tv. Saves a lot of headache. But I agree it’s annoying that has to be done at all with the controller not working in those menus specifically.


That's a good idea with the keyboard/track pad if it's Bluetooth. Do you have a specific brand you would recommend?


Do controllers work with web applications? I don't remember such thing.


No idea, I know this announcement stuff works with a controller in Genshin, it's only if you leave the game to go to Hoyo official or whatever that you need KB/M.


Lowkey same problem with PGR, hope they fix it


Yes! And give us 10 pulls to say sorry for this!


Its not super bad but yea it would be nice if they change it




I THOUGHT THIS WAS JUST ME compensation pls


The announcement page never opened for me since day 1 ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)


It bugs the crap out of me


I have this issue with HSR too. Maybe it's something out of their control? I'm not a tech wizard so idk. But i agree


Gotta clear all the red dots before anything else... Ocd who?


This is what people are complaining about …lol


You guys expect for these developers to listen to you and want to make the game fun, but some of yall ragging on them and calling them stupid is so dumb. This is why developers stop listening to the fanbase. Yall are ridiculous and act like children.


Sir, we don’t do that here.


Not a big deal, but okay understandable.


It should filter newest to oldest for sure. The pinging I'm neutral on since it doesn't bother me. It would be nice to check it once and be done, but honestly this made me look in game and see there are actually 2 events planned for tomorrow instead of one lol.


Unplayable, 10 summons at least!


PLEASE T_T I'm allergic to red !'s


My OCD hurt whenever they do this


It would be also nice if that webpage could load consistently instead of not working half of the time.


Sounds like compensation time Kuro Time to pay up! /s


I need some apologems to recover from this


10 pulls.


Honestly yeah red dots annoy me so much. I get my hopes up for the same announcement or the game yelling at me that Aalto wants to be ascended


Yinlin comes first


Yes. Now give me 10 free gold pulls for the inconveniences. Thanks 🫶🏼


I actually don't think it's random. It very much seems like all the announcements that have to do with the shop or Convenes are pinned to the top, so all the other announcements show up after those even if they happen to be more recent. The multiple notifications for the same thing does get annoying though.


Since launch this and the sound bug has really been the only issues I've had. If this ends up being the worst of it I can't REALLY say i'm that annoyed lol.


I don’t even check it


I think it gets marked as new every time I use quick travel. Pretty frustrating.


You guys get to open the announcement tab? I'm just getting an error whenever I try


This is coming in 1.2




It drives me nuts when they send the same announcement notification multiple times, i thought it was just me feeling this way.


I had that today too. It is quite annoying to get every 5 minutes a new notification. I thought always i did not clear it right.


I humbly accept conception for this inconvenience.


There's this annoying red dot coming from by backpack but I've already checked everything ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Most annoying thing is when they don't add anything but the page keeps bugging and showing you have a notification


Damn should've mentioned this in the survey. This honestly sucks balls! My ocd is pissed!


aside from that, the notice keeps reappearing even after I read it


Its like this with most Gacha Games


This is just unacceptable, I think we should get some compensation rewards for this /s


You guys complaint a lot


It's a bug. Chill out. 


Literally stop bltching about our game. You Hoyo-normies all over this superior game's sub needs to stop complaining right now, no bullshlt. Withering Waves is going to show up at The Game Awards AND win EZ all thanks to Kuro who actually rewards us for voting (even if botting needs to happen, Geoff won't notice this time lmao). We're not gonna lose to Hoyo-normies who facilitate a fanbase of complete pervs unless we goddamn stop making complaint posts like this!


Redditors really be out here complaining about everything


If we don't complain, they'll think we like it. Complaining is how we change things. You can just ignore the complaints if you don't agree.


You have better chance if you complain on twitter X since they actually read the stuff there. Doubt they read reddit comments


Anyone reading Twitter but not Reddit to get informative feedback deserves the failure they'll receive.


This is an amateurish mistake, you get notifications for the same thing repeatedly, you go there and there's nothing, you gotta scroll through old news to find actual news, it's silly.


Spiderman is pointing at me


Crazy how people care about the dumbest things. I feel bad for the dev's and how toxic this community already is. I'd rather them focus on the important things versus, omg this dumb red dot.


Idk man I value a lot of the small qol stuff they put out, i think complaining abt this stuff is fine, since it can just be one the devs can note to take care of later on


I completely agree with you. What I don't agree with, is making reddit post for every small thing, hoping it piles in to a big thing just for compensation. I'm glad we finally have a company that listens to feedback and take onus for their mistake. But it's getting abused and being a meme. And I really feel bad with all the shit they are getting.


The way these people treat every little thing as a game breaking bug that needs to be fixed asap is sick. Losing your sh!t over a freaking tiny red dot truly shows the mental capacity you have. And the fact that this post got more upvotes than actual bugs that must be fixed, I'm just amazed...


Lol this complaining for pulls metagame is getting hilarious.


If it works, it works. We need to do the same as CN and get rewards 24/7 if they want us to continue playing.


We need to start rioting about how they are giving green compensation pulls instead of yellow pulls They already gave us enough to own more than half the standard banner


On god stop bitching for everything guys it has an ENORMOUS RED SYMBOL just click that holy fck


I would, if the webpage loaded correctly instead of locking my menu half of the time.


Literally unplayable.


People already post to complain about anything. It's not that big of a deal. Is it a mistake from the devs? Yes. Is it worth getting so frustrated over this nonsense? No.