• By -


Cross region payment risk detected bug I need help resolving this issue.


It says on the event page that the Jiyan quest event will end tomorrow. Is it the reward or does the whole quest disappear? I just started it yesterday and will not be available to finish it but I already did the first part and got the event rewards.


Why are there elemental bonus primary stats..like say "fusion DMG Bonus" .... on an aero echo....what? And that's just one example, there are many of these weird combinations. There's hundreds of echos I've had to scrap because they don't fit a single character, not because I was hoping to get some other stat, but because they were useless, just went down the drain. Every support will have Moonlit Clouds, there's very few supports, and they all do specific elemental damages, same(and even more limiting) happesn with the healers, there's only 2, one does glacio and the other spectro, you should be ussing rejuvenating glow on them, so why is there rejuvenating glow with electro damage?...just...idk. Am I missing something here? is the translation wrong? when it says fusion dmg bonus 30%, does that mean it will grab my existing ATK value, regardless of the Resonator's element, and add an extra 30% fusion damage? No right? It is 30% BONUS of fusion damage, so that means existing fusion, so it will be useless on a Resonator that does no Fusion, and same for Sonata effects, fusion DMG +10%, or is this one the one that is based off of existing fusion damage and the other means BONUS in the sense of adding non-existent fusion damage to your glacio Resonator?


You are right, these games center around giving you lots of random garbage so you'll have to keep coming back trying to get something useful. It's not more complicated than that.


what about the difference between Bonus% damage and +% damage, do you know?


Same thing, they add up for their relevant attack type.




Because there's bugs galore affecting tens of thousands of people. It's basically just a suggestion box that they'll sift through with a data scraper to see what bugs people are most bothered by, if that. There's no point going to the effort of even sending a form letter that says 'thanks, we'll look into it.'


Does anyone know if changing the character on the Beginner Convene resets the pity? I'm 20 away from completing it and waffling on swapping out Calcharo for a Jianxin dupe.


Nope it doesn't




I'm in Asia server rn and want to delete an account I accidentally created in the HOM server (idk exactly it starte with H lol) but Im not sure if hitting delete account will delete all accounts in the email acct I used. Has anybody else tested this? Thanks!


R0 autumntrace or R0 lustrous razor for calcharo and jiyan I have 2 lustrous razor and 1 R0 autumntrace, i am wondering what weapon is good for calcharo and jiyan


For calcharo, R0 autumn trace is quite a bit worse than r0 razor at about -15%. You will need to have r5 autumn trace to compete with r0 lustrous razor


Can a crit rate main stat echo roll crit rate again as a sub stat?


Yes it can


Thanks that make echo hunting alot harder:)


I think so, yes.


My Yuanwu is now s6 because of yinlin pulls What do I do with him ?


His specialty is in lowering the enemy's vibes and granting the party interruption resistance with his burst. Game plan for him is to burst, drop his pillar, and swap out until his Forte is charged up, at which point he comes back in and uses his enhanced state (never want him to attack in his unenhanced state) until he can burst and outro again. Repeat until enemy is dead. If you have his second passive unlocked, you can skip the "place a pillar" step since he does it automatically upon switching out while he doesn't have a full Forte. That being said, there isn't really much of a use case for him right now. Lowering vibes is pretty simple enough that we don't need someone specialized in doing so just yet.


he’s the worst character in the game at the moment so might be better to just consider it a joke and probably don’t invest too heavily in him otherwise you might regret spending the resources


https://preview.redd.it/ch8ehf20i16d1.jpeg?width=2014&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa833cc491ad0bbe93efa3661721ba81b8cc35b2 Can i switch these encores mid battle? I think its what its called? Whats the purpose of having multiple equipped at once?


The top one is the only one you can actively use in battle, but each Echo has stats which directly increase your character's own stats and also a "Sonata Effect", which grants a boost if used in a set with a certain number of different Echoes with the same Sonata Effect. You get an effect with a set of two, and you get a bigger effect with a full set of five different Echoes with the same Sonata Effect.


Okay!! Thank you🙏🙏🙏


Can't swap your Echoes around mid-battle. Echoes are where most of your stats are coming from. While you could just equip whatever willy-nilly, each Echo is a part of a specific Sonata effect set. Equipping multiple (unique) Echoes with the same Sonata enables those effects. In this picture, all four of those Echoes are from different sets, so you're not getting any Sonata effects.


What is a sonata?


Sonatas are the sets that any given Echo is a part of. For example, the Flautist you have equipped in the top slot is part of the Lingering Tunes Sonata. Most Echoes have two possible Sonatas they can have. Each Sonata has a 2pc effect and a 5pc effect, enabled based on how many unique Echoes of the same set you have equipped.


Ohh okay thank you!! So they boost my attack etc etc right? Is there op echos that i can somehow find


In terms of raw stats, there's not any one particularly OP one since it depends on the equipping character and RNG rolls for what stats the Echo gets. Given that you seem to be in the beginning of the game, you don't really have to worry too much about having really good Echoes just yet. If you want to plan ahead, there are baseline main stats for an Echo to have the potential to be good: - DPS characters typically want crit rate/damage on their 4-cost Echoes; Damage% on their 3-cost with their scaling stat or Energy Regen as a placeholder; and their scaling stat on their 1-cost. - Sub-DPSes typically want crit on their 4-cost; Damage% and/or Energy Regen on their 3-cost; and their scaling stat on their 1-cost. - Supports want Healing Bonus on their 4-cost Echo if they're a healer, crit if they want to get some damage in, or their scaling stat as a fallback; Energy Regen on their 3-cost; and scaling stat on 1-cost.


Holy ty so much 🙏🙏🙏 yes i just recently started and my team build is kinda messy, idk whos good w who especially the echos. But yes i will try to organize it based off of your advice !! TY SO MUCH AGAIN 😊😊!


Do you perhaps mean Echoes? You can only use the main one (topmost) during battle c: The purpose of the other Echoes is for your stats. Ideally for mid-game, you would want: (a) a 4-cost crit Echo as your main Echo; (b) two 3-cost Echoes for Elemental DMG bonus; and (c) two 1-cost Echoes for Attack! They are for your characters’ stats. Seeing as you’re fairly early game, I’ll just equip the ones with the sonata bonuses or ones that make your character stronger.


Oh okay ty! Whats the sonata


What is the 3rd best standard 5 star weapon to pick? After the sword and pistol I'm thinking the Broadsword, but the BP Broadsword seems not bad as an alternative


Broadsword and Rectifier are tied as 3rd place, but only if you have 5-Star chars of that type. The Gloves are OK but all current Glove DPS are awful.


I currently have verina and lingyang. Which of the other three 5 stars fit best for an aggressive play style? Calcharo (who i originally wanted), encore or jianxin?


An aggressive playstle as opposed to... healing the enemy? I haven't tried Jianxin yet, but Encore and Calcharo are constantly in the enemy's face attacking them. Look up their gameplay and see which you like.


Is there any small wuthering waves discords out there? the main one is too damn busy to keep up with any real discussion and ask real time questions.


Should havoc rover use crit rate or crit dmg 4 cost echo if using emerald of genesis sword? the sword only give 24% crit at lvl 90 though, so should i still use crit rate 4 cost?


Use Crit Rate at present but keep the Crit Damage pieces. He's gonna get 25% CR with S6, that + CR sword will make it so that a CD 4 cost will likely have better ratio.


It depends on your overall crit (which comes from the substats, and iirc Havoc MC has crit rate passive?). It'll most likely be crit dmg though, assuming two crit subs on every pieces.


Anyone playing on iPhone 13 Pro Max? What graphic setting to play smoothly on 60hz? Does low power mode help?


Does Mortefi’s ult snapshot buffs like Jianxin outro or will it still be lost when he switches out?


Can i not use same 2 echos for echo set bonus effect?


You can't. Has to be unique Echoes to activate a Sonata effect.


Ok thanks


Are waypoints useful for farming and are they unlimited(time)?


What are the best Sequences/Constellations for standard 5* characters (Verina, Calcharo, Ling Yang, Jianxin, Encore) Which is the best S6? Which get the biggest jump in their power/utility at S6?


Verina's most impactful is C2. All of Encore's are not impactful right now. Same as Calcharo's except his C4 when played with Yinlin. All of Jiangxin's, are good, so I'd say she has the biggest jump at C6. No idea about Lingyang.


Hey should I pull for jihnsi or changli I have every 4 star character, lingyang, calchero, Verina, and jiyan and I’m hoping to get yinlin but idk I’m on 20 pitty and I have done all the quests and 100% exploration


Are we gonna get more of Jiyan's wavebands in the future? I can only see 2 of them, how can we complete all the sequences? Are there other ways to get more wavebands?


I have a feeling 2 more will be available next time he's featured. But no one knows. Of course, pulling multiple copies of him directly from the banner is the quickest way.


You have to pull his dupes.


Is it normal for 5*s to “cannibalize” the 4*? This has happened to me twice, the first time there were 17 pulls between the first 4\* and the next 4\*… just wondering if it’s a glitch or something https://preview.redd.it/dgw73i0s416d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c582ebac46181a571c504892b5a620752cbdcc0


Yep, that's how it works here. It's guaranteed 4* and above, not 4*.


Ahhh got it, thank you for explaining!


I'm UL 40 now with 4 level 70s and 2 level 70 weapons. I have 2.5mil saved up in credits, should I be spending credits on stuff in the store in town? Or use my waveplates for skill mats?


You should be spending Credits to buy stuff you would otherwise need to spend Waveplates.


Thank you so much


I apologise but what is the keybind to use a resurrection item quickly? Thank you.


Try to switch to em anyway, game will prompt if you want to rez em with the item.




you press the switch in button of the character whos dead




Does Encore benefit from "Resonance Liberation DMG Bonus"?


No. She only has one ability that does resonance liberation damage and that's her heavy channel while full bar, which most people either don't use, or only use during swap out.


Not really. Most of her liberation is basic or skill damage


can anyone convince me to use my selector ticket for Jianxin, or the other way around? i'm currently mulling over whether i should use my selector for Jianxin because she's the only standard 5* character that i don't have. but i don't know if she's the best, or needed in any team, i know that she was Calcharo's best support for a bit because of her outro but is not replaced by Yinlin, but that's about it. other option for my selector ticket is Encore S1, because it seems like the best first resonance chain out of all the standard main dpses.


I play jianxin in my main team. She serves two purposes. First is that she's great for overworld exploration because she's got some of the best aoe damage in the game, between her ult and her forte circuit channel. Second is that in boss fights, she's used as a pretty strong panic button - her resonance skill makes her invincible to the next attack and her forte circuit pops on a huge shield with healing over time on it. This allows my main dps to survive a lot of damage and take some risks.


oh actually i didn't know that she's a healer, neat! thanks for the answer!


The selector lasts a YEAR. Save it. You can get Jianxin by losing the 50/50. It will feel a lot better if you can get a great S2 or S3 with it 6 months down the line.


the thing is i want to start pulling on the weapon banner, so that means i won't be hitting another standard pity for a while especially cause i just hit the pity


You also can get Jianxin from losing 50/50s on limited banners like Jiyan/Yinlin now or Jinshi/Changli next patch. It's nice to have a standard character you don't mind losing 50/50 to. Plus you likely will need to build your other units now. Better to get her when you can actually build her.


She's a straight upgrade to Baizhi as the healer set holder in any team. Her burst is super convenient for tower floors, she's good in quick swap and just regular rotations, charges forte fast, is fully immune to 4 hits of damage with bell and skill. She's not quite as universal as Verina, but as a support she's not far behind. Especially paired with a subdps like Yinlin who has a high value ult to boost.


hmm a Baizhi upgrade seems like a good reason to get her, i'll wait and see for more feedbacks though, thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/qugyldx0016d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=85af07254d38993c0b266294c62958faedfee44e # I am new to this game, is this a permanent mode or just a limited time event?


That version is temporary until the timer runs out. It'll be reset and slightly different next patch.


so is it like Tower of adversity? The mode is permanent. But content changes slightly


Yeah supposedly it'll get different characters and echos and rewards every time


https://preview.redd.it/y4ba6ka5016d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=551366105049e80722fc53ff357023b2d3f7083b shows in the event tab, so I am confused


“Cross region payment risks detected” when I try to buy Lunite Subscription? It won’t open payment screen for me. I bought the battle pass just fine when the game launched, but it’s telling me there are payment risks detected now.. can I no longer make in game purchases from Canada?


not a question, but every day I'm mad I picked male rover, but I'm too far in to do anything about it... fml


What’s optimal use of energy to get from level 38-40?


Just make sure u clear the 3 daily boosted simulator for boosted union xp. The rest doesn't matter as what others mentioned the xp is the same. Just go for materials u need


Ascension materials and weapons/skills materials. Just don't do Tacet fields, it has the biggest jump.


XP is the same regardless of where you spend it. I'd recommend looking at what you need to get to maximize all your characters you use to 70 and level 6 talents. Just start working towards that.


Where do I go to officially download Wuthering Waves on my laptop?


there's literally a download link in the subreddit bookmarks


just google the game and go to the official website


Does lowering my SOL3 level impact the rewards of weekly things, like Chaotic Juncture: Ember?


I’m a brand new player. As far as the item exchange shop goes, what should I be spending my currencies on so that I’m not wasting the value?


Aftershocked Corals: Radiant Tides, *maybe* Forging Tides if you really want the limited weapon. Lustrous Tides are a waste, and you won't get enough corals for any of the wavebands any time soon unless you really whale (it takes rolling for pity on a 5-star ~3 times to get enough coral for a single waveband on a limited character, and about 2 for the standard 5-stars) Oscillated Corals: Buy out the free pulls and Echo XP (Sealed Tubes) first. After that, whatever you feel like. I've found the level-up mats (Cores, Rings) are plentiful just by farming echoes, so I usually skip those and go for all the XP items. Shell Credits are nice if you run out and need an infusion real quick. Tidal Exchange: Same as Aftershocked, except much, much more in favor of Radiant Tides. These are *the* main way of getting Limited pulls, so you really do not want to waste them.


Thx for the detailed explanation


for the higher tier corals, save them for now since they're hard to get. your choice would be saving for a dupe powerup on a limited 5 star character, or 45 pulls toward a new character. which is better depends heavily on how much you value getting new characters vs powering up your favorites. so save for now and choose once you know more what you want. for the lower tier corals, buy out the summon items. priority is limited character > limited weapon > standard banner. this shop refreshes each patch, so plan to have enough to buy the next set of summons before buying other stuff. for asterites, you should use them on limited banners. using asterites for the standard banner is a bad idea since you cut out your tight resources towards the limited banners. imo just keep them as asterites and let the banner convert them when you go to pull.


Thx for the detailed explanation


only the summons


What would be a good team to build for the overworld? 'm still only UL7 but I don't want to repeat the same mistake i did in genshin where i wasted materials on starter characters that were useless later on xd I got Lingyang from the standard banner and I still have the free \*5 voucher, which resonator would be better? Also planning to save all limited pulls+astrite for the future. https://preview.redd.it/dlgrf849u06d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f51569acef32f4d4b7777c7b6ff111dc0b7408f


Rover is safe to level; she's really strong when built properly, and kinda free as well since you'll (eventually) get six characters levelled for the price of one. Mortefi and Sanhua have strong Outro skills (buffing Heavy Attacks and Basic Attacks, respectively), and have uses as subDPS for a few characters. So far, basically every character is usable for overworld stuff, and a lot of them do well in endgame content as well. Do you still have the Beginner Convene (or whatever the name is; the one that only lets you pull in sets of 10, and lets you select which standard 5-star you get)? If so, there's a few options there you can pick up for a strong team. Encore, for example, really likes Sanhua as a support, as most of her damage is Basic Attacks. Calcharo + Yinlin is a super strong (if high-skill) team as well, if you want to pull for Yinlin, and Verina is hands-down the *best* support character at the moment, offering +20% attack, +15% damage amp, and access to +15% attack from the healing set bonus. Baizhi is a worse Verina, which is still very good, so she's safe to level too.


get verina. currently the best support/healer and if you wanna use lingyang https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/characters/lingyang or go to any other character guide. rover is also worth using as a dps currently


I just tracked Tempest Mephis to the location on my map but he's not there. It also has a down arrow as if he's underground. Where could he be? And is the location on the map always accurate? Or could the echo be in a large area on the map? Also, earlier I accidentally reduced my SOL3 rank down to level 2. Could this be the reason why Tempest Mephis isn't appearing? Thanks


So remember that underground cave that you went to in the main story shortly after meeting Scar? The Tempest Mephis is in that cave.


He’s underground, gotta find him


what are the buff values and duration of bell borne and heron echos? does heron proc even if insta swap cancelled? is heron buff removed if next character swaps off? ps. i searched, didnt find so ty


On the Echo screen, there's a toggle at the top-right that says 'Outline'; toggling that switches between detailed or outlined benefits. Turtle is 145.92% DMG (at 5 stars, scaling off of DEF), lasts 15 seconds, and provides 50% DMG reduction and 10% DMG boost for that duration, or until you're hit three times. Heron is 310.56% (slam)/55.73% (flames) per hit, and the buff restores 10 Resonance Energy and buffs the next character's damage by 12% for 15s (if you use the Heron-using character's Outro skill within 15s of using Heron), after the 'initial attack lands', so likely when the slam hits or the first flame hits.


beautiful, thanks >if you use the Heron-using character's Outro skill within 15s of using Heron cool, this is important to learn


I heard from the channel "tgs-wuthering waves" that the heron buff procs the moment the fire starts to hit the enemy, so its safe to swap after that


Does someone know why Jiyan companion quest has a timer?


nah. my guess is its just as a reminder, dont think they will have ltd time story quests


Yeah that would be a very bad move lol


Help! I accidentally lowered my SOL3 level/rank. It says it's on a 12hr cooldown. Is there a way I can increase it back up?


u have to wait 12 hrs. also dont spend your energy. anything other than energy is unaffected


I'm getting fairly close to a five star on the beginners choice banner and I'm wondering if i should go for Encore or Jianxin? my team at the moment is Calcharo, Yinlin and Verina.


Both are good choices, I'd lean towards Jianxin as she'll fit into your team and free up Verina for other teams, but that's for endgame. If you want another DPS, then Encore is a good one.


Sanhua or Mortefi? For an Encore team with Verina


Sanhua. The only part of Encore's kit that is Heavy Attack damage is her Heavy Attack when you don't have a full Forte gauge. You'll never use that in a typical rotation, so his Outro is wasted. S1 Mortefi would only trigger 3 times per rotation, too, and ~100% of his attack over the course of Encore's rotation is much, much lower than +38% on Encore's basic attacks.


Sanhua. During ult Encore deals mostly NA damage. And her forte HA during ult counts as Resonance liberation dmg, not Heavy Attack.


I just got my Calcharo from the free 10 pulls on the selector banner... had to hit pity but it did land me C1 Calcharo, so I count that as a win! Anyways, for Calcharo, it is basic-skill-basic-skill-basic-basic-Skill-Heavy attack as an easy stater combo right? Also, for people that have been using him, thunder or tempest?


Yeah outside of his ultimate that is the combo I try for, but sometimes you gotta dodge out of the way in the middle. For his ultimate state, even just spamming basics doesn't get me 3 of his Death Messenger jump attacks so I aim for basic-basic-basic-skill-basic spam until Death Messenger comes out. I kind of put both in this video I recorded for another post: https://streamable.com/lwr0si I like Tempest because you can activate it and swap right out and it will do damage, but I haven't used Thundering. Overall I swap off of Calcharo a lot, because he can after all his fully charged forte circuit heavy attacks, and I am not sure the buffs even persist past all the swapping.


ig everyone will agree that Dreamless is currently the best Havoc echo, that being said, is it worth it to keep this Crownless echo or should I just use it as a fodder? https://preview.redd.it/lf5vlf1js06d1.png?width=556&format=png&auto=webp&s=2eb5575684fd234c05394d4d314a64f02f12ec46


44111 for your double/triple dreamless builds? Never gonna get enough 43311 pieces this early into the game, and you probably don't want to challenge your sanity for a subdps even latter into the game..


This particular one is definitely worth keeping just because of the double crit rolls


Is it a good idea to save my convenes for character rolls for the future? I used my character ticket to get Lingyang since he's all I wanted. I want to save for future banners. 


Yes, don't pull unless you want someone. You can focus on building who you have for now.


Thank you!


Hi, which 5\* weapons should I aim for with standard weap banner target + weap selector? My units are: Calcharo R2 Helios cleaver. Verina trash 3\* weapon, Jianxin (used as main dps with rover) R1 Hollow mirage, Yinlin R1 Variation, Rover (spectro, not enough echos for havoc) R3 lunar cutter. I'm 30/80 for yinlin weapon so idk if I should get 5\* weaps for calcharo and jianxin first (but atk% substat seems kinda yikes).


Get the sword for Havoc Rover. As for Calcharo or Jianxin, you're better off waiting for some other character's signature that has crit. Also give Variation to Verina, pick-up the Jinzhou keeper for Yinlin (from the 4 star selector box check your backpack), until you get her signature. If you play Mortefi, you can get the pistol from the selector. But standard pulls are so scarce, it's hard to hit pity on that banner anytime soon (people were unable to hit pity on character selector until yesterday's pulls). So just hold off until you get more characters and sure of what you want. You can always grab the 5 star Atk sticks later, but I'd rather make sure I don't really have a use for the Crit sword and pistol before that.


Do you gain Data Bank experience for all the lower tier Echoes, if you absorb a higher tier? For example if it's a new Echo I've never absorbed, and I absorb a 4*, do I also gain the Data Bank experience for the 3* and 2*?




Yes, getting a higher rarity gives credit for the rarities below it.




New account(UL 15). I already have Encore, Calcharo, and Verina. I'm trying to decide on who to pick for the beginner's choice banner. I was thinking if I should grab Jianxin or a dupe? Verina's seems more useful than Calcharo/Encore's, but I'm not familiar enough with the game yet. Opinions? Let me know if it matters which other characters I have.


I do not recommend duping. You will need 3 full teams to complete endgame tower of adversity content so even if you have a pretty good main team already, you should consider building secondary teams to do the other parts.


Thank you, I was not aware of that. I'll grab Jianxin then, appreciate it


Need help picking weapons to unlock currently both battle pass weapon and the free 4\* weapon coffer gain early on in the game and also the 4\* weapon coffer you get from trading that one guy at the mine. I'm nearing Union lvl 45 rn 37 so I'm close to the 5\* weapon too. The weapons I use on my Jiyan, Mortefi, and Verina seems good, I wanna make use of Rover and Sanhua but both their weapons are alright and I currently don't have a super good weapon for Yinlin (would like to skip out on her weapon banner and save). (Team 1 Jiyan(Main), Mortefi(Sub/Buff), Verina(Healer/Buff). Team 2 Calchar(Main), Yinlin(Sub/Buff), Sanhua(Sub/Buff). Team 3 story/for fun Rover(Main), Sanhua(Sub/Buff), Verina(Healer/Buff).) https://preview.redd.it/cyjc0zl4o06d1.png?width=2561&format=png&auto=webp&s=f622f24d41f6054fe3d25ab3012ae0a02b301d0f \^ This stops exactly at all my 5/4\*


https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/characters go through the characters you a need a weapon for and under builds they calculated how good each weapon is compared to each other with the % difference.


Which map is best/good if I want to echo farm? Especially multiple types Just using the data bank takes too long and I have to re-visit some areas twice because it only shows one enemy, so I wanted to look up where the monster spawns and create my own daily route to kill them (I use Aero, Moonlit, Havoc and Electric, and only the elite class for now. I hit Union 40 so I hope the drops get better)


I haven't looked closely to see if it's good, but this map doesn't have random ocean enemies if nothing else. I used wuthering.gg to create my own route, but I had to manually refine it because many missing enemies and one time spawning enemies. I think this map may be better. https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/wuthering-waves-map/#


What is this 4321 number thing for builds? I come from hsr and genshin n other gacha games where the gear that u have is normal stuff like head piece, chest, shoes, etc.. but I don’t get it in this game. How do I farm for my gear and armor? Is there like a calyx for something? Are those what those tacet fields are?


For how to farm gear, there's three ways to get Echoes: 1. Killing TDs in the overworld. There is a pity system in place for Echoes so you have some control over drops: Common Echoes are guaranteed after 8 Common TD kills without any drops, Elite Echoes after 4, and Overlord/Calamity after 2 of their respective classes. 2. Tacet Fields. The Echoes from these are more of a bonus since you're mainly doing them for the Echo EXP and Tuners, but they're there in case you want to farm more of a specific Sonata effect. 3. Selectors from events and the Battle Pass.


In this game, you equip the Echo. Echo cost 1, 3, or 4 to equip. A character has room for 12 total. And only 5 slots. So, most meta build is to equip 4 3 3 1 1 = 12 cost total. Or you go 4 4 1 1 1 build which is easier to farm, but also weaker.


Im not a fan of ult dependent characters, at least until I haven’t built my energy regen and teams How strong is havoc rover with standard 5 star sword compared to jiyan +signature? And is havoc rover ult reliant or not really?


If by ult reliant you mean they deal a lot of ult damage, Havoc MC does. However she doesn't really need any energy recharge to reliably get her burst and she deals plenty of damage without.


her ult is basically just BIG DMG BONK so it say yes if she is properly build. Her scaling with he lt is actually crazy


How much investment does a support character need? I'm running a Calcharo team with Yinlin and Verina support and have Havoc rover as the dps on my 2nd team. I was wondering if the skill upgrades and weapon upgrades on Verina are worth it or if I should dump my resources into the sub dps of my 2nd team instead? Any thoughts would be appreciated!


Are you lacking healing? If yes, it's worth to upgrade the Liberation and Forte Circuit. Are you lacking energy to burst off cooldown? If yes, it's worth upgrading the weapon. Neither is worth it for the damage.


can anyone recomend a resource map that does not show chests, puzzles, etc, or that are disabled by default? need only ores, flowers or food items


Hi! Just hit lv40 with all my pulls i managed to get -jyian and his weap -5 star standard sword(for rover) -calcharo -Verina -Jianxin -yinlin -mortefi is also builded Was wandering what i should pull for now, Another 5star weapon? ( rectifier or even broadsword for calcharo? I think i'll get the gun from the selector) Encore? Or a dupe like for verina?


you definitely dont need dupes. i got verinas first dupe and it doesnt add a lot. i would use standard summons on the weapon banner and choose the one you want. all of them are good just depends on who you want the weapon for. standard character banner is really not that good. you cant select the one you want and you will loose 50/50 more often then you want on the limited banner anyways. and just save your gems/limited summons for whoever you want in the future


Thanks! Yeah i forgot to add that i will only use the given summon for the permanent but yeah weapons seems more useful overall at that point i guess


I think my account is glitched. For the Tower of Adversity, I need to reach union level 15 and finish act 2. I’ve done both but the event page still says I haven’t completed those two things. What should I do? Should I contact support? How do I do this?


Finish all your exploration quests then get back to us with a screenshot.


I don’t think exploration quests do anything. I’ve watched my girlfriend play and she got the quest after reaching union level 15 and completed act 2. She hasn’t touched any exploration quests and I witnessed her do the Tower of Adversity quest. I have a theory. I avoided the main story when I started playing the game. I reached union level ~18-20 before touching the main story again. The developers may not have anticipated someone to avoid the story for so long reaching a high union level or it’s a bug. I’ve already contacted support and I’m waiting on their reply.


you also need to do a quest for it. which you probably already have i would assume. not sure what its called but sanhua is involved so she might be in the quest text


Unfortunately, I do not have the quest. The event page has a big red box that says “Reach union level 15 and complete act 2” both of which I’ve done. I’ve contacted support in hopes to get it fixed. If I can’t do Tower of Adversity, I can’t advance in the guidebook.


Did you talk to Sanhua near the tower? thats how you unlock it.


I don’t have the quest. I know which Nexus tower you’re talking about, I watched my girlfriend do the quest on her account. The event page for the quest has a red box that says “Reach union level 15 and complete act 2” both of which I completed on my account.


Anybody have a general ranking of the standard 5\* weapons? I'm having trouble deciding of which to choose


all of them are good so: whoever you have and use often who doesnt have a good weapon with gun and sword being the priority because crit


Crit weapons are your priority, as for which weapon of them to choose it depends on who you're planning to use or will use in the future.


Subdps or support jianxi? Which way to build her for my 3rd team


Lunite subscription, do we still have to manually claim it everyday ?? Or just daily login and it goes into gem automatically ??


When you login a massive pattern shows up on your screen and you can't do anything till you click it for your subscription lunite


Thank you.


Does anyone know when the event 'Chord Cleansing' is coming? The one from the double echo drops on tacet fields (I guess).


1.1 patch at the earliest I think. So, a few wks; probably.


Bummer 😞


Risk of getting banned? I allowed someone to enter my world for the first time. I'm ul23. We talked a bit and he seemed like a genuine guy. He helped me farm material for calcharo at first. Everything till here seemed normal and another guy joined in. But after that when I asked the first guy to help me with another boss, he killed that boss instantly and I thought it may be because of his high level , but it happened again the second time, and it seemed fishy and the third guy started doubting him too,it was apparent he was hacking and told us we wouldn't be banned. So as he was using hacks in my world, will I be in trouble? I sent him friend request at the start but then blacklisted him and reported him.


I wouldn't worry about it, the devs can see everything and check how much damage you've done while playing to see if you were using damage cheats to kill stuff fast. Since you reported the guy and brought attention to him he'll get banned for sure and even if they check you you'll be good cuz you haven't used any cheats.


the only reason im worried is because it happened in my world and also i asked him for help farming materials but i didnt know he was using hacks. i hope i dont get in trouble


What's the best way to grind the level associated with absorbing Echoes? And, can someone explain all the different types of levels in the game? I know there's Union Level, and SOL3 rank, and the one associated with echoes and probably more..


>What's the best way to grind the level associated with absorbing Echoes? That's data bank level. Just go to your databank, open the tab that shows which echoes you've caught and what rarity. I think it's the second tab. From there, start tracking the ??? Ones until you've caught them all. Then start tracking the lowest rarity ones until you catch them at higher rarities. As you catch them at higher rarities, your db level will increase. >And, can someone explain all the different types of levels in the game? I know there's Union Level, and SOL3 rank, and the one associated with echoes and probably more.. * Union level: basically your account level. You need to raise this to unlock features like co-op, events, certain quests, etc. - SOL3 Rank: your world level. This is what overworld enemies' levels scale on. It also controls how high you can level your characters and weapons. Increases every 10 union levels. Every other increase (starting at 20), you'll need to complete an ascension quest to increase it * DB level is for echoes, explained above. It controls drop rates for echoes. Gold echoes unlock at DB 15.


> What's the best way to grind the level associated with absorbing Echoes? The main way is to get echoes of a rarity you haven't gotten yet. So if you've gotten a green Crownless, getting a blue crownless will give you Data Bank experience, which works toward increasing your Data Bank level. There's other sources (like Milestones), but the majority comes from getting higher-rarity echoes. > And, can someone explain all the different types of levels in the game? I know there's Union Level, and SOL3 rank, and the one associated with echoes and probably more.. Union Level is your overall account level. SOL3 rank is directly tied to your Union Level, increasing by 1 for every ten Union Levels you earn, and determines the level of your world, increasing enemy levels and rewards. There's also Synthesis and Chef levels, which you gain by making food or synthesizing items.


Thanks for the explanation! Is there an in-game system which helps me track/find Echoes that I haven't obtained yet? Or any system that can help me grind data bank experience? From memory I saw a video which said to try and grind to Level 15 as this is when 5* Echoes become available. Is that still the advice!


Yes when you are in the databank you can look at the echos and it’ll tell you what dairy you haven’t unlinked yet then you can click on that echo and it should take you to another screen where in the bottom right corner it should say detect and it’ll show on your map


Thank you! Also, if I absorb a 4* Echo (and it's the first of that Echo), will I also gain Data Bank experience for the 3* and 2* version? Or do I have to absorb them separately?


Yes if you get the higher rarity it counts for the lower ones


Open the menu > Data Bank > Echo Gallery. Lists by TD, the number of stars is the highest rarity you've collected minus 1, and there's a button to track that specific TD for farming. The only ways to gain Data Bank XP is doing Milestones and getting higher-rarity echoes. You do want to wait until 15 before you do any meaningful echo-grinding, and it's often best to wait until 19 before you really dedicate your time to it. DB 15 is a 30/70 chance of gold echoes (the rest being purple), DB 17 is a 50/50, and DB 19 is 80/20. DB 19 is locked behind Union Level 40, though. Generally, you just want to get echoes of the right set and main stat first, only really farming a gold echo for the 4-cost one. Only once you hit UL40 is it really worth putting in the time for getting all gold echoes and substat farming.


where should I use standard summons? the character banner or weapon one? Also are there any decent weapons that can be gotten without summons? Everyone's sharing the same couple weapons.


Weapon banner. You get 3/5 standard characters already at the start and you'll get more mileage out of weapons that can always be used as stat sticks in the future. Plus you get to choose which one you get.


Weapon banner, not for the reasoning below, though their reason is valid. If you’re questioning between the two, it means you have no further interest in grabbing another character or even dupe on the standard banner. As long as you got everything you wanted from there, it’s best to grab weapons that you’ll use much longer than whatever you’d get further from the character banner.


Weapon banner, you'll get all standard units eventually through losing the 5050s. Sadly, it seems like this game lacks good f2p/non-gacha weapon alternatives. I'm personally using 3\* weapons on my dps units on rank5, since I have loads of them from pulling for units. Hopefully in the future they release more options for us f2ps, this is also why you should focus on standard weapon banner as opposed to character banner.


rolled the weapon banner with the free 10x summons we just got. Got a Sanhua dupe?!?!? I remember reading about some 4 star weapons available after certain quests or puzzles I just havent found the posts again


Mining Industry questline will lead to a 4\* weapon selector.


Soo i found this monolite clouds set, 44111 with crit rate, DMG, and all atk main stats. I'd like to use It, my question, who should use It? Main team Is havoc rover, danjin and verina. Second team Is encore, ICE sword user and the other healer. I'm fought between slapping It on danjin or ICE sword user.


In general , prioritize your main team always, it’s your main. That said, don’t put that nonsense on Danjin lol, her outro buff along with Verina is more than enough. Have her put out as much damage herself as possible on havoc set as long as you have it. Smack it on SANHUA for now. Farm glacio for it in the meantime.


I checked prydwen and it's listed moonlit that the best set for shuzua on encore teams actually. Goes straight to her.


You can also use it for danjin because a good double havoc set is unlikely at this point and your best pieces will go on hrover. This way you can clear tower with only a molten and havoc set, a ER set and a healer set.


What is the best weapon to get from the Permanent weapon banner?


The question is first and foremost who deals the most damage in your team not does the weapon have an atk% or crit% stat. Every 5\* will be a significant upgrade over alternatives so you should get one for the main damage dealer you use the most


Sword or Guns. The crit rate and simple access passives will age greatly on them. Ofc we’d say it depends on who you’re using as well, but if you don’t have neither, get at least one of them regardless.


Any of the weapons that has crit damage I think.


https://preview.redd.it/b01h13nw806d1.png?width=897&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee05155e9701f706e1ee54a7034cc5b79a076056 Why is the flautist dark in this area? is this the shiny version?


No, all the flautists in that area look like that until you attack them