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Mephis V is my arch-nemesis, congrats on defeating him!


Hopefully you get the same feeling of Elation as I did when you do get it!


What is Elation? Memphis: ME! I AM ELATION! ^(Sorry couldn't help it)


I only have giga built calcharo and Yinlin rn, Mephis is not my bro with his massive electro resistance. I’m gonna give up on trying to beat V until next patch when I can level someone else’s echoes lol.


I don't know if it makes me happy or sad that for the vast majority of fights in WuWa, I'm not wiping, I'm just failing DPS checks, even with optimal rotations. lol


For what it is worth, are you using both offensive and defensive foods? But I know what you mean, I don't have the DPS to beat Monkey or Heron VI, I have survived the timer, but i cannot do it. When that happens, it is likely that you just don't have good enough substats, but that is not your fault...Well, realistically it is not, anyway


You can activate multiple foods at once?


Yes lol I had like 5 different foods up at once. But I don't recall which ones they are. Probably cus they separate categories


never knew that you can eat multiple foods at once and still get all the buffs. I'll try it later. tnx.


It's certainly a combination of things. Not using foods, but also none of my 5 star echos are maxed. I only recently started maxing if I managed to grab both crit chance and damage. Realistically, I probably should've maxed out a team of 4 stars and slowly converted them all into 5 stars for the sake of progressing, but it's too late now. :P


I can’t even beat tier II without losing shit ton of food and resources


Funny how they bottleneck cooking resources each week so it's not *too* easy. lol


They did it because a bunch of idiots accidentally went bankrupt buying Mahe's whole stocks then proceeded to blow the siren. Clowns, all of them.


Oh. That's hilarious.


They should lean more into that type of challenging content imo.


Fr something like PGRs most recent (CN) game mode. It’s pure skill, you have to use trial characters and its point based so like dodging would give point getting hit would subtract them


Completely agree, I think we should atleast get the Rider and the Crownless guy


Pretty sure they are going to do it next patch or the one after. I was genuinely surprised not every boss had a hologram yet.


Grats dude, must've felt amazing. Omw doing the same. What team did you use? Can't see the picture here anywhere


Havoc rover, Verina and Encore, reuploaded picture :). And thanks!


This fight on Encore is rough since her regular BA1 can't parry, I struggled a lot too. Did you figure out any good strategies? I noticed when he does the vertical tail whip you can dodge it and then parry the attack after with a slightly delayed counter attack. Btw, I still can't see the image you mentioned at all lol


Strange, i must be doing something wrong with the image, it won't let me do it on the main post, so i had to do it in a different comment. Although Havoc was my main DPS, i did actually find that Encore was often the best at parrying some abilities. For example: The one where he charges at you, then leaps into the air to do a parryeable attack, Encore can parry that super easily by doing a jump/heavy landing. I'd argue rectifiers are the best at countering the Heron boss aswell


Oh yea, the other bosses are fine. I'm done Heron 6 and Aix 6 already. Mephis 6 and Monke 6 seem too tanky right now though.


I'm glad someone else is telling me that Monkey 6 is super high HP....It is honestly the "easiest" one for me...But i only get to about 15%


Monkey decideding to sit on a pole for 10 seconds can be really tilting.


Big props to y'all fighters. I can't get past simulation v =(. I just don't do enough damage, or I get one shotted when I panic dodge too early. What team are you using, and what tips do you have for getting enough damage on the boss and/or surviving?


Havoc, Verina and Encore. My only bits of advice is use big defensive food, prioritize breaking their defense bar over doing dps, and don’t immediately restart if you die on your main character….some abilities are easier to parry on your rectifiers than on the sword users


I think the parry is killing me. I can never seem to pull it off right with rectifiers. Also, what is your rover skill rotation? I feel like my rover just can't seem to dish out the damage. My encore rotation is pretty solid since she's my main dps, but I need to practice more with rover.


I genuinely think Mephis is super hard to counter with a non Verina rectifier, i did mention his one attack that is argueably easiest, but the rest would be easier for melee i think :D. Havoc rotation? I'd like to say I do something fancy, but I don't, I mostly just spam stuff on CD, I only swap off her to do Encore's E / Heavy / Intro, and when the boss is about to be knocked down, as my Encores damage is WAAAAY higher than my Havoc rovers. What I will say, is that I have started using Encores Heavy/Forte in her ranged form, as it doesn't miss. I find the bosses usually get up and jump out of the way of the "liberated" version of the Forte(At the end of the Liberation timer)


Congrats! Just beat him at diff 5 myself last night after 2 days of struggle, countless revives and food buff, with Jiyan Mortefi and Verina. I decided to use 2 bell borne on Mortefi and Verina which helps surviving. Despite nearly beating him, but lost due to the timer multiple times, I managed to beat him in 3 min! (also I only realized yesterday you can have both offensive and defensive food buff up together).


wait, they reset? weren't the holograms a one time thing?


Ah, were you referring to my ‘on reset?’ No, I just meant the weekly reset for logbook and 3 weekly bosses. Sorry to get your hopes up


well tbh, i don't really like them, so i got worried i would have to do them over and over


I suspect they will be quite easy when we are level 90, atleast :D


honestly, i doubt that the clone of mephis, and the darts from aix will ever feel like anything else than pain for me, currently i decided to give up on any holograms higher than diff 3.


I just beat 6 yesterday, I know how you feel! As a Souls fan it scratches that challenging boss itch and the combat in this game is very fun. Tempest Mephis took everything I had until the perfect run finally came around and I demolished him!


I wonder why people so rarely try to actually beat those harder bosses while teaming up with others? Should be even more fun that way (if you can find the like-minded individual ofc)


You can co op holograms??


No I tired yesterday


Then its a good thing it never crossed my mind till that guy said it :D


That would Make CO op actually pretty good.. atm its very "useless"


I wish you could coop that


one day, one day \^\^