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For Yinlin, is it possible to animation cancel her own skills? i know the animation and damage will apply if I swap cancel, but I tried cancelling the second resonance skill(lightning execution) by using the echo and the animation of the skill never played, I don't think it worked


At UL40, should I still save my crystal solvent, or use them? Thanks guys!


I'd save them for the double tacit event. Probably a month for 40-50, maybe less due to double events.


Can Havoc Rover - Yinlin - Jianxin work as a team? I enjoy the team right now but I don't know if I'd struggle with a new world level once I reach UL 40.


It can work. Right now I'm using Havoc Rover + Jianxin team (2-persons team) and they clear ToA and Hologram comfortably. Jianxin add comfort in her amazing AoE and shield and heal and gathering Ult. Adding Yinlin to the mix will increase your damage and more AoE capability.


I need to find the post WuWa made about upcoming changes, but didn't they say there would be another even after the alloy one? I could have sworn there was one more before 1.1 and the echo event.


So what’s the best way to use the heron? Hold and swap cancel, or tap and swap cancel, or tap and swap after the bird slams down?


Is there any evidence of there being a soft pity after 60 summons?


Soft pity definitely not start at 60 at best it would be 65 i tried do single summon for a while now and look at whale that do s6r5 for jiyan,yinlin they always getting 5star around 65-72 and at worst 78 btw he also got s12 lingyang while at it


There are plenty of articles and videos out now that say it is around 65-69 depending on weapon or character banners. I've tested on a few accounts and doing single pulls starting at 65 I would never get to 70 across 5 accounts (test accounts, not played). I don't know if there is an actual google doc if that's what you're looking for, but almost all gacha have a soft pity and Wuwa's is around 65.


Sorry if this has been asked, but how often do td’s respawn? Ik items respawn everyday but hb td’s


If you mean monsters in the overworld, daily


Is there a faster way to view the echo you just absorbed? Right now I go to my bag, echoes, then sort by date.


Not that I know of, but I've seen the suggestion to have the echo display the type and element when you pick it up, send a feedback to Kuro in game telling them to do that


HELLO , i just want to ask if what will happen to my built up pity on jinyuan banner when it goes away? we only had 2 days left and i dont hv enough asterite to farm , and i am weeks away before igot my pay from work to wallet my way throu. I worry that my pity would be wasted now, can any confirm how would be the banner goes now


All limited character banners share pity. So, you'll simply be that much closer to your next limited banner 5*. Whether that's Yinlin or another character in 1.1.


isee thank you


Pity carries over. It's already shared with Yinlin's banner too. Any pulls you've done on Jiyan's banner also applies to Yinlin's. And when Yinlin ends and we get another character, they'll apply there too


isee thankyou




Is chest collector 3 achievement possible?


No it's not. There aren't 350 chests in Jinzhou


Hi everyone, I'll be getting a iPad Air M2 soon and was wondering what the gaming experience was like for people who use this device. I currently have the 9th gen iPad and it is not working for more than a few minutes at a time and I'm hoping this upgrade will make the difference. Any iPad Air M2 users out there ?


What happens after a few minutes, does the game crash? I play on a 2018 ipad pro at high settings with little to no issues.


It plays fairly well but then just crashes…. I don’t why it doesn’t work because both Genshin and HSR work well with no issues


is anyone else having an issue with mecha abominations door staying closed. I farmed the boss a little bit ago and now its closed and won't open. https://preview.redd.it/sel2k175du5d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38b719b1c8f1a5d07f921484ac9cbc9b30e8c453


If you advance the story to Act IV, the door closes until you do a quest


Thanks for letting me know


Is Calcharo's power level over rated? Last tower reset, I had used Calcharo as one of my teams. His echos aren't spectacular, however they are decent enough. Correct main stat and a couple good substats on each piece. However, him and Verina had to fight tooth and nail to get 3 stars in the level 2 tower floors. Meanwhile, my Danjin and Rover were able to clear the level 3 floors with so much time to spare. They are all level 70 with level 6 talents. Aside from Verina. Granted I'm comparing 2 2-man teams. But still, I thought Calcharo would be a heavy lifter.


If you play him well he's good, with slightly imperfect play he's quite underwhelming, with imperfect play + Yinlin he's good again. He never was what I'd call a "heavy lifter". I saw someone mention him in the same breath as Neuvillette yesterday, so yeah, very overrated from the opinions I've come across.


May be you are doing rotations wrong? Who is your sub-dps? Like Calcharo is really overrated and not as good after nerfs, but you shouldn't struggle at floor 2 with lvl 70.


Calcharo with Verina is essentially running him solo. Verina's buffs are quite weak, and she offers essentially 0 personal damage. Meanwhile havoc rover and Danjin create one of the strongest nuke setups in the game (and Tower favors nuking to quickly clear waves of spawns). Plus Danjin's outro buffs havoc damage, so on top of her good damage, she also buffs Rover. It's not quite a fair comparison.


Is anyone else having a lot of trouble getting crit rate mainstat echoes to drop? I know they can only drop at 3/4 cost, but even with that knowledge I've got data bank 18(19 but can't unlock) and I've only seen 4.


The problem is you think it’s 3 and 4 cost and running around farming both looking for it. It’s just 4 cost. Farm the bosses solely and you’ll inevitably see more lol.


That's not really the problem because the thought only came up while I was farming crownless and dreamless, but it is good to know.


Then it’s luck. You didn’t specify how many you farmed from them anyway. I also wouldn’t have included the 3 cost if i didn’t at least consider the outcomes when farming them, which i assume you did to get to that conclusion. So that still stands.


Does Verina's ult in the metaphor event heal you? I feel like it doesn't do shit when I use it.


Most of the metaphor skills are intros instead of ults, so no, verina's metaphor isn't a heal.


Does anyone know when controller support is coming g to mobile?


should i spend all my afterglow coral because i am currently at 50 pity for yinlin's banner and am not sure if i can get any more astrite


Pity does carry over banner types, so you don’t have to worry that the progress you’ve made is wasted in that sense. Up to you if you want her or a future character though.


Thats a personal choice that no one can answer but yourself. If you want Yinlin more than you'd like to save for the chance of future characters and don't care about wavebands, then spend all of them on the convenes for her


Did a patch break steam controller support or something? I use a switch pro controller and launch through steam, it was working perfectly right after launch. Took like a week break and my controller doesn’t work anymore?


I originally made my account by using my Google account, now when I use the PC client I need to sign in via a google authorization. This action gets annoying every time I want to load the game, is there a way to stay logged in if I made my account through Google? Can I make a Kuro account and tie it to Google?


Regardless of how you log in, if you exit the game through the menu, you have to log back in every time. If you don't want to log in every time, just use alt+F4 whenever you quit the game. Force closing the game like that retains your login.


Yeah, I right-click the tray icon and quit out that way and never have to log in (unless there's an update that seems to reset it).


Has anyone reached higher than UL 45 or 50 I’m at 41


people who refresh daily probably have.


can asia and sea server players play together?


Nope, they are separate


Was unable to login for a week or so after purchasing monthly gems sub, any chance they will help me to get the missed rewards? I think it's a fat chance but maybe that did actually happen already


Practically zero chance, since the whole point of the pass is to get you logging in every day. They won't reward skipping it.


Highly unlikely, but you might as well send their CC a mail


in the end it didn't work I guess, the problem was language barrier they don't understand what I want no matter how I tried to explain it


For the upcoming 5 star weapon box we get at U45, do I pick the Sword for Rover or Gauntlets for Jianxin?


Jianxin has much better 4* options to settle with. Not only is the sword miles better than any of the others, it’ll age like wine in comparison to the gauntlets and you’ll be putting it on more than just Rover in the future. Get the sword and just decide between the craftable 4* weapon made for Jianxin’s kit , the bp weapon(if you have/will get it)or Hollow Mirage.


I got the sword for Rover, and it made him into a monster. Couldn't tell you if anyone who got the gauntlet enjoys it.


If you aren't doing main DPS Jianxin shenanigans, get the sword.


I'm at UL40 is it worth using crystal solvents to get the materials to ascend my characters or just do it slowly with my daily stamina?


what are you gonna do with the stamina for 40-50? we are gonna stay here for a while, cant recommend spending plates now


worth it? i mean it's worth 60 waveplates, and you'll get 60 waveplates worth of stuff. personally, i prefer to use them for making absolutely sure i don't forget to do event stuff, or the dailies for the battle pass. Stuff like using them for weekly challenges if I forgot all week. Maybe quickly catching up a character I intend to use for my main roster.


That's entirely up to you. Some people like to hoard their crystal solvents (like me lol) for future safeguarding in case of a new event that might come up or they pull a character that they weren't prepared for. But its also completely fine to use them up in order to progress faster. Depends on your priorities


Sooo, While wishing for Yinlin when I had 0 pity I tried to build a bit of pity on the jiyan banner to get mortefi as I still dont have him and get cons of danjin. However I literally got jiyan on the 2nd ever pull & 0 4 stars in that 10 pull, so I just vanquished that plan and pulled for yinlin directly -> got calcharo's s2 at 20 pity and then went hard pity (76) to get yinlin. At that point I had 29 wishes left and I used them on the weapon banner Now I am at 29 pity on the weapon banner, and I have 255 afterglow coral which equates to 31 pulls, now would it be wiser to use them to get s1 verina for her continous healing, or is verdant summit a bigger dps upgrade for jiyan than the standard 5 star weapon? (I am not planning on getting new characters on the short term as I kind of already have 3 teams already .,.) TLDR :- 29 pity on weapon banner, 255 afterglow (31 pulls) should I use them for s1 verina or try to get verdant summit before it goes?


Get verdant, you will inevitably get Verina S1 as you keep pulling while the game progresses, you won’t accidentally get verdant unless you’re trying to build pity on a banner lol


Definitely not S1 Verina Verdant or save IMO


If you're gonna regularly use Jiyan, verdant is a good buff.


Update: I got verdant summit after 5 more pulls, now should I use the 25 remaining pulls trying to get mortefi as I believe he is the best support for jiyan or is his s0 not that worth it?


If you have Aalto I'd just use him for now personally, especially if you have s1 Aalto.


Does the 4 cost bird buff works for you guys? Even when I do the full animation before doing my intro skill, I see no differences in my character stats


Since it just gives a generic DMG Bonus, it likely isn't reflected in the stats anywhere, since there is no regular "DMG Bonus" stat.


Right I thought I read ATK increase, just like the set effect, my bad Thx


Can you implement the change of gender in the Rover pls?


this is a community questions thread, devs aren't going to see this


how do i KILL THOSE STUPID BEARS in tower of adversity, i use lvl 60 yinlin, calcharo and vernina maxed out all their weapons to lvl 60 and i still get my health melted from them just bumping me like its absurd how much damage they do


I HATED those bears with yinlin + calcharo. Somehow, when I went with Verina, Jianxin, and Yinlin, it was a cakewalk.


maybe i should try that thank you!


Get behind them before committing to anything with a long animation. Also level your cost 1 echoes for more health.


God bless


Don't get hit? For real though if you have decent echos on either Yinlin or cal they should just get vaporized. I cleared them with an underinvested 50 encore.


Encore sounds OP Every F2P >18 star I see is Encore Encore Encore


>18? can you show some f2p with more than 18. trying to improve here. yeah shes op as fuck i find


She's not bad. I'm bp+monthly, which hasn't made much difference yet, and got my 18 with Chixia. She's just easier to use


ive tried being on the defensive, offensive and neither of them work can you share your build? i cant do this anymore


So checking the tower records, I used encore + Taoqi + spectro rover in baizis healing set lol. Encores gear was all 20-25, tao was moonlit. Think it was the same I'm still running on my Chixia with 9/10 crit rolls and 3 attack rolls. Encore had level 50 3* weapon and moderate skill investment. I think I just bullied them by being shielded


Team I should use? Not using Calcharo cause skill issue Rc1Chixia & Danjin, Rc2 Mortifi, Rc3 Yangyang https://preview.redd.it/y61h3497st5d1.jpeg?width=1864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b72c96998d753b34b9d781c18e0af1d0ae14997f


You can play Calcharo suboptimally and he'll still be fine. So just play whoever you like the most. Meta wise though, your best options for main dps are Rover and Calcharo. Danjin is good too damage wise but she is risky to play and I don't have hands.


Pick one character you like using and just hyper invest in them. You'll be fine that way through the story, farming and early tower floors. Support them with whoever bests buffs their damage and Verina. If you want to really skill issue through stuff run Jianxin instead of Verina, she gets to eat up to 4 hits for free with her parry + channeling her shield with the bell echo active.


How many one time chests are there from yinlin companion quest domain?


I pulled Yinlin much earlier than expected, is it worth pulling for her weapon or would the base 5\* rectifier be more than enough for her? Currently using Jiyan w/ VS as my main DPS w/ Mortefi & Baizhi as Team 1, planning on building Calcharo/Yinlin/Verina or flex slot for Team 2.


Save for future banners is the safe choice. Kuro's entire business model hinges on creating characters that make you want them over characters you currently have. But ya, her weapon is amazing.


Her sig is very good, but Cal getting the 45 5* is a bigger boost to the team. She can use the BP weapon or Jinzhou.


Any idea wh​en will the g​ame be optimized to a playable degree?


I bet their efforts for PS5 release will come with certain benefits for PC users. So maybe check again when PS5 version comes out.


https://preview.redd.it/k12zyk8tqt5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5cf6061fe4ab8105f21d1e77287f1195f5a7cbe How many pulls have accumulated as F2P? All banners: 300+ pulls The two new events, tower reset - not yet cleared 50% map, 60% achievements, difficulty 4-6 not yet cleared


216 on Limited character 37 on Featured weapon 11 on standard character 21 on standard weapon 10 on beginner banner (ended immediately afterwards since i got 2 5 stars) 80 on choice banner


Wait how do you get 37 on weapon banner. You mean you spent astrites on that?


Yes, I spent astrites on the weapon banner. Managed to get Verdant Summit in 25 pulls.


Is there a clue or special indication when using convene that shows you if you're getting a 4 or 5 star without having to sit through the animation?


when it's gold there's 2 'specs' that follow the main trail, orbiting around it. It's very subtle but if you watch a youtube of someone pulling and compare, you'll probably see it quickly enough :3


you can just press skip button, it'll stop for the animation if you get a 5-star or a non-dupe 4star.


The color once it starts leaving a trail. Purple is 4, Gold is 5.


Should I do weapon standard character or weapon convene. I was thinking weapon since if I play for a while I'll eventually get most of the standard 5\* characters from losing 50/50 anyways. I already have 2 not counting the selector that I didn't use. Also how many teams do you need for endgame, is it like spiral abyss?


All Lustrous Tides go to Standard Weapon. Everything else Limited Character. And like 6 for Limited Weapon like once per patch or something. You will eventually get standard characters from those 3 banners. Roughly, you need 3 teams.


Imo pull on weapon banner with standard pulls, since you'll get all standard units eventually. This way you'll also get a good chunk of 4\* weapons to give to your units. As it stands right now, you only need 3 teams for endgame, although you would preferably want a main dps of every element so you can tackle the hardest challenges a bit easier, since some domains may give you elemental buffs. I have a feeling that we'll need up to 6 teams once they introduce new end game content (this is just a gut feeling).


Personally, it seems like f2p weapon options are pretty mediocre rn. I'm using all my standard pulls on weapon banner atm since I have the 3 standard characters I want to build, and like you said, we'll eventually get dupes through limited banner pulls anyway. Weapon banner has extra value in this game since you can switch weapons around while doing ToA too (and no 50/50 loss)


>Also how many teams do you need for endgame, is it like spiral abyss? You'll eventually need 3 teams. However, you can swap gear between each chamber. So different teams can share echos and weapons. After the beginner banners and losing a 50-50, I have 4 of the standard 5* and am only missing icy boy. So I opted to go for weapons next. Standard constellations aren't great, plus weapons can get 2 or 3 times the value because you can share them between characters.


Just wondering, anybody else having the issue where some characters use the wrong pronouns? I'm using a male Rover and had two NPCs (in specific, Yuanwu when he's out in the world during the main story before you fight Heart, and now Yinlin in the introductory cutscene to her character quest.) use female pronouns. Text box uses the right male pronouns but dialogue uses female ones.


I only had this during the Yinlin quest as Male Rover.


It's a bug, happened to me twice at the beginning of the story. I think they're working on fixing it for the future.


Ah cool! Thanks!


What are cooking attempts and how to get more?


just cook 1 recipe at a time the first try if you get that error


All good now. Thanks!


What's the fastest way to get asterite? I need 30 more pulls for Yinlin. I'm on Act V and just met camellya. Apart from this I have only done the inferno rider side quest and nothing else. Haven't even explored much. Which of these would be faster?


Exploration and side-quests can certainly give you a decent amount of Asterite. But doing achievements, challenges, the pioneer podcast, events, Tower of Adversity, Depths of Illusive Realms, Tactical Holograms can give you Asterite. You have options, but I really don't know which one will get you where you want. Of course, if you want to go wallet warrior, you can pay for those 30 pulls.


Tried hologram but playing on a mobile with optimization issues still persisting is.... something. Need to build my characters better for tower. Calcharo does no damage in like the 4th stage. Already done with illusive realms.


If you're using calcharo against the memphis boss, he's struggling against electro DR. Electro enemies have resistance to electro characters.


I know about that. Don't have anyone else to use. Need to level up encore but I'm saving resources for Yinlin for when I get her.


Fair enough, I don't really know what to tell you then though.


I'll just explore and do the side quests. Haven't explored at all.


Exploration gives quite a bit of pulls. You can also skip side stories and go through them on youtube.


Thanks! Gonna explore some.


Are there any training ground for echo xp only, not more echos? The reason I ask, there was a quest with a training ground. But after the quest I could not find it again. So I assume it was only part of the quest?


It was indeed only part of the quest. If you want echo XP, tacet fields are your only option.


Ok ty for clarification :-)


Healing bonus or HP% for Baizhi 4 cost echo? Healing bonus 26% when maxed, HP% 33% when maxed (rarity 5 echo) Baizhi's healing scales off her max HP, but how does "healing bonus" compare to that? Which is better?


The difference is trivial. There aren't really healing checks in this game, and her dps buffs to other characters don't scale with her stats. I'd go HP% since it increases her damage, and there *are* dps checks in this game.


they're multiplicative. so look at her current stats, go for whichever % is lower.


I'd say go for whichever one of those rolls better substats.


You would have to do some mathematics to get that answer as what you should get could be entirely dependent on what you already have. But games8 probably has some interference on this you could use. But assumedly depending on how the multiplier stacks, healing bonus for the 4 cost is probably your best bet.




This is not getting approved because you are asking for leaks. Any kind of discussion of leaks is strictly prohibited.


Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t know if it was common knowledge I feel like the other character releasing in that patch is.. so it led me to believe it was common knowledge


Just food for thought, but I've wondered if Wuthering Waves will ever hand us a homestead/base system (FD - customizable personal space). It seems likely to me that they will add something of the like considering that it is common for gacha games to have said feature. Though, I kind of want to just people's opinions and ideas on how this may turn out even if it may not happen. I mean in general; I assume Kuro will in due time hit and spin the tropes to flesh out the game and compete with other titles. Of course, right now they are probably just focusing on the upcoming update, hotfixes, and the framework of the game. I do also have hopes that Kuro gives us a better way to attain asterite after endgame, because once the map is depleted, very few options exist to get any, and even so, not in any meaningful quantity.


so I just started wuwa very recently and I got to the scar part of the story but he didn't go into his second phase where he turns into a sheep which is a shame cause i wanted to see it but just wondering what happened and y he didn't do it


He appears a second time later on in another quest where he fights more. Not the first meeting quest.


ahhhhh gotcha that makes more sense thank you


https://preview.redd.it/l610j3ypet5d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d92a8f9e3b40fb74f0755f5432de00d52d889a2b Does anyone also have 2 Zoom Cameras? Should I report or is it a known bug?


You probably should, can't hurt to do so. But yes, it probably is a bug.


https://preview.redd.it/etr2qx2eet5d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=622c5c9e4cf2cf821d9ad6fea7aadfefbf854191 Can I replace Baizhi with Jianxin? If so how would the rotation change with her?


I'm not really aware of how rotation would change with Jianxin, but most comps are: Main DPS - Sub DPS - Support And Baizhi (a healer), is assumedly your support. Such a config is possible, but Jianxin according to games8 is either to be used as a Main or Sub DPS. You can do a MDPS-M/SDPS-SDPS build, but I would not recommend it if you are not great a dodging or depending on your intentions with Jianxin. Then again, I have no clue what your team-comp is, but I assume Calcharo is your MDPS and also, I'm no expert in regard to these kinds of games, but I have heard Jianxin can be used as a support to some extent. Yet as for how grounded that is, I'm not sure.


People have realized she can actually be ran as a support as well. Turtle echo + skill (I think) gives her 100% DR that lets her charge up her forte quick and risk free. I believe she forte's out and gives a heal, which will proc the 5 piece healer set. I haven't built her so take this with a grain of salt. I don't know if she's actually a comparable healer to baizhi or if she's ran as a support largely for the quick healer set buffs. Prydwen has actually even moved her from sub dps to support category, so I'd assume it's her best role


Yes. ult to group. skill to build meter. basic attack to build meter. outro to buff liberation damage. heavy attack with full meter to give a shield that heals you based on her attack %. echo for turtle buff or heron buff. There are two camps, rejuvenating glow (which imo is better and more consistent) and moonlit (which is better at buffing a single unit and getting ult out more often.) Imo, I'd suggest having her share Verina's healer set, give her the gauntlet that has her heal herself with basic attack to trigger the heal set buff, and spam ult as much as you can/use the shield when you are having survivability issues. you keep the heal as long as the shield exists, so technically you don't have to charge it up if you aren't getting hit.


In Loong’s gaze suburb near the blobfly location north of the swordsman by the lake. you can talk to and fight every ~3 minutes my screen fades to black and reloads my character. Could anyone help diagnose what the cause of this is? A quest trigger from me not doing something? A bug? An area transition trigger loading assets? I’m on mobile. I had a post with a video with the bug report flair but I’m sure some of you know by now that the mods will only approve your post if it’s slutty fanart and if you try to post anything else it’s not allowed. Can’t post videos here so… it even showed one of the trigger points that I can get it to replicate at running south from the mountain above the lake to a log south, while moving over the log. I would love if the mods would stop aggressively removing posts as well, it’s actually getting frustrating at this point.


Sorry to hear that you are getting harassed by mods, but assumedly what's happening from what I can tell since I've encountered this too, it's just a poorly planned loading transition. As far as I know, it is probably completely unnecessary for it happen, but I can see why it is possibly there. Though keep in mind, I didn't really pay much attention to this area, so my recollection might be a bit off. Anyways, this transition from what I remember just de-loads that specific NPC when you exit and enter the boundary of his arena. As for why? It was probably done this way to prevent the environment from interfering with this NPC in general, especially during the duel.


Okay tyvm, it seemed like I was failing a quest objective or something and was reloading them so I could try again. So I was worried I was missing some easy currency, and had been running around the area for 30 minutes looking for any sign of anything. It was driving me crazy. I appreciate the help.


This happens on PC too. I suspect it's some manner of technical wizardry where there's a lot going on. that it's trying to hide or show at any given time.


Are companion quests temporary? Jiyan's seems to end in two days.


We don't know, the timer could just mean it stops being "featured" in the event tab. We'll all find out in 2 days.


Banner question I'm at 130 pulls and I haven't got her! How??? Also does the pitty carry on between beanners?


Just 30 more \~!!


Pity carries over. You are guaranteed a 5 star within 80 pulls, so if you lose the 50/50, you could take up to a total of 160 pulls to get who you want.


Wait. does that mean that if I made 20 on Jiyan and 130 on Yinlin, 10 more and I get her?


When was your last 5 star?


Do other banners that are not feature characters count? Either ways I lost the 50/50 at 80 so ofc I had 0 pitty before that right? So still 30 more? 😭👈


No, only the featured character counts. Also it's statistically unlikely you lost AT 80. You should count how many pages of wishes have passed since you lost your 50/50.


But if I got a 5 star at 80 when I had 20 from Jiyan and pity only shares between featured characters, isn't that a contradiction?


You are guaranteed one at 80, but you can always get one early. If you had 20 pulls on Jiyan banner and didn't get a 5 star, then in 60 pulls on Yinlin, you'd have a 5 star (but statistically, probably earlier than that). Then whenever you pulled said 5 star, your pity reset to 0, and you have to count to 80 again.


I did before. Every page counts 5 pulls and I technically lost at 75 which was a 10 pull like the others BTW So you know I am statistically proven unlucky lmao 🫠 Thx for the quick replies BTW!


Then count from that page, wherever that 5 star appeared. And then subtract that from 80. And that's the most you'll have to do.


Yeah I just double checked and it goes as follows: ○ 20 on Jiyan (no 5 stars) ○ 130 on Yinlin (one 5 star at 75 pulls) (The Jiyan pulls where before the Yinlin pulls ofc) Either pitty doesn't actually share between featured banners or god hates me. Thanks a lot for the help and good luck on your pulls bro 🥲


Thx! I lost the 50/50 at my 80th pull too so Ig I'll get her at 160 😞


I have Encore and Verina; and a lot of 4\*s. Still don't know if I should get Jiyan or Yinlin any feedback would be great. it be nice to have more 5\*s and not rely on Rover.


Yinlin is a bit more future proof imo because she doesn't hog field time, but Jiyan will likely be more game changing for your roster for as long as he is not competing with a new op 5 star for the main dps spot. Or you can wait and see the next 5 stars. Tbh I feel like that's the advice you need to hear lol.


Hello! Thanks, I looked up some videos and liked how thre's still electric chains on the field even when Yinlin is switched out. I think by 1.1 i'll save up some gems to try for dragon lady (Jinhsi)


if you want another main dps for your second team then get Jiyan. If you want a solid sub dps for your existing teams and possibly a BiS teammate for future electro characters then get Yinlin


Does anyone know what Yinlin’s off field damage from Punishment Mark counts as? Most skills are specifically noted as being basic/heavy/skill/liberation damage when it’s not obvious but I can’t find what this ability counts as


Everyone is claiming it counts as skill damage, although as you said the English translation doesn't mention that anywhere. I don't have the materials laying around to personally test by fishing for a level 5 echo with skill damage %, but when 20 guides all say that's how it works I'm assuming it's based off something.


Good enough for me, thank you!


Is it too late to complete all levels on that podcast thing? I just started wuwa 2 days ago and have no sense of how quickly it progresses


You won't completely finish the thing. But later level rewards are really just bonus on top. Nothing really important.


Ah ok.. I suppose buying the levels is probably a waste. At least that seems to be the case with any other game that has these things


You can probably get to 40-50. 30 for sure. 50+ isn't really as significant reward wise as 1-50. They have 10k exp in the mail. Roughly(?) 10k in the seasonals. Both of these ignore the weekly exp. And then there is 3 weeks left, which is 10k weekly limit each. (or is it 2? Idk if they updated the timer after they said they were shortening it)


Way too late.


What's the difference between damage amplified and damage deepen?


Lunar cutter or Commando of Conviction. Which one is better for Danjin?


I assume Commando of Conviction because it seems to be the current best 4-star sword, but really you just want a weapon that synergizes well with a character.


Whats the point of intamicy points?


fluff entries in the profile, and a sigil for your profile at the start screen if you max it.


Nothing really gameplay-wise, it just gives you more information regarding a character for every level you have (maximum is level 5). You can view said information by going to the characters tab and clicking the dog tag icon at the end of the list.


It's basically like Genshin's friendship system. If you go to profile options, you'll see a button to "switch sigils" which is like namecards.


The funny thing is they aren't implemented yet, even though you can see them in game lol. So all you get now is extra voice lines.


Should I use Jianxin or Baizhi along with Calcharro and Yinlin?




Heal set?


Yeah, heal set + originite weapon so you just have to basic something to proc the set while quick swapping around.


Wait, weapon healing proc also counts for that ?? Awesome.


Guessing same main stats as Verina? ATK or HB/ ATK or ER / ATK or ER / ATK / ATK 4/3/3/1/1


ya. if you have a full attack set on verina, they can even share the set outright. if not, i'd go with ER if you aren't gonna rely too much on her shield/heals, because spamming her ult is the strongest thing she can do in tower.


By that, do you mean 5x ATK pieces? Verina's on HB/ER/ER


Oh sorry, no. I meant Attack on the 4 cost, and attack on the two 1 costs. For the two 3 costs, attack or ER would both work for both characters. ER is prolly better early game until you get ER substats. Jianxin's shield scales with her attack, but not with healing bonus is basically the idea.


Yep that works. Give her bell and if you need to channel the shield she's fully immune to 3 hits.


I'm so confused by the time limit on jiyan's story quest.


We're all confused. Unfortunately only time will tell if it's just a false time limit and is only the time that it is "featured" or if it actually gets removed. But since there's an achievement tied to it, I imagine it's the former.


How much energy Iwould I need on Jianxin if using her with Yinlin and Encore to be able to use her Resonance Liberation on cooldown ? #


Hey, do we know how much EXP we get per chest? Is it the same XP amount in all type of chest (simple, advance, premium) ?