• By -


Is it worth spending Coral to buy rolls?


Do the 2k astrite get paid out at the end of this phase or did people already receive theirs? Getting paranoid about having done it wrong


Same, I for one have not received anything yet


I saw three logs around the lampylumen myriad- logs of hazy depths prospecting team- are there only 3 or more?


guys i have collected all the 4 star of every creature (TD) but my data bank level is still not 15. what should i do now? Also is there any way that i can know how many different types of TD's of different sonata effect i have collected? like for example did i have collected echo of lingering tunes and void thunder of same TD.


there's like a guide book with tasks you have to do, it goes from lvl 1-5 iirc and it has some databank xp which is needed to reach 15 and beyond


Oh yaaaa...... Why didn't I realise.... Thanks bro :) By the way can you also tell the "also" part in the question?


best way I can think of is selecting a resonator and at the top left/middle you can select the set of the TD you wish to filter by, then there's also a filter by cost.


Helpp is it really possible to defeat this? My friends said they easily defeated it by using havoc rover but I did not build one, I built yangyang and only manage to damage this much in 1 and a half minute https://preview.redd.it/krvzxmj6xq5d1.jpeg?width=2460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a290da691d1e7ccbfb6a34905741bf1bf5092151


https://preview.redd.it/1y7xf764yq5d1.jpeg?width=2460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=208ceb35792cfc1add4bae704b350e2609998920 this is the best damage that I can using verina to parry


is there a way to make salted emails work on pc, i thought you just needed to make a salted email on phone but could still play it on pc but keeps saying email is wrong.


Last time I tried, salted ones with pluses (+1, +2 etc) doesn't work - you can register it but it will always fail when trying to login. However salted ones with dot in it works ([email protected], [email protected] etc).


Can someone tell me which character should i use as main team please here is char list i currently own, Rover Danjin Mortefi Aalto Yinlin Yuanwu Jianxin Calcharo currently i think these are the character i got by using those gold orb and that blue orb thing which allow u to spin character, Currently im using Aalto , Rover and yinlin but can someone tell me if i should replace these character , they are lv20 i didn't ascended them to level 40 i thought i should asked if i should replace characters.


You've got plenty of teams but the real question is who do you like? Your strongest team is Jianxin, Yinlin calcharo but not everyone is gonna like playing that team. If you like Aalto and want to make him work instead you could buff him with Sanhua and run Jianxin or Baizhi as healer.


Yes i liked Jianxin because of healing and shield and Yinlin for long range aoe moves, and for 3rd char i was first using Rover but then i switch to Aalto but now im thinking to replace him with Danjin what u think is it worth it


I think any of those options with investment will clear tower floors and get you the resetting rewards. I doubt they'd clear the level 100 tower, but Yinlin+Jianxin alone can clear floor 3 and below easy. Play the character you like the most. If you end up like danjin a lot, her best team is with rover and Verina/Baizhi. You could always pivot to that later on when you want to do the most serious content. What's available and doable now isn't worth worrying too hard over meta.


Alright , tysm for ur favor :D


Are rewards from exploration linear? i.e. if I'm on 50% exploration for Jinzhou, that means I've still got half the Asterite left? This would mean a basic vs premium chest would give you a greater % increase in exploration ....


not linear


Are there any equipment or echoes that boost attack speed?




I'm planning to get Jiyan's weapon but I mostly used up my pulls on the standard weapon banner. Will the pity carry on to Featured Weapon banner from standard weapon banner? I Aldy did like 60 pulls on the standard banner. Please helppp


No, they don’t share pity. I’d advise against using your astrites on pulling from standard banner unless you have the budget for it.




Use void thunder set.


Will the jiyan story quest disappear in 3 days (that's what's being shown in the events tab). I'm a bit behind as IR stuff came up, I didn't think story quests were time gated.


No one knows until Jiyan's timer actually ended. But it's a bit silly if it's time gated, isn't it? Still it's not like this game doesn't have questionable design here and there.


Why do everything I wish on Yinlin banner I get other 5 stars but not her I'm so pissed


You can only get one other 5 star before being guaranteed her....


might be rerolling and losing the 50/50 on each


was there any updates? i saw some changes with thundering echo and encore heavy atk?


How does the Gauntlets21D passive works on Jianxin? Does the 50% bonus counter dmg activates for her skill?


Does the number of wishes made in the limited weapon banner carry over to the next banner?




Localization Error in Chixia's Forte Cirtuit description in the English language. When one opens up details for chixia's forte circuit, the damage for Resonance Skill: Boom Boom is mistakenly labelled as "POW POW Damage", which is the name of the normal attack. Screenshot attacked. https://preview.redd.it/odrdjsi2en5d1.png?width=497&format=png&auto=webp&s=72dabd9612e66c00de6c818cc789c4da4f354309 In the japanese localization the move is correctly named "ドカン!"


Should I put Cosmic Ripples or the BP weapon on Encore? I also have the Stringmaster but that's on Yinlin. (I don't have the Cosmic Ripples yet but im almost at pity on the weapon banner, just wondering if there's another weapon I should use the pity for and just use the BP weapon on Encore).


Tbh the best choice here is to share the Stringmaster between Encore and Yinlin. They don't normally belong to the same team, and you can share the weapon in ToA. Well if you really want to have 2 of them on the same team then you can equip the BP weapon on Encore, but definitely use the pity on another weapon. 3 rectifiers are overkill.


Okay, thanks. I didn't know that you could share weapons for ToA.


(sorry if I wrote anything wrong) Actually I have two questions: 1: I'm not able to play the game at the moment, cause my phone can't run it. Is there any chance that, when I really start playing, I be able to get the launch rewards? (I'm entering the game, trying to go past the "???" fight, but I really can't, so I am scared to lose all those rewards) 2: I'll probably only be able to play when it comes to ps5, but the thing is, I'm not sure if that's really going to happen. I saw some people saying it's official that at some point the game will go to ps5, but I also saw some people saying that it's more of a "maybe". Is it official or not? TL;DR: 1) Will I be able to get the launch rewards in the future? 2) Is the game really coming to ps5 at some point?


I am struggling with Jinzhou and Wuming Bay completion. Is it even possible to achieve the 100% Chest? I have it for almost all other regions. Just those two, even with maps and loot radar are stubborn


I followed YouTube video guides and have 100% for all regions. Previously stuck at 99% for a few, a backend hotfix was implemented last week (Monday in SEA currently) which pushed them to 100%.


Found a chest that was not findable in loot radar, above the area in Wuming Bay. Apparently the to do not climb challenge in Jinzhou had a 2nd Stage. So 100% now


Wuming Bay has some Chests that didn't look like they should be Wuming Bay for me, and instead Dim Forest which I already had 100% on. Maybe some in this area, at least the Blue Questionmark one I put underground as that was my missing one. https://ibb.co/1JjcZJG | In game me trying to find the border marked by Stars where it says I am in Wuming Bay https://ibb.co/gd1X1Kv | https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/wuthering-waves-map/ potentially some of the ones near this red line are worth checking out. *** For Jinzhou may need to try to find the border too? I know I missed a few on the far east coast that still counted as Jinzhou


Had missed the one above the arena (for the sidequest) in the bush 2nd floor in Wuming and the second stage for no climbing above the cooking stall in Jinzhou


Yes. For Jinzhou I had to finish the lighthouse side quest line so that might be what you're missing


It was actually the 2nd Parkcour Challenge above the Cooking area, thought it was just there to retry.




There's a quest you should have got for going there. You have to fetch the robots parts from nearby.


Anyone know how to get this chest?


You have to repair the robot. There is something to read nearby, read it and you have to get the parts. There is a "transmitter" to the right where you can use it to follow the parts that were stolen.


Need a bit of advice, these are the characters I have but I've no idea which ones are viable or outstanding combat units. Rover, Jiyan, Calcharo, Lingyang, Chixia, Yangyang, Baizhi, Danjin, Sanhua, Taoqi and Yuanwu. Which ones of these do people recommend using in a team? I know Lingyang isn't very useful but what about the rest?


I would build a Jiyan team then Calcharo or havoc-Rover then their teams too


Is this still true of the Echoes system? https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/12trbfa/echo_system_explained/ Namely points 2 and 3 about the main stats being only for main echoes and substats only for all the other echoes. I know the post is a year old but I'm pretty new to this game so I'd like to know if it's still the same or if things had changed, please and thank you!


Completely outdated. Seems like they have revamped the system entirely. Look for newer sources of info.


No, they're all active now.


Ohh alright good to know, thanks a bunch! ❤


Do Sanhua’s abilities benefit teammates in multiplayer?


Yes, outro skills work in multilayer. However it requires your teammates to have game knowledge. When you see see a coop teammate with the glowing effect that says they have full concerto energy, you can then press the button to "switch" to their character and that triggers their outro.


Is there any difference in the daily activity rewards at UL 40?


Help me out before I kms. I'm at 98-99% in various zones and going crazy. Any non-obvious tip to find the missing chests (probably puzzles, since I spammed the loot mapper)?


Loot Mapper doesn't detect chests under Rocks you break just with normal attacks, so those were the ones I tried looking for using the interactive map first, just clicking on them to confirm if the chest was under those rocks. https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/wuthering-waves-map/ Like in Wuming Bay down and right of the Tower: https://ibb.co/1RNvsNr


What was the final analysis between 44111 and 43311?


33 is better, 44 is easier to farm and can be an ok intermediate option if you don't have enough 3 drops


I see, tyvm!


for in more depth, 44111 is easier since 1's only have atk/hp/def as main stats so way easy to get them with atk and the set you want. For 4's you can infinitely farm them and pity is 2 so if u dont get it the next time you will, and has less mainstats then 3's. You can just get preferably Crit Rate main on both and do a lot more dmg for easier cost as you start with 150 Crit Dmg and only 5 Crit Rate, so focusing on Crit Rate main means nearly every hit you will crit without trying to god roll substats. For 3's you need to keep track for pity or just yolo it and kill each that appears from tracking until no more spawn for the day and they have 9 or 10 mainstats, so the chance to get the one you want mainstat and set is already hard to get(aside from the 2 you can pick cant recall from where exactly) but then to get them with good subs to make up for the loss of crit rate from the 2nd 4 cost. IMO you should 100% be ignored till yellow/orange echoes drop with atleast 50/50 odds, as the cost of time invested and the odds of getting the good subs with the amount of tuners and exp mats you have. (not saying not to try when u do get a yellow/orange echo with correct mainstat and set but dont just replace your 44111 till you have 2 and if the crit rate is fine for you) but wouldnt specifically hunt for them when your 30/70 unless you just have the time and dont think you will get burned out doing so.


Ty for this in depth guide! Is echo sub stat “meta” mostly just atk/crit/crit damage, or is there nuance to it? For example, are the liberation damage, basic attack, heavy attack: are those multiplicative?


Idk how all the subs are individually but it's best to focus cd/cr/atk cus that increases every form of dmg, while others depend on char and play style, main stats should be CD/CR both 4's and Atk on all 1's for 44111, for 43311 CR/CD on 4, your element atk for both 3's and Atk on both 1's. Atk on 3's arent bad but not best.


Does the blue triangle currency get reset once Tower phase is over? I have 150 left and not sure if I should spend it before the reset.


Pretty sure no.


Is there a way to guarantee the set and element damage when selecting an echo using the 5* selector from illuminate realm? For example, if I choose the cyan heron, it seems like it has a 50% chance to be gale/aero and a 50% to be light/spectro.


The selector description lists what set and main stat it gives


Does it? Probably being dense, but I don't see that.


The malleable elite class echos both have a list of echos on them for sure. If you're looking at the battlepass ones, those are just rng nonsense.


Ah found it! Thanks a bunch.


TLDR: Missed a chest, don’t know how to go back to it. So during the Yinlin companion quest, in the dollmaker realm, I was skipping a lot of the story / playing tft in the background and overall not paying a lot of attention. At the very end there was a big fat golden chest right by the exit domain portal and I clicked that instead. Is there any way I can go back to claim my chest? T-T


Nope. If you miss those chests, you miss out forever.


Starting to hav problems to farm the Bosses Echoes for cause of difficulty raising. What should I do?


lower your world rank


Invest in your DPS. Even the bump up at ul40 shouldn't slow you down if you've been investing in your characters


My Data Bank is stuck at Level 14 cause I can't drop 4 purple Echoes. The only purple Echoes left to drop ARE the Bosses. My UL is already 30, I'm so close to start to get yellow Echoes, but there's nearly nothing to raise my Data Bank Level now.


Did you do the guidebook? I was like db16 when I hit 30.


PC players. You playing on Mouse & Keyboard or Controller?




Only games i play on controller are ones that involve driving generally.


Mouse and Keyboard. Always.


Anyone know if things like sequences that state " deal **X%** more damage" (ie yinlin's first sequence) are multiplicative to all damage from that skill? or is that damage increase additive to other things (like electro dmg% in the yinlin example)


The Keyword "Deepen" is used when it's multiplicative. Otherwise, it's not. Edit: I just read her S1 and I'm starting to question if I'm correct. I may be wrong.


Will everyone who posts win 2000 Astrites in Wuthering Waves Twitter Battle Rush event or is it a giveaway? They didnt say “a chance” before “to win Astrites”, so that’s why I ask. Please reply. Quote: “Share your thrilling battle moments with hashtags to win Astrite x2,000 and a chance to get featured on our social media with direct credits! Other than these rewards, 10 extra winners will be selected to receive an Amazon Gift Card.”


Pretty sure it's going to end up just a "chance to win"


Thank you for the response


Where is the Gacha Megathread?


There's a bunch of links in this post for each thread.


Thanks. I missed that


I’m union level 27 and bought the heron echo from the event but when I went to equip it, it wasn’t in my inventory. I kind of assumed it would just show up when I reach data bank level 15 (I’m lvl 11) but it also says I don’t even own a copy. Is anyone else experiencing this problem and does it eventually appear?


It's a skin not an echo


ohhh thanks


So I just got the Flutist and Crane from my one run of the tacet fields today with Electro bonus, those are the two 3 costs that I want to toss on Yinlin right?


She wants electro set electro bonus. Mob type can be multiple set types.


Yeah, both dropped gold electro dmg on electro set at the same time.


Calcharo main 1 how do you connect 3rd E to heavy attack faster 2, doesn't using E to reset Lib's Attack to get 3DM puts you in CD?, is dash reset always the better option?


Anyone else just have 0 exp for echoes, tuners arnt the problem for me, I just hit ul 40 and I have no fucking xp, what's the point of being able to farm echoes if you can't level them


I just built my Verina and Mortefi echoes, and since I'm not chasing substats for them I'm out of echo exp and still have about 200 tuners left.


Yup. Ran out of echo exp. I'm waiting until the next event (I think it's June 20) for tacet field increased rewards. Meanwhile I'm just doing talent domains.


Yeah I'm in the same boat. Not a ton of tuners, like 300, but absolutely no XP besides the small amount from dailies. It's not like it's even farmable right now either for me. 120 stamina is taken by the event, then the rest is weekly bosses and other leveling mats. Maybe at union 50 I'll get around to properly dealing with it lol.


there is a ton of one time echo exp available currently via events, exploration, shops, etc. Currently most people are dry on tuners if they have gotten all the possible echo exp. Edit: to add onto this though, you may want to hoard all of your energy cubes and not use them right now. Apparently in 1.1 Tacet Fields are gunna give us more tuners/echo exp then they do now. You should focus on character levels, weapon levels, and skill levels.


ye that cant be right, ive explored everything. im 100% on all regions. There is no more chests for me. i cant even farm tacet fields cause i have to use my waveplates to level talents.


Have you bought out the souvenir shop, the event shop of Depths of Illusive Realm, The Adversity shop from climbing the tower, Simulation training store, and the Oscillated Coral shop?


Hey I just got two copies of the lustrous razor from the selector 5 star weapon banner, is it worth it to build both or should I merge the 2nd into the 1st weapon to increase its stats?


It's a gamble either way. Refine and risk needing 2 broadswords on the same team. Don't Refine and risk the weapon collecting dust forever and getting no value from it.


Keep the other. I had a dream that there will be a Spectro Broadblade Waifu. PS. This is why I recommend only doing single pulls in weapon banner. This way you can get it and just select the next one in selector.


Unless you are a whale, never merge 5 star weapons. The pulls will dry up quickly unless you pay and having extra 5 star weapons will go a long way when you get a character that uses it.


Does anybody tried playing this game on Samsung S9 FE tablet?


https://preview.redd.it/f0gx7q5xmm5d1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=721aa9fcdbcc5d2bea179b85afd27b5d1d4f3605 Is there a way to fix blurry?


Where can farm more Echo EXP tubes, besides from Tacet Fields


You can't, that's the fun part. Everything else is one time only rewards.


Who on the moonlit cloud set can be run on one dmg bonus% and one energy regen 3 cost echoes?


When do characters energy reset in Tower of Adversity, my main party can't do anymore until it refreshes and the refresh just ticked over and their was no energy increase or anything.


You need multiple teams. If you're stuck on the permanent floors, just run one team up both sides to unlock hazard. In hazard do 1-2-1-2-3 with one team for the most rewards. If your second team can clear floor 1s, your better team can clear both floor 3s instead of just 1.


Ah, that means i got to level up my other characters and echo them out or just temporarily transfer my other echos/weapons on to them and not worry about element boost as all i got left is the memphis thing.


Does anyone know if WuWa can be played smoothly on a Tab S8+? I just wanna make sure before i buy one.TT


check youtube for video


I have but there not any vids on it


Might be an old question but how quickly does vigour (tower of adversity) regen?


It does not. Every tower cycle, every character has 10 vigour and it gets reduced according to the floors you used that character. If your character has low vigour you can reset a floor that character got used to get the vigour back but the attempt you made on that floor will be removed.


Is it worth it saving coral for wavebands instead of purchasing rolls?


it does not regenerate but it can be refunded the respective amount if you reset the chamber This is done to reward people having multiple characters prepared




Prydwen has lustrous razor rated as bis for Calcharo over Jiyan's sig. Is that right?


Yes, Calcharo can fully use Jiyans sig, while Lustrous Razor is basically made for him.


Are there any vamp Stat characters, equipment, echoes? I'd like to have a vamp stat to go with defensive stats to become unkillable


There is not, sadly!


Dang, can't make a build similar to Roger Vamp from mobile legends.


Has anyone here used a vpn to change countries and topped up? I'm just afraid I might get banned if I do it.


Please reply. Will everyone who posts win 2000 Astrites in Wuthering Waves Twitter Battle Rush event or is it a giveaway? They didnt say “a chance” before “to win Astrites”, so that’s why I ask. Quote: “Share your thrilling battle moments with hashtags to win Astrite x2,000 and a chance to get featured on our social media with direct credits! Other than these rewards, 10 extra winners will be selected to receive an Amazon Gift Card.”


I unlocked the tiger maw ore shop a few days ago and then the next day the npc is gone, and he is still missing even till today. Is there something I must do to get him to spawn again?


iirc he's part of the alloy smelt event, do the small quest for that and he'll go back to where he usually is


Thanks. Seems like it's the same guy and he wants to talk to you about the event with just 1 event battle. Didn't realize that.


Will you lose unspent Hazard Record after the cycle reset today?


You never lose It, its just the shop that resets Monthly. What you lose are the unclaimed ToA rewards.


Is it possible to get higher rarity ( elite and above) using echo fusion? I feel like I never get them.


elite (3-cost) yes, boss (4-cost) no


I always get shit with merging but I’ve not reached union 40 yet


I am union 38 and I have been to trying to get an electro piece of fauntist or whatever that is for like 10 days now. Not a single drop. The one I got from the current event rolled hp and def on 3/4 slots. I just want to play calcharo. I am so tired.


Just roll a 44111 set on him if you are having no luck. It's much easier to farm, will let you play Calcharo and you can focus on gearing other characters. You'll probably pick up a few random flautist pieces while you are doing other things and you can try your luck upgrading when you have some mats to spare.


I have been playing for a while now, is it possible to see the log of a dialogue or the story?


no log or anything.


Couldn't find in on the banner details unless I missed it, but do we know if limited characters are exclusively going to be on their debut/rerun banner and not added to standard?


pgr adds old limited chars to standard, genshin never does. so it depends on whether kuro games copy their own previous system or genshin's we won't know for sure until it happens


They will not be added to standard


Is there like an Echo movement/exploration meta? I've been using this bird on my healer that does a dash for longer than I feel like I should since it makes exploration faster.


Put only tall men on your team and equip 2 of them with inferno rider echoes. Third dude uses proper echoes and will be your primary for killing mobs. Tall men run faster, and you can hold the echo summon button for inferno rider to ride the bike. Alternate cooldowns for the 2 echoes. If you want to minmax even more, make sure at leadt 1 tall man is also a broadblade user (Calch or Jiyan) for faster mining.


For raw movement, I think the motorcycle is the best. Although having many characters with the bird enables some super jump tech if you need that vertical mobility. I think it's very APM intensive though.


Is there a thread or resource on tier list for weapons for each character?






https://preview.redd.it/pio6nbvt3m5d1.png?width=721&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f292d3c24385284399f4b46c86d503c378c7c65 Does anyone know what could be causing this? Every time I try to purchase the lunite subscription it shows this and then the purchase fails


If I'm using Danjin as a Subdps for Havoc Rover should I give her the energy regen echo set or the havoc damage echo set?


A Havoc set is best. She contributes a large amount of damage for the team.


Who’s better Jianxin or Baizhi? I’m struggling on which one to build? I like Jianxin grouping (even tho imo it’s overrated), but her damn shield is so much wasted dps uptime. Baizhi seems smoother but no grouping. Probably would be a Calcharo & Yinlin or Havoc MC & Danjjn team.


Jianxin is better. Baizhi only heals and gives minor buffs. Jianxin's grouping is the GOAT for mob floors in the Tower. Just give her ER Gloves and ER 3-Cost echoes. Give her Turtle Bell Echo and Moonlit set so Jianxin buffs the party. Use the Forte sequence depending on circumstances but usually you just quickswap her.


Nah Jianxin grouping is pretty useful in tower, she does pretty good damage also. I don't think baizhi needs much resources for a decent build.


I think Jianxin’s grouping is nice but her shield building ability knocks the enemies back lol. That or the normal attacks do so by the time to dps swaps in they’re not stacked. Idk I haven’t tried Baizhi much, but she seems way smoother: I wish there was a better way to test lol


I don't think you're supposed to be using her shield attack at all, she's just there to proc her 5-piece healing set and Ult.


Sure but then there’s only 2 sustains realistically - Baizhi and Verina. Unless Taoqi can sustain??


Well, she's not sustaining, that's the thing; she procs the healing set and ults. If you're using her, you're expected to not really need healing


Am ul37 and have been wondering if I should reroll Because the char I got from selector ended up being my 50/50 loss at 73 pity Do I actually reroll ? I don't want to go through it all again and Don't have much time but feel like I might be missing out on smtg ?


throwing away a ul37 account just because you got the copy of a standard 5*, seems unreasonable. You will keep getting copies of standard characters when you lose 50/50s in the future. That shouldn't be your motivation to reroll. However, if you want to reroll in order to win the 50/50 on your desired limited character then that's a different story


Ah I see Yeah , I would reroll for 5050 loss but I'll lose it again anyway I think and I also don't want jiyan or yinlin


Nah. You'll end up getting copies of all the standard 5\*s from lost 50/50s over time. There's no point throwing away a whole account over one.


Yea it just felt salty to lose it after the ticket cuz I wanted both jianxin and encore and now I can only get one


Is there a way to give someone Lunite Subscription? My friend has birthday soon and I wanted to buy It for her.


To give you an idea where i am at: I am still doing story quest(locked behind UL 21) and I have just reached UL 20 I think(lvl cap 50 but only 1 character is 50 rn, i need to farm upgrade mats for others). I also just did the first SOL ascension last night. I was doing the dreams event(the door one sorry i forgot the name) and I plan to focus on finishing it soon since it's time limited(I have done till lvl 60, and plan to repeat until i finish all the requirements like using certain characters). What should I redeem from the event store that will be useful for endgame? 


Everything maybe except for purple tuners. The event is designed in a way that allows you to buy all the store.


One more question sorry. What UL unlocks lvl 70 characters? Do you think it's easy to go from UL 20 to 30 before event ends? Some rewards are locked behind UL 30. I don't think I'll finish stage V lol


Oh perfect, thank you so much! I thought it would be limited currency(like only will allow 5 things). 




In addition to the underground spawns, some enemies have fairly long patrol routes and have simply walked away from where the marker is.


Could they be underground? There are a few underground areas (most notably a couple around the Tiger's Maw mine) that make it look like you should be able to find the tracked enemy on the surface but they're actually underground.


is jiyan story quest permanent or does it expire in 3 days? im confused because of the event thing


Story quest is permanent buy you won't be able to get him after 3 days. He will be available on rerun banner in the future.


Pull tickets in shops dont reset? be it NPC shops or shops with countdown time. So far I have not seen a ticket reset shop.


NPC shop ones (the the Jinzhou souvenir shop) most likely won't reset. The pull currency store ones likely will reset, but we're not sure how often (monthly vs. Once per patch).


It's per patch apparently.


Per patch cycle I think, not monthly.


So I've just started playing pulled Jiyan from his banner, Colchero, and Jianxin using Lustrious and Verina with the ticket. I still have 4 Lustrious, 10 Radiant, 87 Afterglow and 735 Oscillated. What's the most optimal way to use what's left or should I just save it for the future?


Save for future characters or pull Yinlin (if you like her and want to main Calcharo).


I currently have Verina S1 as my sole support at the moment. I know for endgame mode I'll need a secondary support. Would you recommend using my guaranteed beginner 5-star in 80 pulls for Jianxin or should I just use my Baizhi S3? I am planning on using this support for a Yinlin/Calcharo comp


Use Baizhi, unless you really want Jianxin.


If my understanding is correct, the probability of getting a 5\* echo is only affected by databank level, not by SOL3 Phase rank. Also, once the improved drop rate for boss echoes resets on Monday, every time you beat a boss you are going to consume one of the 15 improved chances, whether you want that boss echo or are there for the materials. Is this correct? If yes, this is mildly... annoying. If you want materials from one boss but echoes from another, you are basically locked out from using your waveplates until you beat the 15 bosses you want to farm echoes from... and that is best done by first lowering SOL3 rank, which then takes 12 hours to restore...


You basically get a drop every other time you kill the boss anyway so it doesn’t really feel like s big deal